Started this audiobook. I've seen quite a bit of mixed reviews on this on. Hope I enjoy it. :)
Started this audiobook. I've seen quite a bit of mixed reviews on this on. Hope I enjoy it. :)
*Ahem* Is this thing on (tap tap) Ahh, good. Attention everyone one, attention! I FINISHED THE BOOK!
What a journey! A long long long read, but I loved it the whole way through. I started with the physical book and finished with the audio on 2.5x speed. Yikes. I needed it to be done. I liked the philosophical importance of the ending and the wrap-up of the story I was pleasantly shocked by. 😲🥰 A great read. Solid 4.5 stars.
This feels like the Mount Everest of books, like I will never finish it. I've been reading it since January 1st. 😵💫 But I was sick and got into a massive reading slump.
This book is great, and boy, am I hooked. I'm anxious for the main character and feel all the emotions he feels. But I am SO READY for this book to be done. It's so long. I have 130 some pages left. The triumph I will feel once I finish it... I can't wait.
Went to China in 2016, what an experience. I was sick sick 80% of the trip..ugh, but I did tour the Labrang Buddist Monastery. That was INCREDIBLE. So peaceful. Couldn't photograph inside, but I took a picture with the monk who was providing the educational tours. Such a rare feat. And that sculpture is handmade with yak butter. It's so incredibly detailed.
Anyways, this audiobook reminds me to slow down and reminisce on these old memories. 🥰😍
A cozy sci-fi for anyone who needs a reading brain break. The audiobook was wonderful. I love how slow-placed and soft the book was. It was perfect for the moment and helped me to feel refreshed in my personal life and in my reading journey. It reminded me of my trip to China in 2016, we got to tour a Buddist Monastery. Just beautiful. Wow.
Listened to this a while ago. Starting book 2 A Prayer for the Crown-Shy now. 😁
Anyone else enjoy these?
Just stumbled upon this book. Can I just say I love that title! Way to be an optimist when all you want is to be is a pessimist. Lol!
Anyone read this?
A great audiobook! I went into this book knowing nothing about it, thinking it was a cozy fantasy read. It is much darker and heavier than the cover suggests, and I'm thankful someone warned me how violent it was. I was hooked from beginning to end. I love books that expore magic and time travel, especially books about books!. Solid 4 star listen. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Reminds me a bit of the book The Ten Thousand Doors of January. Which I LOVED.
A phenomenal non-fiction book and movie recommendation for #blackhistorymonth.
My masters is in forensic psychology so this story is powerful to me. Heartbreaking, motivating, educational and important too. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 for each.
And Michael B. Jordan is my #1 celebrity crush... let's be honest here. He's beautiful to look at. Watch it. Read it.
I was told by my coworker today that I had to watch this movie. My other coworker then got involved and said I had to read the book! I know this story is loved for many reasons, but I know next to nothing about it. I'm gonna watch the movie tonight.... sorry! I promise I'll read the book soon. 😄
Anyone else watch/read this story? Thoughts?
Just picked up this audio! Magic realism is my favorite genre typically. But man I've been sick off and on for almost a month and a half. (Send help). And I'm in such a bad reading slump. Do I want to listen to this... not really no. But I think I will love it so I'm forcing myself to at least start it while I cook dinner.
I also did not read the description of this book, too much focus required to read that. Lol wish me luck. 😷🤒😢
A very run-of-the-mill story. I feel like the story coasted the entire time, I was never shocked, I was never laughing or crying. I feel like I've heard this story before and felt Deja Vu when listening to the end, but I never read this book or seen the movie. So I'm not sure. I'm still very new to the Stephen King world but this one was mid. Excited for the movie though! I bet that'll be a great watch.
Thoughts on this read?
There are so many new reading tracking apps out there now. Some really cool ones too, like Uncover, Bookmory, Bookly, Fable, etc. What are you guys using the most?
I use Goodreads (used it for year all my reading records are there). And my storygraph hates me and is nothing but a blank screen when I open it on my phone. No updates available... so. That's cool.
Quite an engaging audiobook with the perfect eerie winter setting! I loved the dualing timelines between characters and felt the pacing/plot was great to maintain suspense. I devoured this audiobook because I needed to know what happened next. I did predict the ending, but I still enjoyed the ride as there were several plot twists I was not expecting.
Great spooky winter read. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5
Read this for my bookclub. Was not a fan, almost DNFd numerous times but for the sake of the discussion I pushed on. I think this book was marketed wrong. It's not a horror and there was maybe 4 scenes with vampires in total. It's a historical fiction romance with a miscommunication, don't ever talk to me again trope. Ick. And the main female character read much younger and more immature than intended. Sorry was not for me.
My current read. A non-fiction look into the murder of 14-year old Emmett Till in 1955. Wright Thompson grew up just miles away from the barn, although never once heard the name Emmett Till until he was an adult. Wright explores the history of racism in the Mississippi Delta, the consequences of covering up this story, and why learning about accurate history is essential. A must read.
#BlackHistoryMonth #NonfictionRead
I really enjoyed this read. A non-fiction study on how language plays a role in community and ideology. Do you ever challange your own beliefs and thoughts? Has language ever manipulated, deceived, guided or inspired you?
I finished this one quite quickly! But let's be honest I mostly picked this one up for the cover. Lol. MaybeI should read a book on how marketing manipulates you sometimes more than language itself. Ha!
“Sometimes I'm beaten
Sometimes I'm broke
'Cause sometimes this city is nothing but smoke
Is there a secret?
Is there a code?
Can we make it better? 'Cause I'm losing hope
Tell me how to be in this world
Tell me how to breathe in and feel no hurt
Tell me how 'cause I believe in something
I believe in us“ - James Bay - Us
One of my favorite artists. Seeing him live in concert for the first time this April. So exciting.
#TuesdayTunes @TieDyeDude
A historical fiction fantasy about the importance and dangers of translating language. How does culture and racism play a role in how words are translated? Is translation always an act of violence?
A story of survival, self-discovery, education, power, and betrayal.
It's an incredible read. 5 stars 🌟⭐️🌟⭐️🌟
Have you read this one?
300 pages left of this beast of a book! I was flying through it but now I've been sick for a month and have been struggling to pick this back up. Give me motivation to finish it! Lol.
Has anyone read this one or other books by Donna Tartt?
Sometimes you just need a silly teen romance novel to make you smile and giggle. I listened to this audiobook twice over the last year or so. I love it so much. Gets you out of your head, lowers stress, makes you feel all giddy. I adore Lynn Painters books. Trying to finish up a book I'm currently reading so I can read book 2: Nothing Like the Movies. It's sitting on my shelf taunting me. ❤️😍❤️
Just finished this one on Saturday. A great storyline and concept for a book with great historical accuracy but it just fell flat for me. The nararrative jumped into the future too quickly making it hard for me to stay hooked on the story. But it was an excellent book to discuss for book club. Overall 3.75 stars for me.
I devoured this audiobook. Dolores is such a wild and humorous character, she definitely had me hooked the entire time. I couldn't turn it off. I got nothing else done. This is only my 2nd ever Stephen King novel. The first was Misery. This one I enjoyed more. :)
What SK should I read next?
First listened to this book 2 years ago. Loved it. 😍
Rereading it and annotating it! Then I'll be sending it to my friend who hasn't read it yet and he'll also be annotating it. A traveling bookclub if you will. :) so fun!
Dark academia and magical realism books have my soul. 💯👏
An overview of some of my favorite books from 2024 :)
Yes, I'm behind on this, but I'm back to Litsy. That's what matters. 🥰😅
Gosh, sorry guys. It's been a long time since I've been around.
I miss you guys. 😔
I've been here and there. Been listening to audiobooks more than ever and struggling to pick up a physical book. But I'm still reading. 💗 Read 42 books last year and 9 already this year. Wooh!
What was your favorite book of 2024? Yeah I'm late to the game. I know I know.
Currently reading this / listening on audio 😍 Already loving it. The audiobook really brings the story to life.
Andy Weir's last book, The Martin was fantastic!
Okay now this was a good psychological thriller! Almost refreshing because of it's intense setting and character build up. It's different than most of thrillers on the market.
If you liked Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn or the movie Disturbia with Shia Labeouf, this one's for you!!
Can't wait to watch the movie this weekend!
4.5 star audiobook listen for me! It was a little predictable but i actually didn't care
Got myself a used kindle!!! Obsessed.
Reading the Nightingale for my bookclub read this month, 45% done. This book is going to shatter me I suspect..... but people seem to really love it!
I predict a 4 star read for me. I'm definitely captivated and wish I could stay up all night and day reading.
Honestly this was a bit strange. I was very disappointed. I loved the characters but the sexual / asexual aspects of this book did not mesh with the storyline. It was confusing, disorganized and completely took me away from enjoying the characters' journey.
Not my favorite from TJ Klune 😕
But........ I am SOOO excited for the follow-up book to House in the Cerulean Sea to come out... already know it will be a 4/5 star read!!!
Now this was a book I quite enjoyed! The images throughout.... creepy.... I loved it!!! I studied child psychology, so this novel really held my attention. 4 🌟
First time ever reading a Harlen Coben novel!
I enjoyed it. Was fast paced, interesting, and kept me hooked. I have no real complaints except it could've been a smidge shorter. Glad I didn't need to read the first book first! Ha because I had no idea it connected. Oops.
I'd recommend. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ / 5
I love looking at random piles of books 😍🥰
These are all the random books I acquired the last 2 months at all different places. Buying books is definitely a seperate hobby than reading books. 🥲😂
Reading on my tablet 😍🥰 still such a new book its not on Litsy yet. Wild!.
Such a lovely and quiet night all to myself.
From Steves own words, he details the crime he committed against his father and family friends and his unique mindset behind it. He was later found not guilty by reason of insanity. A fascinating read with insight and a perspective not often heard. I'm so captivated by it.
I don't normally read mass market authors, but let's give this one a go! I picked it up today from a local resale book shop.
Well after some research it's book 2 in a short series, but I think I can read it as a stand alone. Ugh I hate that they don't openly tell you this. This is why I don't often read mass market.
Regardless, it seems like it will be a good and quick read.
Anyone read this one yet?
A BRAND new true-crime book just released. With 1 single rating on goodreads.
It's free with Kindle unlimited. 🤯 I love being one of the first people in the world to read a book. So cool!
A narrative by Steven Anderson himself, who committed a mass shooting in New Zealand and was later found not guilty by reason of insanity. The story of event leading up to the crime and how he's coped since.
I predict a 5 star read.
Cute storyline that was ultimately different than the first book in the series.
Solid ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ star read. I think I enjoyed the drama of book 1 more.
Would absolutely read more from Tessa Bailey.
I devoured this audiobook and was visibly grinning and laughing outloud the whole time.
A cute, lighthearted read that came at a perfect time.
6 / 5 stars. Would read again
Started this one! I bet it's a great thriller but I'm not sure I'm in the mood of it right now...
Maybe because I recently finished And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie and I didn't fully realize this story is based on the classic.
I may put this on the back-burner for a bit and start a new physical read.
Listening to this true-crime audiobook. About a murder case that happened near my college town. The husband was changed for the crime but years later was found innocent. Who is the real killer?
I applied for a job with the local public defenders office and have an interview this week! Honestly, it's a crazy coincidence that this story is based there.
Well wish me luck! It's a job that matches my masters degree so well!
I can not believe I have NEVER read a Steven King novel before. How is that even possible?
I'll be reading this one as an ebook through Libby soon! I'm hyping it up.
Really enjoying this one so far! 70% done on Libby audio.
A storyline going completely in reverse as a mother is forced to relive past events in an attempt to stop her son from killing someone just after his 18th birthday. Will she stop him despite more mysteries arising?
I predict a 4 star read.
Welcome to my murder mystery section of my bookshelf. 🕵♂️💀👀
Yes, that is a skull book divider. The other half matches. And yes I'm obsessed with it.
Crazy! I never really rate books low. Out of 190 books I rated... only these 4 were rated ⭐️⭐️. No 1 stars.
Hmmm. What were some of your lowest rated books.
Blossom on Winter was soooooo uncomfortable and gave me such icky vibes. Looking back that should be 1 star.
Excellent start to the book, really grabbed my attention. But soon started to flop.
The way the author wrote about trauma / victim care made no sense. It's 2023. There's research everywhere. Along with the unnecessary trauma dumping that had no relation to the plot. Not a great choice.
The ending was a bit far fetched and i only liked 1 character. Although, I did like the storyline and the short chapters.
Solid 2 stars for me.
I have discovered my favorite style of non-fiction writing. Gut-wrenching situations written from the perspective of a journalist. I've read 3 books in this format and I gave all of them 5 🌟.
Do you have other similar recommendations?
Also, if you really get to know me, you would soon learn that I don't shut about about American Prison. It is infuriating yet somehow shocking. I promote it constsntly especially because I work with offenders.
My reading spot today 😍😍😍 a local spot just 10 minutes from my apartment. So peaceful.
Loving this book so far. Read half the book yesterday! 📖 Creepy and intriguing, with unreliable narrators. The only thing is I don't quite like the characters or some of the plotlines from the standpoint of victim rights... makes no sense to me.
But nonetheless I'm enjoying this!
Been reading in my car with the windows down the last 2 hours. My porch isn't set up yet and it is too beautiful of a day to be inside.
Not too weird of a place to read by any means, but where is the weirdest place you have read?
This book is creeepy so far yikes. But definitely a quick read that is keeping my interest.
Incredible writing, Madeline Miller does not disappoint. I listened to this on audio.
An excellent retelling of Circe and other Greek mythology stories. I will say I did not expect the ending.
Solid read. 4.5 stars. 🌟🌟🌟🌟