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Binti: The Night Masquerade
Binti: The Night Masquerade | Nnedi Okorafor
139 posts | 168 read | 1 reading | 88 to read
The concluding party of the trilogy that began with the Hugo- and Nebula Award-winning BINTI. At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.
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Binti is a wonderful character! The world building in this series is well done. I love the different people she meets on her journey. She chooses her own path and because she doesn‘t prioritize marriage and babies she is called selfish. Modern day humanity has a long way to go to avoid this trap. This is one of the books I selected to read for the September #AuthorAMonth but RL got in the way.

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I found parts of the plot of this conclusion to Binti‘s story unsatisfying but I still really appreciated the character‘s journey, how she changed so much with all she experienced and how she, and everyone around her, struggled with those changes. #authoramonth

Soubhiville This was my least favorite of the series too, and yet I still recommend the trilogy often. 🙂 12mo
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5th Okorafor title complete! Even tho this series was in 3 parts, I feel if you‘re going to do one, you should do them all to get the full scope. I‘d rank it overall a solid 4 stars out of 5 but truthfully the ending to the 3rd part really bummed me out with how anticlimactic it felt. It is a YA series but throughout it really didn‘t pull punches in terms of pain & grief so this finale felt too easy. 💁🏻‍♀️🕵🏻‍♀️ #AuthorAMonth

Soubhiville I agree, I felt the series started out really strong and the end was a bit of a let down. 12mo
Melismatic @Soubhiville is it wrong that I didn‘t want Binti to be magically revived? I feel like that would have been a stronger statement. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Ah well… 12mo
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It‘s very hard to talk about a third book in a series. So I‘m just going to say it‘s very good! Okorafor blows my mind in the way she envisions alien species and alien cultures as well as Earthly ones. And yet it‘s a tight short series with plenty of plot. @Reggie I see what you meant with your previous comment!

Centique @Reggie holy crap that was traumatic! 2y
Reggie Lol, totally, my heart went straight up to my throat. 2y
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Final book 🛸

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Finished the Binti trilogy tonight! This series definitely did not go in the direction I expected, but I enjoyed the journey. The third book was my favorite.

tokorowilliamwallace Love the menorah and plushie rabbi in the background! 3y
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Wonderful ending to this out-of-this-world adventure. Culture clash and betrayal to a girl who"just wants to be."

#SeriesRead2021 @TheSpineView
#SciFiSeptember @Roary47 @Littlewolf1 Reaching for the stars
#BBRC #Afrofuturism @LibrarianRyan

LibrarianRyan I own this, I really need to read it. 3y
TheSpineView 👍📖📚 3y
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Another evening of #audiocrocheting

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Enjoyed another evening hanging out with Minerva outside listening to the tagged book. Now for some #audiocrocheting! Just starting another cat shelter donation blanket 😊

FlowerFairy Currently teaching my daughter to crochet so she can make cat blankets for donation. 😍 3y
TK-421 @FlowerFairy Awesome! 🙌 3y
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I cheated and listened to the last book of this series at work. Binti originally interested me because I studied anthropology and I love space. So this hit two boxes for me. Overall the series was predictable and I found myself bored. The alien being a jelly didn't help matters because I'm finding that that's the popular form of alien now and I don't find it creative...or interesting.. (I just see a hanar, not something I find as a threat).

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I was a bit disappointed with this third book in the trilogy. It was a great conclusion and the characters were amazing. I just felt like too much was squeezed into the story and it was overwhelming.

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Goodness, that was quite a ride!

Did she throw everything and the kitchen sink at it? Yup. Did my eyes roll at any point? Well, maybe. Did I spend any pauses in my working day yesterday plotting to find enough extra time to finish the book? Too right! And am I blaming Binti for my oversleeping and failing to get to the supermarket first thing? Of course.

So there‘s my non-review. Excellent stuff!

#BBRC #TeenAngst #Orangeyougladtoseeme

rockpools Also using this as (predictably) another free space for #BookspinBingo and Book 3 (ish) for #CrushTheRush @TheAromaofBooks @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick 4y
charl08 Nicely done. #readpastbedtime 4y
rockpools @charl08 Who? Me?? 😉 4y
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TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4y
LibrarianRyan 😁❤️👍🏻 4y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Awesome! I'm glad you enjoyed it. 4y
Centique That‘s a brilliant review! I am going to get to this next year for sure 🤞🤞 4y
rockpools @Centique Hehe! Do read them in order though - I don‘t think these would work as a standalone (and you know I usually read series‘s in random order!) 4y
LibrarianRyan I really need to read this series. I own it. 4y
rockpools @LibrarianRyan You really do! 4y
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So I went straight on to The Night Masquerade. And it really is a continuation of Home, so I‘m glad I did. Also, we‘re still in the desert 🏜 🐪 which is good.

Just in case I need an excuse, I‘m going to use this for #BBRC #OrangeYouGladToSeeMe (I have no idea what that means, but Binti isn‘t too sure if she‘s pleased to see anyone, so...) #TeenAngst and #CrushTheRush and pretend it was all a deliberate plan, rather than an impulse buy!

TrishB Lol! But you‘re enjoying it and that‘s the thing! 4y
Cathythoughts Love the hashtags 😁🤣 I am Orange glad to see you 😆 4y
rockpools @TrishB Yep. Apparently back-to-back series reading of YA SFF, whilst grumbling that the books were too short, is my new thing. I don‘t actually recognise myself!! 4y
rockpools @Cathythoughts 🤣🤣 Hi Cathy! I‘m on a renewed drive to try and finish some challenges (or maybe just one) - it‘ll be hashtags galore until Christmas now! 4y
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The best part of the trilogy in my opinion! While the others were fine and interesting reads, this volume really blew my mind. To me it felt like Okorafor built a slow but steady way up this big Boom. There are so many new and fascinating ideas and so many important topics in this short book, but it doesn't feel ovrwhelming. Well done!

And I love New Fish! 😍


The gripping conclusion to this novella trilogy (although I would be most pleased if we got more... please.)
I adored the aspect of interspecies connections that was explored in this book. I felt it was an allegory for not just our link with the animals of this world and how with sometimes mistreat them but how we mistreat the environment/ world as well.
Can not recommend this series enough!
5/5 Stars

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This was book 3 of the Binti saga and in retrospect I think I liked it even more than the first two. A lot more adventures for Binti, Okwu and Mwinyi, all a pleasure to read about. Overall a great series good in my opinion for both sci-fi and fantasy readers. Like the great Neil Gaiman says on the cover, I fell in love with Binti. I will look for more of Nnedi Okorafor's work, I've heard great things about Akata Witch.

claudiuo This was not a BookSpin selection but it remained on my list from the #BookSpinBonanza days so again I have to thank you @TheAromaOfBooks. There will be a few more books that I will finish because of you as well. Thank you! 4y
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I'm really torn on the Binti novellas because they're very fascinating and unique, but the third one was very messy to the point of dragging down my overall experience with the story. I think these novellas should've been 1 big book instead for the sake of coherence. there's still some cool things in these novellas but I ended up mostly liking the bonus short story included the complete collection.

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Currently reading this one aloud to my partner. I love this series!

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This is the last book in the series, i thought it was an interesting way to wrap up the story. However i did think it ended on an odd note, with Binti using her ojeza and preparing to go out with her friends. All i could think was: Binti call your fucking parents and let know you are alive!! It must not have been that important though.

The whole series was enjoyable and interesting series of chracters.

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Great ending to the Binti Trilogy ! This was my second trilogy of Oklrafor‘s to read, and can‘t wait to discover her other books! Amazing trilogy, amazing author 💙

TieDyeDude Agreed. I read a lot of reviews of people complaining about the lack of "answers," but that didn't bother me. I loved the series 5y
Emily92Bibliophile @TieDyeDude agreed! Felt it wrapped up well even with not all of the answers spoken for. Very enjoyable. 5y
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Enabler alert!! eBook $1.99 on Amazon

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I had tried this as an ebook and I struggled I think because of pronunciation but as an audiobook it was wonderful. I may need to listen to the other two which would have increased my understanding. I loved that it was a different take on fantasy.
Book 13 of 16 for #bookfitnesschallenge. @wwanderinglynn
#readharderchallenge: a book by a woman and or aoc that won a literary award in 2018.

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The end of this trilogy didn‘t quite work for me. The ideas felt scattered and it didn‘t get in to as much depth as I would have liked. Binti continues her journey to finding her place in the world and making sense of her own history.

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Cheers to the end of a very long week! Enjoying my wine, my view, and my book. #tgif

Erofan 😍 Beautiful view! 5y
saresmoore Gorgeous! 5y
Leftcoastzen So beautiful! Enjoy! 5y
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SarahHarts_books Love the view!! 😍😍 5y
JoScho ❤️❤️❤️ 5y
JessNevertheless Jealous!! Looks so peaceful! 5y
Tamra 💚 5y
Cathythoughts Beautiful 5y
fyoDosty07 I wish I could join you, it looks beautiful! 5y
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For new to me authors i have the tagged book plus both of my arcs. Dont forget about the arc challenge this weekend starting the 10th.
@Clwojick @TheReadingMermaid @RadicalReader

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If you are looking for a story with simple problems and simple solutions, do not read this book. If you are ready to finish a dynamic story of a girl‘s journey through space back home to wrestle with others (years and years of strive/war/misunderstanding/greed/fear/power) and self (the toughest is resolving one‘s own internal battles) towards harmony and peace, read this book! May we all strive to be great Harmonizers.

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Maybe my favorite of the Binti books so far. Following the events of Binti: Home, Binti returns to her hometown to try to stop a war between the Meduse and the Kush. Still viewed as an outsider by her own people, she is forced to work alone with the help of new and old friends.

Tbh, I'm really hoping there's going to be another book because--no spoilers but--there are a lot of new and interesting developments to explore at the end of this book.

NeedsMoreBooks Have to read this. Read the other two ❤️ 5y
rachelsbrittain @NeedsMoreBooks it took me a long time after reading the first two to get to it, but I'm glad I finally did 😊 5y
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3rd book expands Binti's universe as she continues to absorb & embrace identities and cultures, finding that seemingly opposite people and worlds can live not only together, but within individuals. It weaves politics, sociology, science,math, psychology, and a coming of age story. Okarafor creates vivid creatures & worlds,evoking classic sci fi (think Weinbaum and Clarke)while addressing core issues in our society, like intolerance and sexism.

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My favorite of the three. Seriously though, I need a Marvel super hero type movie made of these books

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Books # 21-24 that I‘ve read in 2019! 📚
21. “The Night Masquerade” (Binti # 3) by Nnedi Okorafor ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5
22. “Long Way Down” by Jason Reynolds ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5
23. “The Fear of the Unknown Gives My Butt Pause But Then I Realize How Powerful and Unique I Am and We Pound Enthusiastically” by Chuck Tingle ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5
24. “The Psychology of Time Travel” by Kate Mascarenhas ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5
#books #reading #sff #binti

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No one else in my house is awake. Let‘s see if we can finish up this series.

Saturday mornings. 🖤

hermyknee 🙌🏼 6y
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I need more hammocks in my life...

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... I didn‘t look into his eyes. “I feel like I‘m falling,” I breathed. He kissed me one more time and let go. I was leaning on my elbows on the mat, my body throbbing and my mind a swirl of so much...

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Finished book 3 last night! I loved this trilogy, but found it a bit rough overall. I was glad this volume was longer, but even so, there were many threads that needed more development. I love how Okorafor explores Binti‘s growing identity—the strongest aspect of the series—but I wanted more of a resolution both there & with the cultural conflicts brought out over the series. The world & the story may have been better served by full-length novels.

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Satisfying conclusion! I love that Binti's growth here is seen in terms of physical changes within her body both through choices she makes and those forced upon her. The way Okorafor works with identity is just beautiful.

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““You try too hard to be everything, please everyone. Himba, Meduse, Enyi Zinariya, Khoush ambassador. You can‘t. You‘re a harmonizer. We bring peace because we are stable, simple, clear. What have you brought since you came back to Earth, Binti?”

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Nnedi Okorafor passed through the Denver Airport this weekend and tweeted that she had left a couple of signed copies of her book at the bookstore in the airport. So what did I do first thing upon getting to Denver this morning? I went in search of said book. I‘m happy to say I scored a copy before having to work my next flight.

Weaponxgirl That‘s so cool! 6y
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Well, I finished the Binti series while driving home this afternoon. I actually had to drive in silence, along this half frozen river, for a bit afterward, just settle my mind before I could even move on.

I'm going to review each of the books eventually, but for now I'll just say I recommend them all.

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The Binti trilogy conclusion. Great worldbuilding, wonderful characters. I thought the political aspects were fascinating as were the relationships between the different groups. Throughout the series, I never could connect to nor figure out the science and mathematical parts of the story at all. Like, at all🤷🏻‍♀️The best part is that Binti seems to finally understand her personal journey. Robin Miles‘ narration brought the Binti audiobooks life.

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1. 😒
2. Home
3. My school had floor to ceiling windows at the entrance right by the doors. I was on the phone. Distracted. A guy got to the door ahead of me and held it open for me. I turned slightly too early and walked full speed straight into one of the windows right in front of the guy holding the door open. The guy looked bewildered, but he didn‘t laugh. I bruised my face. 😂🙃
4. Brownies baking or cinnamon
5. Blue Kindred


howjessicareads 😳😂 6y
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Book 3 of the Binti trilogy starts of with a bang, with her and her new friend Mwinyi racing back to her home and family, who may be in terrible danger as two opposing groups get close to war, her family caught in the middle. Can she, a master harmonizer, bring peace once again?

Binti develops exponentially throughout the trilogy, taking in new cultures and ways of understanding the world. The world building is fun, inventive and complex.

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Very excited for today's mail. :)

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I really enjoyed the final installment of the Binti series but it‘s probably my least favorite out of the three. The concept and practice of the zinariya was super fascinating along with it‘s importance through the book. I also really loved the scientific explanations of Binti‘s DNA and microbe make up. I‘m not so sure how I feel about the ending (refer to spoiler comment). But New Fish has my heart.

#binti #trilogy #mpls #twincities

Schnoebs I think Binti should have stayed dead. Personally, I think it would have been a bigger impact on the reader and the meaning of the story. I loved the political drama of the war and I feel like it would have been huge if she remained dead. I would have loved to see how Okwu and Mwinyi said their final good bye and their actions at Oomza Uni. Because of that, I don‘t think I loved this as much as the other two novellas. 6y
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Guess who just realized this is the same thing as the cover of the book!!!! The stars are aligning in my head for how this book is ending 😂😂😂😂

#cover #coverart #binti #scifi #mpls #twincities

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This is an excellent addition to the Binti series. I think it‘s the best one.

Mandigolightly Looooove Binti 6y
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When I heard Nnedi speak on her life experiences and how they impacted her writing, she brought up this picture. She said they were masquerades and discussed the importance of them. So happy I have this mental image in my head as I‘m reading this book!

#binti #trilogy #author #culture #mpls #twincities

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I wasn‘t actually sure how close because I haven‘t updated my LibraryThing thread in ages, but I‘ve surpassed my goal of 75 by 10 already so, well done, Epic Reads 😊🤓 https://www.epicreads.com/blog/reading-goal-year-quiz/ H/T @BookishGirl06

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This series is so good. I need more afrofuturism in my life! This is my second read of this one, and I only read it again because my library finally bought the audiobook and I'd recommended it a while back and read it elsewhere. Enjoyable again!

AutumnRLS Just got the first one. Can wait to dive in! 6y
abbielistenstobooks @AutumnRLS yes! Enjoy! They're short, so it should be pretty quick. They're so easy to re-read when I need a good sci-fi! 6y
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1. My sweet baby #Ember being a cutie. 😍 #catsoflitsy
2. Two (Seveneves and The Girl Who Smiled Beads)
3. Nope, it‘s a little chilly at night, but not enough to turn the heater on.
4. Yep, I can‘t function without them.
5. Tedious, annoying mc, unnecessary romance, anticlimactic af 😑


AlaMich The pic on the right is great! 😻I am so envious of the feline ability to become boneless. (edited) 6y
MinDea Soooooo cute!😍😍😍 6y
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