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La Cabaa: Donde la Tragedia Se Encuentra Con la Eternidad | WM. Paul Young
152 posts | 407 read | 9 reading | 96 to read
La hija menor de Mackenzie Allen Phillips, Missy, desaparece durante unas vacaciones familiares. En el proceso de su busqueda se encuentran evidencias de que pudo haber sido brutalmente asesinada en una cabana abandonada en lo mas profundo de los bosques de Oregon. Transcurridos cuatro anos, Mack recibe una extrana carta, firmada por Dios, que la conmina a reunirse con el en el lugar donde la nina murio. A pesar de lo aparentemente absurdo de la situaticion, decide acudir a la cita y sumergirse de nuevo en su mas oscura pesadilla; lo que alli sucede camibara su vida siempre.
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The Shack. Film Tie-In | William P. Young
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4-28-24: My 11th finished book of 2024! The Shack is very religious which I am not. I put that aside to look under that layer to see a family in turmoil. A father on a camping trip with 3 of his children saves one while another is taken. Four years later, Mack, the father, receives a note, from God, to meet him at the shack where the scene of the crime occurred. What a weekend Mack had at that Shack. The beauty and compassion he is shown save him.

GidgetsTreasures75 ⭐️⭐️⭐️📖#️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ 5mo
Leftcoastzen Awww!😻 5mo
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The Shack | William P. Young
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I‘m on a ladies‘ trip with my mom and sister. Our air b&b has an adorable “Take a book. Leave a book” shelf and mom thinks I should read this because it talks about God. Have any of you read it?

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Yes, years ago! Great book! 3y
peanutnine Yes, it's very thought provoking! 3y
282Mikado It's not the god of the Bible. It's so full of tripe I had to put it down after 106 pages. ☠ 3y
smalldogs_bigbooks2419 @282Mikado there are infinite different versions of God. The one in the Bible is just that. One of them. 3y
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The Shack | William P. Young
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A man goes through a horrible family tragedy which eventually leads to a conversation with God.

I've read a lot of reviews and it really seems to be a love or hate situation and I find myself rather in the middle.

The story was engaging and entertaining and the ideas presented in the theology side were great! But nothing life changing for me. And honestly I found that the story side got lost during the theological side.
Worth the time to read.

fredamans My mom read it and had my sister read it as well as myself. We all loved it. I didn't find it life-changing, but I did see the valuable teachings in the story. I'm not a 'religious' person either.... (edited) 3y
Buchbeeg @fredamans Exactly! 3y
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The Shack | William P. Young
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I went from "Haunted" to "The Shack" I needed some religion after that first story...
Anyways, love finding notes from previous readers in books. It's fun to see what they found important, or offensive.

Littlewolf1 Love this book 3y
fredamans Fantastic book!! 3y
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The Shack | William P. Young
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Library book fair haul 😍 30 bucks for loads of happiness.

Ruthiella Nice! 😀 3y
aperfectmjk Our local book fairs have been canceled 😫 3y
Buchbeeg @aperfectmjk :( Bummer! This is our second one. But they are really cautious and strict on the rules, which is great. The more people that feel comfortable the better. 3y
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CaffeineAndCandy Yay 😀 looks like a lot of fun 🤩 3y
Reagan I am so jealous you got a book fair! Top on my list of things I miss. 3y
Tera66 Wow!!! This is great! 3y
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The Shack | William P. Young
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The Shack seems to have a similar feel to this movie although I recommend the movie version of The Shack over the book.

Klou Brilliant! 3y
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The Shack | WM. Paul Young
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1. In South Africa Halloween isn't really a thing. But there is Christmas decorations on display already. 😉
Also it's Spring here and I can't think of a single tradition we have for Autumn right now.

2. The Shack by Paul Young

3 .Goodreads, Readmore app, and a spreadsheet.


Thanks for tagging me @EadieB

Want to play @rubyslippersreads @ShelleyBooksie @Read-y_Picker

EadieB You‘re welcome! Thanks for playing! 4y
Eggs Thanks so much for joining in 🍁📚🙏🏻 4y
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The Shack | WM. Paul Young
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Loved this book! The story was really heart touching and the way it‘s described just gets you into it.

The Shack | WM. Paul Young
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5/5

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The Shack | WM. Paul Young
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Never in my life I have been so touched by a book; one that went straight to my soul. It was so profound. What Mack and his family deal with and how they overcome this tragedy is something no person should have to deal with. Mack is on the journey; a journey to get back to Christ & God. He is lost & doesn't know how to get back. The conversations among characters will in way bring you right there in the story...... (rest is in comments)

Lollymya For me, it was like they were speaking to me instead of Mack. I even took notes of things that I wanted remember. I found myself wanting to laugh & cry at the same time. Mack asks the "big" questions we all want to ask if we so happen to find ourselves in the room with the God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.

Wow.....just doesn't do this justice.
curiouserandcurioser @Lollymya i have this book and have read several times-i love it!! Have you read The Reason? Its so good too but makes me cry every time i read it! 4y
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Lollymya @curiouserandcurioser I have not read The Reason....I may have to check it out. 4y
ItsAnotherJen When I read it, I had to go very slow. There was so much to take in and think about. ❤ 4y
curiouserandcurioser @Lollymya Its one of my favorites but i spend alot of time with both The Shack and The Reason because they give me alot to think about, too. 4y
Lollymya @curiouserandcurioser I will have to add to the reading list. What does the cover look like? 4y
Lollymya @curiouserandcurioser I have read the Shack multiple times and the cover is pretty warn out. 4y
curiouserandcurioser @Lollymya the author is William Sirls-his name is at the top of front cover of mine and there is a church with a cross in front of it and the cross is being struck by lightening. The title if the book is at the bottom of front cover with the tag-an incredible story of second chances and seeing the bright light of Chrust shine through in the darkest hour. I have now decided to reread it beginning tonight, so thank you🥰 4y
Lollymya @curiouserandcurioser I will have to look for it. 4y
curiouserandcurioser @Lollymya i meant Christ-i know what you mean by covers getting worn out when we love a book! If you fond it, we should read it together-that would be fun! 4y
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The Shack | WM. Paul Young
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Books that made an impact on me, change how I think, or will just never leave me. (no explanation)

The Shack | WM. Paul Young
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This book was the most profound fiction I have ever read. Please read....you will not regret it.

The Shack | WM. Paul Young
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This book is essentially a sermon dressed up as a novel. Whether you like it or not will depend on your theological literacy and where you are on your spiritual journey.

The Shack | WM. Paul Young
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Rating: 5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐!!
An inspirational and sad story but such a good read!! Wish I could rate it 10 stars!!!

The Shack | WM. Paul Young
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Starting Book 4 of March and Book 29 of 2020!!

The Shack | WM. Paul Young
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Starting a new one between basketball and dance pick up

The Shack | WM. Paul Young
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Can‘t understand why people like this one. 🤷‍♀️

DogMomIrene Felt the same way! When this book first came out, I had this horrible boss. In an attempt to try to find some redeeming quality in her, I asked her what book she had read recently that she liked. She recommended this one. I read it. Couldn‘t stand it. Never asked her another question outside of work topics. 5y
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The Shack | WM. Paul Young
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Day 6:
I cried a LOT with this book! 😭😭😭 I should re read it!!

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The Shack | WM. Paul Young

I finished the audiobook, and it left hungry for more of the same! I am currently watching the old TV series “Highway to Heaven” as it has that same peacefulness that is so prevalent in “The Shack”. I recommend this Book to anyone and everyone!!

The Shack | WM. Paul Young
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I have tried on multiple occasions to sit down and read this book, I had a hard time getting past what I had heard about it before I even got started, which is interesting because one of the points of the book so far challenges our preconceived perception of God also. I am about 4 hours through the audio book and am completely engrossed in it, I keep going back to hear parts again to gain a better understanding. Lovely, can‘t wait to finish it!

The Shack | WM. Paul Young
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Current read, but it's enlightening and renewing esp if you want to understand God more. I like that it's teaching using a storyline, I need more of such books

The Shack | WM. Paul Young
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Perhaps Nan will forgive you, perhaps she won't... but my life inside you will appropriate risk and uncertainty to transform you by your own choices into a truth teller, and that will be a miracle greater than raising the dead.... Pg 191 This is Papa (God) talking to Mack about opening up to the wife Nan

The Shack | WM. Paul Young
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audraelizabeth Loved this. I also read the shack revisited. 5y
Louise_Lulu Woow... Is The Shack Revisted a continuation of this? 5y
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The Shack | WM. Paul Young
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I‘ve heard about this book for years, and I knew, when I started, that I wouldn‘t agree with some of it. Still, it‘s a thought-provoking read.

#TheReadingRush: Read a book you meant to read last year + Read and [still need to] watch a book to movie adaptation

Book 2 of #24b4Monday ✔️
Time: 4h2m

Andrew65 Well done, going well. 👏👏👏 5y
marleed This book didn‘t do anything for me. I kind of felt bad about that because it came highly recommended to me. 5y
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The Shack | WM. Paul Young

Maybe not for everybody, but quite an eye openner. This book is not very religious as you might think. It talks about deep topics, touching psychology and philosophy of life. Just don't be sceptic :)

The Shack | WM. Paul Young
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@sudi , @BiblioLitten thanks for the tag! ??
#BookishQuestions @Clwojick
1. Thriller, fantasy, comics. I like these genres now, but my preferences often change ?
2. Biographies, historical novels ?
3. Tragedy, drama. I get very upset when the characters die ?
4. More science fiction!!!
5. Tagged
6. "Allegiant". I've read "Divergent" in a moment, "Insurgent " - slowly and "Allegiant" I didn't finish ?
7. @Areader2 @Lynnsoprano @Violetta

sudi Agree on #6 , divergent was the best. Insurgent and Allegiant were ok, i finished them but they failed to live up to Divergent 5y
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The Shack | WM. Paul Young
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Starting @DeweysReadathon with finishing off my current read. The large stack of books behind me are everyone read for the day. Hanging with @WhiteDayLilies and @cestmabiologie for this year's readathon.

The Shack | WM. Paul Young
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Let's pray the human race never escapes Earth to spread its iniquity elsewhere.

Suet624 I remember this quote. I was in complete agreement. 6y
wordzie @Suet624 😊 Did you 💝 the book? 6y
Suet624 I did. A lot. 6y
wordzie 🙌 me too so far. About half finished. Thx 6y
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The Shack | WM. Paul Young

It starts out so strong and is kelps your attention. Then about midway through it gets crazy. Nonsensical almost. Couldn‘t finish it.

The Shack | WM. Paul Young

I suppose that since most of our hurts come through relationships, so will our healing, and I know that grace rarely makes sense for those looking in from the outside.

The Shack | WM. Paul Young
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I'm definitely not saying that I understand life and everything in a wonderful ray of sunshine and rainbows now. I will however say that I was definitely struggling with the death of someone very close to me as well. And just like Kate, I also blamed myself. I definitely feel that the reading of this book was in perfect timing to my healing and grief process... "God's timing is perfect"

The Shack | WM. Paul Young
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Happy Sunday ! I finally get to relax and enjoy my book. #24b4monday #yummy #bookwithsnacks @TheReadingMermaid @Andrew65

Andrew65 Fishy snacks. 😊 6y
coffeewithbooks @Andrew65 yes yummy ! 6y
BeansPage I forget if I've talked to you about it or not, did you want to enter the giveaway sweetheart? 6y
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coffeewithbooks @TheReadingMermaid that why I post this picture (: 6y
BeansPage #24B4MondayGiveaway Done ✔️ 😁 6y
coffeewithbooks @TheReadingMermaid thanks😊. Sorry I didn‘t know there way a hashtag 6y
BeansPage No worries at all sweetheart. I got you covered 😘 6y
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The Shack | WM. Paul Young
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Getting back into reading this baby after having 2 weeks with family and trying to get back into routine. Glad to be part in #24B4Monday with @TheReadingMermaid @Andrew65

Andrew65 Great to have you with us! 👍😊 Good luck. (edited) 6y
BeansPage Yay welcome aboard hun! Just to let you know Andrew and I are hosting a giveaway. You just post a picture of your read-a-thon snacks and tied the both of us with the hashtag #24B4MondayGiveaway . The winner of the giveaway receives a free book! 😋🎉🎉🎉 6y
coffeewithbooks @TheReadingMermaid awesome I am actually headed to the store to get snacks now 😂❤️. When does the entry end to post ? 6y
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BeansPage Midnight Sunday night when the read-a-thon ends 😉 6y
coffeewithbooks @TheReadingMermaid is that EST? (edited) 6y
BeansPage Don't worry just use your own time zone. It makes it easier on everyone that way 😉 6y
coffeewithbooks @TheReadingMermaid okay good thanks . I‘m in in EST😊 6y
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The Shack | WM. Paul Young

I loved the book. It keeps you on your toes. At first it makes you question alot. But its a good reminder on how to check ourselves when you are in the dark and we blame a lot on God.

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The Shack | WM. Paul Young
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While I‘m agnostic, I do enjoy reading about Christianity and other religions. Why people believe in what they believe, facts and history of religions, etc...


My boyfriend is a Christian, and he really enjoyed this book (and the movie,) and suggested I read it.

Reading through the reviews here on Litsy, it doesn‘t seem to be favorited by many. Have any of you read it? What was your opinion?

Mommamanzi I was raised as a pastors kid. Backslid big time. After having my first child came back to Christianity. This was one of the first “religious” books I read as an adult... it‘s an interesting view on things but it‘s not how I choose to believe. It seemed too out there for me and I am by no means a conservative Christian. 6y
MotionChickness @Mommamanzi Thanks for commenting! From what I‘ve read, it‘s very adamant about how Christians should live their lives... and that‘s what‘s worrying me that I might not like it as much as I thought... My boyfriend gave me a synopsis of the plot, but it sounds like it‘s more of a sermon than a story? Would you agree? 6y
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The Shack | WM. Paul Young
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Have I mentioned how much I adore library sales? $5.50, and all in very good if not like new condition!


The Shack | William P. Young

Wow like nothing I‘ve read before. Still an atheist but felt more spiritual and forgiving after reading this and watching the film. Was sad and enlightening all together deffo worth a read.

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The Shack | WM. Paul Young
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This is my October book club read. It wasn‘t really for me. It felt simplistic and manipulative at times. While it raised some good points, I didn‘t feel connected to it at all.

the_hibernator I couldn't finish it. Not sure why it was so popular. It's just a sermon in getting over the sucky aspects of life in the form of thinly-veiled "allegory." As I always say, a good author SHOWS the reader her/his point, so that she/he doesn't have to preach in the dialogue. 6y
LauraBytheBook Yes! I am so glad to see these comments! I felt the same but felt like I was the only one. To me it was so obviously manipulative with a definite agenda. I didn‘t care for it either. 6y
Mdargusch I bailed on this. I couldn‘t tolerate the writing. Good for you for reading the whole book! 6y
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The Shack | WM. Paul Young
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#HumpDayPost @MinDea
1. On my lunch break, pretty blue skies today!
2. Just 1 at the moment!
3. Yes, but it's set low. It gets in the 40's at night!
4. Yes, I love my glasses :)
5. I had to stop on the tagged book. I knew going into it that it was Christian literature but it got a little too monotonous and too "deep" into beliefs and not much "story". It was just not for me :)

The Shack | William P. Young
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zzz Never has a book made me cry as hard as this one 6y
Eggs @Jen_is_always_reading 😔😞❤️ 6y
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The Shack | WM. Paul Young
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4/12 for #garbingo round 2.

The Shack | WM. Paul Young
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I never in a gazillion years would have started this book, if I had any idea what it was about, being non-religious. But, I will say, that the story did hold my attention, even if I did some eye rolling, and I can see what the author was trying to accomplish.

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The Shack | William P. Young
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1. The Greatest Showman
2. Shoot pool or play darts with a beer or two and just chat. He might as well learn from day 1 that I'll beat him at games
3. 24
4. Done. Didn't even make it half way through
5. Off I go!

#friyayintro @jesshowbooks

Rudis The Greatest Showman was amazing! I‘m still humming the songs. 6y
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The Shack | WM. Paul Young

Sometimes a book just finds you.

The Shack | WM. Paul Young
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I found this old, beat up copy of ‘The Shack‘ on the Free cart at the library book store. Knowing nothing about it other than it is on the Great American Read - PBS list of America‘s Favorite 100 books, I decided to give it a shot. Unfortunately, I only got a couple chapters in. I read across a lot of different genres but this kind of Christian Fiction (God/Jesus in a modern Everyman fable) isn‘t my thing.


Reecaspieces I agree with you. I hated it. I finished it but I hated it. I read it years ago...still hate it! 😂 6y
akckitty This on my TBR pile... I purchased it awhile ago. But it‘s not on top of my TBR stack ;P 6y
Mdargusch Not to mention the writing is 👎🏼 6y
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The Shack | WM. Paul Young
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I decided to read this after a friend who had been through a very traumatic experience told me how much this book helped her. I went into it because I‘ve been reading too much about Germany in the 40‘s and needed to feel some hope. No, it‘s not well written but it was an interesting concept & I appreciate the effort. It‘s funny how much criticism he receives for his portrayal of God and for the idea that you don‘t need an intermediary to connect.

WhatThePuck I liked his take on Jesus. I've always had a hard time with Jesus being the actual son of God and really like his explanation. 6y
Suet624 @WhatThePuck I agree. His explanation helped a lot. (edited) 6y
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The Shack | WM. Paul Young

Some parts great some parts really slow

The Shack | WM. Paul Young
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Took a little literary break with this Saturday Project, just need to fill it up...i need more physical books most mine are on my kindle

The Shack | WM. Paul Young
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Cant believe the deals out there..... #books #booksarelife

The Shack | William P. Young

Just wanted to say i just started this book tonight, and i am enjoying it. Anyone else read it before?

DebinHawaii I've not read it but I've heard good things. Welcome to Litsy! 🎉📚🎉Hope you enjoy it here! 6y
RaimeyGallant Haven't read this one, but welcome to Litsy! #LitsyWelcomeWagon Some of us put together Litsy tips to help new Littens navigate the site. It's the link in my bio on my page in case you need it. Or if you prefer how-to videos, @chelleo put some together at the link in her bio. @LitsyWelcomeWagon 6y
rather_be_reading welcome to litsy!! 📚🎉📚 6y
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Eggs Welcome to Litsy 👋🏻😊 6y
dragonfire1977 Thanks its good to be here 6y
Bronte_Chintz Welcome to Litsy! 6y
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