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Before the Fall
Before the Fall | Noah Hawley
From the Emmy, PEN, Peabody, Critics' Choice, and Golden Globe Award-winning creator of the TV show Fargo comes the thriller of the year. On a foggy summer night, eleven people-ten privileged, one down-on-his-luck painter-depart Martha's Vineyard on a private jet headed for New York. Sixteen minutes later, the unthinkable happens: the plane plunges into the ocean. The only survivors are Scott Burroughs-the painter-and a four-year-old boy, who is now the last remaining member of an immensely wealthy and powerful media mogul's family. With chapters weaving between the aftermath of the crash and the backstories of the passengers and crew members-including a Wall Street titan and his wife, a Texan-born party boy just in from London, a young woman questioning her path in life, and a career pilot-the mystery surrounding the tragedy heightens. As the passengers' intrigues unravel, odd coincidences point to a conspiracy. Was it merely by dumb chance that so many influential people perished? Or was something far more sinister at work? Events soon threaten to spiral out of control in an escalating storm of media outrage and accusations. And while Scott struggles to cope with fame that borders on notoriety, the authorities scramble to salvage the truth from the wreckage. Amid pulse-quickening suspense, the fragile relationship between Scott and the young boy glows at the heart of this stunning novel, raising questions of fate, human nature, and the inextricable ties that bind us together.
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Before the Fall | Noah Hawley
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Eggs 💙 🌊 🩵 2mo
Lesliereadsalot I loved this one! 2mo
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Before the Fall | Noah Hawley
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Grabbed this from a donated bookshelf at my office six years ago…finally read it this month, thanks to #Roll100 - this is a slow burn story of the aftermath of a private plane crash with two survivors: a “starving artist” and a child of those chartering the flight. How the media twists the focus to make headlines, no matter the cost, no matter the truth. 3.75 ⭐️

PuddleJumper 🎉🎉 7mo
Reggie I remembering connecting with this book a little at the time because the guy who crashed the plane reminded me of my, at the time, manbaby of a boss. I do likeHawleys writing. 7mo
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Before the Fall | Noah Hawley
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The was on my bookshelf forever. There were times I was very disturbed by this tragic event but I thought that it was well done focusing on the outsider who was likely the most reliable. All had their issues but sometimes it is something simple that drives the action. The reason for the accident tragic and simple.

Before the Fall | Noah Hawley
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This is an interesting story about how what is perceived isn't always the truth and there are many different layers to every situation. Also, there are many ways to spin a story to align with your perception but that's not always the truth. I liked most of the characters & was a bit surprised by the ending, although I can see how it would fall short for other readers. I love the way Hawley writes too, so that didn't hurt! Lol

Before the Fall | Noah Hawley
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I love the way Hawley writes but he really got me by referencing the PBS shows Word Girl and Word World!!! 💜💜

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Before the Fall | Noah Hawley
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Just catching up with this fun game! Tag a favorite starting with the featured letter. #AlphabetGame #LetterA #LetterB #LetterC @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Astonish Me by Maggie Shipstead
Before the Fall by Noah Harley
Case Histories but Kate Atkinson

LeslieO Can someone remind me how to tag a book within a post? I‘m drawing a blank. 2y
Ruthiella I think you can only tag a book in the comments. 2y
LeslieO @Ruthiella 👍🙂 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Thank you for playing! 2y
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Before the Fall | Noah Hawley
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⭐️⭐️⭐️• There‘s something lazy about the plot and writing. And I really hated having to listen to Scott‘s inner thoughts. In general, so many men…waxing philosophical. But fine!

Before the Fall | Noah Hawley
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#Movie2BookRecs @Klou
Prompt: Final Destination

PageShifter Looks interesting 2y
Klou Sounds good. Great choice! 2y
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Before the Fall | Noah Hawley
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It isn‘t often that I actively hate a book, but I HATED this one. It is an overwritten mess, with way too much irrelevant filler/backstory and some truly awful metaphors. And there are so many inconsistencies and errors that should have been caught in editing.

It is basically a story about rich people behaving badly (but not in an entertaining way) and there is so much sexism and misogyny.

Full review: https://bit.ly/3EZ7Ke9

BiblioLitten Lovely pic though! 2y
candority @BiblioLitten Thank you! It‘s my indoor jungle 🌱🪴 2y
BiblioLitten I want to start one too and I don‘t know where to start. 🪴🙂 2y
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bookaholic1 I agree 2y
candority @bookaholic1 I‘m glad I‘m not alone! I was surprised by how many glowing reviews there are for this book. 2y
candority @BiblioLitten I‘ve had a couple of succulents or cacti for about five years now, but I didn‘t start on my jungle until this year. And honestly, it wasn‘t intentional 😂 My mom gave me a spider plant and I started falling down the house plant rabbit hole, and now I have 27 plants. I found some of the house plant subreddits really helpful when I was first learning about different plants! 2y
BiblioLitten That‘s interesting! I‘m going to start next summer. Growing up these plants were so common because my dad liked growing them and I‘d love that at my place too. 2y
bookaholic1 @candority that's why I'm getting away from reviews, seems like it reviews are good the book sucks, and vice versa UGH 2y
candority @BiblioLitten That‘s lovely! Good luck 😊🌱 2y
candority @bookaholic1 I know what you mean! I have a few people who I tend to agree with on here and Goodreads, so I like to look at their reviews still. But I can‘t trust the people who give 5 stars out to everything! 2y
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Before the Fall | Noah Hawley
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Fabulous book from the first word till the last. A group of people fly in a private jet that crashes. Told in a nonlinear fashion about each person on the plane including passengers, pilot and crew. We follow the investigation and hear exactly what the investigator hears from the recovered black box.

Before the Fall | Noah Hawley
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The reader knows the private jet goes down from the start but what we don‘t know is why. Everyone on the plane has something in their background that may provide a clue — or not. Wanting answers kept me up late. I‘d liken the experience of reading it to binge watching a mystery/suspense tv series…occasionally a bit cheesy but entertaining.

This was my @TheAromaofBooks #bookspin for June.

LeslieO I loved this one. 3y
TheAromaofBooks I love it when you know what the the Big Event is but don't know how or why!! 3y
rachelk @LeslieO @TheAromaofBooks Yes! I thought backstories of all the characters were interesting. 3y
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Before the Fall | Noah Hawley
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Finished this one for a book club and it was a page turner, but I thought the ending was a dud. 3⭐️

Before the Fall | Noah Hawley
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Caroline2 What a lovely quote. ❤️ 3y
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Before the Fall | Noah Hawley
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It's an interesting story but there is a lot of exposition/wandering/focusing on strange details that makes it kinda drag.

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Before the Fall | Noah Hawley
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Four hours of a work meeting was enough zoom for me today! No book club tonight. I also bailed on the book. A story involving a Fox News like company and a grating TV personality isn‘t really appealing right now.

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Before the Fall | Noah Hawley
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I‘d like to finish this before book club later in the week.
1. Buy more cat treats.
2. White cheddar popcorn.
3. Evening because I‘m done with work.

TrishB White cheddar popcorn! That sounds lovely 😁 3y
Cupcake12 I second @TrishB Thank you for playing x 3y
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Before the Fall | Noah Hawley

I have been debating about this book for a long time. I saw so many mixed reviews on this story about the before, during, and after of a chartered plane crash told by everyone involved.

I did not connect with any character. It was heavily into plot, which was a little all over the place, but I think that was to confuse the reader on why the plane crashed happened.

Before the Fall | Noah Hawley
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Eggs 👏🏻📚👍🏼📚👌🏼 4y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Have you read this? I've seen it in bargain bins often which tells me it might not be good, but it sounds interesting. 4y
TheSpineView @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick No. I have the paperback and it has has been on my TBR list forever. 4y
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Before the Fall | Noah Hawley
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One of my favorite books to-date. The story itself wasn‘t how the plane crashed, but how everyone was there collectively- how it was both inevitable and yet avoidable, in some way or another. I found myself not obsessed with what happened, but how every character got to that exact point in their lives. A mere coincidence, existing within several people, creates this type of bond that is unspoken and sometimes unknown. Bravo, Hawley. A masterpiece

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Before the Fall | Noah Hawley

He understands that they want him to be special. It‘s important to people that he be special, because we need special things in our lives. We want to believe that magic is still possible.

Before the Fall | Noah Hawley

This was a page turner at times but I hesitate to call it “good.” I enjoyed it. The ending pissed me off. A lot of the characters were exceedingly flat, even tropes, especially the women. But some of it was beautiful. I don‘t regret the read but don‘t recommend picking it up.
I cannot wait to bash the ending at book club tho. Cuz I know some coworkers are gonna defend [redacted spoiler].

Before the Fall | Noah Hawley
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2020 progress. finished the latest today in the sun. more and more being added to my tbr. haven‘t felt wowed by a book in a while but hoping one of these next few does it.
hope you are all staying healthy.

WomanistBibliophile My last few reads have included mostly solidly three star ratings. Good, with some great moments—but nothing beats the feeling of a five star read! 4y
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Before the Fall | Noah Hawley

Ugh. I‘ve tried this before, and I‘ll probably try it again.

Caroline2 Meh! I was massively underwhelmed by his book. The ending is really disappointing. 4y
MissHel @Caroline2 thanks, now I feel a bit justified! 4y
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Before the Fall | Noah Hawley
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I can‘t do it. Before I hit 10% of the audiobook, I came on a plot hole so large and stupid the book is ruined for me. AND I frogged my shawl. I ran out of yarn, so I‘m redoing it with something else. Argh.

LiteraryinLawrence Frustrating on both counts! 4y
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Before the Fall | Noah Hawley
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I‘ve been meaning to read this, and I guess now is the perfect time! And since I‘m listening, I‘m working on my Virus Shawl. #quarentinereads

Before the Fall | Noah Hawley

Really enjoyable book about the price of unwanted fame in the wake of a disaster (all while overcoming the trauma of that disaster) I think the ending stumbled a bit but overall the premise and story was strong. And the characterization of the main characters was particularly well done.

Before the Fall | Noah Hawley
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I raced through this book while #audioworking. The ending was not what I expected, but it was chilling. This book focuses on each character in turn in a slow build to discover what happened to cause a private plane to crash in the ocean. Worth the read! #Audible

Hforrester12 I have this all but never have a system on using jt 4y
jenreads7 @Hforrester12 The app? I just turn it on when I start reading or listening, pause if I need to do something else for a bit, and resume when I start again. I end the reading session if there will be a long break, then start a new one when I have another chance to read. It doesn‘t really take me long to do. I don‘t even think about it anymore. It‘s just part of my reading life, and it gives me fun stats! 4y
Mdargusch I really like this book! And I might need to check out that app - I love stats! 🙃 4y
jenreads7 @Mdargusch Awesome! I‘m pretty sure there‘s a free trial! 😊 4y
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Before the Fall | Noah Hawley
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I stayed up way past my bedtime to finish this fast-paced novel about the aftermath of a private plane crashing into the Long Island Sound.

Suspenseful and character-driven, it has one of the most realistic endings to a thriller I‘ve ever read (though no less horrific).

#thriller #coverart #beforethefall #suspense

marleed I thought the ending was very interesting. 4y
readtheworld @marleed Yes! It felt quite subversive for a thriller — not at all what I was expecting! 4y
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Before the Fall | Noah Hawley
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Genre: Thriller, Suspense, Mystery, and Literary fiction.

Date Started: December 8, 2019 - December 18, 2019

I decided to pick this book becuase the cover was breathtaking

As the plane began to leave Martha‘s Vineyard on a foggy night, there was 11 on board. As everything was going very smooth on the plane, the plane suddenly crashed in the Atlantic, with only 2 survivors left. They then began to live on and the book ended up being all a dream.

Before the Fall | Noah Hawley
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The beginning and ending of this book really captured me, but there was a lot of detail throughout the middle of the book that often caused my focus to drift. Really suspenseful mystery that had me guessing all along what truly caused the crash.

Before the Fall | Noah Hawley
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Interesting story and format, I suspect I‘ll think about this one for a bit and that may turn it into a pick (it is close). It left me wanting fewer story threads that went deeper and while the male characters felt layered and complicated, the female characters seemed like hasty sketches, not fully formed. I didn‘t love that. I listened on audio, if it had been in paper, I don‘t think I would have finished it.

Before the Fall | Noah Hawley
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I've had this for a couple of years, but thought this was perfect timing considering the recent news that Noah Hawley will be directing the next Star Trek. As far as the book goes, I thought it was an enjoyable, but not necessarily great read. I am a big fan of Hawley's tv adaptation of Fargo, so it will be interesting to see what he does with Star Trek. Although I was holding out hope for the rumored Tarantino version.
#Hollywood #MOvember

TalecArashi Tarantino Star Trek?? Woah... 5y
BarbaraBB An okay read indeed. 5y
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Cinfhen Ok for me too nothing especially memorable 5y
Megabooks I guess I‘d rather have Hawley directing, but this book was 👎🏻👎🏻 for me. 5y
readordierachel He directed Lucy in the Sky with Natalie Portman, which came out this year. I was pleasantly surprised by how much I liked it. I'm excited to see how he handles Star Trek. 5y
vivastory @readordierachel I somehow completely forgot about that. I'll have to check it out. 5y
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Before the Fall | Noah Hawley
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Look how much I have improved in 2 years!! Also the first book I ever DNFd

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Before the Fall | Noah Hawley
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It's okay so far , I don't hate it but I don't love it yet 🤷🏾 #beforethefall

Before the Fall | Noah Hawley
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Wow this was interesting. A quick read and a good thought provoking book about the 24 hour news cycle and social.

rather_be_reading i could not get thru this one! 5y
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Before the Fall | Noah Hawley
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A good fast paced thriller that leaves you guessing till the end. Well developed characters and narrative... I enjoyed it very much!

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Before the Fall | Noah Hawley
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1. Before the fall by Noah Hawley
2. Pumpkin spice but maple is a close second
3 “Fucking A right,” says Bill and walks out to his town car.

#weekendreads @rachelsbrittain

Before the Fall | Noah Hawley
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A bit late to this one, but I chose this for our family book club read this month. Hopefully it is good!

Bklover I am so envious of a family book club! That sounds like so much fun! 5y
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Before the Fall | Noah Hawley
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Picked up these beauties at the Saratoga Book Warehouse, where every single book is $1 and paying is by the honor system — you put cash in a lockbox as you leave. The three rooms of books are not organized in any discernible way, so shopping there is like a treasure hunt! 📚

#bookhaul #bookstack #usedbooks #toread

Nute I would love an experience like that...a treasure hunt for books!🙂 5y
readtheworld @Nute It was so fun hunting through the shelves! 🕵️‍♀️ 5y
802Librarian My hometown! I‘ve been to that warehouse with my mom 😀 5y
readtheworld @NHLibrarian Saratoga Springs is beautiful! I really enjoyed spending a day there. 5y
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Before the Fall | Noah Hawley
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Booktastic I read this a while back - I think it's becoming a movie? 5y
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Before the Fall | Noah Hawley
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I really enjoyed this one....

Eggs Sounds gooood-didn‘t realize I had already stacked this! 5y
starlight97 This is a good one 🙂 5y
marleed I thought the conclusion was very interesting. Had I not recently posted for having read, the cover of Less seems perfect for this prompt. 5y
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Before the Fall | Noah Hawley
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1. Before the Fall by Noah Hawley 📖
2. Up in the Air with George Clooney & Vera Farmiga 🎥
3. Leaving on a Jet Plane sung by Peter, Paul & Mary (written by John Denver) 🎶

*a belated #manicmonday

JoScho Thanks for playing 🛩💙🛩 5y
gradcat @JoScho The pleasure was all mine, as is usual...♥️ 5y
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Before the Fall | Noah Hawley
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#manicmonday @JoScho

📘Before the Fall
🎥 Airplane
🎶 Leaving on a Jet Plane

JoScho Thanks for playing 💙🛩💙 5y
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Before the Fall | Noah Hawley
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Before the Fall | Noah Hawley

Great book that is both a fast narrative and slows a little in between to let you catch your breath
Characters are wonderful
If you want to discuss that ending let me know
Would love to cause I‘m still on the fence about the whole thing

Reggie The guy who crashed the plane resonated with what was going on in my life at the time. I was working with an alcoholic baby who people had always taken care of his whole life. This guy got put in charge of our department where is long term girlfriend worked. Not a fun 2 years until he got fired. P.s. check out Noah‘s other book Other People‘s Weddings. It‘s sooo good. Very dark, but great. 5y
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Before the Fall | Noah Hawley
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Finished another one! 4 of 8 for #bfcr2.

Hestapleton Woo! I liked the concept of this one a lot. 5y
wanderinglynn Way to go! 🙌🏻 Making great progress on your book goal! 5y
Megabooks Great job!! 👍🏻👍🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 5y
IndoorDame Yay! 🙌 5y
kspenmoll 🙌🏻🙌🏻 5y
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Before the Fall | Noah Hawley
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This book has been on my kindle for quite a while. I‘ve seen mixed reviews but it sounds great! After their #airplane crashes, the book focuses on the relationship of the only two survivors, an artist and a 4 y/o boy, but chapters about the other passengers and crew are interwoven throughout. Was the crash just horrible luck, or was it something else?
#letstraveljuly ✈️

ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled Ive had this in my TBR for quite a while! 5y
TNbookworm I loved this, so good! 5y
MallenNC I‘ve read this and liked it. I had to make sure to read it when I didn‘t have any flights planned. 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I‘ve almost picked this one up several times!! ✈️ 5y
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Before the Fall | Noah Hawley
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Soooo, I managed to do my whole weekly mileage target in one run today!
It was a bit of a struggle today as it was warmer out than it looked but the miles got done I‘m one long run closer to my half marathon in June.
Hoping to really get stuck into the latest (and last I think) #whodunituk book later as I‘ve struggled to find reading time this week.
Hope everyone‘s challenges have gone well this weekend. #bookfitnesschallenge

BethM Killing it! 5y
Cailey_Mac Nice job!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 5y
wanderinglynn Way to go! That's awesome! 🙌 5y
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Itchyfeetreader Well some ! 5y
Clwojick This is awesome! Way to go! 5y
BookwormAHN Fantastic 👏🏻 5y
Ash.on.the.line 👏🏼👏🏼great work!! 5y
Kaye 👍🏼 5y
VanChocStrawberry Woot!! 👏👏 5y
dariazeoli Awesome job! 🙌 5y
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Before the Fall | Noah Hawley
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I got lucky this week that a book recommendation from a friend was immediately available for loan on audio. I was quickly hooked on this mystery/thriller. Pretty good character development. A couple of good social/political/media comments.