Well, if it's good enough for Odin....
#dumptrump #nobannowall #notmypresident #resist
Well, if it's good enough for Odin....
#dumptrump #nobannowall #notmypresident #resist
Anyone else stressed to the gills due to all the nonsense coming out of the WH? Eating movie theater popcorn out of the bag and reading some entertaining time travel sounds like a good way to wind down for the day. #sf #nobannowall
The New York Times Book Review did a great write-up of books to read by and about refugees in the United States. I'll be getting a few to support our refugees. There's some great recommendations on here! 📚
Minister, you've never spoke more truer words
#harrypotter #mybible #deathlyhallows #nobannowall
I don't know about you guys, but I've had a hard time concentrating on reading lately. I'm feeling so consumed by everything. This is from the massive #NoBanNoWall protest in Boston this past Sunday that took place right near the Kahlil Gibran memorial. Around 25,000 people showed up...it was incredible. I'm finding protests + rallies are a good way to channel my energy + maintain hope while showing solidarity. I hope you guys are doing okay. ❤
We live a block away from an Islamic Community Center so we're dropping this off tonight to spread some sunshine in a dark world right now. ☪️💛💛
Much love to everyone after yet another unrelenting difficult news day. Take care of each other and reach out to your community. If anyone's interested I have the address of the mosque affected by the shooting last night if you want to send kind words. 💐
#NoBanNoWall #WereWithYou
Fan art of Ms. Marvel that I found on Twitter tonight. I figure many of you would appreciate it. 💪🏽 #NoBanNoWall
Credit to artist Maryne Lahaye. She does other awesome fan art too and frequently posts to her Twitter and Facebook accounts if you want to check her out.
I've spent far too much time on my phone this week. For obvious reasons. My heart broke on Friday. Fuck Cheetolini
#nobannowall #readingdetox #stephenkingsaveme #stephenking
Today I went to the White House to protest the Muslim immigration ban, and then I came home and read the second volume of March. More relevant and inspiring than ever. #NoBanNoWall