Lydia‘s weakness for #soldiers is her downfall.
#200PnPcovers #PnPcovers
Lydia‘s weakness for #soldiers is her downfall.
#200PnPcovers #PnPcovers
No book news, just piggy snuggles making everything better!! 🥰🥰🥰
I wish I could get this comfy!! #guineapigmom #guineapigsoflitsy #thelevvypig
Mistress Pig and I are enjoying this rainy day by being very lazy!! (I just cleaned out her blankies and she proceeded to drag her treat stick all around her cage getting it EVERYWHERE!!!!)
After Raptor bath time it‘s Raptor snack time! 😂😂 Lev is not a fan of the baths but she will grumpily tolerate it, towel drying her on the other hand, she will yell and grumble the WHOLE time! So we take her mind off of it with snacks, today she had a large Romain lettuce leaf. #guineapigsoflitsy #prettypiggygirl
My newest addition to my PnP collection, number 44. My 13 yo daughter found this one and had her daddy order it for me as a "just because" gift. This might be my most adorable edition. ❤
Angry side eye after bath piggy! Hubs kept pulling the towel down further and referring to her as Darth Piggious 😂😂😂😂 #cometothedarksidewehavekale
Colin Firth eat your heart out! This is the adaptation that's stolen my heart. Fun, cute and a must for any piggy lover. 🐹🐹
It was fleece changing day for the Levvy pig!
Hub: “this is a really soft blanket!” Me:”isn‘t it cute? It‘s for Lev!” Hub:”seriously you got a fuzzy fuzzy unicorn blanket for the pig to poop on?” Me:”yes, yes I did!” 😂😂 #guineapigsoflitsy #spoiledpiggy #guineapigmom
My reading buddy at the moment 😂😂😂 #guineapigsoflitsy
I am Levvy, Queen of everything and when mom reads and ignores me I will yell until someone gets me out and loves me. Preferably with food. 😂😂 #guineapigsoflitsy #guineapigmom
My dear Daisy dressed as Lady Catherine de Bourgogne. She was not a happy camper. Lol
Day 13: militia
My class wanted to help me today. Here is their take on Jane Austen and the militia.
Guinea Pig lovin!! #guineapigsoflitsy #morepigs
We have been out if school for the last 5 school days. One of my students painted me a picture while out on snow days. She knows how I love Jane Austen. ❤️📖❤️#AustenAddiction #AustenAdaptation
We finally retired the old fleece that had faded and started to fray and got new cute blankies for the piggie girls. Erza had adorable elephants and Levvi had wonderful foxes and owls. Also Hellllllooooo new littens!!!! 😍😍 #guineapigmom #spoiledpiggies
I've always found the classics a little hard to get into at first... But these are just so cute I love every page! #AGuineaPigPrideAndPrejudice #AGuineaPigOliverTwist #PictureBook #CuteBookCover #ChildAtHeart #GuineaPig #AnimalsInCostume #Classic #ClassicWithAModernTwist
This adorable book was a hit with the piggies! Thank you again #secretbookfriend 💕💕
I came home to an INCREDIBLE package from my #secretbookfriend this morning 😍😍 I've been wanting these two books for a while now and the Hug a Sloth Kit is so perfect!! He is adorable and I will definitely be hugging him 💕💕I don't know what I did to deserve the mystery Litten sending me the #anonymousbookmail but THANK YOU! You made my day 😘
Oh my glob! This is the best thing ever!! #guineapig #guineapigmom
Here is just one of the creations by my students for Winston's floor time. They love to create tunnels for him and hide treats. They also love to hold him and read to him. Winston has got it pretty good when it comes to getting lots of attention. #guineapigsoflitsy
Happy Piggys and happy parents because they smell so much better 😍😍 #guineapigsoflitsy #litsypigs
Heh I amuse myself. Levy "mom! Put the phone down and get her out!" Erza "noooooo mommy! I want to stay forever!! ?? also pride and prejudice with guinea pig photos is the best thing in the universe!!