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Leftovers | Tom Perrotta
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A "New York Times" Notable Book for 2011 A "Washington Post" Notable Fiction Book for 2011"The New York Times "bestseller now in paperback A thought-provoking engrossing novel about love, connection, and loss from the author of "The Abstinence Teacher "and "Little Children """""What if your life was upended in an instant? What if your spouse or your child disappeared right in front of your eyes? Was it the Rapture or something even more difficult to explain? How would you rebuild your life in the wake of such a devastating event? These are the questions confronting the bewildered citizens of Mapleton, a formerly comfortable suburban community that lost over a hundred people in the Sudden Departure. Kevin Garvey, the new mayor, wants to move forward, to bring a sense of renewed hope and purpose to his traumatized neighbors, even as his own family disintegrates. His wife, Laurie, has left him to enlist in the Guilty Remnant, a homegrown cult whose members take a vow of silence but haunt the town's streets as "living reminders" of God's judgment. His son, Tom, is gone, too, dropping out of college to follow a crooked "prophet" who calls himself Holy Wayne. Only his teenaged daughter, Jill, remains, and she's definitely not the sweet "A" student she used to be. Through the prism of a single family, Perrotta illuminates a familiar America made strange by grief and apocalyptic anxiety. "The Leftovers "is a powerful and deeply moving book about regular people struggling to hold onto a belief in their futures."
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The Leftovers | Tom Perrotta
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I loved this HBO series back in 2017. Now going back and reading the book it was based on, I can say this is another rare example where the show was better. The book had the same main concept—on October 14th millions of people around the world spontaneously disappear at the same time—but the book just kind of ends with no real resolution. Among many other changes, the show provided a lot more character growth and something resembling an ending.

KathyWheeler Tom Perrotta is always just a little disappointing to me, and this book was especially so. I didn‘t finish the series but I was enjoying it. I‘ll have to go back and finish it. (edited) 2y
Beatlefan129 @KathyWheeler I think that if I had read the book first, I would have felt the same way. Perotta is a good writer but he just left the plot hanging. The series still has a lot of ambiguity but they did give an ending which at least answered some questions, if not all of them. 2y
KathyWheeler @Beatlefan129 I read it before I saw the series. I can‘t put my finger on why I‘m usually vaguely disappointed in his books though. I wish I could. (edited) 2y
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The Leftovers | Tom Perrotta
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#bookmail. Never should have opened the "50 great apocalypse books" post.... ???

vivastory I've read all of these except for Zone One. Enjoy! 3y
TrishB Great haul 👍🏻 3y
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The Leftovers | Tom Perrotta
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Loving this. Not sure where it‘s going, if anywhere.

Reagan The series was one of my favourites and so I have never read the book because I‘m worried I won‘t love it as much 😬 3y
Susan I have not seen the series. Now I will need to see it!🤣 3y
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The Leftovers | Tom Perrotta
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⭐️⭐️ I thought I was liking this book at the beginning. But after 200 pages I saw this book going nowhere. I was so bored the last stretch of the book. I kept expecting something to happen. I was hoping for a little more supernatural plots but it was really just a book about life after a loss. It just wasn‘t for me. This was my #bookspinbingo September No. 20 pick.

Ruthiella I liked it more than you, but I agree it was a novel about family relationships at its core and never really went anywhere with The Rapture thing. (edited) 4y
TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 4y
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The Leftovers | Tom Perrotta
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I‘m officially done summer term classes! I now have a month off before fall term classes start. Celebrating by finishing this and hopefully setting up my new computer when it arrives today 🥳

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The Leftovers | Tom Perrotta
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I didn‘t see the series. I loved Little Children, but halfway through this one, I felt it unraveled with a too-tidy ending. I‘m also wondering if I would‘ve experienced this book differently before the pandemic...

pilardib I didn't like the book but I can tell you the series is amazing!! It's waaaay better than the book 4y
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The Leftovers | Tom Perrotta
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The Leftovers | Tom Perrotta
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In this book the rapture is called the 'sudden departure'.

#rapture #StarTrekSummerJune

keithmalek This book is stupid. I was shocked that they based a TV series on it (which was also stupid). 5y
Megabooks I enjoyed this book, but I don‘t remember it well. It‘s not my favorite Perrotta. That would be Election. Thanks for posting! 🖖🏻🖖🏻 (edited) 5y
LiterRohde Excellent book and excellent show. Ambiguity is a wonderful thing. Nothing to be scared of or call stupid. It makes you stop and think. 5y
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The Leftovers | Tom Perrotta
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#weekendreads @rachelsbrittain 1. Becoming, The Witch Elm and Leadership in Turbulent Times 2. Tagged. I loved the book but the HBO show The Leftovers brought it to another level. Crazy how much better adaptations have gotten in recent years. 3. GR

The Leftovers | Tom Perrotta
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The #HBO series based on this book has become so bizarre after season one.

The Leftovers | Tom Perrotta
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This was perfect for me. I don‘t know why I didn‘t pick it up sooner! I listened rather passively which I thought was fine because of the fragmented writing style & I plan on rereading anyway. All the people described loosely relate (and some are followed up with) but mostly the chapters seamlessly switch characters, analyzing how people carry on after the not-Rapture. Tom Perrotta has SKILL. I LOVED how he wrote this and can‘t wait for more.

jillannjohn Have you seen the TV series? Weird crazy. 6y
mrozzz No! I‘d been holding out so I could read the book first. @jillannjohn would you say it‘s a good weird crazy? 6y
jillannjohn It‘s a little different from the book. Weirder I think. I don‘t know how to even describe it but if you liked the book I‘d say check it out! 6y
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UnabridgedPod I highly recommend the tv show. I loved it from the beginning, but I‘ve read some reviewers‘ work who didn‘t like it until season 2 (so don‘t give up on it!). Season 1 matches up with the novel, and then the rest is new materials. One of my favorites! 6y
mrozzz Awesome! Thanks! I‘ll have to add it to my watch list then 😃 @jillannjohn @Unabridged 6y
Kimberlone The show was pretty great! Still need to check out the book though... 6y
KathyWheeler I haven‘t seen the show yet, but I always have issues with Perrotta that I can‘t quite put my finger on. I‘m always disappointed in his books in some vague way; I felt that way about The Leftovers. Maybe it‘s me, not him. I love the premises of most of his books. 6y
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The Leftovers | Tom Perrotta
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After reading the book for #lmpbc #grouph, I decided to watch the show!

@mariaku21 @Jerdencon @Blaire

Oh, and I got the book yesterday, @Jerdencon !!

mariaku21 I've been meaning to watch the show. 6y
Easytiger I live near filming areas for season 2 ☺️ love that show 6y
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The Leftovers | Tom Perrotta
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#Babysitting two year old #twins. Finally nap time!!


CouronneDhiver Yikes! 🙉 6y
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The Leftovers | Tom Perrotta
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My first Funkos. However, all of my Funkos are new. These were not even on my radar before Litsy. Thanks again! It‘s only been, what, two months?! I now have these, the Westworld set, and a Weeping Angel. They are like creepy pop culture Precious Moments figures.

Got hooked on the show before I knew it was a book. I thought it was brilliant. Still have not read the book.

#ReadingResolutions | 18: #BookishFunkos

📷: Made with PhotoGrid & iPhone

GypsyKat They‘re so addicting! 😆 6y
Stacy_31 They really are addicting! 6y
LiterRohde @GypsyKat @Stacy_31 Yes. They are. Thank you all for that. I‘m a grown man planning out what his next action figure is going to be. I‘m not sure what it‘s going to be, but there will be a next one. There are so many to choose - Game of Thrones, Lord of the Rings, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, Jurassic Park, The Shining, The Silence of the Lambs, It, and the list goes on - not that I‘ve given it much thought! Sheesh. 6y
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Stacy_31 Yes! It‘s so hard to choose. Lots of good ones. My next one is going to be the Night King with Viserion. 6y
LiterRohde @Stacy_31 That is a good looking one. Nice choice! 6y
GypsyKat @LiterRohde Haha! I hear you! We‘ve got so many Harry Potter ones, most the Westworld ones, Jurassic Park, Stranger Things, Saga, several from Buffy, and the Marvel universe, and Star Wars, and LOTR, and Game of Thrones, and I‘m working on getting all the Firefly ones. The Princess Bride ones are the next on the list. 😆 (edited) 6y
LiterRohde @GypsyKat Princess Bride! I forgot about those. “My name is Inigo Montoya...” Love it. I bought the whole Westworld set at once, justified by the fact that they were half price! And the show is amazing! (edited) 6y
GypsyKat @LiterRohde Me too! I was stoked to get them all for a bargain! And that‘s exactly why I justified it as well! 😂 6y
GypsyKat @LiterRohde and yes! That show is so amazing! I need to catch up on season two! 6y
BibliOphelia “Creepy pop culture Precious Moments figures”... 😂🤣👍👍 6y
Skyrimir “Creepy pop culture Precious Moments figures” is my new favorite description of funko pops. 6y
TheFunkyBookworm I didn‘t find out about them until I joined Litsy as well!!! I went the Disney princess/villain route 😂 6y
LiterRohde @Skyrimir @BibliOphelia Thanks! That is honestly the first thing that popped into my head when I was introduced to them two months ago. The second was, which am I going to get? 6y
TheWordJar What a perfect description! I don‘t have any yet because I don‘t know where to start. And also, I know once I start, I may not stop! 😆 6y
LiterRohde @TheFunkyBookworm A much more wholesome choice. My brain almost always goes darker. The other collectibles I have are really dark - McFarlane Twisted Fairy Tales and Twisted Oz. Google at your own risk. If you wanted to I unfriend me for pretzel M‘s, this should seal the deal. 😳😂 6y
TheFunkyBookworm @LiterRohde I‘m already a little wary of you after reading that crazy short story you posted the link to the other day!! Although to be fair, I think the build up of the articles talking about how people passed out during the readings really stressed me out more than necessary! While I am proud to say I made it through the story, I did catch myself holding my breath throughout! 😱😜 perhaps I shouldn‘t google so we can stay friends.. for now 😂 6y
LiterRohde @TheWordJar You just have to start somewhere. Maybe with a figure that is a stand-alone, not part of a big set. If it‘s a set, I want the whole thing now. I got the Weeping Angel first and now have to get the Doctors, Companions, The Silence, TARDIS, etc. Ugh. Not so good at waiting, I guess. @GypsyKat Reason 3 why I justified getting the Westworld set! But I think I just worked out that Dr. Who needs to be complete before buying any new ones. 6y
LiterRohde @TheFunkyBookworm I didn‘t think the story was fainting bad. But that‘s me. That‘s why I warn people. I‘m not normal. Though normal is just a setting on the dryer. The figures are just a really dark reimagining of fairy tales and Oz. Only a couple I would call gross. Mostly just dark. Toto is a ginormous monster, Little Miss Muffet is in pink spandex, stuff like that...Really, I‘m a good person! 😬 6y
TheFunkyBookworm @LiterRohde haha I googled anyway- I just like to tease (hopefully nicely) for fun! 6y
LiterRohde Good. I really do wonder what people think, so I try to carefully be myself. And it‘s even harder in text than in person. But it‘s nice to know I‘m not too scary. 6y
Jess I wasn‘t a big fan of the book so I didn‘t watch the show when it was airing. I have since binged it. This show completely rocks. Enjoy collecting these little ones. It‘s so fun. My most recent purchase was frozen Jack Torrance (Chase edition). 6y
LiterRohde @Jess That‘s another issue with knowing which to get next. All the exclusives and chase versions. Such a rabbit hole and I‘ve been down there lost for awhile. Just on Amazon, which is the tip of the iceberg, as they say, there are like 4 different versions of Pennywise. And there was a photo here of 8 different Harry Potters. And prices can be all over the place. Frozen Jack would be cool though. I‘ve only seen the common version. (edited) 6y
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The Leftovers | Tom Perrotta
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I said #HelloGoodbye very quickly to these three books, also known as “I bailed”. I‘m usually pretty bad at bailing, but these did nothing for me at all..


Cinfhen I couldn‘t get into 6y
Kalalalatja @Cinfhen er might not agree on our faves, but we do agree on the bails 😄 6y
Cinfhen TRUTH 😘😘 6y
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The Leftovers | Tom Perrotta
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rather_be_reading chips & salsa are my weakness!! 6y
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The Leftovers | Tom Perrotta
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Early #morning #airport reading.

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The Leftovers | Tom Perrotta

Good, but if you want 'amazing' watch the hbo series.

The Leftovers | Tom Perrotta

He'd seen this process before: It didn't matter what happened in the world - genocidal wars, natural disasters, unspeakable crimes, mass disappearances, whatever - eventually people got tired of brooding about it.

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The Leftovers | Tom Perrotta
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Finally started reading The Leftovers. I was a bit reluctant to start this because I was afraid it wouldn't be as good as the tv series (I know it's usually the other way around 😅). But so far I'm really enjoying it.

The Leftovers | Tom Perrotta
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#Thehoneymoonisover for me and this book. I‘m 114 pages in, and not really connecting or caring about anything or anyone in it. Does it get better?? I‘m really considering bailing, or maybe just putting it down for now.

The flowers are from yesterday which were our 6 year anniversary ❤️❤️

#MarchintoOz #CurrentlyReading

Samplergal I never connected and I love Tom Peretta. Perhaps if you start the tv series it might spark more interest?? 7y
Librariana Happy Anniversary! 😄💖🌻🌹🌼🌷 7y
mrp27 Happy Anniversary! 🎉💐🍾 7y
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Bookmarkie The TV show was so interesting. 7y
Christine11 Happy anniversary! 🥂🍾 7y
jillannjohn I watched the TV series first. It‘s crazy but really good. Then I read the book. Maybe that would help? 7y
SandyW I found the tv show to be so much better than the book. Had I read the book first, I would not have watched the show. 7y
emilyhaldi Oh no!! I love Tom Perrotta and this one is high up on my list 😕 (edited) 7y
Kalalalatja @Samplergal @Bookmarkie @jillannjohn @SandyW @emilyhaldi I‘m bailing. I have no inclination to pick it up, really, and #toomanybookstoolittletime. Maybe I‘ll watch the show at some point, but right now I need a break from this book... 7y
erzascarletbookgasm Beautiful flowers, happy anniversary! 🥂 7y
Kalalalatja @erzascarletbookgasm thank you! ☺️ 7y
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The Leftovers | Tom Perrotta
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This was recommended to me, it was fine. Not “The Best Book I Read All Year,” but a good enough vacation read. An interesting look at how grief affects us all in different ways.

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Leftovers | Tom Perrotta

I enjoyed this book. It was episodic, yet still compelling. I felt the tone fit the story.

The Leftovers | Tom Perrotta
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It's #TopTenTuesday time! Books I once wanted to read but probably won't make time for now.

SilversReviews Nice collage. 7y
JanuarieTimewalker13 I started The Bees but just couldn‘t get into it. Maybe one day I‘ll try again. The cover is stunning. What a cool idea this is!! 7y
Well-ReadNeck The Pillars of the Earth is one of my GOAT books. But, it is a door stopper. There is a mini-series starring Eddie Redmayne which is totally bingable!!!! 7y
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Cinfhen Ha! Fun list!!! 7y
MidnightBookGirl @SilversReviews thanks! I owe it all to PicMonkey! @JanuarieTimewalker13 Januarii might give it a shot on audio someday! @Well-ReadNeck The miniseries is what made me buy the book! I've only read Eye of the Needle by Follet and it was just okay. @Cinfhen I love Top Ten Tuesdays! 7y
SilversReviews @MidnightBookGirl Do you have to pay for PicMonkey now? 7y
MidnightBookGirl @SilversReviews I think there's still a free version, but I happily pay just because I'm hopeless at photos without it. 7y
SilversReviews @MidnightBookGirl Thanks. I will take a look. 7y
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The Leftovers | Tom Perrotta
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Hmmm, I liked this book but I didn't love it as much as I was expecting to. The concept, that "Left Behind" type storyline minus the overtly Christian message, really spoke to me. But it never sucked me in all the way. Don't get me wrong, Perrotta's writing is as compelling as ever, these characters just never completely clicked for me. Still more a pick than so-so and I can see how it would translate well to TV so I'll def check that out!

Zelma I watched the whole first season and, while compelling, it was so depressing and bleak I just couldn‘t continue. Also, the ending of the season was perfectly fine as a show ending and I don‘t see where it would go story-wise. 7y
Christine I‘ve not read the book but watched the series for the first time over the past few months and absolutely loved it - in my top 10 series of all time, probably. (Though I agree with @Zelma that it was way bleak! 😐) 7y
readordierachel Like @Zelma I didn't care for the first season, but I ended up loving the other 2 seasons like @Christine They were out of the book territory by that point, so they could take it in any direction they wanted, which worked much better I thought. 7y
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The Leftovers | Tom Perrotta
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Got some #bookoutlet #bookmail at work today! It's been very distracting all day because I'd much rather be reading than working (obviously 😂).

2BR02B I hadn't heard of The Abstinence Teacher, but it sounds intriguing. 7y
TheWhiteHatter Love the book's, but wonder whst type of coding you do? 7y
swishandflick @2BR02B it sounded intriguing to me too! I've loved his novels so far so I went on a bit of a binge buy 😂 7y
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swishandflick @TheWhiteHatter I'm not a coder myself, but I'm a University Recruiter at Google so I help hire students who are 😄 (edited) 7y
emilyhaldi Yesssssss more Tom Perrotta!!! ❤️ 7y
EvieBee Oh, nice. I really like him. I‘ve read two in the stack except Leftovers, and loved them! 7y
EvieBee @2BR02B It made me laugh a lot! Don‘t know if my sense of humor is warped. 7y
swishandflick @emilyhaldi I can't stop 🤣 7y
swishandflick @EvieBee Good to hear! We might have a similar sense of humor, I've felt the same after some of his other stuff 🙌🏽 7y
night_shift I'm surrounded by books all day at work. The distraction desire is real. I feel you 😥 7y
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The Leftovers | Tom Perrotta
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So after reading and loving Mrs. Fletcher, my first Tom Perrotta, I thought I'd just "check and see" if there were any of his other books on #bookoutlet ?

LeahBergen Oh no! Not the “check and see”! 😂😂 7y
cariashley The Leftovers is great, and then you can watch the show! I should read more Perrotta! 7y
swishandflick @cariashley That's the plan! I actually had no idea that show was based on a book so I'm hoping I like it, that'll give me something new to binge 😄 7y
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swishandflick @LeahBergen My bookish brain must have been sending subliminal messages, there was no way I was getting out unscathed 🙈 7y
emilyhaldi Omg I was literally doing this same thing 20 min ago 😂😂 7y
emilyhaldi Ps. Starting Election tonight since I already own it 😆 7y
swishandflick @emilyhaldi we must have been on the same wavelength 😂 7y
SaraBeagle My favorite of his is 7y
swishandflick That's the one I was looking for! Book Outlet didn't have it so I ordered it separately with a B&N coupon I had 🙊 @SaraBeagle (edited) 7y
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The Leftovers | Tom Perrotta
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I absolutely loved this book. I get to meet Tom Perrotta at the Tucson Book Festival and I cannot wait after reading this excellent book!! It was great on audio, too. An absolutely fascinating story, beautiful and complex characters and such an interesting plot. I stared watching the HBO show too and it is also excellent. Can‘t wait to read more of his books! #tfob2018

dylanisreading Tucson has a book festival?? Amazing! Do you want to get together for coffee/book browsing? I'm in PHX now and would love to meet some local littens! 7y
Alicia @Bianca yes!! I would love to get together! If it‘s easier my email is amerschen.perez@gmail.com! I saw you went to changing hands already too that place is awesome! Welcome to Phoenix 🌵🌵💜 7y
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dylanisreading @Alicia Yes it is! And thank you! I will email you very soon. 😊 7y
kate_reads Got your package ☺️ thank you so much, I‘ve never heard of either book and super interested! I‘ll do a pic soon 💓 7y
Alicia @katekrug so glad you enjoyed it!!! I have a graphic novel that is coming your way Monday!! 7y
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The Leftovers | Tom Perrotta
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I finally picked this up from the post office - thanks Jen! 💜👏


Moray_Reads I love the soundtrack to this series (but I've never watched it or read the book!) 7y
Robothugs Yay! You‘re welcome! Enjoy 😊 7y
BeezleMcfly Best TV show ever. There is one scene in season 2 that teared me up, if you haven't seen the show I don't want to spoil it for you 😊. 7y
Kalalalatja @Moray_Reads @BeezleMcfly I didn‘t even know there was a TV show or a soundtrack, but I will definitely get to them after reading the book 👍 @Robothugs 💕💕 7y
Eugeniavb Amazing show with an amazing soundtrack. Let us know about the book please! 7y
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The Leftovers | Tom Perrotta
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The Leftovers | Tom Perrotta
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One more day of work before Christmas break that means one more day before I can sit around with my book & a hot beverage of my choice all day. I can do it...maybe?!

The Leftovers | Tom Perrotta
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After a day of baking (roughly 36 dozen Christmas cookies or treats) & housework it feels good to kick of my shoes & curl up with my book.

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The Leftovers | Tom Perrotta
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The premise of this book was intriguing. It just felt a little flat. I didn't feel particularly interested in any of the characters. This book should have been right up my alley, but it just seemed like something was missing.

The Leftovers | Tom Perrotta
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Someone told me to watch this- but I decided first, I want to read it!

The Leftovers | Tom Perrotta
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I haven't seen the tv series but talk of it put this back on my radar. It was definitely entertaining. I think maybe I expected it to go more places? And the ending left me scratching my head a bit. Does the show come off depressing? Some of this seemed like it'd be hard to watch. #mommyreads #audiobook #booksontv

Zelma I am betting the show is different, as most adaptations. I remember the book being so sad and very quiet. More about how to deal with the aftermath emotionally than a ton of action. 7y
alanacristin @Zelma exactly! I guess I assumed there would be more action given the adaptation. But i should know better! it was nice this way, just not what I'd expected. And not with the answers i always crave 😂 7y
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The Leftovers | Tom Perrotta
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Perhaps the most mismatched cover I've ever encountered, but...About the book, it was strangely satisfying. An intriguing premise -- reminds me of all those who deal with indeterminate loss: missing children, people in persistent vegetative states, Alzheimer's patients, etc. How do you move on with life under those circumstances? Felt slightly sci-fi/post-apocalyptic, but still solidly literary, focusing on human relationships among the leftovers

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Leftovers | Tom Perrotta
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When your words are futile, you‘re better off keeping them to yourself, or never even thinking them in the first place.

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The Leftovers | Tom Perrotta
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Brought this home with me yesterday. I have no idea when I'll get to it, but it's mine... that is all that really matters.

The Leftovers | Tom Perrotta
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#junetunz #hallelujah

This is the book that came to mind with today's prompt. I recently read Perotta's upcoming novel, Mrs. Fletcher and have had his books on the brain, I guess.

melbeautyandbooks I watched the series. I haven't read the book yet. 7y
Books_Wine_Repeat This has been on my to-read shelf forever. 7y
KathyWheeler Perrotta is one of those writers I always expect more from than he actually delivers. I really wanted to like this book because I thought the premise was interesting. Mostly I found it to be just meh. 7y
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The Leftovers | Tom Perrotta
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I had not heard of this one before @Dragon 's recent post, then bumped into it on Overdrive. It's a fascinating take on the post-apocalyptic novel in that the apocalypse doesn't occur. Rather, several million people disappear and the narrative explores the aftermath. It's tinged with an anti-climactic feel in a good way that keeps you on edge. Pretty fascinating.

EvieBee I've been meaning to read this one for a while. I really enjoyed his book... and LITTLE CHILDREN. (edited) 7y
tournevis *professor hat on* If you were in my class, I would have pointed out that it is indeed a post-apocalyptic narrative because the Rapture happened, therefore God happened, which is what happens in a proper apocalypse. What it isn't is post-cataclysmic or post-catastrophic, since neither of those things happened. *hat off* Sorry about that. 7y
Hooked_on_books @tournevis Well professor, I hate to quibble, but it was repeatedly stated that the rapture did not in fact happen, as those who disappeared were not true believers. So, if one chooses to believe this repeated statement in the narrative, then indeed no apocalypse occurs, as apocalypse is the world's end and the world in fact continued. 😬 7y
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tournevis @Hooked_on_books I know, I know. I could quibble further, I won't. And I know of the debate within the book about what makes true believers and not (an interesting choice by the author, IMO, since it forces the reader to reflect on what constitutes grace) but that's neither here nor there. I only mean that the meaning of words matter, despite what popular culture makes us use to. 7y
Dragon Thanks @Hooked_on_books obviously I need to read the book now the HBO series is cancelled 🐉📚 7y
Hooked_on_books @tournevis I agree! I love what he makes you think about here. There's a lot of layers to this narrative if you look for them. 7y
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The Leftovers | Tom Perrotta
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Did anyone else watch The Leftovers through the series finale the other night? This is one of the rare cases where I liked the adaptation better than the original book. I know the show didn't work for many, but I thought it was one of the better shows of the past decade. It was right up my alley with its relentless bleakness, damaged characters, and homages to David Lynch. And the series finale was a masterpiece. I can't stop thinking about it.

Christine I've been meaning to try this series...now I'm even more convinced. :) 7y
Nuwanda I'm hurrying home from a work trip so I can catch up and watch the finale! I'm so excited! Also bummed it's over, but excited! 7y
BooksForEmpathy Ahhhh okay I have to watch this. 7y
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mauveandrosysky @BooksForEmpathy you definitely do! I think you'll really like it. 7y
mauveandrosysky @Nuwanda it's so good. You definitely won't be disappointed with the finale! 7y
Nuwanda I watched it late last night--so good! I'm glad the writers didn't cop out on the central question, and the ending was just beautiful. 7y
tournevis The series was very very good. 7y
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The Leftovers | Tom Perrotta
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Much better than the tv series.

The Leftovers | Tom Perrotta
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#missing #maybookflowers. This was the first book that came to mind. I watch the HBO series but I haven't read the book yet. A large portion of the earth 's population disappears and the people who remain behind are irrevocably changed. Super strange tv series 👍

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