Cancel everything! Busy reading!!!
Cancel everything! Busy reading!!!
If you are in the mood for an audiobook with no political intrigue, do not listen to this book. If you want to read a brilliant story about a woman who faces an empire as a new ambassador dealing with solving the murder of her predecessor, a faulty/sabotaged memory, and trying to save her home/space station, read this amazing book!!! I loved it so!
If you want a light fun read that will not leave you feeling like your soul has been stripped bare, do not read this book. If you want slow read full of space battles, engineering solutions/problems, human/alien psychology and possible strategies against an alien race who thinks of humans as bugs, read this brilliant book. I am exhausted.
If you want a graphic novel with rainbows and unicorns, do not read this book. If you are looking for a story about robots/humans/aliens in space trying to determine whether to kill or not kill, read this gorgeous book.
If you are in the mood to read an Urban Fantasy based in Balzac, Alberta, do not read this book. If you love city of London and reading detective/police books full of wit and the supernatural, read this amazing amazing book!!! So much fun.
If you are looking for a book full of older adults who are not dead, annoying or broken, do not read this book. If you want a thrill ride (great action scenes) with young adults (geniuses, bounty hunters, extreme-world renown gamers) as they struggle to cope with their own issues whilst solving mysteries in the real and virtual worlds, read this fun book!
If you hate gothic novels written or based in the 1800‘s full of intrigue, horrific realizations/truths and Christian ‘High Church‘ driven theology within the framework of a Fae realm, do not read this book. If you want to read a book from an author who obviously loves the above mentioned themes and treats them with reverent and delicate respect to the point of giving you goosebumps/chills, read this amazing amazing book.
If you are looking for a sci-fi book about an isolated person who does not rely on anyone, do not read this book. If you want to read how a group of individuals (humans/aliens/AI) end up on a spaceship and the communities they meet (not all friendly), read this amazing book! Amazing break/time read. On to the next one if this #Hugo winning series!
If you want to read a story where the ‘noble‘ save the world, do not read this book. If you want a brilliant story where the thieves, shunned, sneaky, brave, and misfits race to solve a mystery and fight evil, read this amazing book.
If you hate to laugh and think humanity is great, do NOT read this #hugo2019 nominated book. If you want a story about Galactic music concert reality show being the only way to save Earth that is full of humanity-depreciating jokes and brilliantly diverse aliens, read this book. The photo is of the Flaming Lips‘ Wayne Coyne. Thank you Catherynne M Valente....Thank you.
If you are looking for an action pack and fast moving novel, do not read this book. If you are in the mood for a grandiose pondering of the mind of gods (ancient and patient vs young and impulsive) and their relation to humans and each other, read this epic book.
If you are looking for a story where treating anyone as an object has no consequences, do not read this book. If you want to read a gorgeously drawn graphic novel that looks at the complex dynamics of rage/despair and how that effects how we treat others, read this book.
If you want a book where people are not broken, do not read this book. If you are seeking an adventure with diverse characters, a deal with the devil, and a quest to be finished no matter what the cost, read this graphic novel.
If you are in the mood to read a story not based in USA, do not read this book. If you want a creative story based the post-WWII Hobo culture with a fight ring, the Devil, action, and mystery, read this awesome graphic novel.
If you do not want to read a book full of magic, political intrigue, and complex characters, avoid this book. If you want to read a novel about kings and queens, surviving an abusive parent, manipulative friends turned enemies with seelie/unseelie courts thrown in the mix, read (or listen to) this amazing book!
If you are in the mood to read a dark and intense romance, do not read this book. If you are in the mood to read a light and hilarious novel of the author‘s daydream of dating a famous actor, read this book. The ending is a bit weak as I find there is too much explaining of character‘s motivations but so many fun parts to read.
If you in the mood for a book with straight forward timeline, do not read this book. If you in the mood for a book full of mystery, creativity, wonder facing a predetermined future and the fight to change it, read this book that is busting at the seams with magic.
If you want a book where the good guys and bad guys are clearly defined, do not read this book. If you want to read a book full of messy relationships, loyalties, and ‘causes/revenge‘ where the real tragedy is the suffering and loss of the innocent, read this amazing book.
This is the best description of a #MotherBear. This book is so great. I wish there were more stories about women like this.
If you want a perfectly polished and sterile story, do not read this book. If you want to story full of brilliantly flawed characters in a complex political/hierarchical world where one witch, who has escaped enslavement by joining the army to become a doctor, returns from the horrors of war to find a mystery of corrupted souls in soldiers, read this delightful book.
If you want a boring book with boring characters, do not read this book. If you want to read about starlight fuelled magic feuding lawyers epically fighting in the courts over the power/control/freedom of gods and their dominions/powers, read this series. Wow this book is amazing.
If you want to read a novel where evil is evil and good is good, do not read this book. If you are ready for a book written 30 years ago that is full the joys/pitfalls/beauty of humanity and the indestructible power of friendship, read this hilarious book. I may have laughed out loud (scaring strangers) when listening to the explanation of UK currency.
If you are looking for a YA romance, do not read this book. If you are in the mood for a coming-of-age story where a girl who is straddles two worlds must unravel the mystery of her father‘s disappearance while discovering her own powers/history/future with a ragtag crew, read this great book.
If you are looking for a story with simple problems and simple solutions, do not read this book. If you are ready to finish a dynamic story of a girl‘s journey through space back home to wrestle with others (years and years of strive/war/misunderstanding/greed/fear/power) and self (the toughest is resolving one‘s own internal battles) towards harmony and peace, read this book! May we all strive to be great Harmonizers.
If you hate reading a story that starts a bit slow, do not read this book. If you want to continue to read The Centenal Cycle series with a second instalment that unravels a complex world wide political conspiracy full of amazing characters/heroes that ends with a gripping ending that make you want to run right now and get the next book, read this book! This book was my work-break read and therefore endured rugged handling/coffee treatment.
If you did not enjoy reading The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova, do not read this book. If you want a erotic story based in India about shapeshifters devouring souls of humans while dealing with the power of change from struggling with desire vs possession vs love, read this book. If you are interested in a Highlander/Princess Mononoke/Muslim/Hindu/history professor/monster mash up, read this book.
If you find historical novels tedious and too ‘real world‘ to deal with at the moment, do not read this book. If you are the mood to read about one of the first female lawyer/detective based in New York in the early 1900‘s who championed for the poor, immigrants and young women during a time when women were not even allowed vote, read this historical book.
If you are looking for a Sci-fi adventure from a North American/British perspective, do not read this book. If you want to be blown away by ideologies becoming mania/religion, social/eco injustice, sacrificing others out of fear and despair mixed in with physics, astrophysics, nanotechnology, and micro/multiple dimensions with Aliens thrown in this artistic mix, I think you should read this book. READ THIS BOOK!
If you want a short story, do not attempt this series or this book. If you are prepared for read (or commit 55 hours via audiobook) an intensely described world where various complex and angsty characters gain different ranges of super powers who all struggle with the effects of war, self doubt, being influenced by external forces and revelations which challenge established political/social view of honour, read this fun and long book.
If you have difficulty reading about a young person being seduced by a predator, a woman choosing married to try to escape poverty and isolation in a traditional patriarchal society, and dragons (and humans) who are not born “healthy” or “viable” dealing with being abandoned/killed/shunned, do not read this book. If you can deal with a heart wrenching story full of self delusion and struggle towards self realization/hope, read this book.
If you want a story where the future genetically enhanced individuals remain helpful slaves to humanity‘s whims, do not read this book. If you want a finale of a trilogy set in a world dealing with the rise of the oceans due to global warming and the creation of super warriors where one defies its forced “obedience” programming, read this book!
If you want a sci-fi book that glorifies power and dehumanizes war, do not read this book. If you want to finish an amazing trilogy inspired by the fight against self promoting power maintained through terror of death to the non-compliant (heretics) on a calendar based ‘holidays‘/remembrances, one fucked up mission for eternal life, creators enslaving their creations, and the glories of Math, you should read this amazing book.
If you want a peaceful story about a journey on a river, do not read this book. If you want to read a prequel of a trilogy that provides a rich mythology of the forces at work to either protect/nurture or control/manipulate a child with the added bonus of epic canoe escapes by two brave heroes, read this book.
If you want a sci-fi book that is fast paced and glorifies war, do not read this book. If you want a book that glorifies free will, equal opportunity, incredible significant beings and being brave enough to move forward even though all the details/factors cannot be known, read this book.
If you want to read a story that about beautiful teenagers, do not read this book. If you want to read about a #badass middle-aged woman (well, early early middle-aged) who falls in love with middle-aged man the during a military sci-fi adventure, read this book!
If you do not want to challenge your presumptions/prejudice of yourself and your family, do not read this book. If you want to read a story about a woman‘s journey of self discovery by returning to the familiar with the purpose to challenge what was previously viewed as ‘correct‘ to discover truth, read this book.
Wow. If you want to read a book where AI does not possess freewill, do not read this book. If you want to read about an 2000 year old AI who agrees to be sent on a mission by a fragmented ruler to champion equality in order to protect society from the horror that unrestrained privilege produces, read this amazing book. I also want to buy a new tea set, listen to more music and read poetry.
If you want a delightfully sweet fairytale, do not read this book. If you want a dark and heart wrenching fairytale/parable with twin sisters to finish during a blood moon lunar eclipse, you should read this awesome book.
If you want a fast-moving easy read, do not read the book. If you are in the mood to finish a brilliant political/spirit animal/theological heavy/royal court fantasy murder mystery with the most hilarious scene that includes an Ice Bear, you should read this book. #hugoaward
If you are tired of reading a book where the women are either whores/rape victims, wet-nurses/childcare providers/bedwarmers, or a warrior (who has to prove worthy while still being sexually attractive) with an INCREDIBLE amount of references to vaginas and penises (I almost made it a drinking game but I was worried about my liver), do not read this book. If you want to read a predictable old school D&D GM-turn-writer campaign, read this book.
If you want to read a boring story, do not read this book. If you want to read about how the fates of two mystical creatures become intertwined while in New York in the 1900‘s (I want to go on a Golem and Jinni New York walking tour), you should read this delightful book.
If you want to read a novelette about a girl who is too scared to leave home and who ignores her dreams, do not read this book. If you want to read a story about a brave young woman who uses math, logic and kindness to conquer her own fears and therefore transforms into a peacemaker/harmonizer, you should read this book. #hugoaward
If you want a graphic novel to read with your young children, this book is not appropriate! If you want an intense read with adult content, sorrows, and the shit that life sometimes throws at you (if you and your loved ones were being hunted and you were escaping capture and torment by flying around on a spaceship full of refugees that become like family), then read this book.
If you are in denial of requiring reading glasses, you will be tormented by this graphic novel. If you finally face reality and purchase the appropriate eyeglasses, you will be able to discover a gorgeously drawn and written journey of a girl fighting/merging with an inner demon. You should read this book and aging sucks.
If you want a book with perfect parents, do not read this book. If you want a book fraught with gods vs magic conflict and desperate choices that ends in an epic battle, you should read this book.
If you want to read a book about how a middle aged woman who ends up enslaved by her families‘ expectations and her own perceived uselessness, do not read this book. If you want to a story about how a middle aged woman finally get to reach her epic potential when finally released from her duties of wife/widow, mother, and daughter, read this inspiring book! May our lives continue to adapt, grow, and be full of love! #hugoaward
I tried. I might try again another time.