Amazing. Highly recommend to literally everyone. It‘s helped me work through stuff I didn‘t even realise I was carrying.
Amazing. Highly recommend to literally everyone. It‘s helped me work through stuff I didn‘t even realise I was carrying.
Finally got this from the library. Less than a chapter in and. It. Is. So. Good. I already teared up a couple times, it‘s so validating and beautiful and *true*.
Hey! I been playing Pokémon Go again. If you wanna have another buddy, add me! Friend code 8385 6737 8765
Devoured this book all at once. Short, but powerful and empowering book. A reminder I needed; I am good and perfect in this fat body. A good quick primer on the interconnected oppressions of misogyny, racism, transphobia, classism, and fatphobia. I‘m gonna keep an eye out for more from Virgie Tovar, love this.
Sister got this for me from the library and I‘ve already tried out a couple of the patterns. Really cute and fun little projects, and not too difficult.
It‘s been a while since I read a book in this series. Good procedural mystery. This book in particular she did extensive research on slavery in America and the government-sanctioned brutality against Native Americans.
Short, lovely, moving poetry.
I struggled to get into it at first — young Sparrowhawk was insufferable lol — but once I did I really enjoyed it, and the ending was beautiful.
Reread for me, still love this book. And the movie, although they‘re different.
Once I started I had to finish. Incredible, riveting, emotional, moving, important book. Her characters are so real and true and complex. Such a well done book, a must-read.
Picked up this from my library; a local Lakota author. Short but beautiful.
So many feelings. Her writing is amazing, her storytelling is fantastic, and it resonated so much with me. Even though so much of my life has been very different — I‘m white, afab, non-binary trans, with a different kind of family dysfunctions — I felt so seen and validated reading this book.
Just read this whole thing in a few hours lol. I love a good mystery.
It was a fun read, and gave me a glimpse into the community I didn‘t get to be part of in my childhood/teens.
Reusing my own picture cuz I‘m cool like that. This book really touched me and I had several epiphanies/breakthroughs reading it. It‘s funny, heavy, encouraging, and super honest. I really enjoyed this book.
Got this yesterday from the library and already I‘m half through it. It‘s so validating that it‘s made me tear up a couple times (and I almost never cry at books or movies). It‘s like reading a long letter from the queer auntie/mom I never had.
Yet again I‘ve read a Helen Hoang book in under 24 hours. Up too late reading and up first thing this morning devouring the rest of it. It was very sweet and, as an #actuallyautistic person, I found Khai super relatable. Love love love
Got this from the library today. Really enjoying it so far.
Passionate, heartbreaking, raw, honest. I don‘t have anything coherent to say about these poems, except recommend. #queerbooks #blackbooks
“She was deep in the happiness of such misery, or the misery of such happiness, instantly.” Well dang, if that isn‘t exactly what falling in love feels like.
“She prized the frank, the open-hearted, the eager character beyond all others. Warmth and enthusiasm did captivate her still. She felt that she could so much more depend upon the sincerity of those who sometimes looked or said a careless or hasty thing, than of those whose presence of mind never varied, whose tongue never slipped.”
I checked out this anthology purely to read Liu‘s Hunter Kiss novella, which I liked. The others were okay. The first one was awful cuz of CN assault and imho poor handling of it.
I mean, it‘s lesbian romance fairy tale retellings so I wanted to like it. But I just couldn‘t. Not my cup of tea. Too much of it read like boring het romance stories but it happened to be two women instead. Some of the retellings were really cool aside from the awkward bits though lol.
Picked this up at the library today. A short read, but also very real and honest.
Kinda formulaic, but I always enjoy Marjorie Liu‘s Dirk & Steele novels. And she‘s really good at pacing and that thrilling action that keeps me turning page after page. Read this one almost all in one sitting, lol.
Oh my gravy, I just devoured this book in four hours. So sweet and steamy and oh my goodness adorable. And bisexual representation! Definitely looking out for more by this author, wow.
Goodness this book was so delightful. I am in love. The setting, the world building, the characters all were fantastic. The twists and turns and way she wove everything together was riveting. I can‘t wait to read more by the author, this book was such fun. Highly recommend.
Overall I found her compassionate care for authors very charming, and her frank advice about the world of editing and publishing helpful. I did not care for the romantic view she seemed to take of mental illness, or the flippancy with which she appeared to dismiss medication. But the majority of the book actually related to writing and publishing was helpful.
Just devoured this book in a few hours. A delightful, light, fun read. I definitely wanna read more in this series.
Finished it so it took its place on my shelf today. So, so good. The world building grabbed me before I even started the story, the characters were fantastic, the pacing was great, the story grabbed all of my feels. Highly recommend. It has some pretty intense real moments, but it‘s exquisitely raw and genuine.
One of the best books on writing I‘ve read yet. It‘s not a series of don‘ts or dos, but exercises in deepening and enriching your own writing in your own way. It lifted a lot of the burden off my shoulders about trying to write perfectly, and the exercises were really helpful in breaking out of my comfort zone and writing more bravely, more wildly, more enormously. Recommend.
My birthday haul! Yesterday was my big 3-0 so we hit up some used bookstores and I lucked out. The Broken Earth trilogy and three Jane Austen works. I haven‘t read Catherine by Austen in like over a decade or something, and I can finally replace the copies of Emma and Mansfield Park I lost. But the biggest score was the like-new Jemisin‘s for six bucks each. Yay!
Got this from the library, now I just gotta finish Children of Blood and Bone first. Yay books!
This book is giving me all kinds of feelings. Beautiful, profound, it‘s inspiring me to work even harder as a writer and an artist.
Poor lighting, but I am so excited about starting this book!! Photo bomb by my pupper Lacy lol.
Of all Austen‘s heroines, Anne Elliot is one I‘ve always sympathised most strongly with. And this particular line; oof, I have lived this.
Recommend. I mean, how do you ”review” a master?
Really well written, intense, moving story. Content warning hidden behind spoiler comment. Recommend, if you feel you can engage with the hard parts of it.
A short, fun, and informative book. Even as a writer, not an editor, I still found this book helpful and interesting. And she maintains a light, funny tone that makes it a pretty easy read.
His writing style is funny, but I found his advice rather unhelpful for me personally. And I don‘t want to read the whole rest of a big book that doesn‘t suit me. And some of his advice honestly I didn‘t think was that great either lol. But different folks I guess.
It was short and fun to read. A lot of the advice had me nodding my head or saying “oh that makes sense.” But chunks of it are outdated and it‘s very white-centric with what “correct” or “proper” English is to them. Overall I‘d call it a useful read if you take it with some big grains of salt. And maybe get a newer edition than the one I read.
Finished in under 24 hours. I could barely put it down to go to bed last night. I adored the main characters and loved the pace and heat of the plot. Highly recommend.
Took me a while to finish. Since it‘s an anthology of short stories I‘ve just dipped in and out of it between other books for a while. The stories are delightfully varied, in geographical location, time, characters. But there is so much imagination and art packed in these pages. Recommend.
Just started this today and omg it‘s so cute and also just so good. This is the first time I‘ve been able to relate so much to a romance story too, yay autistic representation!
Holy heck so good. The beautiful weaving in of Irish mythology, the fairy tale retelling, it was beautiful and magical. I especially appreciated that queer relationships were *normalised* instead of agonised over or socially despised/ignored. 10/10
It‘s nearly 80° F here today (unusual for the USA Pacific NW coast) and I‘ve been soaking up the warm sea breeze and already today read half of this book. Its delightful and inspiring. And I‘m drinking a ton of raspberry iced tea.
Honestly seems like a really good and helpful book, but it didn‘t spark with me, so I‘m gonna give it a miss right now and read something more in line with the writing advice I need at the moment.
Soooo excited I finally have a copy of this book!