You know I'm hard-up for light reading when I dig out the AC. I never noticed this racist aside before 😂
You know I'm hard-up for light reading when I dig out the AC. I never noticed this racist aside before 😂
The setting of this Poirot murder mystery is very interesting. I was always thinking that the surrounding of a dig must be eerie sometimes with all the okd artefacts and opening graves. And archeologiats are quite peculiar people. But the some points of the story seemed implausible to me - like the murderer and the weapon that was used.
#whereintheworldareyou @Cupcake12
I'm in Mesopotamia, in what is Iraq today. First we are in Baghdad, then at a fictional archaelogical site near Mossul (?? I suppose).
What a TWIST! This is why I love Agatha Christie, I never could found out who the murderer is.
I loved the use of the nurse as the narrator in this one. It gave me Amelia Peabody vibes.
#readyourtbr #readyourshelves #aroundtheworld
February's pick is the enjoyable Murder in Mesopotamia. Farfetched and of it's time, but a perfect book to read chapter by chapter before bed.
My haircut finally gives me uninterrupted reading time.
I enjoyed the nurse narrator Christie uses in this novel, although the accents (especially the American ones) the audiobook narrator chose were a little distracting. I tend to listen to Christie mysteries at the beginning of the month, which is when I do the monthly deep-clean of the cats' litter boxes, so I find I associate Hercule Poirot with that chore.
4. This novel seems to rely on psychological insight of the victim more than other Christie novels, perhaps because she was based on a real person, Catherine Wooley. Do you think her assessments are accurate, or fair? Did you like this kind of characterization? #agathachristieclubR2
3. Poirot makes quite a late appearance in the book. Did you think this worked? Did it benefit the plot or make it less enjoyable for you? #agathachristieclubR2
2. This is Christie's first novel set in the world of archeology, a theme that will continue, thanks to her marriage to Max Mallowan. How did you like her treatment of the setting? #agathachristieclubR2
I'm so late on these #agathachristieclubR2 questions that it's been my next month already! I was traveling at the beginning of the month and didn't get my book requested, so I was late in reading it. But here we go!
1. Did you enjoy this book? Why or why not?
At an archeological expedition in Iraq, the leader of the dig is getting worried about his wife. She is scared of something or someone. So the husband brings in a nurse to take care of her. After a short time, the wife is killed. Luckily for the local police and the British representation, Poirot is in the area and agrees to do a detour.
Once again, Christie has me fooled and I didn‘t see that ending at all.
Loved it for all the same reasons that I love all the other Poirot books. They may be of their time, but they are still some of the most enjoyable mysteries out there. I need some escapism from February and these are just the ticket.
⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4 stars
(Did I just say "just the ticket"?!)
Here's the upcoming schedule. I don't know why my phone didn't include the background, but it looks 3D to my eyes!
Super-enjoying this Poirot story 😁
Fortunately it's one of the few that I don't remember the solution to from the TV show, so I've got all the fun of trying to solve it 🧐🤔
I actually guessed the murderer this time! That never happens!! Lol I still didn't get all the details right because Christie is an evil genius. This one started out slow but I enjoyed the archaeological aspect of it. Definitely brought back memories of being on a dig and all the human drama that comes with it 😅
Also, listening to a Poirot not narrated by Hugh Fraser was jarring at first. The accents in this one were just meh
Thank you for the tag @Yuki_Onna
1. BAH HUMBUG... I mean..
Twinkly lights
Muppet Christmas Carol
Snowballs (Advocaat + lemonade, that is)
Winter drinks menus
Love Actually
All the dreadful Xmas decorations we made as kids
Wrapping presents up
Un-wrapping presents
More twinkly lights
Dad running around the garden with "sleigh bells" despite all of us being over 28 now ??
2. Can't wait to join in with #cloakanddaggerchristmas ??????
#WeeklyForecast is a little vague, but here are some guesses haha Finishing You Lucky Dog for #LMPBC. I'm about halfway & it's not bad but also...nothing is really happening?? It's kind of an odd book. Undecided as to whether I will read the sequel or not. Sleigh Bells Ring is due back at the library this week, so it will be a #WinterGames preview read. My sister, brother, & I created a 13x13 bingo board for Christmas movies & books & our ⬇️
Loved the gothic undertones in this one. I at first disliked this narrator, but she grew on me! 🏺
This is another excellent book from Agatha Christie. I love the setting and Nurse Leatheran as the narrator. The mistery is clever, if a little convuloted.
Bk10 of August is done! I finished the tagged book as an audiobook last night but fell asleep before I could post it. Another reread as well, it‘s the perfect cozy crime series to get my mind off this never ending lockdown in NSW, which had not only been extended to the end of September, we now have a 9pm to 5am curfew! Lucky I have plenty of books & a lot of #audiocrafting to do. #ReadingAsia2021 #PickYourPoison #CloskDaggerChal #BookspinBingo
#AwesomeAugust - Book 3 finished
I didn‘t love the narrators voice when she was narrating Poirot. Probably because I‘m use to Hugh Fraser.
Overall, this was a really good mystery. I definitely didn‘t guess the killer. I never do.
Technically set in Iraq if I were still doing #ReadingAsia2021
I don‘t think I‘ll be able to stop myself from continuing reading a Christie a month. I‘ll just be way ahead of #AgathaChristieClubR2
Another Agatha Christie because (as I failed to peel the sticker off) they were only $2!
It was a Poirot mystery, but told through the POV of a nurse on an expedition. It was another case of a murdered scarlet woman and suspicion lies on everyone. In classic Christie fashion, there are small crimes embedded in the big one. A little predictable, but still well-written.
Bk32 and the last for June is done! Finished it last night but was too wiped to post. It‘s also my last #Spring prompt for #Booked2021 #SetWhereUNPeacekeepersAre🙌 I‘ll do my full Spring post later when I have more time. This Dame Agatha is the 14th Poirot I think? On a dig in Iraq, a woman who claims she‘s being terrorized is found dead. Luckily Poirot is visiting the site & solves the mystery. Not one of my faves but still a great read.👇
My first Agatha Christie, and while it was quite the twist, I had a hard time staying engaged. The racism of the 1930s stuck out, but at least seemed concentrated early in the book. I would read Agatha Christie again, but am not racing to make it a priority.
Maybe mysteries just aren‘t my thing.
I may be slightly burned out on Agatha Christie for the moment. This just did not keep my interest. This is Poirot 14. And next up I'm switching to a different series at least for a bit.
#BookSpinBingo free square
Since Christie is the #authoramonth, I had to read at least one (I read 10 of hers in October). I really thought I knew who the murderer was this time, but of course, I was wrong. It‘s a solid Poirot mystery, not a favorite, but good. #wintergames #teamreadnosedreindeer @StayCurious 16 pts
Amazon wishlist book
#MurderInMesopotamia #AgathaChristie #HerculePoirot #Poirot #book #books #book #bookgeek #bookgeeks #bookgeeky #bookgang #bookgasm #geek #geeks #geeky #bookhoarder #bookhoarders #bookhaul #bookhauler #bookholic #bookholics #bookjunkie #bookjunkies #bookjunky #bookjacket #bookjackets #bookjacketdesign #bookjacketdesigner #bookkeeper #bookkeeping #bookkeeperlife #bookloot #booklist #Mystery #Fiction #Crime #Classics #Detective
I liked this one better than Appointment with Death, for whatever reason.
I‘ve finished the book and at no point do we encounter the adorable little airplane shown on this cover! Weird design choice.
This one was just okay overall. I enjoyed the story and was intrigued by the characters, but found the ending implausible and a bit of a mess. My experience wasn‘t helped by the fact that I was really bothered by the narrator and had to switch to an eBook version halfway through!
I‘m almost halfway through this audiobook, and am about ready to bail. The narrator‘s accents are so atrocious! The “American” accents she‘s using are terrible, and her voice/accent for Poirot is even worse. My library doesn‘t seem to offer access to any other versions on audio—I‘m thinking I‘m going to ditch it and download the ebook because I don‘t want to wait for a library hold on a print copy. 😩
I felt this one stretched credulity a bit too far. I didn't really believe in the psychological portrait of the victim or that the method would work without a lot of practice.
#Unputdownable The victim is alive nearing the half-way mark, and that ups the dynamics of the characters. Aside: The narrator of my 2nd book of 2019, Nurse Leatheran, is a far cry from the daring & chutzpah of Dervla Murphy. It takes place in a country the latter cycled through. But the impressions formed by the fictional Nurse is poles apart. I guess it‘s proof of the times - one published in 1936, and an adventure undertaken in 1963. #Christie
I‘m being fairly random with my Agatha Christie reading. This is the 14th Poirot novel and she‘s very confident at this point. So much so that the murder doesn‘t happen for ten chapters and Poirot doesn‘t turn up for several chapters after that. The setting the stage here is quite well done, the mystery is good, and the narrator is a lot of fun. Book 5 of 2019.
This was an entertaining Agatha Christie story! M. Poirot investigates murder in an exotic location. I love her books that are set in exotic locals. This one takes place in Iraq at an archeological dig. I could not figure out who the murderer was, even though I had seen the movie a few years back. 👍
Got through a few chapters while everything was in the oven.
I tell my boys I slaved to make them dinner😉
When it‘s 2 am and I can‘t sleep. Insomnia sucks!
At least I have Agatha to keep me company.
Oh, Agatha Christie, your books have aged so unevenly. Your plots are still so surprising, but your characters are so, so racist.
This was my second-to-last Poirot left! Now, to Curtain... 😢