“No one forgets that they were once captive, even if they are now free.” Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi is an incredibly well written novel about the lasting effects, over several generations, of the slave trade. Just beautiful.
“No one forgets that they were once captive, even if they are now free.” Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi is an incredibly well written novel about the lasting effects, over several generations, of the slave trade. Just beautiful.
Loving this audiobook. My house is definitely clean because I don't want to stop listening :)
Which story do I start with? Decisions, decisions
This book is the story of two colliding families. It's about the evolution of romantic relationships and the ebbs and flows of marriage. Loved the multiple points of view and the arc of this story.
Just started this beauty. Enjoyed The Vacationers so I'm looking forward to seeing what happens in this one. Nothing like a bubble bath, some music & a good book. 🛀🎧📔
Listening to this as I reorganize my cupboards. I've heard so much about this on the @bookriot podcast from @rebeccaschinsky that it needed to be read.
Diving into my 6th book this weekend. I've been waiting for the new Morgan Matson for awhile now. One of my fave YA authors.
Ummm dude- you just whacked her over the head and kidnapped her. This just might be considered both abusive and psycho. Just saying.
This book was quirky but I quite enjoyed it. It can be slightly disjointed but the story of a little girl grown up and the people who surround her is magically told.
This is what Saturday night looks like at my house. Entertaining book, Spotify playlists and wine.
Out enjoying the sunshine and this book
I loved Emery Lord's previous two YA novels and I had high hopes for this one. For some reason it took me a long time to get into this one. Still a decent read with a focus on mental illness. For me it was just so-so
This is the best kind of text to wake up to. Can't wait to read this one
Baxter is showing off my other purchase today. The newest Judy Bloom is in paperback and was on sale at Chapters :)
Without realizing it I bought two books with essentially the same cover today. Can't wait to dive in.
Exactly this! Why is there such a disconnect? We need better education on sexual assault. Bravo E.K. Johnston!
A little me time with a good book and a bath. Looking forward to starting this one.
Let's start this. I've heard a lot of good things about this YA novel.
This book was everything I wanted it to be. There was a big focus on friendship with a bit of boy drama on the side. It also had a very Taylor Swift feel to it. Who doesn't like TSwift?
Why has it taken me so long to read this? Cute story with a Taylor Swift vibe.
If you are into steamy NA romance then you will enjoy this one. Who doesn't love JLA? This one has a hot bartender and a girl trying to sort out some messy family stuff.
Reading this sequel to Virgin. It's light and funny and exactly what I need right now.
About to start this tome. So many pages! I've heard nothing but good things though. I think I may need a lifetime supply of Kleenex though.
Told in the perspective of a stalker and all around not so nice guy. The story sucks you in and you can't get away. So good!
Anyone who went clubbing in the early 2000s was singing this line rather than reading it.
Currently reading- so far in 30 pages I'm officially creeped out.