had to reread before Wayward Son, i think i love this book even more than i did the first time, which i didn‘t think was possible
Any Way The Wind Blows won‘t be out until 2021?
(i think it goes without saying that i obviously loved this book)
had to reread before Wayward Son, i think i love this book even more than i did the first time, which i didn‘t think was possible
I love this trilogy but I wish there was more to this ending. I don‘t love the epilogue. I guess it wraps everything up, but I‘m not a huge fan of the time jump, I‘d love to know more about the year leading up to the epilogue. Or the years in between the books for that matter. I do love novellas. That said, this is still a pick.
Completely amazing, super relevant, funny, snarky, kinda heartbreaking. Hank really knows his shit. I can‘t wait for the sequel.
I read a physical copy, but I‘m gonna get the audiobook for a reread/listen-along.
Spoiler: i learned that when the perspective switches for the last chapter, Hank himself does that part of the audiobook narration and I‘m super excited to hear it!
Already finished this and about to start on Rich People Problems, this trilogy is really easy to get lost in! This books kept with the multiple perspectives/stories, which I love. I love Rachel, but I am literally so invested in Astrid‘s life. (Also, I really want more Oliver in these books because he is a TREASURE)
This book was much more ~dramatic~ than the previous one.
9/10 would recommend
Wanted to read this book before I watch the movie , because that‘s a thing I do, even though I know the movie is different.
I love this book! I finished this and immediately started the sequel, China Rich Girlfriend. I love when books have multiple perspectives, I feel so much more immersed, so much more invested, not just in Rachel‘s story, but others‘ as well. Definitely recommend this one.
Definitely my favorite out of the series and my only "pick", and probably because it has nothing to do with Andy who I hated. I love Emily and I love Lina and Miriam isn't my favorite but she's still better than Andy. The perspective changing throughout is something I adore because it usually makes the story feel more immersive to me and I appreciate that.
I really think my main problem here is that I just don't like Andy. I like the story. I don't like Andy.
Andy is just not very likable. She's an unreliable narrator. And I have no sympathy for her because she's always acting like an awful brat. In the movie adaptation, maybe it was just because she's played by Anne Hathaway, but she's much more sympathetic.
I love the movie. I don't love the book.
I've had this ebook on hold with the library for ages and I finally got to read it and it was so amazing! Michelle McNamara's writing just draws you in, the whole book is great, but the epilogue, Michelle's Letter to an Old Man is perfection.
"Open the door. Show us your face.
Walk into the light."
I didn't like it as much as milk and honey, but still good. I'd recommend it.
This was a great character driven read. I love that it changed perspective and went back and forth in time to give you a full picture of events.
This book is eerie and mystical and wonderful. I would love to see a movie adaptation but I don't know that it could truly do this book justice! I'll have to get my hands on the audiobook because I think this is really the kind of story that gets even better when it's read to you. I definitely recommend this, especially if you're interested in magical realism.
These stories are sooo great! I want full length books. Bonus point for being so inclusive as well!
10/10 much cute, will surely read again
I cried a bit through the last, like, third of this book. Possibly in part because it was nearing 4 am and I was v tired and definitely finishing the book before I went to sleep, but also because i just felt terribly invested.
10/10 would read a sequel
This book is everything! this amazing book is so relatable and so lovely and gave me so many feels, I'm so glad I finally got to read it, and I'm even more excited than I already was to watch the movie!
10/10 will definitely read again
I finally got around to reading this and I thoroughly enjoyed it, it kept my interest from beginning to end, and I read it faster than I thought I would. I didn't watch the movie until after I read the book, and as per usual, I like the book way more, though, honestly I'd still even recommend the movie because even though I didn't like it as much, it was still an enjoyable adaptation.
Just finished this reread to finish out all things Lizzie Bennet and I think this story, Lydia's story, is the one that I want to continue with the most. I love Lizzie and Jane, but Lydia goes through the most change and development and I just want to continue on more adventures with her!
What's important is putting one foot in front of the other and only looking back to learn from where you've been.
I just finished a reread and rewatch of The Lizzie Bennet Diaries, and I still can't get over how good of an adaptation this is. I love how several mediums(multiple YouTube channels, twitter accounts, etc) were used together to bring a modern day Pride and Prejudice to life, and this book gives more info that didn't get shown in the videos that makes these characters even more interesting.
I read the kindle "enhanced edition" of You Deserve A Drink, which has bonus videos and they are sooo good. Mamrie, as always, is funny and energetic, and I could practically hear her telling me these stories because her writing is so similar to her actual way of speaking. The only way I could imagine loving this more is if I'd listened to the audiobook so maybe that's how I'll experience her new book, I've Got This Round.
I keep reading Book 1s when the accompanying Book 2s aren't out yet and I'm driving myself crazy! This was amazing and immersive and I hated having to tear myself away from reading to do other tasks. I love this and I'm obviously beyond ready for the sequel!
"Do you remember one year when that player—Leeroy something—actually got drafted into the Stormchasers, even though he always just charged in and messed up his entire team's play? My God, he was terrible."
#LeeroyJenkins ???
I just want to keep reading, I need book 2! I love retellings. The only thing I didn't like was the end because I want the rest of the story.
This book broke my heart more than once and I love it. I started reading it free yesterday on @RivetedLit 's #25readsofdecember but I only got 5 chapters in before life pulled me away, and I was already ~invested~ in Tanner's story so I bought it and couldn't put it down once I was able to get back to it today. As a bonus, really happy to have bisexuality so well represented. definitely added to my ever growing list of books to reread ❤️💛💚💙💜🖤
"Love fails for a million reasons—distance, infidelity, pride, religion, money, illness. Why is this story any more worthy?
It felt like it was. It felt important. Living in this town is suffocating in so many ways.
But if a tree falls in the woods, maybe it makes no sound.
And if a boy falls for the bishop‘s closeted son, maybe it makes no story."
"Light bursts behind my closed eyes, so intensely I nearly hear the popping sound. It‘s my brain melting, or my world ending, or maybe we‘ve just been hit by a meteor and this is the rapture and I‘m given one last perfect moment before I‘m sent to purgatory and he‘s sent somewhere much, much better. It isn‘t his first kiss—I know that—but it‘s his first real one."
Pretty much what you'd expect from a YA romcom. I can see how it might not be everyone's cup of tea, but I enjoyed this book a lot. The characters had depth and were contradictory and messy and funny and weird and was i invested in all of their stories so this is a pick for me.
I think this is John Green's best so far.
Aza is so real and everything about her just feels so ~accurate~ to actual life. It doesn't feel like a fiction.
It's turtles all the way fucking down, Holmesy. You're trying to find the turtle at the bottom of the pile, but that's not how it works.
I loved the format of this book, epistolaries are the best, so even if it's only in part, I'm a fan. Also love when there are drawings and such incorporated, so A+. I liked the premise from the start and it was a nice, kinda cutesy journey.
More murder mystery than I expected with a splash of Mean Girls, but it wasn't unwelcome :) I'm definitely interested enough to go on to the next book in the series.
"I feel like I might not be driving the bus of my consciousness"
same, Aza.
"You will note that nowhere in my top four concerns is whether we picnic, so if you want to move this mofo to Applebee's, that's A-OK by me." Daisy?
"Everybody disappears eventually."
"Which I'd argue is just a fundamental misunderstanding of the human predicament, but okay."
I don't know why it took me so long to get to this in my tbr pile, but I'm glad I finally got to it. I loved the film and reading the screenplay was just as enjoyable for me! 💙⚡️
Haunted House!
No gore
Scary book
I've seen a lot of people compare this book to The Girl on the Train, and I really didn't care for that book at all so I was very wary of this one, but I actually liked this much more. The protagonist, Lo, kind of grated on my nerves at times, but overall I did much prefer this book.
I just want to be Daisy's friend. I would totally beta read her fanfics
"I gotta get back to this very important argument I'm having with a stranger on the internet about whether Chewbacca is a person." -Daisy
"I can no more choose my thoughts than choose my name." -Davis
"Yeah, that's a penis"
"Holmesy, someday you're going to win the Nobel Prize for Being Incredibly Pedantic, and I'm going to be so proud of you."
"I'm such a billionaire without the billions, Holmesy. I have the soul of a private jet owner, and the life of a public transportation rider. It's a real tragedy."
I love Daisy.
"Anybody can look at you. It's quite rare to find someone who sees the same world you see."
"The thing about a spiral is, if you follow it inward, it never actually ends. It just keeps tightening, infinitely."