feels appropriate to have chrocheted this dragon for my niece while listening to EARTHSEA on audio 🐉
feels appropriate to have chrocheted this dragon for my niece while listening to EARTHSEA on audio 🐉
So apparently this week was sponsored by my library holds that came in. Managed to finish both because they weren't super deep and I had a good time reading them.
So I started the tagged but have realized that I had three library holds come in one of which has a deep request list so I won't be able to renew. My goal is to finish the library book (not pictured) and try to get through the first Earthsea book.
Headed into Earthsea today with Callie as my companion. This will knock three books off my SFFBC challenge and is my DoubleSpin for the month. #CatsOfLitsy
I'm a Mage! 😂
I have read probably a hundred fantasy books in my life. I guess most people at this point would lament that it took 44 years to read such powerful books as these. But I think I read them just at the right time in my life. They are unlike any other fantasy books. I love how she combined fantasy with eastern philosophy. She truly is a master writer and has deep roots. If only the world could be taught these lessons, it would be a better place.
Every action has a consequence... #quoteoftheday
My first Le Guin book(s), and I liked them! The rhythm and pacing was different from most other fantasy books I‘ve read, but they were beautifully written and interesting. The only one I maybe liked the least was “Tehanu,” though with our modern discourse on women‘s emotional labor, “leaning in,” and work equality, there were some interesting parallels to draw, especially since these books were written several decades ago.
One of my favourite story worlds - the Archipelago of Earthsea. This beach in Ibiza (called Moon Beach), made me think of it. (Also, Lookfar in the distance... ⛵️)
Talking about some of my favourite speculative fiction series on the blog today. What are yours?
So I have been pretty absent from litsy. Life has been difficult. Lots of nightshifts and extra shifts and with flu season it has been hell. Still tried to keep some reading going even if not as much as I want. Finally felt the need to post, because I can't believe I'd never read these before. They are brilliant! I am almost finished with the second one and damn it's good!
This is old school fantasy at its best with dragons, a terrible evil, and a young and arrogant protagonist who must learn to wield his power responsibly. Lots of classic fantasy vibes including, sadly, an astonishing lack of female characters. If you can look past that, however, you find a simple, beautifully written, and absorbing story.
I wasn‘t feeling well so my other half surprised me with a book ❤️
All the Le Guin fans, rejoice! The illustrated collection of Earthsea books will be out on October 23rd, 2018. Read the complete article here - https://www.theverge.com/platform/amp/2018/5/15/17314892/the-book-of-earthsea-wi...
I love this series even more every time I read it. An all-time favourite. 💞
Finished Tehanu the other day, and my Earthsea copy wouldn't fit on the shelf with the rest of my LeGuin books. Rearranged shelves and now my LeGuin collection is all together.
Thanks @2BR02B for organizing #Earthseachapteraday! I really enjoyed it and the books - just sorry I fell behind.
Thank goodness for personal days. I have today off to rest from running exams yesterday, so this is my morning 💕
Only 5 chapters left in Tehanu so hope to finish it and go on to Tess.
Finished yesterday night.
What to say about the quartet? I was honestly expecting more from such a classic of fantasy. Instead l had issues with all the novels, mostly relating to my involvement with characters and stories, which l always found very hard.
Loved the dragons, but the movement of the story never satisfied me. The end of the trilogy was strong enough. The end of the quartet was so disappointing.
Puffy cheese toast for brekkie and reading time ... Great start to the day ☺️ #breakfastandbook
"As long ago as forever and as far away as Selidor..."
Just read the last words of Tehanu for #earthseachapteraday, and what can I say. I loved the Earthsea books. I think there was a lot of character develpoment in each book, and while there was always a story, I felt the books were truly about the changes each person went through on their respective journeys.
Thank you @2BR02B for organizing this :)
Just came across this new edition of the complete Earthsea. It container the same as my edition, though this new one is in hardback and l suspect it would be more comfortable to handle (mine is a huge paperback chunkster).
I like my cover a lot better, though 😆
#ReadingResolutions #MarchTBR
#MagicalMarch #MarchLineup
Well, at least this is my intention. But it will be a very busy March and l really don't know how l'll fare.
My dose of happy for today: the early Book Depository package and the Sherlock bookmark souvenir from a friend who just came from the UK. ☺️
My present for being brave last Thursday! 😂
New range of bookmarks with Book Depository, haven't even updated the website yet!
It is nearly 900 pages long. I think this year is turning into unintentional #yearofthechunkster considering all the other books I want to read. May be a few months before I get to this but glad to have it in my hands none the less.
5 chs into #Earthseachapteraday and I honestly don't know whether I've read this before. I know 100% I read Tombs of Atuan as a kid, and I was pretty sure I'd read Wizard of Earthsea and Farthest Shore too (don't think I ever did read Tehanu) but so far I don't remember much. Except 'archipelago' has been used several times & I know this series was the 1st time I read the word, (& mispronounced in my head for years until it was a clue on Jeopardy)
Plan for tonight.
I'm behind one chapter with the #YearOfTolkien readalong. Couldn't really read yesterday night (it was a day at work). Let's see whether l can catch up. I'm loving Farmer Giles of Ham.
I can't find my English edition of Earthsea which includes just the quartet. I'll keep searching but in the meanwhile the ltalian omnibus chunkster will have to do.
Spreading the word—join in on the #EarthseaChapterADay readalong! Go find @2BR02B for the full schedule!
Anyone fancy to join? 😊
Here's the schedule for our upcoming Earthsea readalong. Schedules for individual books to follow.
If you didn't see my original post but would like to join, feel free! @LitsyHappenings, could you perhaps create a posting to get the word out?
Our Ursula K. Le Guin display has generated a lot of great discussions & shared memories with readers.
I am in the middle of so many books (as usual) but after feeling a bit overwhelmed by all sorts of things today, I just want to dive into this book and the world of Earthsea which I first began exploring when I was perhaps 12 years old and revisit every so often. It's kind of a comfort read for me and today makes me sad that its creator is gone.
And another great one gone. 😢 Rest in peace, Ursula! 💔
My coworkers birthday is coming up. At his request I bought him a trilogy he wanted. Now he can't stop asking me about books. Our friendship leveled up lol.
Finished up the quartet with the last of the Christmas cookies! I don't want to spoil anything but DRAGONS and GIRLPWRRR (finally). Are there more?
#NovemberbytheNumbers #six
One of my favorite Fantasy series! The Earthsea series is 6 Books although I‘m fudging a bit, because one is a collection of short stories. 😊
A Wizard of Earthsea, The Tombs of Atuan, The Farthest Shore, Tehanu, Tales of Earthsea, and the Other Wind.
I can‘t recommend them highly enough!!
These are my 🏝📚for #emojinov
If I'm ever stranded on an island, I better have some books that I would read and reread over and over again. And what luck for I definitely have done so with these!
BOOKMAIL! I'm so excited to read these. I'm starting over with the first book (only one I've read so far). I'm learning to love Ursula Le Guin. Unfortunately, I have to leave my cozy nest soon to participate in school event. The introvert cringes and the hedonist sighs: why me?!
Why are so many of my books by Ursula K. LeGuin orange? Not that I'm complaining... #orangecovers #bookriot @bookriot #riotgram
#fallintobooks day 29: #crush
The Wizard of Earthsea was the first proper fantasy book I read when I was a kid and I've always had a bit of a #crush on the tortured Ged.
Also, thinking about yesterday's prompt, I must say that I hope they never attempt to make these books into a series again. That first one was horrible and sadly that Studio Ghibli one wasn't right either.
#JuneBookBugs #day28 #APlanetInTheTitle For this prompt I've given you both a book with the word planet in the title & a book with A planet in the title.The Long Way To A Small Angry Planet was one of my favourite reads last year,the characters were a joy & the storyline was hugely entertaining.The Earthsea Quartet are books I've always meant to read,but have never gotten to,so I bought the first four as a quartet & plan on reading them this year.