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The Madman's Daughter
The Madman's Daughter | Megan Shepherd
For fans of Libba Bray, this first book in a gothic suspense trilogy is inspired by H. G. Wells's The Island of Dr. Moreau and has been hailed by New York Times bestseller Carrie Ryan as having "beautiful writing, breakneck pacing, a pulse-pounding mystery, and an irresistible romance."Following accusations that her scientist father gruesomely experimented on animals, sixteen-year-old Juliet watched as her family and her genteel life in London crumbled around herand only recently has she managed to piece her world back together. But when Juliet learns her father is still alive and working on a remote tropical island, she is determined to find out if the old accusations are true. Accompanied by her father's handsome young assistant, Montgomery, and an enigmatic castaway, Edward, Juliet travels to the island, only to discover the depths of her father's insanity. Torn between horror and scientific curiosity, Juliet knows she must end her father's dangerous experiments and escape her jungle prison before it's too late. Yet as the island falls into chaos, she discovers the extent of her father's geniusand madnessin her own blood.
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The Madman's Daughter | Megan Shepherd
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The basement hallways in King‘s College of Medical Research were dark, even in the daytime.
At night they were like a grave.
Rats crawled through corridors that dripped with cold perspiration. The chill in the sunken rooms kept the specimens from rotting and numbed my own flesh, too, through the worn layers of my dress.
#TheMadmansDaughter #MeganShepherd #YoungAdult #HistoricalFiction #Horror #Fantasy #Mystery #Historical #Romance #ScienceFiction

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The Madman's Daughter | Megan Shepherd
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The Madman's Daughter | Megan Shepherd
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Two columns of smoke rose into the stars—one from the volcano, one from the compound. And then I saw nothing, as the waves spun me around in their dips and swells and the island disappeared into night, except the glowing blaze where fire destroyed the red walls of my father‘s laboratory.
#TheMadmansDaughter #MeganShepherd #lastline #closingline #book #books #bookshelf #bookshelves #bookshellfie #shelfie #YoungAdult #HistoricalFiction #Horror 💓💓

The Madman's Daughter | Megan Shepherd
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The Madman's Daughter | Megan Shepherd
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The Madman's Daughter | Megan Shepherd
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Book club book for work- not bad but didn‘t love it. Kind of surprising ending - until I saw there is a sequel. REALLY wish I‘ve read The Island of Dr Moreau like I‘ve said I would before this! #scarathlon #teamslaughter 16 pts #bookspinbingo

TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 4y
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The Madman's Daughter | Megan Shepherd
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And then I saw nothing, at the waves spun me around in their dips and swells and the island disappeared into the night, except the glowing blaze where fire destroyed the red walls of my father‘s laboratory.
#TheMadmansDaughter #MeganShepherd #lastline #closingline #book #books #bookhoarder #bookhoarders #bookhaul #bookhauler #bookholic #bookholics #bookjunkie #bookjunkies #bookjunky #bookjacket #bookjackets #Fantasy #Mystery #Historical 💖💖💖💖💖

The Madman's Daughter | Megan Shepherd
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The Madman's Daughter | Megan Shepherd
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Just finished this..... my heart! I loved this book and did not expect all the twists and turns, I loved the gothic feel to it as well.
Totally recommend!
#YA #Gothic #Heartstrings

The Madman's Daughter | Megan Shepherd
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This story had my attention from beginning to end ( that I hated). A great Halloween read, with Frankenstein feels.

The Madman's Daughter | Megan Shepherd
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Yesterday's total for #24b4monday. Such a crazy tale. I am curious to see how it plays out.

The Madman's Daughter | Megan Shepherd
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This a a remake of The Island of Dr. Moreau and I had to stop reading it. The main character who is the daughter is strong and has been exposed to many medical and surgical practices. She freaks out after seeing her father doing something and runs into the jungle. The man rescued during a shipwreck comes after her. He tells her people have been dying in horrible ways but she refuses to go back because she is so traumatized. Really? 👇🏼

Slajaunie Instead of facing her father, she wants to stay in the jungle where she could be horribly killed? That does not fit the character at all. 5y
laurieluna Books with titles like this have had their day too I think. I wish authors would be a bit more inventive with the titles. I see The 'insertprofessionhere' Daughter and it is an instant nope. 5y
Geeklet @laurenbescoby Absolutey. Those generic titles make me immediately lose interest. 5y
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The Madman's Daughter | Megan Shepherd
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The Madman's Daughter | Megan Shepherd
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The Madman's Daughter | Megan Shepherd
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1. Cover love!
2. Galentine's tomorrow with book club friends- a chocolate themed tea at the fancy Jefferson Hotel here in RVA, dinner and music with the Hubs on V day.
3. Not a fan of neons.
4. Devin Thomas.
5. All the hearts!

#friyayintro @howjessreads

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The Madman's Daughter | Megan Shepherd
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Madman's Daughter | Megan Shepherd
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This book totally surprised me. The first half was pretty meh for me, but man did it pick up after that. I didn‘t see the ending coming the way that it did and it‘s one I‘ll think about for a while.

The Madman's Daughter | Megan Shepherd
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And then I saw nothing, as the waves spun me around in their dips and swells and the island disappeared into night, except the glowing blaze where fire destroyed the red walls of my father‘s laboratory. #TheMadmansDaughter #MeganShepherd #book #books #lastline #closingline #funkopop #popvinyl #bookhoarder #bookhoarders #bookhaul #bookhauler #bookholic #bookholics #bookjunkie #bookjunkies #bookjunky #bookjacket #bookjackets #bookjacketdesign 🧡🧡🧡

The Madman's Daughter | Megan Shepherd
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The Madman's Daughter | Megan Shepherd
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I really like this book! I‘m glad I checked out all 3 from the library. This is one of those books you get lost in and when something pulls you out you‘re looking around like “Oh! This is me, my life, etc. I‘m not actually on an island full of weird creatures!” It‘s creepy and dark but not to that point where you begin rolling your eyes and thinking it‘s gone too far and gotten ridiculous. It‘s also not too gross. 4.9/5 ⭐️.

DebinHawaii Great review! And...Welcome to Litsy!! 🎉👍📚Hope you enjoy it here! 6y
Chelleo Welcome to Litsy! 🤗 Checkout these #Litsytips: http://bit.ly/litsytips and #LitsyHowTo videos: http://bit.ly/litsyvideos There‘s so many fun things to do: book exchanges, buddy reads, photo challenges and more! Check out @LitsyHappenings for details. 6y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Welcome to Litsy 👋😁 6y
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JosieG Welcome to Litsy! 📚 6y
asiriusreader Welcome to Litsy! 6y
niha923 Welcome to Litsy!! 📚🎉👋😀 6y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy 👋🏻😊👋🏻 6y
JoScho Welcome to Litsy!!! I hope you love it 💕 6y
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The Madman's Daughter | Megan Shepherd
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I finished this one last month as a group read for a Goodreads group. Loved it. It‘s a retelling of The Island of Dr. Moreau, from the point of view of the doctor‘s teenage daughter, Juliet. She discovers that her father‘s still alive, years after the scandal that made him flee England, and she travels to the remote island where he‘s been living. Horror ensues. You don‘t have to have read the original to enjoy this - I never did. Recommended!

The Madman's Daughter | Megan Shepherd

Heart racing, gruesome, and romantic! This book will make you squirm and fall in love! Very strong and heroic female character that you will cheer on!

The Madman's Daughter | Megan Shepherd
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The Madman's Daughter | Megan Shepherd


I don't feel right rating this as 'so-so' but I feel like I need to reserve 'pick' for the books that totally blew my mind.

This was a fun read. Definitely not horror but an adventurous, somewhat disturbing young adult novel. It's a spin off of the classic "The Island of Dr Moreau" - it follows Dr. Moreau's daughter Juliet who finds her way to the island.

Read my full review:


BarbaraTheBibliophage I wish we had a “blew my mind” review choice! 🤯 7y
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The Madman's Daughter | Megan Shepherd
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Sundays are for getting cozy. The kids are playing and watching Toy Story for the billionth time, daddy is napping and I'm sneaking in a little reading.

I'm halfway through this book and it's been a quick easy read. Juliet Moreau is seeking the truth from her estranged father - is he just a misunderstood genius or is he really a madman like they all say? I'm leaning towards the latter.

#sundayvibes #themadmansdaughter #meganahepard

The Madman's Daughter | Megan Shepherd

Have you read this book???? I need to know, on a scale of 1 to 5, how gruesome it gets with animals. I don‘t care about people. Just the animals. Help. I don‘t want to keep reading if it gets worse because I just can‘t handle it.

FountainBookstore It gets worse. I love the book and the author, but it is gruesome. 7y
Librarybelle This is good to know...the book has been on my radar, and while I know it‘s based on a classic (I‘ve slated to read it next year, though I‘m having second thoughts), I can‘t stand animal cruelty in books. My number one trigger warning! 7y
Josie @FountainBookstore that‘s a bummer. I‘m really interested in the story aside from the animal cruelty. I‘m trying to decide whether it‘s time to start working through this trigger or if I should just stop!! What do you think @Librarybelle? 7y
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Librarybelle @Josie Personally, I have a hard time reading anything where an animal dies. I‘ve read quite a few books that have animal cruelty issues or death of animals, sometimes unexpectedly, and it doesn‘t get easier for me. I loved Water for Elephants, for example, though there were parts of cruelty in there. I think I‘m going to skip this one, but I‘m a bit of a chicken! I‘m the extreme; if I know there are upsetting parts with this trigger, I pass. 7y
Josie @Librarybelle I think what I‘m going to do is continue with it, but with no guarantee that I will finish. I‘d like to see if I can handle it. Like you, I was able to read Water for Elephants without being too upset over it. It‘s just a tough decision to make when you think a book has the potential to be great. 7y
Librarybelle @Josie Good plan, and good luck! You‘re right...tough decision when you think the book has potential to be great. 7y
Josie @Librarybelle I will let you know how far I make it! 7y
TrishB Not for me then either! 7y
FountainBookstore @Josie Hope you make it. It's a good book. Good luck! 7y
Notafraidofwords “I don‘t care about people just the animals “ lol 7y
Josie @Notafraidofwords hahaha it‘s true! I can read about people being tortured and it doesn‘t bother me (obv human torture in real life is a different story) but I can‘t handle animal cruelty at all 7y
rubyslippersreads I can't handle animal cruelty either, but this must have been okay for me because I read it for my YA Book Club and gave it 4 stars on Goodreads. I can't remember specifics, but I do remember being very sad for one "animal" character. 7y
Josie @rubyslippersreads that‘s good to know!! I‘m hoping I can power through it 7y
Josie @Librarybelle @FountainBookstore I can‘t do it, guys. I just got to the part where she lists off all these animals that are going to her dad and I just can‘t. 7y
Librarybelle @Josie Oh no; that would certainly do it for me! At least you tried. I know for sure now I‘m not going to read it, and I think I‘ll revise my list for #litsyclassics . Thanks for letting me know! 7y
Josie @Librarybelle you‘re welcome!! So sorry for the minor spoiler, but I wanted to let you know that it‘s causing me anxiety even before anything bad happens! 7y
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The Madman's Daughter | Megan Shepherd
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From earlier. I already want to go back to the library!

The Madman's Daughter | Megan Shepherd
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The Madman's Daughter | Megan Shepherd
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My potential TBR for #readathon and a blog post about preparations! Check it out at the shiny new website!


Mommamanzi Shadow and Bone is soooo good!!! 7y
TaylorMay Both of these series are on my TBR can't wait to see your reviews 7y
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The Madman's Daughter | Megan Shepherd
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Oh boy...that ending just broke my heart 💔💔💔

This is kind of European settlement + Lord of the Flies + Frankenstein.

There are some slow parts but it was really interesting to see the big reveal of the monsters and what/who exactly they are. I loved the remote setting as well. I actually didn't mind the romance triangle since I saw that there was a reason for it. I'll read the sequel soon since it definitely gave me some Halloween vibes.

booksandsympathy I really liked this trilogy 7y
Karylahn Oooooh- gotta look into this one! 7y
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The Madman's Daughter | Megan Shepherd
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I've been debating this series for a while and the weather just made me want to start it

aprilpohren Loved this one! 7y
[DELETED] 3803335244 After not liking Island of Dr. Moreau, I was hesitant to read this one. Eager to hear your thoughts 7y
Kamisha I love this series! It's definitely different. 7y
mariaku21 Sounds intriguing. 7y
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The Madman's Daughter | Megan Shepherd
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Still not sure if I love it, but I'm at least enjoying myself enough to keep going. (I could still do without the love triangle, though. It's not an exciting one.) #themadmansdaughter #meganshepherd

The Madman's Daughter | Megan Shepherd
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I honestly can't decide if I'm enjoying this or not. I think I'd have preferred that Juliet stayed in London and wrought havoc on those smug medical students, rather than this love triangle that's happening. #themadmansdaughter #meganshepherd

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The Madman's Daughter | Megan Shepherd
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Weather like today's gives me no other option than to curl up on my bed and just read. (And this is due back tomorrow, so I'd better get moving.) #themadmansdaughter #meganshepherd

The Madman's Daughter | Megan Shepherd
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Dr Moreau has many qualities similar to Victor Frankenstein. He is pursuing a seemingly impossible scientific breakthrough, and is willing to undertake grisly means to achieve it! However he is not afraid of his creation and continues his experiments in an attempt to perfect the art.

Eric aka the phantom is lonely, vengeful, angry, and feared. He is unable to fit in with society despite his disjointed efforts.

#Frankenstein #MonsterMadness2017

LibrarianRyan 👍🤓 7y
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The Madman's Daughter | Megan Shepherd
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The Madman's Daughter | Megan Shepherd
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Saw this on my Time Hop. These are books with covers that first attracted me to them. #bookmemories #bookcovers

BookishClaire I have that Ikea duvet cover :) 7y
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The Madman's Daughter | Megan Shepherd
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This book was interesting to read. This book is based on the novel, The Island of Dr. Moreau. There were some parts that were hard for me to understand.⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️📚 #TheMadmansDaughter #MeganShepherd #book #books #bookshelf #bookshelves #bookdesign #bookfeatures #bookfeature #bookgeek #bookhoarder #bookhaul #bookholic #bookjunkie #bookkeeper #booklove #booklover #booklovers #bookcover #bookcovers #bookcollecrion #bookbinding #bookbag #bookblogger

The Madman's Daughter | Megan Shepherd
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This reimagining of The Island of Doctor Moreau takes Juliet Moreau from London to a remote and dangerous island, where she discovers many truths about her father, his experiments, and herself. #LaIslaBonita #JuneTunz #MountTBR

monkeygirlsmama You gonna read the other two books in the series? They're all wonderful! 7y
hes7 @monkeygirlsmama Ordered both of them a few days ago. 😂 Glad to hear they're good! 7y
Cinfhen Nice choice!!! 7y
monkeygirlsmama @hes7 Yay! I think you'll really enjoy them. My sister turned me on to the series a few years ago, and we both tore through them. (edited) 7y
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The Madman's Daughter | Megan Shepherd
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When two book deliveries arrive on the same day, and one has the cutest bookmark, which my daughter tried to steal. You know it's a bloody good day

The Madman's Daughter | Megan Shepherd
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And the audiobook buying spree has begun! The Madman's Daughter, Alice in Zombieland, So You Want to be a Wizard and An Unattractive Vampire. Yes my tastes are very diverse! Now there is a sale on first books in a series and there are quite a few I've been eying. This could be dangerous...and expensive. 📚🎧💵💰💵🎧📚

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The Madman's Daughter | Megan Shepherd
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#FeistyFeb #Day18 Historical Heroines

Juliet Moreau is the heroine of this trilogy, and while she herself is fictional I think she fits this challenge. Book one's story is a unique reimagined The Island of Doctor Moreau. Book two's story centers on reimagined Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. While book three's is a reimagined Frankenstein. All of the original stories were fictional but they're old, so that's where I get my "historical" label. ?

monkeygirlsmama For the record, these books were really fun hidden gems. 💎 7y
sprainedbrain Oooooh. These look fun! 7y
Maggie2 I loved these books when I read them! 7y
monkeygirlsmama I wasn't sure what to expect going in to the first book, and thought I might be bored. That was so not the case at all. Definitely worth checking out! 7y
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The Madman's Daughter | Megan Shepherd
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Megan Shepherd, Victoria Schwab and Stephanie Perkins at a book signing 3 years ago at @FountainBookstore . And now I work there!

Joybishoptx Stephanie Perkins is one of the cutest humans on the planet. I saw her at a convention years ago and she's just delightful. 7y
MidnightBookGirl I've met her a few times, and once she was with Maureen Johnson and together they were just the cutest! 7y
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The Madman's Daughter | Megan Shepherd
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This novel was a bit more "mad" than I'd expected.... and apparently there are two more, making it a trilogy. Will I continue? That remains to be seen...

The Madman's Daughter | Megan Shepherd
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The most horrifying thing here is the lack of an apostrophe in the clip art I used. 🙀 #madscientist #octphotochallenge

MrBook That is awesome right there! 8y
LeahBergen 😂😂 8y
rubyslippersreads @Well-ReadNeck @LeahBergen 😀😀😀 8y
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The Madman's Daughter | Megan Shepherd
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I don't read a lot of YA, but this was a book club pick a few years back....Overall, I really enjoyed it but I never finished with the series because I wasn't really into the whole love triangle. This had a gothic feel to it, mad scientist, deserted island. There was some gore and horror & enough scare.
#AllHallowsRead #ScaryYA #giveaways #scaryreads #scaryread

WanderingBookaneer I agree. 8y
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The Madman's Daughter | Megan Shepherd

Just not for me. Interesting idea, but the main character is just so vapid and drones on and on about boys it really killed the whole book. Definitely not finishing the series.

The Madman's Daughter | Megan Shepherd
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The perfect Fall reads. 😍😍😍

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The Madman's Daughter | Megan Shepherd

This book is meant to be read on a dark stormy night. The writing, descriptions were spot on for me. I really loved it but since it's inspired by The Island of Dr Moreau it did have parts that really upset me. I wasn't planning on reading the next book but I had to after the ending!

The Madman's Daughter | Megan Shepherd
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Love this intro!