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So I‘ve been totally MIA for several weeks.

I moved in January and had so much going on between that and work. Then we got the unfavorable news that my moms cancer came back.

We are hopeful her treatment will do what we need it to but I haven‘t been able to fit much more in my life.

I‘ll slowly work my way back on here but I‘m the meantime I will need to pause #thatsclassic

Sorry for not giving more of a heads up on this for anyone waiting

Jess No worries Annie. Please take care of yourself. Sending positive vibes to you and your mom during this tough time. 3y
BookBosomed1 Sending your fam and you❤️ during this gentle time. 3y
TheBookHippie ♥️ take care of you. So sorry to hear this. Sending light! 3y
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks No worries!! Praying for you and your mom 🙏🏻 3y
RaeLovesToRead Really hoping all goes well with the treatment 💕💕 3y
Ruthiella Sending positive thoughts to you and your mom. ❤️ 3y
quietjenn Sending lots of good wishes your way. Do take care of yourself. 💙 3y
zezeki Sending good wishes 💕💕 3y
CarolynM Really sorry to hear that news. Sending good wishes to you and your mother💕 3y
LeahBergen I‘m so sorry to hear this. Sending hugs to you. ❤️❤️ 3y
sprainedbrain Please take care of you and yours! Sending love. ❤️ 3y
bthegood Take care of yourself and your family 🧡 3y
DaveGreen7777 So sorry about your mother, hope the treatment is successful! ❤️‍🩹 3y
eeclayton Sending positive thoughts to you and your mom ❤️ 3y
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2021 was my best reading year by far. I more than doubled my goal of reading 60 books and I didn't even include a few children's books or short stories in the final tally.

Thank you hosts! @4thhouseontheleft @BarbaraTheBibliophage @Cinfhen @Butterfinger @Texreader @Catsandbooks @Soubhiville @TheBookHippie @Charityann @Velvetfur @Annie1215 #booked2021 #foodandlit #authoramonth #sundaybuddyread #FairyTaleReadingChallenge #thatsclassic

Texreader Way to go!! 3y
Butterfinger Great stats!!! 3y
Velvetfur Wow that's amazing!! Thank you for tagging me, I actually gave up on my own reading challenge as I ran out of time for it, haha! I just thought I'd carry it over to this year instead....thank you for participating though! And congrats on such a good reading year 👏🏻 🎉 📚 3y
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TheBookHippie Wow!!! Yay. As you know I love your discussion points!! Makes the read so much more! 3y
Catsandbooks So impressive!! 🙌🏼 3y
Charityann That‘s awesome!😊 3y
Cinfhen AMAZING ♥️🙌🏻🎉 what an incredible achievement 3y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Fantastic!! 3y
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Untitled | Unknown
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I read 11 out of 12 picks for #ThatsClassic, skipping Dec as Middlemarch seemed quite long and I wanted to fit in some more Christmassy reads!

I actually enjoyed most of these so would be hard pressed to pick a favourite. I will probably dip in and out of this next year depending on what the picks are and if they are already on my tbr :)

Annie1215 Great post! What a year we‘ve had! 3y
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Middlemarch | George Eliot
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Merry Christmas ❤️🎄💚 3y
kspenmoll I adore Middlemarch! I hope you are enjoying it! 3y
sharread Merry Christmas 🎅🎄 3y
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Nute Merry Christmas, Annie!💚🌟♥️ 3y
Jess Sounds like a plan. I‘m loving middlemarch and am happy to have more time with it. Merry Christmas! 3y
BethM Moving is the worst I hope it goes smoothly! Got my #lmpbc back today! 3y
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Orwell is a fan of the heavy-handed lesson and Animal Farm is no exception. I read this in high school but remembered none of it. Can I go back to a time when I thought Animal Farm was just cute animals on a farm, living out a charmed life, and not a dystopian nightmare that could still exist today? Do as I say and not as I do. The perils of new money. It's oddly relevant, even if this isn't the Russian Revolution.

rubyslippersreads I had the horrible childhood experience of watching this as a cartoon on TV, thinking it would be a cute animal story. #scarredforlife 😳🐷 3y
HollyBolly I remember reading this in middle or high school and HATING it! But I know people who live it. 🤷‍♀️ 3y
HollyBolly *love 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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So delighted to finally meet you, Elinor ❤️ to those of you who‘ve had struggles of any kind on this journey, I see you. I am you. Sending love if this announcement is bittersweet🙏🏻 #thatsclassic #senseandsensibility #janeausten thanks to everyone for the congratulations!

ReadingEnvy Congratulations ❤️ 3y
BookmarkTavern Congratulations! 💕💕💕 3y
EvieBee What a cutie! Congratulations! 3y
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ItsAnotherJen Beautiful. Congratulations! 3y
Cupcake12 Beautiful. So precious ❤️💕 3y
Catsandbooks Congratulations! ❤️❤️ 3y
ShelleyBooksie Beautiful girl and beautiful name. Congratulations ♡♡ 3y
Clare-Dragonfly Congratulations! 🥰 3y
ReadingEnvy I came back here to say I realized I'm reading a book right now with a protagonist named Elinor! 3y
StaceGhost @ReadingEnvy thanks for the recommendation & congrats! 3y
StaceGhost @ShelleyBooksie thank you! I lobbied for Alicetta after my great great grandmother but I was outvoted 3y
StaceGhost Thanks @Clare-Dragonfly @Catsandbooks @ozma.of.oz for the congratulations & I agree @EvieBee @ItsAnotherJen @Cupcake12 she‘s a sweet little baby (edited) 3y
sprainedbrain Omg she‘s gorgeous! Welcome, baby Elinor! ❤️ 3y
StaceGhost @sprainedbrain thank you! She looks a lot like her big brother did at that age 3y
CarolynM She's beautiful and I love her name💕 Congratulations! 3y
StaceGhost @CarolynM thank you 🙏🏻 I hope she won‘t mind it too much! We were thinking about calling her Nell for short (edited) 3y
MoonWitch94 Oh I missed this! Congratulations!!! ♥️ 3y
StaceGhost @MoonWitch94 thank you! I was hoping for a Sagittarius moon but Capricorn it is! 3y
Chrissyreadit I am so glad I caught this post! Congratulations on your beautiful new daughter ❤️ 3y
StaceGhost @Chrissyreadit thank you! We may never sleep again but she‘s a most welcome addition 😜 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful!! Congratulations 💞 3y
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Middlemarch | George Eliot
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Happy December #thatsclassic readers!

We are kicking off Middlemarch, who is reading along this month?

Middlemarch | George Eliot
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A reminder to my #thatsclassic friends:

In December we will be reading Middlemarch

I will email soon to get the poll going for January, February and March.

In the meantime send me any other book recommendations you would like added to the list! As we get through more month over month we will need to replenish the list!

StaceGhost super excited for this! It's a re-read for me but I haven't read it in over a decade so the first time doesn't count 3y
Annie1215 @StaceGhost I‘m excited too! This is a first time read for me! 3y
Jess This has been on my TBR for so long. Looking forward to starting! 3y
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Animal Farm | George Orwell
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We are getting ready to say farewell to November‘s pick. #thatsclassic

I felt the tone and style was very similar to Orwell‘s other work I‘ve read. Of course you except an author will often use the same voice from work to work.

Can you think of another author who has a distinctive writing style? My thought would be Sally Rooney has a distinctive way of writing characters.

Vansa PG Wodehouse! You need to just read one sentence and it's instantly recognisable.Also Pratchett and Enid Blyton.I actually think Animal Farm is quite different in style from,say,The road to Wigan Pier or Down and out in Paris and London.Roth and Hemingway too,have very distinct styles,as does Vonnegut. 3y
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Animal Farm | George Orwell
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Sorry I‘ve been so MIA #thatsclassic friends

I‘ve been working on a few huge work projects and have been traveling a lot.

I‘m planning to move in January so I‘ve been spending a lot of my free time looking for a good apartment. Wish me luck!

I feel like this book being so brief and simple is such a perfect metaphor for the predictable nature of power dynamics.

Can you think of any other books that pack a strong punch in a short page count?

ravenlee I just read this one, and it‘s short, sweet, and just beautiful. 3y
reading_rainbow Good luck and safe travels! 🧳 3y
Ruthiella This book is short but absolutely perfect 3y
eeclayton I think Jekyll and Hyde was also short and powerful. Good luck for the apartment hunt! 3y
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