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A Treacherous Curse | Deanna Raybourn
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I am ending the year right with this thoroughly
enjoyable series. I like reading about Veronica and Stoker‘s relationship, their amusing banter and sleuthing adventures. In this instalment, there‘s an Egyptian curse, a missing diadem, and a missing man that put Stoker in a difficult position. Full of fun and intrigue!

And with this, I‘ve completed my #mandmchallenge #memoirsandmysteries
Thanks for the challenge @BarbaraTheBibliophage

Kalalalatja I really liked the first book, but haven‘t read any of the others, which I have to do. #somanybookssolittletime congrats on finishing 👏 4y
Cinfhen Happy New Year, Jessie 💜☮️😘 4y
erzascarletbookgasm Best wishes for a Happy New Year! Sending you my ❤️ Cindy! @Cinfhen 4y
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erzascarletbookgasm Thanks Katja. It‘s great fun. I will continue with the series. 👍 Happy New Year to you! 😘 @Kalalalatja 4y
Kalalalatja Happy New Year to you, too, Jessie! 💕 hope 2021 will be better than 2020 🤞 4y
CarolynM Happy New Year, Jessie💕 4y
Cathythoughts Happy New Year friend ✨😘 4y
Reggie Happy New Year, Jessie!🥳 4y
mrp27 Happy New Year! 4y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Great review and challenge! ♥️🎉📚 4y
erzascarletbookgasm Thank you and Happy New Year friends! 🤗🎉 @CarolynM @Cathythoughts @Reggie @mrp27 4y
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Most of my December reads will be trying to finish up 3 challenges: #ReadingEurope, #USstates, and #CenturyReads. I have completed #Booked2020, #PopSugar2020, #ReadHarder2020, #mandmchallenge, #ReadwithMrBook, and #jennyis30. I've done well and I am alright with moving the rest to 21. So with that being explained, here's my tbr list for December. #BookSpinBingo #ReadNosedReindeer #WinterGames @TheAromaofBooks @StayCurious

TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Good luck!! You are knocking out those challenges!! 4y
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Untitled | Anonymous
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Yay! It‘s challenge finishing season! This was a little adventure called #memoirsandmysteries or #mandmchallenge. I created it to nudge myself into these genres. I buy a lot of them and then kept reading other things. As of last week I‘ve officially finished!!

What 2020 reading challenges are you almost or completely finished with??

AmyG I am finished with #Booked2020. The other two I do are by month. 4y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @AmyG Woohoo!! I always bite off more challenges than I can finish! But this year has been better than average. Still, I have a handful of “planned reads” left. 4y
Deblovestoread Congrats to you and @AmyG for finishing challenges! . I have 13 books to finish #LitsyAtoZ and I am determined to finish. It will drive me nuts if I don‘t. (edited) 4y
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BarbaraTheBibliophage @Kdgordon88 You can do it!!! I‘ve finished challenges on 12/31 before ... so you‘re not alone if you‘re pushing! ♥️📚 4y
Butterfinger I am almost finished with ReadHarder and PopSugar. I will have to push 50 states and Europe to 2021. 4y
erzascarletbookgasm Congrats! I have 3 more books to complete this! 🏃‍♀️ 4y
Smarkies Well done on finishing this! I love challenges that make you read outside our wheelhouse. 😁 4y
KVanRead Congrats! 4y
AmyG @Kdgordon88 Ha...I try to finish early so I know it‘s done. It would drive me nuts if I didn‘t finish either. 4y
LeahBergen Happy Birthday! ❤️📚❤️📚 4y
CrowCAH Happy Birthday!!! 📚🎂 4y
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The Autobiography of a Yogi | Paramhansa Yogananda
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I wanted to step away from “white people” memoirs for the #mandmchallenge #classic prompt. And this one‘s been #ontbrforever so it fit a #readwithmrbook prompt. But, ugh, it wasn‘t an easy book to read. Antiquated language and a LOT of spiritual oddities just didn‘t work for me. But I enjoyed the travel and stories about India in early 20th century.

Full review http://www.TheBibliophage.com
#thebibliophage2020 #setinindia #booked2020

alisiakae This has been on my TBR for a while too! I think I first saw it mentioned in 4y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @4thhouseontheleft I‘d love to read that yoga book. Have heard such good things. As for the Autobiography—I picked it up for my very first Kindle. A thousand years ago! But ugh ... the book wasn‘t for me. 4y
Gissy I read your full review. I have more or less the same impression about this book maybe because I don't know much about this culture and I am not either a spiritual or religious person. However, there are some principles that I just admire and respect from this practice and culture. I visited their main center in California ages ago. Beautiful and peaceful place. They have also a temple in PR. I can't do any yoga😳Thanks for the review🤗 4y
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Cinfhen At least you gave it a fair chance 🙏🏻💕😘 4y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Gissy I‘m sure their centers are peaceful! Interesting that they have a place in PR too. I love yoga but this book ... sooo dull. 4y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Cinfhen Oh yeah ... I finished it. It was sooo hard. But now I‘m reading a charming, recent book about India. 4y
Cinfhen It‘s an awesome cover and I know he‘s a popular author!! I‘ll be watching for your review 😊 4y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Cinfhen I just finished Gun Island yesterday. Working on the full review but I positively LOVED it. It's full of issues, but not heavy. It's intense but not overly dark. Really, really well done. And I'm excited that Ghosh has such a backlist I can go catch up on! 4y
Cinfhen Ohhhhh!!! Thanks 😊 I‘m having trouble focusing on all my current reads so I‘m happy to pick up new recommendations 4y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Cinfhen I hear ya. Maybe this one will stick a little more. 🤷🏼‍♀️ 4y
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Finished three this week. Two felt like slogs (for different reasons), so I‘m pleased with myself. (Reviews to come soon!) Three more in progress. Is it wrong to be most interested in the kids‘ book I‘m reading b/c my granddaughter is reading it? Nah ... I‘m good with that.

#bookreport #weeklyforecast

Yogi: #setinindia #booked2020 #onTBRforever #readwithmrbook #classic #mandmchallenge
Patient: #IRLbookgroup
Quackery: #letterq #litsyatoz

Litsi Not wrong because it is The Tale of Desperaux! One of the best books ever. 4y
Cinfhen I used to love reading along with the kids!!!! 4y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Litsi Right! I remember when our grandson read it a few years ago, and that he loved it. 4y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Cinfhen Yes, it should help me escape for a few hours! 4y
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4/5 stars Mary Trump explains the title differently, and I‘ll let you read the book to find that. For me, this is a family with too much privilege, and never enough empathy. Those elements, plus Fred, Sr. and his issues, are at the heart of the “winning” Trump family dysfunction.

In my review: a breakdown of main topic areas, in case some make you worry for your mental health

Full review http://www.TheBibliophage.com
#mandmchallenge #mashup

BarbaraTheBibliophage Goodreads tells me that I highlighted 322 passages in this book. That might be a record for me. Hence, the image ... to see some of them, follow #marytrumpathon (edited) 4y
Lesanne Great review! I‘m reading this now. 4y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Lesanne Thank you! What do you think so far? 4y
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Lesanne @BarbaraTheBibliophage I have found the family history much more interesting than I thought I would. And I know some have said it presents nothing new fact-wise but I‘m struck by the perspective of someone that lived within the dysfunction. I‘m enjoying it! 4y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Lesanne Yes, I agree. Even with some rehashing, her very insider knowledge adds a new dimension. 4y
Susanita On the news earlier he was whining that she‘s a “seldom seen niece.” 4y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Susanita And I suspect that was her choice. Doesn‘t change the genetics and the history. 😝 4y
KVanRead Really enjoyed all your posts on this one! 4y
Texreader Excellent online review 4y
MemoirsForMe As always, another great review! 🙌🏻 4y
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Of all Coates books (not graphic novels), this was my final read. And it‘s his first book. Now I want to go back, especially to his later memoir—Between the World and Me— and connect his childhood to the man (and writer) he‘s become. This is eye opening and heartfelt. It‘s a picture of an urban Black childhood in a nonconformist family.

Full review http://www.TheBibliophage.com
#thebibliophage2020 #readblackauthors #mandmchallenge #homeorhouse

BarbaraTheBibliophage Oops. My first post of this was a blurb, so I deleted in favor of a proper review post. 4y
TheBookHippie Hey can I print this to share with my summer school kiddos, I‘d give you credit of course! As we are outside at tables it‘s easier for me to print it- we‘ve been having discussions on the author as one of their required reading books is Between the World and me. 4y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @TheBookHippie Sure! Glad it can help you guys! 4y
TheBookHippie @BarbaraTheBibliophage it‘s so weird to be outside,separated,in masks. I‘m thinking outside the box daily. It‘s working though and we‘ve had progress. ❤️ 4y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @TheBookHippie The kids are lucky to have you! But, gosh, it must be hard. 💕 4y
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#Two4Tuesday Thanks for the tag @TheSpineView 💕

1. One the heavier side, Jubille was amazing. Staying lighter, I‘d say Other People‘s Pets. (Reviews for both in the next few days.)

2. Buddy read for #CleopatraALife - still working on #booked2020, #nonfictionchallenge2020, and #mandmchallenge. Also reading with #nonfictionnerds over on GR. Phew, that‘s a lot!

TheSpineView That is a lot! Good luck and thanks for playing! 🤩💖📚 4y
coffeewithbooks So I didn‘t sign up for this month #booked2020 . Can a still join this month ? Do I need to fill out a new form ? 4y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @thereadingunicorn It‘s a year-long challenge, so if you signed up before there‘s no reason to sign up again. You can find details about the quarterly drawings here: https://tinyurl.com/y62p9fxs Hope this helps! 4y
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Into Thin Air | Jon Krakauer

I completed #mandmchallenge @BarbaraTheBibliophage Thanks for getting me out of my comfort zone.

Twins - The Thirteenth Tale
History - Death in Berlin
POC Author - American Indian Stories and Old Indian Legends
Home/House - The Animals at Lockwood Manor
New Series - Department Q Keeper of Lost Things
Supernatural - The Magic of Saida
Chronic Illness - The Hypnotist
Audio - Inside Out
Celebrity - Dreams From My Father

Butterfinger Classic - Murder at the Vicarage /Outdoors - Into Thin Air /Far Away - The Girl in the Blue Coat /Favorite Author - The Ice Princess / Bookish - Bookworm A Memoir of Childhood Reading /Mashup - 1Q84 4y
Cinfhen 🙌🏻Well done 4y
erzascarletbookgasm Bravo! 👏 I‘m still working on it! 4y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Cool—you‘re way ahead of me! Glad it was fun for you. 💕 4y
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Wharton travels around France in a car in the early 20th Century, probably one of the first people to do so.

This book wasn‘t what I expected - I thought it would be musings on fellow-travellers but instead Wharton covers landscapes, the countryside and the architecture of towns, in particular churches and cathedrals.

I think it would be fun to take this on a future campervan trip to France (when we‘re allowed!) to see what‘s changed. ⬇️

squirrelbrain Thanks for sending it to me @RachelO 😘 I‘m using this book for #mandmchallenge #classic @BarbaraTheBibliophage 4y
Itchyfeetreader Oh I long to do an old school travel book route in the modern day! Or even the old Grand Tour ! 4y
squirrelbrain I‘d love to do that too @Itchyfeetreader - I‘d like to do some of the train journeys that Portillo does with his Bradshaw‘s Guide. 4y
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SamAnne Wharton was trained as an interior designer. I read up on her when I read Age of Innocence and House of Mirth earlier this year. Her eye for place, interior settings, really shows in her fiction writing. I will have to stack this! 4y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Great pick for this prompt! 4y
Nute This sounds wonderful! I enjoy any book written on the subject of the architecture of cathedrals. 4y
squirrelbrain I‘ve just started another book that I think you will like too @Nute - it‘s not cathedrals but a couple who bought an old monastery in the South of France - there‘s a lot about the history and architecture of the building. 4y
ReadUntilYourEyesAreRed @squirrelbrain Oh this is random I‘m just starting Age of Innocence for uni and I‘ve not read any Wharton before! 4y
squirrelbrain You seem to have some interesting books for next term @ReadUntilYourEyesAreRed - although I‘ve not read any Wharton before this one either. 4y
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