Fun, irreverent fantasy novel. A group of half-orcs playing the roles found in Sons of Anarchy. It is a long read, so make sure you have the time to appreciate it. If you are easily offended, give it a pass.
Fun, irreverent fantasy novel. A group of half-orcs playing the roles found in Sons of Anarchy. It is a long read, so make sure you have the time to appreciate it. If you are easily offended, give it a pass.
🎧 Holy smoke theres A LOT of swearing, crude humor, sexy time. No romance though.
There‘s human killing evil Orc‘s, a kingdom of entitled humans & a neutral zone patrolled by half-orcs. There‘s an elf saved from the elf sex trade by her arch enemies, half-orcs. Women are poorly portrayed so stay away because it‘s predominant! Medieval trope to the excess.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2 👇🏻
"Perfect timing, Fetch!" Jackal called over his shoulder. He gave the men a gloating smile before turning around. A moment later, his jaw dropped.
Fetching stood upon the roof of the brothel with a stockbow in each hand, both loaded and rained on the riders. She was stark naked.
Just one chapter in and I love this book already ?
"Think twice you prickly-lipped eunuchs!” Jackal smiled.
The cavaleros were lowering their lances, every mouth agape.
“Perfect timing, Fetch!” Jackal called over his shoulder.
Fetching stood upon the roof of the brothel with a stockbow in each hand, both loaded and trained on the riders. She was stark naked.
My reaction while reading chapter 1, in this order: ??????
Exactly what i need right now
#Bookoutlet #BookHaul from boxing day sale! 3/3.
I may have overdone the boxing day sale this year. 🙈
Can‘t get into this. Foregoing on reading for now, hoping it‘ll catch me in a week or so. #TheLotLands
Day 5: Grey
These are two books that have been on my TBR for a long time! I have a feeling I will enjoy Mark Lawrence‘s Book of the Ancestor trilogy ,but The Grey Bastards I am on the fence about, I haven‘t heard great things but I have heard questionable things about it. Anyone who reads fantasy gear anything about it?
If you are tired of reading a book where the women are either whores/rape victims, wet-nurses/childcare providers/bedwarmers, or a warrior (who has to prove worthy while still being sexually attractive) with an INCREDIBLE amount of references to vaginas and penises (I almost made it a drinking game but I was worried about my liver), do not read this book. If you want to read a predictable old school D&D GM-turn-writer campaign, read this book.
Jonathan French‘s epic fantasy novel (the first in a series) has solid world building (albeit based on the cliche medieval trope) and I enjoyed the half-orcs and their society and way of thinking (especially the war pigs) but the plot strains at times, Fetch is the only female character who isn‘t a whore or a mother and I‘m a little over the whole ‘evil from the east‘ thing, although this wouldn‘t stop me reading the sequel.
I also found quite an intriguing collection of #fantasy books.
This is the one that most picked my interest.
Anybidy read it?
Starting this fantasy on this stormy Sunday.
This was such a fun read. Fantasy meets biker gang meets western. A quick and dirty read, lots of action in and out of the saddle.
As a fan of fantasy and Sons of Anarchy, I'm really enjoying this book so far.
Images from Google
A mix between Tolkien and Sons of Anarchy. Jackal is filthy mouthed, hog riding half orc who‘s loyal to the band of half orcs that make up the Grey Bastards. When his chief starts acting suspicious and allies end up betraying them Jackal takes it upon himself to save his brethren. This book was so good! Highly recommend to anyone that liked their fantasy a little dirty😏 🐗🐗🐗🐗/5