Day 5 #riotgrams - big books. This whopper clocks in at over 850+ pages, but it's by Ken Liu, so every word is perfect and necessary #bigbooks
Day 5 #riotgrams - big books. This whopper clocks in at over 850+ pages, but it's by Ken Liu, so every word is perfect and necessary #bigbooks
1) 3-4 lately, but sometimes 5-6
2) long if they're good! Takes longer to end that way :)
3) ask everyone I know for reading recs
4) 45/38
5) not a big fantasy fan but have found some I like. So I guess I'll read any genre!
6) whatever I can grab in a hurry as I dash out the door
7) 1,000+ in print and a few hundred in e-book
8) less, honestly. Library is better way to go--better for communities and the environment
9) I love bourbon 😄
Day 1 of #riotgrams: Shelfie. Made the hard decision to pull books off the shelf for donation. Plus sides: local community center gets more books, I have room for more books! 😁📕📗📘📙
How weird is my life? So weird that I spent an hour chatting with Dan Brown about his latest, which is probably his best since the Da Vinci Code. Here's our interview!
I interviewed Annalee Newitz about AUTONOMOUS for the Chicago Review of Books. She's so smart and awesome! (And so is the book!)
I'm just loving the cover on this Windmill Books U.K. edition of FATES and FURIES
I'm ready for the eclipse! How about you?
I interviewed the editors of ARTS OF LIVING ON A DAMAGED PLANET, a gorgeous and provocative collection of writing about humanity's relationships with the natural world in the era of climate change. Please check it out! It's one of the best collections I've read so far this year.
This book got in my head and made for some CRAZY dreams. It's so beautiful, but visceral and occasionally really unsettling. Probably the best post-apocalyptic novel I've read in a year.
Oh look, Book Culture in NYC is displaying two of my favorite nonfiction titles of the last year right next to each other. I like to think they're now good buddies having a fun chat
Look at this sweet #bookstack! All purchased today at my local indie. Happy #independentbookstoreday!
Happy #independentbookstoreday, Littens! How great is my local indie? They're also celebrating the #climatemarch by displaying Paul Hawken's DRAWDOWN.
Am only 50 pages in and have already teared up twice. PMS-y? Yes. But a great book? YES. YES. YES.
New bookshelves installed! Took all weekend but was worth it. 😁😁
Day 14 of #riotgrams- #kissingbooks. Here's Patterson making out with one of my favorite collections last year #catsoflitsy @bookriot
Day 13 of #riotgrams - pink covers! Here's my stack of pink with a monkey on top! @bookriot
Day 12 of #riotgrams - books outside. Here's one whose title I wish would come true! #winterblues @bookriot
Day 9 #riotgrams - author (I'm going with playwright) who shares my name: Amy Herzog! One of my favorite playwrights of the last 10 years.
Day 8 #riotgrams - #blackhistory: this book. It will change you. #bookstagram #bookworm #book #books #books📚 @bookriot
Day 6 of #riotgrams - #currentreads: Dan Chaon's Ill Will. #bookstagram #books #book #bookworm @bookriot
Wanted to get some reading done tonight, but my chair is occupied now and probably forever #catsoflitsy
Day 5 #riotgrams - #bookishgoods: kind of a cheat, because not related to a specific book. But I love, love the Viking sagas! This beauty is hanging in my living room. #bookstagram
This is gonna be polarizing, for sure! But it made me think of things I hadn't really thought before. A review to come!
Ahhh you guys this book is so, so good. Smart, funny, sometimes painful, always thought-provoking. Bonus: I got to interview Roxane Gay for the Chicago Review of Books! Please check it out: she's just as smart in person!
I just heard. Ah hell. RIP, John Berger.
So my day off is going well...😄
Am trying to take photos of our book gifts but Patterson keeps photobombing. #catsoflitsy #sigh
A little baking and reading before work! So far am in love with Franklin's writing. #bakingandbooks #seasonsreadings2016
I don't know about you guys, but this morning I'm nursing a sugar and excitement hangover. What better to soothe the head, heart, and soul than Moroccan-spiced coffee and a Ghali novel. #seasonsreadings2016 #thedayafter
Look what this city girl got for Christmas! Gonna get my shepherd on! #seasonsreadings2016 #bookishgifts
Lovely essays on food, travel, and memory. Especially comforting during the holidays when family is far away.
A gem of a collection. Moody, engaging, and roiling in mystery. I wrote a more in-depth review over at The Chicago Review of Books if you're interested: https://chireviewofbooks.com/2016/12/21/in-which-17-writers-bring-edward-hoppers...
More (beautiful) trends in publishing!
Not gonna lie--I kinda want to wallpaper my bathroom in both of these prints
Check out this fun slideshow I made of famous authors' personal libraries!! https://www.facebook.com/BookBub/posts/1167653236658266
(This is a pic of Eudora Welty's private library btw. So pretty!!!)
This cat is why I can't have neatly stacked books.
#nochill #catsoflitsy