Rae meets John Gwynne.
And apologises profusely for missing the talk 😢😢 He was absolutely lovely.
I'm about to start book 2 of the bloodsworn and now I have a copy of the final instalment 🥰🥰
Rae meets John Gwynne.
And apologises profusely for missing the talk 😢😢 He was absolutely lovely.
I'm about to start book 2 of the bloodsworn and now I have a copy of the final instalment 🥰🥰
So this is the second time I‘ve put this book down because it‘s so slow… I should have read this series before the Malazan series… I have the full series so I‘m giving it one more chance… I just can‘t right now but maybe next year 🤗📚… it‘s on my to be read and given away or kept bottom shelf 🤦🏼♀️ hopefully I will like it
I tried starting this quartet almost a year ago but I just wasn‘t in the mindset to be able to read and follow an epic Fantasy. Round 2 is going much better. I started Malice yesterday and I‘m already 200 pages in and really enjoying it so far. Here‘s to hoping I get some time to read between patients today 🤞🏻😬
#BookNerd 🤓📚💙
Thought I would give this quartet a try ⚔️
#WeekendReads #CoffeeAndABook ☕️ 📖 #EpicReads
#BookNerd 🤓💙📚
I loved how this made me to imagine life in similar villages than in this book. Life and rutines were described the way it was easy to imagine being living there.
This book made me feel: I cried, was FURIOUS and the last 150 pages made me hold my breath countless times. I am and definitely are not ready for the next. This ending made the slow beginning worth reading.
#KickTheSlump #SeriesRead2022 #MarvellousMarch #TheSupernaturalYear (Angels)
Thanks for the tag @Cosmos_Moon
The Faithful and the Fallen series (all four books) by John Gwynne absolutely broke my heart!!
#3books #withonewordtitle
Great fantasy series, there is a 4th but obviously that doesn‘t fit the prompt!
Malice was amazing ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Now straight to book two, which I am so relieved to see has a cast of characters section. 🤯😂
This was recommended to me at my local library. As if I need to start another fantasy series but here we are... 😂
I have only read one book since my mother passed away from cancer, in March. 💔 Every time I try I just can't concentrate.
I graduated a few days ago. 😔 Not sur I managed to but I did. I miss my mother everyday. I can only keep close to my heart all the good menories we had. ❤
Trying to read this book.
This is such a good debut novel. The writing was very confident. Young Corban is scrappy, a likeable lad full of courage and there's plenty of sibling rivalry of the harmless kind with his sister Cywen. Both the kids are hardworking and ambitious - Corban's determined to train as a knight and Cywen breaks horses and works as a groom. I just fell in love with this plucky brother and sister.
“The dead and wounded from the glade had been bound to horses and led slowly out of the Baglun, a rider sent ahead to fetch Brina and any of the other healers that could make it to the fortress that night.“
“He could not even explain why he felt so strongly about keeping the tunnels secret; he only knew that he did, and swore he would only ever know Cywen as 'oathbreaker' if she told.“
“It was a huge hawk, head cocked to the one side as it studied Corban, golden feathers flecked with blue and red catching the last rays of the sun.“
“The wolven was standing pressed tight to Corban's hip and leg, as she often did when he was anxious or troubled. Her ears were pricked up, hackles standing as she stretched her head forward, sniffing.“
Starting this series... let‘s hope I like it 🙌🏽📖🤪
Finally Received my books 📚 yes I can‘t wait to read these 📖
This book is calling my name 😏
PS: you can see my dog's pillow on the side. 😊
I'm so happy it's hot chocolate season again! 🙆♂️
Nothing beats late nights with cocoa and fantasy novels and some relaxing music in the background. ❤️
GAH! I've been gone a week and it's been killing me. Life got a little cray-cray for a minute and I feel behind on everything! How's my Litsy family doing?
I've been reading this big-ass chunkster (not as much as I've been wanting to) and I am absolutely loving it! It took a bit to completely take over my life - but it's definitely doing so now.
GUYS! It's so, soooo good! And there's a wolf! A woooooolf! 🐺😍🤗😍🐺
*runs away howling*
A big'ol mug of hot chocolate to go with the big'ol chonky books of this series.
I'm hunkering down in a pile of pillows and blankets and starting book one tonight. I'ma poke my head up every so often to refresh youtube on my iPad to see if the new Star Wars trailer is out yet - but otherwise it's just me and a new fantasy read this evening. 🥰
Day 22 : #white #colormepretty
I still need book 4 of this set! Also white is another heavily used color I noticed in the fantasy world, so this pick was pretty easy. I‘m half way through Malice & I LOVE it, the world building is great and I love every character so far that has been introduced!
Also PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make sure you tag me in your posts if you don‘t I won‘t see them unless I dig through the tag.
I'm only 130 pages into this beast and I've kind of hit a wall!! I'm working on it, but can't seem to get into the reading mood
Day 4 prompt: #J which is for John Gwynn
I‘m still missing book 4 in this set and I‘m only half way through book 1 but I LOVE it. I can‘t wait to continue reading the series and the follow up! #30junebooks
Forgive the flowers, forgot to take a different TBR photo so here‘s the one I took for Bookstagram. I don‘t usually do photo challenges on here, but when I came across the #WyrdandWonder challenge I couldn‘t resist! Here‘s just a few books I‘m hoping to read this month.
Day 1: Your Wyrd and Wonderful TBR
Children's hospital #BookHaul! 😍
Got this lovely stack for 27 bucks! That's less than a single new hardcover. 👌
Filled up the remaining WoT books I needed... Picked up John Gwynne's Faithful and the Fallen series that I've wanted to read and got some cool Tolkien books for my LOTR's collection. 🤗
If you need a new fantasy series - this is on offer on kindle U.K. today! It‘s an awesome series 😁
One of my absolute favourite series from the past few years: The Faithful and the Fallen. So many shocks, surprises and fantastic, complex characters you can love (and enjoy hating). If you like epic fantasy that messes with some of the standard tropes, definitely try this!
I just signed up for my first ever #24in48 readathon (and my first readathon period) I am excited for this and hopefully I will be able to do it! My pile is ambitious but I am hoping to finish Malice tonight and then start making my way through the library books I have. Im not sure which one I will start with but I‘m looking forward to all my choices! Let‘s do this!!!
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Gah I just love when authors have maps made to go with their worlds!
The Banished Lands Map for The Faithful and the Fallen Cycle by John Gwynne as pictured in Malice.
Also I AM LOVING THIS BOOK!! I just want to keep reading and reading but work keeps getting in the way so I am making slow progress and it‘s driving me crazy!!! I just want to spend a whole day reading it!
I have only read 4 chapters so far but I am hooked. I have to stop for the night since I have work In a Few hours and need to nap before hand, but my gosh am i so glad I‘m finally reading something that is actually keeping my attention and making me want to keep going. I can‘t wait to really get into this book.
I'm about to embark on this somewhat intimidating book. I've read a lot of good reviews about and a lot that say it's a slow start to an amazing series. I hope I holds my attention, the characters seem intriguing.
I have this urge to start so many books right now. It was either this or The Crimson Petal and the White. #tbr #fantasy
This book is awful! The actual plot of the book didn‘t begin until nearly 60% of the way through the book, let me sum it up this way: there is a prophecy. It doesn‘t matter what the prophecy is. The prince thinks HE is the one the prophecy talks about but everything else says it‘s the protagonist. Once the plot starts it just stops! You find out nothing! The ending is his mom telling him she needs to tell him something and he says, not now. Ugh!
WAIT.......WHAT????!!!!WHAT THE HECK JUST HAPPENED????!!!!☠☠☠☠
I ordered the rest of the series already 😂😂😂
It was a slow start but kept me interested... can‘t wait to read the rest!
This is a #firstbookinaseries that starts off slow, because it's laying the groundwork for a truly amazing story. By the time I finished the fourth (and last) book of the series, I was rearranging my books to give The Faithful and the Fallen a place of honor among my favorites, which reside in the living room. Highly recommended! #janinbooks18