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Locke & Key, Vol. 3: Crown of Shadows
Locke & Key, Vol. 3: Crown of Shadows | Joe Hill
42 posts | 107 read | 26 to read
Acclaimed suspense novelist and New York Times best-selling author Joe Hill continues his Eisner Award-winning story of dark fantasy and wonder. The dead plot against the living, the darkness closes in on Keyhouse, and a woman is shattered beyond repair in the third storyline of the award-winning series, Locke & Key: Crown of Shadows. Dodge continues his relentless quest to find the key to the black door, and raises an army of shadows to wipe out anyone who might get in his way. Surrounded and outnumbered, the Locke children find themselves fighting a desperate battle, all alone, in a world where the night itself has become the enemy. Crown of Shadows features an introduction by Brian K. Vaughan (Saga). Winner of the 2011 Eisner Award for Best Writer.
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I'm so glad I didn't give up on this series. The art work is getting much better than the first two volumes. In this story, Dodge is still searching for the black key and finds a shadow key to try and get what they want from the kids. Meanwhile, the mother is falling apart drunk and on a downward spiral. Really good story and loved the shadow monsters.


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This is a re-read for me, but still as great as the first time I read it.

I think this volume is my favorite in the series. Joe Hill does such a great job of giving you just enough story to keep you wanting more.

readordierachel So good! 4y
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The Locke children are pulled further into the dark mysteries of Keyhouse, the keys, and dark lady while dealing with personal issues, school, and making new friendships. Kinsey finds a clue to caves behind the wellhouse, and Luke--the Dark Lady disguised--makes his deadly moves once again. Keyhouse reveals the Shadow Key, which allows the user to control shadow figures to do their bidding. Tyler, Kinsey, and Bode face the dark lady once again.

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My other half suggested I read these comics before we watch the show. I read a review that said book three is where it starts to get dark...which given the things that occurred in the first two has me a little nervous. I came to the realization that I might be a PG-13 kind of reader. 🤣

Slajaunie I loved the series. Can‘t wait for more! 4y
Hazel2019 Lol, I could watch much of the show. It was stressing me out 😂 4y
Reagan Loved both! It is a bit dark for sure. 4y
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Reading “homework” time with the teen.

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Undoubtedly one of my favorite graphic novel series so far. @Eyelit I‘m really enjoying these, thanks for the loan!

Kinsey‘s new friends are great, and they remind me of my band of misfit friends in high school. We absolutely would have gone to the cave and gotten into trouble.

It‘s sad watching the mom spiral deeper into her drinking. I want to see her start healing.

#Sietje is already on Squirrel Patrol this morning!

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Great continuation of the story and left me wanting more. On to volume 4...

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Finished another volume in the incredible series. I watched the show as well. Lots of differences and the show is a bit watered down compared to the comic. So far the comic is winning for me.

#comics #horror

DeeLew LOVED the comics. The show was good but I agree, very watered down. I think season two, if there is one, will be darker. 5y
LazyOwl This is my all time favourite comics 💕 5y
angielackswings They made a Netflix series out of this, I didn‘t know it was a comic book series 😮 (edited) 5y
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Crown of Shadows | Joe Hill
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Awe this one made me a little sad. Just the pain of losing someone you love and having you feel like you are torn at the seems was so prevalent In this volume that it ached me.

But of course I must keep reading!

Crown of Shadows | Joe Hill
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So I lucked out! They are all available at the library (for some reason I wasn‘t able to find them at first)

I watched episode 1 but was torn. I really wanted to finish reading the series first and.. well I wasn‘t sure if I was feeling it.

But... now I can finish this series !!!

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When Joe Hill says it won‘t be too gory, you have to watch, right?

Also, 😆 this made my night!

(PS: check out the Netflix YouTube channel for the first 10 minutes of episode one)

Laughterhp Thanks for posting this! Didn‘t realize they made a series and it was releasing tomorrow! I really enjoyed the first few volumes! 5y
cathysaid He‘s witty 👏 5y
alisiakae I'm 6 episodes in, and there is much less gore (almost none at all) compared to the comics. There are a lot of changes, but I'm liking the Netflix series. It is more dark fantasy than horror. 5y
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Another fantastic graphic novel series that I so love and enjoy so much.

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I‘m glad I found this series after it has wrapped up the ending, because it is addicting! Starting Vol 4 tonight and I already requested the last two from the library.

I feel like I‘m in a creepy, horror filled scavenger hunt, but every time a key is found I get excited!

The raw emotion and pain in this volume was so powerful. 😢


KathyWheeler I love this series! It‘s one of my top favorite graphic novel series. I can‘t choose between it, Sandman, and Saga. 5y
alisiakae @KathyWheeler I agree! I need to do a Saga reread, but this definitely will be one of my favorite GN series! I‘m glad I didn‘t listen to hubby, he didn‘t like it. 5y
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Each volume gets better and crazier. Bode and Kinsey have to be my favorite characters. This story is so original and captivating. I can‘t wait to see what happens next! #comic #graphicnovel

ReadingOver50 Love this series 5y
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This series is addictive!!! I want to find all the keys and learn all the secrets of Keyhouse. Joe Hill and Gabriel Rodriguez make one hell of a team!

readordierachel It is, and they do! 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage I binged all of them! ♥️🖤 6y
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And on to the next volume. With a kitty trying to get in the way.

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Oooo, I wish it would get dark already! I heard that this one gets even more creepy...

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The shadow key makes for some creepy moments and the mother needs to get her shit together.

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Loving this series so far

Crown of Shadows | Joe Hill
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Once again I got completely sucked into the story. I can't wait to see what happens next! Problem is I thought the whole series was available on ComiXology unlimited but it's not, so now I'm going to have to wait on the last three volumes from the library. 😒Oh well, I've heard patience is a virtue (I wouldn't know anything about that!😱). 5⭐️#graphicnovel #joehill #horror

Schlinkles The bookstore I work for is sponsoring Joe Hill when he comes to the Savannah Book Festival so I get to have dinner with him while he‘s here. I‘m trying to get all of Locke & Key read before then so I can talk to him about it. 7y
JenlovesJT47 @Schlinkles whaaaaaaat?!?! 😦I'm SO jealous!! I hope you have fun and take lots of pictures! 🤗 7y
JenlovesJT47 @Schlinkles are you enjoying Locke and Key so far? I really think volume one is the best graphic novel I've ever read! 7y
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Crown of Shadows | Joe Hill
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TricksyTails I love when that happens. 😊 7y
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Daaaaamn, they did it again! This is (and the others) is a #bestsequeloftheyear for sure! #decktheshelves @Tiffy_Reads @JoeStalksBeck

JoeStalksBeck Yes!!!! 7y
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Who wants to slap a b*tch? I do, I do!!

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Whoa. Let‘s start with the obvious—great story & fantastic artwork (especially the shadows). This dark, creepy, maudlin & occasionally epic story also has the mystery of the keys—where they are hidden &
what exactly they do—a family struggling to stay together & the drama of teens navigating new schools & new lives. Oh yeah, & there‘s the ancient evil that wants revenge. Hahaha—lots of drama, less laughter but always very good.

GrilledCheeseSamurai Great series! 👍 7y
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I suppose if I stopped and wondered about my reading brain, I‘d find myself a bit bemused. From fairy tales to robots and now to horror, my reading tastes are all over the place (or I‘m just a bit restless) today. Since I‘m enjoying everything and it‘s all very entertaining, I think I‘ll just roll with it. This series just keeps getting better and better too. Love Locke & Key.

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Reviewing this and then calling it a night. I have another freaking migraine. I‘ve actually had one all week. Otherwise it really would be a #LitsyPartyOfOne. I‘d have a glass of wine with my book like I see so many of you doing. Instead, I‘m whining and not reviewing. Not as scary as volume two unless you‘re afraid of the dark.... Still, I wouldn‘t miss it for the world; this is a pretty terrific series.

cobwebmoth Hope the migraine eases up for you soon! 7y
WarpedSweetness Migraines suck! :-( I hope you're feeling better. 7y
kamoorephoto I get a lot too...Topamax has helped a lot in warding them off though, but I know how it goes. The colder weather (and having nerve pain issues) make it a FOREVER issue. Feel better! 7y
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CatLass007 @kamoorephoto I used to take Topamax, but it didn‘t seem to help. 7y
kamoorephoto Maybe it‘s the combo of other stuff I take too! Ugh. Nasty migraines. 7y
Gissy Just bought volume 1 7y
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⌛📖🌠🌙😪 #Deweys24HrReadathon #Readathon #ForTheLoveOfBooks #BooksInBed

And that's a wrap for me!!

Even though I got a pretty late start, I had a great time as always, because how could u not enjoy a #Readathon?! 🤓

Happy reading to those still going (I applaud you!) & happy dreaming fellow bookworms!!😪😴😴😴

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I can't resist! Let's start volume 3!

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This series started out pretty dark and keeps getting darker! 😱 It's so good though!

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8leagueboot S**t's about to get real!! 7y
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This seems fitting for #JuneTunz prompt today. #SoulMeetsBody @Cinfhen

BarbaraTheBibliophage Good call! Great series. 👻👻 7y
GypsyKat @BarbaraTheBibliophage Agreed! I love this series! 7y
Cinfhen Awesome graphics💓yay! So glad you joined in today...hope all is well (edited) 7y
GypsyKat @Cinfhen Thank you! I'm glad I did too! Things are fairly well right now, thanks for asking! I hope you're doing well, yourself! 💗😊 7y
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Loved this one. Spooky & scary.

vivastory One of the best graphic novel series of all time 7y
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Who would have thought I'd be reading comics!?! Joe Hill does not disappoint.

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This series is really fantastic! So smart, so engaging. I'm loving it! #GraphicNovel

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A really good book and a really good series. The artwork is amazing, and the story gets better and better. Creepy and graphic.

readordierachel Love this series! 8y
Cyn.Microcosm I kind of continue to find that Joe hill can do no wrong lol 8y
Joybishoptx One of my all time faves 8y
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monkeygirlsmama I have the audio book, at least for book one. I need to listen to it. 8y
irregularreader This series was my first introduction to Joe Hill! Love Locke and Key 8y
Casi You're making me want to reread these 8y
ReadingOver50 @monkeygirlsmama its so much better when you can see the pictures 😄 8y
monkeygirlsmama @ReadingOver50 In that case, maybe I'll look for the graphic novels too! 8y
mostlycatsandcoffee I loved this so much! 8y
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I am in love with the artwork in this book!

Crystalblu So good! Such a fantastic series! 8y
Bookworm54 Wow! 8y
bookdrunkard78 Great series! 8y
BekahB I just love this series. Rodriguez does such beautiful artwork. 8y
Casi Oh I love this series so much! I need to reread it 8y
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This comic keeps getting better.

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It's been a while since I read Vols 1 & 2, so maybe this is on me. But I feel like there were big gaps in continuity with this installment, even within the book itself. A line here or there refreshing my memory might have gone a long way to improving my experience with this one.

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Here's the plan for September:
1 Beta read (not pictured)
2 ARCs (not pictured)
4 Book Club reads (S., My Grandmother..., The Nightingale, & Girl on the Train)
1 Graphic Novel/holdover from August's series splurge (Locke & Key #3)
1 I borrowed (the Pico Iyer book)
And all the books I really, really, really, really, really want to read but haven't gotten to yet 😩
Thank God for long weekends📚📚📚

Sweettartlaura Oh, and the Atwood collection, as a palate cleanser between books 8y
Beckys_Books Good luck! 8y
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I'm really enjoying this series. On to the next one.