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Die Unwahrscheinlichkeit des Glcks
Die Unwahrscheinlichkeit des Glcks | Cynthia Hand
Ein bewegender Roman vom Lieben, Verlieren und Abschiednehmen von Bestsellerautorin Cynthia Hand. Es war der zwanzigste Dezember. Hinter mir lagen genau sechs Monate mit Steven. 183 Tage voller Ksse, bevor die Gleichung sich nderte. Unwiderruflich. Das letzte Mal, dass Lexie glcklich war, war davor. Als sie einen wunderbaren Freund hatte, den Traum, Mathematik zu studieren, und einen Bruder. Tyler. Nun ist sie fr die anderen nicht mehr das Zahlengenie, sondern nur noch das Mdchen, dessen Bruder sich umgebracht hat. Um mit der Trauer fertigzuwerden, beginnt Lexie, ihre Gefhle aufzuschreiben. Doch leider ist das Leben keine Gleichung, sonst knnte sie die qulende Ungewissheit auflsen: Tyler hat ihr vor seinem Tod eine SMS geschickt, die sie nicht beachtet hat. Htte sie alles ndern knnen? Der Gedanke verfolgt Lexie wie ein Schatten. Bis sie erfhrt, was es braucht, um ihr Glck wahrscheinlicher zu machen.
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I just squeezed in my last book of September. It was good but a little sad. It deals with the grief of Lexie who lost her brother to suicide. I thought it was good.

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One of the books I‘m starting. Also trying to get better about actually reading all the ebooks I buy lol

annahenke I‘m actually trying to do the same with my ebooks right now and it‘s kind of daunting! I‘ve acquired so many! 3y
BookishGirl06 @annahenke yeah I tended to prioritize my physical books because I wanted to cut down the number of unread books I have. 3y
annahenke Same same 3y
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Karkar Wait what??? We are supposed to read those ebooks? 😂📚❤️📚 3y
BookishGirl06 @Karkar well I do spend money on them so it‘d be a waste not to 😂 (edited) 3y
Karkar @BookishGirl06 those kindle deals get me a lot and my husband is like what are all these 1.99 charges lol 😆 3y
MaureenMc @Karkar @BookishGirl06 I‘m right there with ya! 😆 3y
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Onto my next....

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Thought this was a really good book tackling the issue of teen suicide. Very sad but beautiful story.
#ReadtheUSA2020 #Nebraska (28th state)

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😂 My least favourite word! So glad someone agrees 🤭

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This is a story of isolation. When her brother commits suicide, Alexis becomes isolated from her parents and friends. And then she starts seeing glimpses of her brother. The grief is palpable.

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Whatcha up to today, friends?

Day 23: Blue

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Wow, another month is done already. It was a great reading month for me. I managed to finish 37 books in April (31 audiobooks, 5 physical books, 1 ebook), my favorites from them pictured.

#AprilBookishMadness #AprilWrapUp #HopIntoSpring #WrapUp #ReadingResolutions #AprilStats

GypsyKat Wow!!! 😳 I‘m so impressed! Well done!!! 👏👏👏🎉🎉🎉 6y
UwannaPublishme Wow! Way to go! 🙌🏻🎉 6y
TrishB Wow 😮. 6y
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laurenlovesliterature Dang, girl!!! That's impressive!!! 6y
overtheedge Great Choices!! 6y
booksandsympathy 37! 😱 6y
Jes143 Wow, I'm lucky if I get 5 or 6 books read in a month! I read The Kite Runner last month and loved it! I'm looking forward to reading A Thousand Splendid Suns 😊 6y
Ingerella Wow! Great month! 6y
Pamwurtzler Amazing month! 6y
lauraodom That‘s amazing! I‘m happy with 7. :-) 6y
vkois88 What the what?!? That's a crazy impressive number! Get it! I have most of the ones you showed on my TBR. Glad to know you enjoyed them 😊 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Oh wow!!!!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 6y
Gezemice Wow, 37! 😳That‘s amazing! I read The Kite Runner this month, too. It was incredible and so brutal. 6y
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As Lex deals with her grief and guilt in the months after her brother‘s suicide, Cynthia Hand delivers a #heartwrenching story, but it‘s not without hope. This is one of my favorites so far this month. #MountTBR #ReadingResolutions

Smangela Wow I adore this cover 6y
mrp27 Agreed! I liked this one too. 6y
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I cried a bit through the last, like, third of this book. Possibly in part because it was nearing 4 am and I was v tired and definitely finishing the book before I went to sleep, but also because i just felt terribly invested.
10/10 would read a sequel

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Another slayer. But a really realistic portrait of recovering from the suicide of a love one. I can't write anymore right now.

EvieBee Oh no! I own this book and you've reminded me about why I should read it. 7y
Eryn2513 @EvieBeeReads I had it for at least a year before reading it as well. But once I started, it was one of those books I brought everywhere with me, and I finished it in less than 2 days. It sucked me in! I hope you enjoy it as well, but be prepared for the feels. 7y
EvieBee @Eryn2513 I love it when a book does that and thank you for the warning. I have to sandwich reads like that in between happier ones. (edited) 7y
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I should totally be working right now... but I am incapable of putting this book down for longer than 20 minutes!!!

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#asidefrombooks 😊

🌼Favorite Hobby: Kayaking
🌼Favorite Drink: Tea
🌼Favorite Food: Thai
🌼Favorite Color: Purple
🌼Favorite City: Boston
🌼Where would my dream house be: Bend, OR
🌼Favorite Accessory: My Doubtful Guest pin
🌼Favorite TV Show: GoT
🌼Last movie I watched in theaters: Table 19
🌼Currently Reading: The Last Time We Say Goodbye

beachbookworm7 I love kayaking too ♥️ 7y
PenguinInFlight Yay, purple! 💜💜 7y
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#jubilantjuly #julymostanticipated

Starting to feel the constraints and pressure from reading challenges and tbr lists so no formal reading plans this month. I am however most anticipating getting some reading done at the beach house later this month, my favorite family outing. Read this YA book last summer, was a good one.

MrBook Sometimes we have to break free and do our thing. 😎👌🏻 7y
mrp27 @MrBook Yes! Thanks for the encouragement to do so! 7y
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There's death all around us.
We just don't pay attention.
Until we do.
-Cynthia Hand

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The Last Time We Say Goodbye is a heart wrenching tale that gives the world a better look on the effects of suicide. Because when we are on the verge of death, selfishness takes over, and sometimes we need to pause our life with a comma, and not end t with a period.
Definite 5/5.

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Read this in one sitting tonight. Fiercely, gorgeously good.

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While I was supposed to be studying I, instead, finished reading this book. I couldn't put it down. It's about a girl whose brother committed suicide and how she tries to move on. The main character's sarcasm made me laugh and the story made me cry. I definitely recommend.

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I can't seem to read enough YA fiction lately. This is a story of suicide and its effect on family members left behind. Finished this up while on break at work this morning... should have waited until I got home because I ugly cried!

Purrfectpages Good book! 7y
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Today I had to say goodbye to a friend. We took her to the vet today for tests and unfortunately it was determined that her organs were beginning to fail and there was nothing we could do. She has been with me for 16 years, and it's hard to imagine the house with out her.

I do thank everyone for their well wishes on my previous post. ❤️

Alisnazzy So sorry for your loss. Sending you love and hugs. 8y
BookishFeminist So sorry ❤️ glad you had such a long time to spend with her. Lovely photos. 8y
InLibrisVeritas @Ambrosnazzy Thank you. ❤️ 8y
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AdaChivers 💕💕💕 8y
InLibrisVeritas @BookishFeminist I'm so glad too, I was lucky to have her. Thank you. ❤️ 8y
Bookworm83 I'm so sorry 😢❤❤❤ 8y
moranadatter I'm sorry for your loss. She looks like a wonderful friend. 8y
cobwebmoth Aw, I'm sorry. Hugs to you. 8y
jpmcwisemorgan I'm sorry. 8y
LiteraryinPA I'm so sorry. Sending strength. 💚 8y
DGRachel I'm so sorry for your loss. It's never an easy decision to make. {hugs} 8y
CherylDeFranceschi So, so sorry! Sending love and hugs to you! 8y
Eyelit Sorry for your loss! Hugs and love to you! 💜💛💚 8y
DebinHawaii I am so very sorry for your loss. What a sweet girl. 🐱❤️Hugs to you. 💜 8y
Jhullie My heart is breaking for you. I've been there and know exactly how you are feeling. 💔 8y
stacybmartin I'm so sorry to hear this - sending hugs and strength to you! 💜💜💜 8y
Dragon So sorry for your loss . She was a beautiful cat 🐱 8y
megt So sorry for your loss. 💕 8y
Bookzombie I'm so sorry for your loss. 💕🐱💟 8y
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This book made my heart ache. It was so beautifully written. The depiction of grief and loss was so REAL. This is a must read.

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I woke up this morning thinking I had to be at work 😖. The relief I felt when I realized it was Saturday!! Glad to be able to spend the day doing what I want to be doing: reading!

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*Sniff!* so good! The light at the end of the tunnel is NOT cliche and is so beautiful! Worth the dark to get to the light of the book! Must read!

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If you're looking for a book that will leave a mark on you. Better add this on your TBR. This book made me cry. It's more family-centered than romantic.

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