Ch 14: yikes, these nurses are not nice! #estherisnotapeepshowgeorge #dontbethatguy #whyyyyydidthatnursegiveheramirror #yikes #momisgonnatryandgetherout #imnotsurethatswise #butalsothisplacesucks #ijustwanttohugher #hashtagbrigade
Ch 14: yikes, these nurses are not nice! #estherisnotapeepshowgeorge #dontbethatguy #whyyyyydidthatnursegiveheramirror #yikes #momisgonnatryandgetherout #imnotsurethatswise #butalsothisplacesucks #ijustwanttohugher #hashtagbrigade
Seven books with numbers in the titles
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Two Can Keep a Secret
Three Men in a Boat
Four Past Midnight
The Five
Now We Are Six
The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle
#bookworm #kenkesey #oneflewoverthecuckoosnest #karenmmcmanus #twocankeepasecret #jeromekjerome #threemeninaboat #stephenking #fourpastmidnight #hallierubenhold #thefive #aamilne #nowwearesix #stuartturton #thesevendeathsofevelynhardcastle
"They don't bother not talking out loud about their hate secrets when I'm nearby because they think I'm deaf and dumb. Everyody thinks so. I'm cagey enough to fool them that much."
Reading #oneflewoverthecuckoosnest right now by #KenKesey and its going great!
New books I ordered!! I need to stop!! 😅
#littens #thebelljar #oneflewoverthecuckoosnest #girlinterrupted
This was such a brilliant book, I adored Chief and the ending absolutely warmed my heart despite the heartbreaking moments!💖
#oneflewoverthecuckoosnest #kenkesey