Jesus. 🤦🏻♀️ #rage #bobwoodward #notmypresident #votehimout #grabhimbytheballot
Jesus. 🤦🏻♀️ #rage #bobwoodward #notmypresident #votehimout #grabhimbytheballot
Twenty-three chapters in, and my most pervasive thoughts are f Bill Barr, and f Mitch McConnell, and f Lindsey Graham, and, of course, f 45. 🤷🏻♀️ #rage #bobwoodward #notmypresident #votehimout #grabhimbytheballot
I don‘t know why I‘m doing this to myself again; it‘s not like I‘m gonna‘ learn anything new about the fact that we‘ve been fckd for three years and possibly have five more ahead of us because his base is rabid. 🙄 But the fact that this book exists at all upsets him, so yes, I‘m gonna‘ read it. #siege #michaelwolff #notmypresident #herrorange
Just hanging out in convenient care, waiting to be seen, because I‘m pretty sure I managed to catch myself some germs that led to a sinus infection. 😑 And as we know, when 45 tells me not to read a book, I‘m absolutely 1000000000% not going to listen to him. :) #thethreat #andrewmccabe #fbi #notmypresident
This book‘s been on my shelf far too long. Even though it was compiled right after the 2016 election, the concerns still exist. Obvi. And I‘m proud to say I got through 90 pages without feeling sick to my stomach. But that‘s all for today ... back to Mary Oliver poems until I feel like I can continue with this book. #resistlist #readersresist #somedaysitsalltoomuchtoabsorb #notmypresident
“Now you‘ve got this batshit reality TV show president Twittering and whatnot.”
I still can‘t believe this is our reality. 😭 #truthinfiction #realitysucks #notmypresident #resist
"I will not talk about politics on Litsy. I will not talk about politics on Litsy. I will not talk about po - wait, what the frick did he just say?! Oh hell naw!"