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House of the Seven Gables, Nathaniel Hawthorne ( Gothic Novel )
House of the Seven Gables, Nathaniel Hawthorne ( Gothic Novel ) | Nathaniel Hawthorne
103 posts | 147 read | 2 reading | 71 to read
The House of the Seven Gables is a Gothic novel written beginning in mid-1850 by American author Nathaniel Hawthorne and published in April 1851 by Ticknor and Fields of Boston. The novel follows a New England family and their ancestral home. In the book, Hawthorne explores themes of guilt, retribution, and atonement and colors the tale with suggestions of the supernatural and witchcraft. The setting for the book was inspired by a gabled house in Salem belonging to Hawthorne's cousin Susanna Ingersoll and by ancestors of Hawthorne who had played a part in the Salem Witch Trials of 1692. The book was well received upon publication and later had a strong influence on the work of H. P. Lovecraft. The House of the Seven Gables has been adapted several times to film and television.he novel is set in the mid-19th century, but flashbacks to the history of the house, which was built in the late 17th century, are set in other periods. The house of the title is a gloomy New England mansion, haunted since its construction by fraudulent dealings, accusations of witchcraft, and sudden death. The current resident, the dignified but desperately poor Hepzibah Pyncheon, opens a shop in a side room to support her brother Clifford, who has completed a thirty year sentence for murder. She refuses all assistance from her wealthy but unpleasant cousin, Judge Jaffrey Pyncheon. A distant relative, the lively and pretty young Phoebe, arrives and quickly becomes invaluable, charming customers and rousing Clifford from depression. A delicate romance grows between Phoebe and the mysterious attic lodger Holgrave, who is writing a history of the Pyncheon family. The house was built on ground wrongfully seized from its rightful owner, Matthew Maule, by Colonel Pyncheon, the founder of the Massachusetts branch of the family. Maule was accused of practicing witchcraft and was executed. According to legend, at his death Maule laid a curse upon the Pyncheon family. During the housewarming festivities, Colonel Pyncheon was found dead in his armchair; whether he actually died from the curse or from a congenital disease is unclear. His portrait remains in the house as a symbol of its dark past and the weight of the curse upon the spirit of its inhabitants. Phoebe arranges to visit her country home, but plans to return soon. Clifford, depressed by his isolation from humanity and his lost youth spent in prison, stands at a large arched window above the stairs and has a sudden urge to jump. The departure of Phoebe, the focus of his attention, leaves him bed-ridden.an insanity hearing unless he reveals details about the land or the location of the missing deed. Clifford is unable to comply. Before Clifford can be brought before the Judge (which would destroy Clifford's fragile psyche), the Judge mysteriously dies while sitting in Colonel Pyncheon's chair. Hepzibah and Clifford flee by train. The next day, Phoebe returns and finds that Holgrave has discovered the Judge's body. The townsfolk begin to gossip about Hepzibah and Clifford's sudden disappearance. Phoebe is relieved when Hepzibah and Clifford return, having recovered their wits. New evidence in the crime that sent Clifford to prison proves his innocence. He was framed for the death of his uncle by Jaffrey, who was even then looking for the missing deed. Holgrave is revealed as Maule's descendant, but he bears no ill will toward the Pyncheons. The missing deed is discovered behind the old Colonel's portrait, but the paper is worthless: the land is already settled by others. The characters abandon the old house and start a new life in the countryside, free from the burdens of the past.
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I read this in anticipation of visiting Salem. It was hard to get into, but there‘s one scene towards the end of the block that was written in such an original way. It will always stick with me. It‘s a description of all the things one character is supposed to be doing while he‘s sitting in a chair. Without any spoilers, it was such a fascinating way to move the plot forward.

“For what other dungeon is so dark as one‘s own heart?”

AvidReader25 “I love to watch how the day, tired as it is, lags away reluctantly and hates to be called yesterday so soon.” 1y
Tamra I need to reread this - I loved it the first time! 1y
EKonrad Just visited Salem last October and walked right by it. Such a cool city! 😊 1y
AvidReader25 @EKonrad I‘ll be there next week! Anything I should be sure to visit? 1y
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The House of the Seven Gables | Hawthorne Nathaniel
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You guys remember these?

The House of the Seven Gables | Hawthorne Nathaniel
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📚📚📚📚 There‘s something about mid-1800‘s horror - it hits differently. This was an 🎧 book + 📖 & I enjoyed its creepy innuendo. Hawthorne has a way of describing things to make your skin sort of crawl but never gets too graphic or gross

Soscha Love the cover!! 2y
LibrarianRyan i love that old pulp cover. 2y
Linsy Love that version!! 2y
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I am very pleasantly surprised that I enjoyed this book so much. Such beautiful turns of phrases. He does write unnecessarily long sentences. Considering how little dialogue is in this novel, it still drew me in with its imagery and philosophical musings. I loved the almost fantastical qualities of the story, even though it never actually dipped into anything magical other than mesmerism.

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The writing is so great! So thoughtful and poetic.

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The House of the Seven Gables | Hawthorne Nathaniel
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Hello from sunny Golden Gate Park! I think Hawthorne would approve of the location, reading this book has confirmed for me his being a writer with an impeccable eye for beauty in everyday nature, as well as humanity. “House” is Gothic to its core, an introspective, delicate study of a cursed house and its inhabitants. It‘s lighthearted (even humorous) for 3/4 of the plot before descending into some deliciously atmospheric creepiness.

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Tried to read my #doublespin and got incredibly bored with it—just not for me!

TheAromaofBooks Some books just aren't the right fit!!! 3y
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The House of the Seven Gables | Hawthorne Nathaniel

I love Hawthorne because of the New England imagery it conjures in my mind.

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The House of the Seven Gables | Hawthorne Nathaniel
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Finally finished it (first goal of #20in4!)! It wasn‘t at all what I expected. I guess I thought it was a ghost story or similar, and while it has some elements of that it really isn‘t. Not a lot happens, and the story meanders through time, but I found the writing enjoyable and the story interesting. I was surprised to enjoy The Scarlet Letter on a reread several years ago, and this was also surprising. Hawthorne - who knew?

Tamra I recall loving this one and Scarlet Letter is a favorite. I need to reread it soon! 3y
Andrew65 Great 👏👏👏🥳 3y
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The House of the Seven Gables | Hawthorne Nathaniel
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Very modest goals for #20in4 this time:

Finish tagged (finally)
Keep up with #SophiesWorld buddy read
(Maybe) start In the Shadow of the Moon

But we‘re starting our homeschool year on Monday so there‘s a fair bit to get ready; and there‘s a possibility of hurricane-related storms hitting us on Monday, too. It was a year ago today we had Laura come through and lost power for three days (as we tried to start school). 🤞🏻 for the next week!

katy4peas Stay safe! 💕 3y
Andrew65 Keeping my fingers crossed for you. Good luck 😊👍 3y
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The House of the Seven Gables | Hawthorne Nathaniel
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[on reading books that make you cry, or rather on shutting them when they do]

And wisely, too! Is not the world sad enough, in genuine earnest, without making a pastime of mock-sorrows?

Suet624 I‘ve gotta agree with the idea and yet still I read on. 3y
Ruthiella I often have to set aside for a time books that make me sad. 3y
ravenlee @Suet624 @Ruthiella I haven‘t been able to read anything sad for several years. Life has been hard enough for a while, you know? I‘ve put several books aside for a time when I feel like I can face them. 3y
Suet624 You‘re definitely kinder to yourself than I am. 3y
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The House of the Seven Gables | Hawthorne Nathaniel
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“Endowed with common-sense, as massive and hard as blocks of granite, fastened together by stern rigidity of purpose, as with iron clamps, he followed out his original design, probably without so much as imagining an objection to it.”

Wow, what a solid depiction! Also, hooray for slightly larger and better-spaced print!

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Literary book stop!

Bookwormjillk Cool! 3y
BookDragonNotWorm There used to be a little chocolate shop near there.....pairs perfectly with books! 3y
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The House of the Seven Gables | Hawthorne Nathaniel
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Well, I‘ve been meaning to read this for ages, and it‘s good so far. But I have to put it aside until I can find another copy because OMG this print is killing me! Every time I got a few minutes to read today I had to stop because of eye strain and headache. So, back burner and move on to something else. Frustrating.

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I‘m out in my favorite place today (Salem,Ma) which is the basis for so many stories, media, games, etc.

I thought I‘d share a bit of Salem‘s favorite son with those who might appreciate it.

Good weather for Nathaniel today!

alisiakae I love Salem! It's one of my favorite places to visit too. 3y
Annie1215 @4thhouseontheleft I took my mom as an early Mother‘s Day gift to celebrate her being in remission 🎊 3y
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The House of the Seven Gables | Hawthorne Nathaniel
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I've got chills, they're multiplying...

GinaKButler So excited for some baseball! Go Rays! ✨ ⚾️ 3y
TheKidUpstairs Woo Hoo! 🎉🎉🎉 Go Jays!!! ⚾️💙⚾️💙 3y
RayHallucinogen Play ball! 3y
Leftcoastzen Yay! ⚾️⚾️⚾️⚾️ 3y
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The House of the Seven Gables | Hawthorne Nathaniel
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"Shall we never never get rid of this Past? ... It lies upon the Present like a giant's dead body."

Litsi All writers seem to know this. 4y
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The House of the Seven Gables | Hawthorne Nathaniel
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The style is too pompous to my taste;the author tried to make every sentence beautiful,but he fails and hundreds of pages go by without anything meaningful happening,going through repetitive examples of situations in order to define characters that are already clearly shaped.The sentences are too long (over 10 lines)and it fails to create a gothic atmosphere.I would have bailed if it wasn't for the enjoyment of reading this beautiful 1883 edition.

The House of the Seven Gables | Nathaniel Hawthorne
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OriginalCyn620 😊❤️🌸 5y
Tamra I have loved House of Seven Gables - due for a reread! 💜 5y
LoverOfLearning All gorgeous covers!! 5y
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Ohhh the things I find in old books. This lil jem was printed in 1901.

Tamra Love this book too! 5y
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The House of the Seven Gables | Hawthorne Nathaniel
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Finished another book on serial reader!

I picked this as a re-read, but the more I read the less I remembered of the story. Either it was a DNF the first time through or a selective memory block. 🤔

Tamra I love Hawthorne! 5y
bookwrm526 I‘ve tried to read this one a few times but I always just sort of...wander off...serial reader might be a good way to finally finish it! 5y
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1- I have thrown 2 books. The tagged one and The Dark Tower VII. That was a hardcover too.
2- Mostly eat at home unless I'm at the museum
3- I puked in 3rd grade after an altercation with a tire swing 🤢
4- Boxwoods and honeysuckle
5- Final Camouflage 🤣
Once again, thanks @howjessreads!! This is extra fun with all the new followers we're getting! 💜

LeahBergen # 3! 😆😆😆 6y
IamIamIam @LeahBergen Sadly, centrifugal force and I have never been friends!!! 6y
emtobiasz I HATED the tagged book. And I don‘t say that lightly. 6y
IamIamIam @emtobiasz LOL, I'm glad I'm in good company! 6y
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The House of the Seven Gables | Hawthorne Nathaniel
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The House of the Seven Gables | Hawthorne Nathaniel
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Winter is right around the corner here in New England.

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I did enjoy this book, but I didn‘t connect with it as much as I hoped. I‘m not sure why as there wasn‘t much I actively disliked about it (sexist, and bizarre attitudes to children, but that‘s par for the course with 19th century novels). Part of me thinks I find it harder to connect with American classics, but that‘s not always the case and I‘m not sure why. I‘d like to read more pre-1900 US novels so I can work out what I think of them more.

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Very much up for some wintry escapism right now - been wanting to read some proper old American gothic again for a while now!

Tamra He‘s one of my favorite writers. 6y
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One of these days I'd like to visit #Salem and The House of the Seven Gables.

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Nathaniel Hawthorne's grave in the family plot! 😱


moarbookspleaze Thank you for sharing these pictures. 6y
MrBook @moarbookspleaze You're most welcome! My peeps 🤗! I just hope I'm not posting too many, don't want to overload people's feeds. 🙈 6y
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1. Shopping with Mom and reading
2. EST
3. Don't usually read by season
4. Once in a while, will reread the tagged book eventually, probably next year
5. 🖑 @wanderinglynn @MirrorMask @LapReader @LazyDays

#friyayintro @howjessreads

wanderinglynn 🙌🏻 Thanks for the hi-five! 😀 6y
OriginalCyn620 🤚🏻 6y
MirrorMask ✋ Thanks for the high five🤗 6y
Megabooks 👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻 6y
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8. Old favorite

Many years ago, I visited the actual house that sparked the story. I haven't visited Salem, MA, in a long time.

#31bookpics @howjessreads

BooksBikes12 So much history in Salem, Ma 👻💀 6y
MaGoose @Books_Bikes_12 Yes, there is. 😨👻 6y
SleepyDragon I've been to the house as well. My favorite part was the hidden staircase. Have never read the book despite my husband owning a nice leather hardcover edition. Some day ... 6y
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MaGoose @NeesyBeth Yes, I remember that staircase as well. I was there in 1976, I think. I've read the book, but it was a long, long time ago. Possibly more than 40 or 45 years, maybe longer. 6y
Blaire This is sitting on my shelf unread. Should pick it up one of these days. 6y
MaGoose I will eventually read it again. I downloaded the complete works of Hawthorne to my ereader recently. 6y
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The House of the Seven Gables | Hawthorne Nathaniel
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This isn't the House of Seven Gables, but it is Max and Dani's home in Hocus Pocus. Salem is a weird place, and it takes on a new level in October. I realized during my visit yesterday that I don't think I've ever read Nathaniel Hawthorne. So today I'm beginning The House of the Seven Gables on #serialreader.

Tamra I love Hawthorne - such a master! 6y
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This book caught this Scarlet-Letter-hater by surprise. This should be the Hawthorne we force teenagers to read. Give it a listen #applepodcasts #googleplay #soundcloud #readtheclassics #1001books

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After reading Moby Dick earlier this year, I've been dreading this contemporaneous novel, fearing it might be just as monotonous. But I was pleasantly surprised with the story and narrative. Doesn't hurt either that I'm a sucker for gothic fiction. Fifteen #litsyclassics done!! My finished stack so far!

Tamra I love Hawthorne! 💜 6y
JessNevertheless @Tamra I feel like I should read more of him! 6y
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The House of the Seven Gables | Hawthorne Nathaniel
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I wanted to do book pairing this year. This one I paired with Ghostland by Colin Dickey since the house is mentioned in this book. May also pair with The Witches by Stacy Schiff as the Salem Witch trials are mentioned.

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This audio book was Number 79 in my #MountTBRchallenge. The first version I downloaded had a not so great narrator so I chose another version. Here is the link to my gr review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/2361553884

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Read this story of the Pyncheon family in 8th grade - yes, I was one of those kids.

#ReadingResolutions | 14: #FictionalFamily

Skyrimir That was definitely me as a kid as well. 6y
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Between a so so and a pick. If I had read this I probably would have quit, on audio though it really is an interesting story. Two feuding families and the curse they each suffer. The plot wanders here and there but once in track I really did enjoy the main plot.

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So far I am enjoying this one.

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This is my latest audio book

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Hmmm. I don't want to pan this because it had some pretty brilliant descriptive writing and some characters with great potential. It just needed a modern editor to cut some of the wombling around the house doing nothing parts. It's sort of half way between pick and so-so. #mounttbrreadathon

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Still waiting for a plot though 🤔

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Love the setting, love the characters, but at the moment the plot has wandered off somewhere for a nice cup of tea! #SerialReader

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#TripleTuesday @MelAnn

1. Too many Yankee candles. Cos I'm middle aged now. And at least my husband and son knew what to get me for mothers day!

2. Dust covers, I obsessively keep them on, then looking inside is a surprise

3. Amazon, charity shops and the library

MelAnn That is awesome! Makes gifts easier! 🎗Thank you for sharing! 7y
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#manicmonday @JoScho

1. Cheesy m/m romance or fan fiction. Either that or classic literature
2. Waitess
3. Civil Servant at the DVLA
4. Teaching or librarian!
5. Coffee

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How much do I love this author? His characters are beautifully drawn, he really conveys the feelings and personality to the readers and the Gothic atmospheres are exquisite. I think he might be my favourite American author
