I found the narration of this quite well paced and its focus on Amazon.com right from initiation to the behemoth it is now.
I found the narration of this quite well paced and its focus on Amazon.com right from initiation to the behemoth it is now.
Published in 2013 but ever so relevant. Brad Stone narrates the rise of Amazon in such an insightful and organized way. This page turner leaves no stone unturned and unpacks Jeff Bezos‘s story — very well researched. I enjoyed this read.
This is a very comprehensive and insightful book about Amazon, it covers it's origin, early beginnings, struggles, evolving business models, the failed partnerships they tried to make, media scrutiny, their ferociousness when trying to achieve something, etc. There is just so much in this book, you will not feel a need to read anything else about Amazon. Totally recommend it.
Important post for all who make audiobooks and all who love them.
As the user of the Amazon platform, I was always curious who stand under all that. 😃
It is a nice reading. Definitely not a magic wand or another book on how to become successful from the very start 😂 but more explanatory on a set of values and drivers of the success.
#NoFemmeber #NonFictionNovember #Amazon used to mean jungle now the word association is the greatest website ever!!!! I should probably read this for #booked2019 #MyHappyPlace 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
#Amazon #NoFemmeber I'm curious about everyone's feelings on buying books on Amazon. Selection and deals too good to pass up, or do you stick to stores & libraries? I don't buy any books on Amazon, but not for high-minded reasons: as a slower reader, it means waiting longer before my next bookstore visit. I do buy music on Amazon and my sole Cyber Monday purchase was a $6 M.I.A. album. Would love to see her documentary, but it's a limited release.
An in-depth and riveting biography of Jeff Bezos and how he founded Amazon with a vision of growing it into “the everything store” where consumers could buy, well, everything. Not entirely complimentary – I wouldn‘t want to work for Bezos. Before reading this, I was not a fan of Amazon – and after reading it, I‘m still not a fan. But I can grudgingly respect Bezos‘ work ethic in making his vision into reality. 3.5 stars
Somehow Amazon managed to get Prime Day mentioned on every news cast for the last couple days:
1) Maybe spend less time using the news as free advertising? They have more important things to cover.
2) After all that, at least send me an email this morning with some great book sales🤷♀️🙄
#FirstWorldProblems #BookishComplaints
Hey fellow parent/family Littens! Anyone else heard that Amazon is launching a book subscription box for kids? I got an email from them inviting me to try it out a couple of days ago (I think it may be still in beta testing? They said for now you had to be invited by them). I decided, “Why not?” Plus, 22.99 seemed reasonable for 4 brand new board books. You can choose from every 1, 2 or 3 mos delivery. You also get to pick all your books ahead ⬇️
Visiting the new Amazon store that opened near my parents. This place is very overwhelming but I do love the prices.
Happy NEW YEAR everyone!!! January 1st is special for so many reasons- new year, new botm selections and if you‘re a prime member you could pick your “first” #AmazonFirstReads book today!
“It‘s a free/included service for prime members, get a prerelease for your kindle or buy the hardcover for $9.99” (may the battle for books begin).
Amazon is definitely trying to live up to their motto of being the everything store... from A —> Z
Came across an Amazon store tonight. Popped in for about a minute but I don't buy books from Amazon so just took a quick look.
#booksandabeverage #riotgrams #day18
I honestly just discovered Prime Reading and now I'm very excited, even though generally I am a terrible ereader...
Curse you Amazon! This is the third order in less than a week that you've failed to deliver on time AND you can't even give me a revised delivery date. Could be tomorrow. Might not be until Thursday. I am not amused. I don't want your apologies. I want my books!
The husband: "I got us a Prime Membership because you buy so many books."
Me: *logs into old account to buy books because he doesn't need to know how many books I buy*
The #amazonstore in NJ is open! Did some browsing and was surprised by how many books they had in stock. Prime members can purchase at the website price.
I'm on a book buying ban right now but I can see this hurting B&N for sure.
Who has Kindle unlimited? Is the deal worth it? It's like $7/month for 6 months or closer to $6/month for a year. Help!!
Have any of you come across this yet?! Apparently, Amazon is giving a weekly report now on each week's most read and most sold books. Interesting. Is this to work in tandem with their new physical stores?
An interesting and sad look into the real life amazon book store that recently opened in Chicago: http://www.chicagotribune.com/entertainment/ct-amazon-store-chicago-rev-ent-0403...
It's hard to imagine a bookstore with such little ❤️! Would you visit it? What's your favorite indie where you live and your favorite thing about it?
I was in the neighborhood a few days ago & couldn't resist the urge to take a peak inside one of Amazon's bookstores. It was VERY crowded, which made the experience more overwhelming than anything else. The shelves were well stocked, but I didn't get a good feel for the store since I spent more time battling crowds than browsing. I might visit again, but won't go out of my way to do so. All that being said, of course I bought a couple of books. 😊
#bookishpetpeeves Lately my biggest bookish peeve is with Amazon and their e-book pricing. I'm sure there is an explanation behind it like publishers set the pricing, etc. but I find it ridiculous when the e-book costs more than the physical version, even the hardcover! #wtfamazon #marchintoreading
The best way to spend a Saturday? Browsing (and buying, obvi!) at the new Amazon Books nearby!! I love my local indie book stores, of course...but who among us will say no to a new bookstore of any sort?! I think they did an amazing job with the set up and feel- I took a bunch of shots to give you all a sense. Loved the short customer review and avg. rating for each book, and the Goodreads tie-in displays. #booknerdparadise #amazonbooks
The book itself is incredibly well-written, and diligently researched, but I can't recommend it because it's honestly too depressing. Sure: it is a through portrait of winner-take-all hypercapitalist ambition, if that is what moves you, but for the rest of us it's kind of horrifying to realize just how much control one entity can gain in 20 years, & how deliberate my dependence on Amazon is. 😱x1000. Did anybody have a different takeaway?
My mom and I are both huge readers, but we both mainly use the library (plus our kindles), so there are rarely books under the tree. BUT I have a very generous uncle who gets me an insane Amazon gift card for all my book buying needs!! 😍😍😍😍🎄🎄 Merry Christmas everyone!!!
Here's a peek of the tree I assembled after the house move-in. It's very plain right now because I couldn't find the ornament hooks. The only ornament on the tree now is the orange Amazon mascot creature thing my husband received from his company (Amazon).
#12daysofxmasphoto #trees
I'm planning to add an e-reader (probably a Kindle) to my Christmas wishlist this year, but I'm not sure which to choose. I've been reading from my iPhone for years now and it's still giving me headaches! Is the Paperwhite as amazing as it sounds? Anyone have experience or opinions?
When you are eighty years old, and in a quiet moment of reflection narrating for only yourself the most personal version of your life story, the telling that will be most compact and meaningful will be the series of choices you have made. In the end, we are our choices.
Did anyone else get an ebook settlement from Amazon? Since I only buy books when they go on sale, the $20 will buy me 6+ books! (Or maybe I'll splurge! 😉) Found money!!!! 💵💰
Not finished yet, but it's interesting to read about the tough working conditions inside Amazon from the book. Doesn't sound like the nyt expose should have been much of a surprise.