Gearing up for student teaching in the fall (whatever that might look like). Very interesting read so far
Gearing up for student teaching in the fall (whatever that might look like). Very interesting read so far
Cold in SoCal, perfect for reading all day in front of the fire. Read Patron Saints of Nothing in one sitting today. Good YA novel about a Philippino Amer young man who goes to the Philippines to find answers about his cousin who was killed as part of Pres Dutertes war on drugs. Going to tackle The Astonishing Color of After next about a woman who goes to Taiwan to find answers about her mothers suicide. Hope my second read is as good as my first!
Craning his neck, the Count tried to identify the few [constellations] he had learned in his youth: Perseus, Orion, the Great Bear, each flawless and eternal. To what end, he wondered, had the Divine created the stars in heaven to fill a man with feelings of inspiration one day and insignificance the next?
Getting ready to start my second read of 2020. Can't believe it's taken me so long to get to this one.
Left work early to get some relaxation and reading in.
Only about 50 pages into this one but am hooked already...
Cant believe the weather in SoCal today, it is cold and rainy. No bbqs today!
At least it makes for a cozy reading day...
Great rainy Sunday to start a new book!
Sagebrush is not sure she wants to go out there...
Completely floored by this book! Oshiro has created a powerful commentary on the multiple levels police violence and brutality affect communities. The articulate, sensitive character of Moss will stay with me for a long time and his story provides an amazing lesson on how to create something positive from anger. Please read this novel, it is so very important.
Anger is a gift. Remember that. You gotta grasp on to it, hold it tight and use it as ammunition. You use that anger to get things done instead of just stewing in it. Trust me, y'all.
We all look like ants marching in this dust straight into a giant trap where we'll be stuck or where we'll be fed poison that we inadvertently spread to the rest of the group...what's that thing people always say about history? Unless we know our history, we're doomed to repeat it? Never forget it? Isn't that the lesson? But we always forget. Forgetting is in the American grain.
Next up.
I haven't focused much on reading YA novels but I am really starting to get into them.
This one has great reviews so far, excited to jump in.
An amazing and poignant novel! Beautifully disturbing and relevant. I am recommending to everyone.
I grappled with the idea of explaining hemispheres to her, how we are required to share the sun with other parts of the world, that if one were to observe the earth from outer space one could see as many as 15 sunsets and sunrises in a day--and that perhaps by sharing the sun the world could learn to share everything, learn that everything belonged to everyone!
This book is knocking my socks off! Exploration of the immigrant experience as well as the struggles and joys of parenting a special needs child expertly wrapped up in a compelling court room drama.
Bummed I have to host a family dinner today because all I want to do is read this book!
Pak Yoo was a different person in English than in Korean. In a way, he supposed, it was inevitable for immigrants to become child versions of themselves, stripped of their verbal fluency and, with it, a layer of their competence and maturity.
But why? Who decided it was normal to be attracted to blondes and Jews and Republicans, but not to Asian women? Why was "fetish," with its connotation of sexual deviance, reserved for Asian women and feet? It was offensive, it was bullshit, and she wanted to scream out, I am not "Oriental," and I am not a foot!
Got my BOTM box today!
Perfect timing as ready to pick a new book tonight. I have high hopes for this one.
Sage is excited to start Dear Martin!
I have been observing in 10th grade classrooms recently and this book has been one of the most popular independent reading choices amongst the kids. Thought I would check it out.
These flowers were straight up and down when I first put them in the vase. Dont think they like living with us! Trying to brush up on my YA reading as I just went back to school to get my credential! Cant wait to read Internment and Dear Martin!
When I was young I made a promise to the music: I'll be here,I'll open a space within myself for you.I showed that I was devoted,and in return it rewarded me with words,with creation itself.There was the passion of a love affair in these moments because the music demanded my time,my full attention,my complete devotion.As long as I rendered myself entirely to its service,the music allowed me inside itself,immersed in a space where time didn't exist
Took the day off so I could spend some time reading. Cant get enough of this book!
Sagebrush and I are reading this one together and have just finished a spirited debate regarding what we think so far.
Sage feels Mr. Graeber is long winded in his definition and that the definition of a bullshit job is as simple as any job that requires I leave the house without her. And while I agree that the book can be tedious at times, it is quite interesting so far.
We'll see if the author can turn Ms. Sage around by the end.
Finally pulled this one off by shelf and devoured it in one day. Somehow it was the exact book I wanted to be reading yesterday. Having lost family members to AIDS this novel was especially poignant. Just wish I hadn't waited so long to read it!
Back home and slowly adjusting to the warm SoCal weather and bright light....
Happy to be able to get back to reading! A colleague gave this book to be for Christmas. Think I will give it a spin.
Just one more....i am in love with this country!
Have gotten next to no reading done the last two weeks....but this trip has been worth it. Iceland has by far been one of the most amazing experiences.of my life....
Finally found some time this weekend to relax and read in front of the fire.
I have had to plan/shop for my impending trip to iceland (we leave the day after xmas), celebrate my father and niece's bdays, spend plenty of time visiting.my.mother iin the hospital, clean the house and try and complete my Xmas shopping this weekend.
All I want to do is curl up with this gem for the rest of the night!
Listened to this one on my way to work this morning.
6 to 8 Black Men never ceases to have me rolling with laughter.
Good way to start off my happy friday!
Loved this book! Completely swept me away to the magical Alaskan wilderness. A story that tackles the very real topics of death and complicated family relationships in the form of a mystical winter fairy-tale. Great read.
Sage is ready for halloween!
So excited it's October! @BrainyHeroine
Next up....
Can't believe it's taken me until now to get to this one...better late than never!
Perfect creepy read to roll into October.
Love Shirley Jackson!
Think i will take this one for a spin next.
Reading....ahem....I mean working from home today (whoops!)😁
A strange enjoyable book.
Great for an unsettling October read.
This was tough...so many books I am looking forward to but here are 5 of my most anticipated reads... also eagerly anticipating being able to read in front of a toasty fire. Still 80+ degrees in SoCal so not yet though ☹ @CareBear thanks for the tag!
No reading tonight....at my folks house for the big game.
Go Irish!
Received by first Bookishly shipment, it also came with tea but it is already brewing....
Love this subscription!
Sagebrush is ready to kick off Friday night with a fun read...
I loved The Wrong Way to Save Your Life so much I got online and ordered this one right away.
Ended up with a signed copy.....what a super duper surprise!
Usually I struggle with nonfiction however this one was extremely readable and kept my attention.
Full if great information this is an poignant and necessary read.
Mayors are now often elected on the idea that they will run cities like businesses...the people running American cities no longer care about affordability, a city's ability to educate children, or the happiness and health of its residents; rather, they are only interested in the amount of money a city is able to generate.
"...it is rare to see gentrifiers take a full reckoning of history and recognize that their presence is often predicated upon the lessened quality of life of someone else, the displacement of someone else, or in the case of New Orleans, the death of someone else".
As my husband and I start to consider buying a new home, gentrification is heavy on my mind.....