I have never read this, but I sure do remember Hugh Grant reading it at the end of the film NOTTING HILL. 😃
I have never read this, but I sure do remember Hugh Grant reading it at the end of the film NOTTING HILL. 😃
Rocco demanded belly rubs in exchange for his reading buddy services. I was happy to pay.
CAPTAIN CORELLI‘S MANDOLIN is another of those books I read in the early 2000s and haven‘t revisited since. I used to cite it as one of my favourites, but while I can still see how the layered narrative entranced 2003 Me, it hasn‘t gripped 2023 Me nearly as hard. Oh well. It‘s a long book and I‘m only 50 pages in, so I might still fall back in love.
This is beautiful Asos on the Greek island of Kefalonia my home for 5 days. I‘m so glad I waited to read this book in the setting it was written it made it all the more magical! I fell in love with the book characters and the place. Although I must admit I almost gave up on the book as I disliked the first quarter but I‘m glad I persevered as it was so worth it! 💙🤍
#roll100 picks for June. Although I'm very behind 🙈
What have I been doing with myself all day? I haven't finished any books yet this month! 😬
Of these, I have the highest hopes for Captain Corelli's Mandolin. It was recommended to me by the same person that suggested I read the Liveships 💕 (She has proven to be trustworthy! 😄) I also LOVE the cover for The Institute.
First, let me say that I LOVED the movie (which is why that's the picture! 😍) However...the book. 🙄 I bailed at 25%. It's just...BORING. OMG. I think if it had stayed on the characters I knew from the movie (which of course it wouldn't, I know that, the book being the correct version! I'm just saying!), it would have been fine, but of the 25%, half of that was of characters I couldn't place and those were the parts that were dragging SO MUCH. 😴
I hate Monday‘s. 😣. I got very little reading in on Saturday but made up for lost time on Sunday. I have about 100 pages left in each pictured book to go. 😀
I‘m tossing my hat into the ring and taking part in the Set Your Own Goals Readathon organized by Litsy laureate @Andrew65 ! 😀 #SuperSeptember.
My goal between this Saturday and Sunday, September 20, is to complete the tagged book. Any thing I manage beyond that is gravy!
Feel free to join in and make your own goals! 😁
This read helped me realize why I adore historic fiction so much.
The details of war are repulsive and terrible to read about, which is why they MUST be documented and widely spread - to prevent us from reliving our past mistakes.
Bernières‘ ability to weave hate and love proves that the world is not black and white, and war does not make good and bad men, only good and bad deeds.
Kefalonia was not #laislabonita in 1953, when this book is set because of an earthquake. #MOvember @Cinfhen
#keeplitsyactive #disaster @ljuliel
A selection of photos from my holiday... wifi signal was poor in the villa so posting this on the journey home.
@squirrelbrain it's slowly changing to a more touristy island - the airport is expanding & now has 2 landing strips!
Saw lots of 🐢, 🐱 & 🐂!
#bfcr3 update
Books: 6/12
Walks: 2 1/2 /3
Fruit: 0/3
Blood sugars: 23/23
Injections: 26/28
The turtle wants to say a special hi to @wanderinglynn & @Chrissyreadit !
Read a world book written in the 20th century (1994). Finally made a straight line. Also watched the movie which I enjoyed despite the changes from the book.
It took me quite a while to get into this book especially since Captain Corelli does not enter the picture for quite some time but once I did I was hooked. I very much enjoyed the relationship of Corelli and Pelagia and how it reflected time and place. War brings people to together and tears them apart which was evident on this small Greek island. #1001books
I'm... just gonna leave this right here. No comment. 🇬🇧
“The reader should be reminded that it was crusaders and not the Muslims who originally sacked Constantinople, which should have caused perpetual scepticism about the value of noble causes. Apparently it has not, as the human race is incapable of learning anything from history.”
"The self-anointed superior races, drunk on Darwin and nationalist hyperbole, besotted with eugenics and beguiled by myth, were winding up machines of genocide that soon would be unleashed upon a world already weary to the heart of such infinite foolery and contemptible vainglory."
June BOTM. Had to make sure I got the book with 450 pages and not only 100 pages. #Reading1001 #1001Books
The pure joy when your book matches your bag
I brought Corelli‘s Mandolin along with me to Greece because I love reading books “on sight”—they make me feel like the setting is coming alive. And I pressed wildflowers from the island of Mykonos into it as I took it along with me everywhere. The story is beautiful, funny and heartbreaking—and while the ending was romantic, it was a little frustrating too. Still, i cried through the last third of it which means it got me!
After nearly two months on hold, it‘s finally here! Do you have a book that EVERYBODY has read but you? This is one of mine along with:
At the seaside after a long break from social media #backtolitsy #holiday #1000beforeyoudie
I have my cup of tea & I‘m ready to finish the last 20 pages!
1. Coffee, always part of my day ☕️😉
2. Today! It‘s my birthday! I may go buy myself a book! 🎉📚
3. Dairy, yes 🍨🧀
4. 🎶😍
5. Yes, my pinky toe because I kicked someone. And then I‘ve had three toes broken intentionally during surgery. 🏥
Enjoying a relaxing Sunday on the porch with my coffee & this book. I think my year has finally slowed down a bit so I can do more reading & Litsying! Ahh 😊!
A book to immerse yourself in. I read this in Kefalonia with goats roaming nearby & Homer‘s sea below - it feels unchanged since the 50s. So I really enjoyed the sense of place & historical details. The characters are vivid, range from comic to tragic, but even if caricatures, they ring true. A little sentimental & dragged in parts, but I liked the tone & gentle humour. A moving, drily funny & entertaining story & different perspective of WW2.
I‘m in Kefalonia so belatedly reading this! I‘m really enjoying it but it‘s slow. Am I the last person to read it? 😉📖🏖
What should I read next? Light-hearted love story, gut wrenching war story, or catch up on my BOTM books with a family drama?
#heatofjuly #seeyouagain
Pelagia is left behind on Cephalonia during WW2 when her fiancée Mandras goes to fight at the front. She believes she‘ll never see him again.
This book was huge in the 90s. (I seem to be doing 90s throwbacks this week!) It‘s a chunkster and a bit of an epic. Who else remembers reading this? It was an emotional roller coaster for me ???? Loved it and should reread.
I'm really enjoying this one so far. I'm only a little over 100 pages in, so too early for a definitive verdict.
“Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the promulgation of promises of eternal passion, it is not the desire to mate every second minute of the day [...] That is just being ‘in love,‘ which any fool can do. Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away, and this is both an art and a fortunate accident.”
Happy #ValentinesDay! Hope it‘s filled with chocolate and a good love story.
Love is a temporary madness, it erupts like volcanoes and then subsides. And when it subsides, you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots have so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is.
I just officiated my first wedding. I thought I was gonna vom. 🤢 I didn't & am now rewarding myself with copious amounts of wine. Pretty sure that was the most nerve-wracking thing I have ever, ever done. 😅
Picked this up for fifty cents without knowing much about it. It has a lot of mixed reviews, but definitely sounds interesting! I'm into my summer reading pace, but books of over 300 pages have been a bit difficult lately. Gotta get my stamina back up! 🙃
#MusicalTitle - as in making music not the Andrew Lloyd Webber kind.
This is a wonderful cover - pic from internet - didn't want to show the one with the film cover.
What is this freakish weather?! Freakish for England anyway! I'm squinting from the glare reflecting off the pages!!! I must say though, it's making me much less jealous while reading about the glorious quality of the sunshine in Cephallonia ☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️
"...I don't need to believe the same things as you to see that you have a purpose..." ?
Must you, Tara? Really!? 😼🙀😿 #catsoflitsy