Self help. 👍🏻
1. Eh, sometimes? It‘s the only genre where I need a rec first.
2. Which means, I‘ve read several of Knight‘s because my youngest sister keeps recommending them.
3. Depends. If a self help book is trying to make medical recommendations, those should be checked with a doctor first. But it‘s nice knowing there are people dealing with similar situations to yourself, sometimes.
#SundayFunday Have a great day and make sure to tag me!
I wish I could "Eternal Sunshine" this book out of my brain! I hated it! It took me the whole week to read it and I didn't even start anything else because I just couldn't. Am I the only one who hated this book? Like who even is Sarah Knight anyway?!
Wait what? Who are these people wishing they could get up at 6 a.m. and go to the gym??? This combines two things that I absolutely abhor: waking up early and working out. 🤣
A must-read, especially if you tend to obsess over things you can‘t change (like me). Decluttering shouldn‘t only apply to your sock drawer.
Thanks for thinking of me, @wanderinglynn.
#moonreflections @Meaw_catlady @sprainedbrain
🚿Relationships, friendships, creativity and a few herbs, flowers and vegetables 😉
✂️Negativity and how other people's negativity influences me
📌Tagged book 😏
Full moon blessings @RachelO @hgrimes @toric @Velvetsun
This was just a delightful little book! I plan on putting it into practice. +11 for an #ImpulseRead #MerryReaders #WinterGames
This is essentially how company mission statements are created, and why you need not give a fuck about memorizing or adhering to them. They are the products of untold man-hours of “brainstorming“ and “focus-grouping“ resulting in the blandest, most generalized, least-potentially-offensive, frequently asinine copy that could have been created by any group of monkeys in any boardroom in America.
3.5/5⭐ I definitely enjoyed the humorous approach to shifting your mentality to make room for only the things that spark joy. I also appreciated the author's focus on not giving a fuck without becoming an asshole, making the book genuinely useful. It's a difficult mentality to shift, which the author fully recognizes, but I'm going to try to implement what she's laid out over time.
this was a quick read about how to declutter our mental space...some laugh out loud parts & good insights especially the family, holidays & weddings section lol #zerofucksgiven
#SeptemberSins I think Taylor Swift needs to take a page from this playbook and learn to just #ShakeItOff
This could be a “So-So” because in the end it couldn‘t offer continuous light-bulb-moments but that would be unfair.
Might be, there are areas I am already pretty good at saying No to. Might be, other areas at the moment simply aren‘t in line.
So maybe one day I‘ll come back to this book.
For now I am completely contented with the lessons it brought to my mind. None was really new but they all were facts one knows but tends to forget, anyway.
“The category “work” is like a Petri dish, in which between 9 and 5 o‘clock every day there are so many things, people and processes teeming with we have not really chosen actively and many of which we cannot influence.” (p. 51)
⬆️⬆️⬆️ Petri dish 🧫. 🦠🦠🦠 Great comparison. 🤩😃
“For now, please bear in mind that you should only worry about those things you can control, but not about things you‘ve got no control over, anyway.” (p. 51)
⬆️⬆️⬆️ ✍🏼✍🏼✍🏼 Maybe, however, there was a good reason that decades ago it was common standard to give students lines. Through the arm right into the brain.
If so, I am sure that the above sentence is one of those that I need to write 100 times to internalise its real meaning. 🤷🏽♀️
“When it comes to the question of how far your saying no affects other people, the only thing you can control is your own behavior in relation to the feelings of your fellow human beings, not in relation to their opinions.” (p. 29)
⬆️⬆️⬆️ ✍🏼🧠💡
“1. Find out what you no longer want to say yes to.
2. Stop saying yes to those things and give them a f**ck from now on.” (p. 19)
⬆️⬆️⬆️ See above exhibit A of obvious statements in self-help books that make me not being very good in reading them in a serious manner and/or following their guidelines.
_But_ this one may be different because until now I really like Sarah Knight‘s writing style and narrative tone. And I like the book‘s layout.
First: dinner 🍽.
Then: My next read.
Yeah I know – to be honest I‘m no good/open-minded self-help book reader because they mostly seem too flat, obvious or too few hands-on to me.
But I also often can‘t withstand their temptation because I think: “Yes, but what if this one has real good tips and offers new insights❓🤔”
I don't know how much I really learned from this book, but it sure as hell makes me feel better about saying no to things that I don't want to do! At no stage did the author come across as rude or selfish in not giving a f*ck, but rather self-assured, honest and polite, which is a tough line to walk when trying to declutter the things you care about. I very much enjoyed this.
Goodreads 37/52
Funny, snarky, full of swears, and actually a lot of helpful advice for being more deliberate about where we spend our energy and less swayed by societal pressures and expectations.
I feel like I haven‘t really been here much. I wanted to share my new reading glasses!! I am still reading The Lady from the Black Lagoon. I love it so much, but March and April have been filled with searching for a car(now that my car is no longer legal for the road) I have been working on some sewing requests (in between my full time job) that will give me a little bit of cash towards a car. It will calm down soon. Then I can enjoy my books.
This was a helpful reminder that I give too many f*cks about what others think, especially in the workplace. I‘m working to rectify that and it will take some time. I appreciate learning ways to improve myself.
I read this and the other “Don‘t Give a F*ck” book out there back to back, for comparisons sake. This one was entertaining, but overall I felt it was useless to me. I guess that‘s good. I already pay little attention to what others think about me, I don‘t attend events I‘m uninterested in, and I am a remote employee so I have no use for office politics or nonsense. I agree with most of the author‘s advice, I just didn‘t need it. 🤷🏼♀️
⭐️ Don‘t give a f*ck about putting this one on your TBR.
It's more of a skim through than a thorough read. A few lines here and there strike a chord but there's not much to absorb. Atleast for me.. it was usual stuff... Should say i don't really give a F*CK about most of it.
Yup being selfish is sooo important...to get space for things i DO give a fuck about....
Started listening to this gem today. I really feel like I need to start applying this to my life #bookworm #2018 #yearofbooks
1 - Y'all
2 - Depends, care-a-mell when it's by itself, car-mull when it's in combination with something else
3 - iBooks, Kindle, Libby, Overdrive, two library system apps, Litsy, Goodreads, LibraryThing, Browsery, and Serial Reader 😂
4 - Concert night out! Then settling down with a book
5 - @burnTheShopdown It's time for a comeback!
#friyayintro @jesshowbooks
This parody of Marie Kondo‘s The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up focuses on clearing out mental clutter and spending more time, energy, and money on people and things that spark joy. A quick, fun read with some useful insights.
I think we can all find something in the NotSorry Method to make our lives better.
This was a fun and interesting self help book that wasn‘t pushy or overwhelming. The author really is great at making her writing conversational and entertaining and I feel like it is easy to take something away from this book.
First May read, done.
Some might enjoy this, but it felt like she was trying way to hard for someone who‘s philosophy in life is not giving any Fs.🤷🏾♀️
Finished another book from the excellent #FreakyFriday list of @MissAimz_55 😃
This was a fun, quick read. I may have picked up a few tips, but for the most part, this is not new info for me. (Spoiler alert: I don‘t give any excess fucks as it is.) Very snarky and profane, which I enjoy, but it got a little repetitive in parts.
I have already ordered a copy for a friend of mine who suffers from giving too many fucks. 😂
I liked Knight‘s other book, Get Your Shit Together, more. This one is okay, and really, I‘m all about only giving a fuck about things that really matter, but this one gets repetitive quickly. So, read it. Or not. I don‘t really give a fuck.
Very insightful! There was a lot I would struggle with because I didn‘t want to hurt anyone‘s feeling but this book gave you options to let the person or persons down gently. I felt relaxed reading this and learning how to not care about certain things.
Finished another book off #MountTBR. Since I was less than 20% in, this totally counts.
The information was good, but once the concept of #NotSorry and #NoFucksGiven was explained, I only skimmed through the rest of the book.
A rip on Marie Kondo‘s approach, Knight gives the reader practical steps to refocus energy on what matters most to the reader and tools to put it into play. Lots of cursing and snarky jokes are available throughout.