#ItTakesAllKinds #WithRain
One of the books challenged in my school district as inappropriate for the high school library due to sexual content 🙄🙄
#ItTakesAllKinds #WithRain
One of the books challenged in my school district as inappropriate for the high school library due to sexual content 🙄🙄
The principal at my school got fired, our English department chair lost that position, and the two teachers who assigned this book to AP English students got letters in their file ... #controversyoverload.
Missing page! #argh
Read this book a few years ago and keep thinking about it so I bought it to reread!
#reread #chef #argh #pirates
And my other purchases with a B&N gift card which are already much loved.
Minor factual inaccuracies like this bother me (Nova Scotia is latin), and kind of make me wonder about the rest of the information in this book, which I was really enjoying. #argh
Note to self: don't pick cookbooks from the library the week of #Thanksgiving. Just don't. #argh
#cookbooks #nonfiction
This is NOT going well.... about to force myself to finish Kohinoor in no small part to cross it off and get rid of it (massive William Dalrymple fan usually but I am NOT feeling the love for this book.... but I shall persist!!!).
#tbrbingo #argh