Heading to Portugal today! Hope to find some bookstores!! I might be able to see the pretty one in Porto towards the end of the trip. Enjoying extra reading time today while flying. ✈️ 📚 🇵🇹
Heading to Portugal today! Hope to find some bookstores!! I might be able to see the pretty one in Porto towards the end of the trip. Enjoying extra reading time today while flying. ✈️ 📚 🇵🇹
Bandette thinks she‘s helping me research for my upcoming trip!
She kept getting closer & closer until she lied down on my book!! 🐶
Will be boarding my plane to Ireland soon…hope to happen upon some bookstores while I‘m there! ☘️☘️☘️
#foodandlit for June is Iceland. Hosted by @catsandbooks and @texreader
To participate read a book that takes place in that country or is written by an author from that country. Also enjoy food from that country. To join in tag the hosts - more information and a link to resources can be found here:
#FoodandLit June Iceland 🇮🇸
To participate read a book that takes place in the country or is by an author from the country. Also enjoy food from the country. Share your experience with the tag #FoodandLit & tag @Catsandbooks & @Texreader
Resources, including a book list & more, can be found at https://foodandlit.pisani.me/
If you're not currently tagged in #FoodandLit news & would like to be, let me know.
#TLT #ThreeListThursday @dabbe
Well, you put me in an awkward position, but as you insist on only 3:
1. Boat to Bolivia by Martin Stephenson & the Daintees, not least because I've just got home from seeing Martin live & I'm filled with his love, warmth & gladsome humour 💖
2. Any David Bowie album, but let's say Young Americans for tonight - a heart full of plastic soul 🧡
3. Veedon Fleece by Van Morrison, because of its Celtic emotionality 💚
Holy cow @DebinHawaii ….that is amazing! Half a million! Thank you so much for this #500KGiveaway
5 things that give me joy:
1- my grandson (and family, but him the most!)
2- my books and little library (and Litsy)
3- music, listening and seeing live shows (especially the Grateful Dead)
4- good friends
5- a great night‘s sleep!
Wow! Congratulations, @DebinHawaii & thanks for hosting this #500kgiveaway. 🎉🎉
My 5 things are:
1. Hubby hugs 🥰
2. Hearing from my kids 📞
3. My fur baby, Sherlock 🐶
4. Books 📚
5. Butterflies 🦋
Check out Deb‘s post for all the info.