Did someone say books?
Did somebody say books?
Proof that I leave behind a trail of books wherever I've lived. This waited for me upon returning to DC for Thanksgiving.
Did somebody say books?
You take the role, with no idea what opportunities it will bring. Perfect metaphor for this stage we call life.
Because adulting is hard.
This book is harvesting a lot of hype.
A book that rouses you into reading and writing more.
The violence, the prescience, that baller cover.
Recent reminder of why I still read books.
Weather so nice outside you're like--this book's onto something; take a hike and never return.
On point.
Page at beginning of the book warning of the forthcoming mindfuck.
Tuesday is all abt giving Jonathan Safran Foer's latest, HERE I AM, a spin.
Feel like I've failed at most of my romantic relationships but this book at least didn't fail me
Damn right I'm having a good time.
May or may not have been demonically possessed while writing this book.
Crane does it again--masterful structure, masterful voice, masterfully inventive narrative.
Thanks to Melissa Broder, I'm not nearly as sad today as I probably would.
Five stars for Veblen. Another five for more books with squirrels in them.
This book came out of nowhere and has instantly become one of my favorites of 2016 (thus far).
"Ten years ago, I helped a handful of men take my brother's life."
"Everyone wants to own the end of the world." --first line from Don Delillo's ZERO K (May 10th, 2016, Scribner)