The photos in this book give me hope. Attached photo is from the Womxn‘s March at SC Statehouse this year. When we come together, anything is possible! Rise, Sister—Rise.
The photos in this book give me hope. Attached photo is from the Womxn‘s March at SC Statehouse this year. When we come together, anything is possible! Rise, Sister—Rise.
Just for reference this is the puzzle I‘m working on. It‘s 1000 pieces 🧩
Reminder that #InternationalWomensDay was created as an activist, socialist, anti-establisment day of remembrance of those who fought before us for rights and equality, and a day of protest because of how far we yet have to go. Don't let it become a Hallmark holiday. #resist
"Continue to embrace the things that make you unique even if it makes others uncomfortable. " - Janelle Monae . All of the images in this collage were taken from the tagged book. And all the profits from the book went to Planned Parenthood! To everyone who marched yesterday I'm with you!
More women were elected to the House than in any other time in history...
I needed a reminder, re-invigoration today...and I found this little book of photos on Hoopla, so within an hour, I felt better. I think we all need that reminder from time to time that we are not alone, especially women, introverts, blue dots in dark red seas, and others who often feel a bit secluded in this crazy time. We are not alone, and we are all still #StrongerTogether
I was in DC for work earlier this week, so we stayed for the March for Our Lives. It was an extremely powerful and meaningful experience. This is just one of the amazing signs.
Greetings from Greenville SC!
I work for the government. And this is the first page of my new calendar. Let‘s see if anyone from administration comments on it if they come in to my office. I guess the benefit of having the last office at the end of a long hallway is that I don‘t have frequent visitors.
A reminder of what we stand for. #WeHoldTheLine
I start this when it first came out, but I'm glad I finished it today. There is a certain peace of mind in knowing you are not alone and that there are still a lot of people willing to fight the good fight.
Day 9 #riotgrams #lgbtpride why we March had some great signs that intersected the women's march with LGBT issues, #splashintosummerreads #bookandsun a sand county almanac's cover is perfect for this prompt and #junetunz #belfastchild was a little tricky, in the woods is set in Dublin which is the closest book set near Belfast I have and it involves a childhood mystery, so I think it qualifies.
My #bookhaul from #BookCon #bookcon17 I had a great time, got some awesome books and freebies
Made me wish i had been able to go. So much inspiration and passion. I don't want to put this book away. It's going to sit on top of the bookcase for all to see.
Almost checked this out from Boulder Library when I noticed it had already been vandalized. I'll find it elsewhere.
I wasn't able to participate in the #womensmarch so I support it the best way I can, through books! I'm so thankful of the women who were able to go and use their voices and march. I'm currently working on some hats for aunts and cousins who will be joining up in the next one (because we have 4 years of this ass-clown)
As seen on the door of Powell's. Thank you for your commitment to inclusion. It is heartening.
So I found myself in Portland today at an appointment for Gunther (he's doing great from a potentially scary diagnosis) and decided to get the tagged book from Powell's. Seven others managed to sneak out of the store with me as well. 😬 The bottom two are from the dollar store. Such an amazing revelation that they sell books, thanks to Litsy!
I spent a couple of hours today pouring over the gorgeous photographs of people, posters and quotes from the Women's March. It amazes me how many people from all over the world participated and I adored all the clever and beautiful signs that were captured in photographs throughout the day. This is a library copy but I'm going to purchase this book. I also love that my daughter has been flipping through the book during her down time ❤️
Book store haul. Royalties from Why We March go to Planned Parenthood. ❤
"I'ma riot, I'ma riot through your borders. Call me bulletproof."
-Beyoncé, Freedom-Lemonade
How is everyone doing? How did you celebrate/participate?
Just a small sampling of my favorite signs from this amazing and inspiring collection highlighting the January Women's March. All royalties from this book go to Planned Parenthood. #resist
*ARC provided by Netgalley
I ❤️❤️❤️ this poster series!
From the new book Why We March published by #Artisan. All proceeds to support Planned Parenthood. Loving the #JaneEyre reference here!
Go buy this book right NOW. #PlannedParenthood
This book is a collection of quotes and pictures from the world wide Women's March held in January 2017. The book is mainly focused on signs and there were just so many awesome pictures that were funny, moving, nasty 😋😉, and real. This is one of those books where years from now you will pull it off your shelf and tell your grandkids that these people world wide stood up to say we needed change.