Still one of the best books to date outlining how a real Mars mission could happen. Many of these ideas have been incorporated by NASA and Elon Musk #mars #aplanetinthetitle #space #spaceexploration
Still one of the best books to date outlining how a real Mars mission could happen. Many of these ideas have been incorporated by NASA and Elon Musk #mars #aplanetinthetitle #space #spaceexploration
#junebookbugs day 28 - #aplanetinthetitle
Resolve to #catchup on my June themes today, in whatever order I can.
Quite enjoyed this dream-like collection of travel logs and essays, which strive more to impose a mood on the reader than inform.
Playing catch up with my #junebookbugs The House of Spirits is a book that's been on my tbr for a while. I need to read it. A Swiftly Tilting Planet is a book I accidentally stole from the library when I was 13. We were moving half-way across the country and the book accidentally ended up in a box. Oops! #setinthesouthernhemisphere #aplanetinthetitle
I am very interested in reading this one. #aplanetinthetitle #junebookbugs
I actually don't have any books with #APlanetInTheTitle but I love the moon, even though it's not a planet I think it counts. Here's a pic I took a couple weeks ago, it's with my phone so not the best pic.
Aha apparently I already had picked up the Mercury graphic novel. Paired with farmers market stir fry - the purple cabbage, carrots and green beans were from the farmers market. The rice dish is what in Singapore is called claypot rice. Chinese sausage, ginger, chicken meat marinated in dark soy sauce and oyster sauce. Except I cooked it in the rice cooker instead of a clay pot.
#bookanddinner #junebookbugs #aplanetinthetitle
I own very few books with #aplanetinthetitle--other than books that literally have the word "planet" in the title! So I thought I'd go close to home with my own planet. This vintage book is one of my favorite keepsakes, partly because it's gorgeous, and partly because I bought it at Hay Castle in Hay-on-Wye--the "town of books" in Wales. ??? #junebookbugs
Day 28 #JuneBookBugs #aplanetinthetitle Turns out I couldn't find any books in my stacks with specific planets in the title but one of my favorite vegan cookbooks does have 'planet' in the title so i think it will do nicely for this prompt. 😆🥕🥒🍅🌶🌏🌞📚#litsycooks #cookbooks
This totally has #aplanetinthetitle 🤣. Ironically, #huxleythecat is the opposite of #noncompliant 😏
#junebookbugs @RealLifeReading