This seems appropriate for National Redhead Day - the history of the Redhead!
This seems appropriate for National Redhead Day - the history of the Redhead!
I had high hope for this book and I was disappointed with how much of it was commentary. I appreciated learning about historical significance of redheads and how gendered people‘s concepts of redheads are. The author does state that her book is focused on Europe, as the USA has other (racial) issues & prejudices that make it unique and outside her experience as a European.
2/5 stars read for a well written semi-history with lots of commentary
What a fun read for a ginger, or even someone who loves a ginger. There is some depressing history in here, but the overall message at the end is so uplifting that it‘s worth it. I am a proud redhead. I wish I had this book when I was younger, when I wanted more than anything to be blonde or brunette so I could “be like everyone else.”
I don‘t know what book the other Liten read, but these are the closing words (literally the last words of the book) and they point blank differentiate between the minor issue of hair color prejudice, and other more dangerous forms of prejudice...and not one mention of Black Lives Matter. No one in their right mind, including this author, thinks ginger-hate is anywhere near racism!!!
#JackyCollissHarvey #Red #Ginger #redhead
Ginger in every shade.
#JackyCollissHarvey #Red #Ginger #redhead #shadesofred
P.S. Now I want to write a book of satire called “50 Shades of Red” 🤣😂🤣
Are we talking red velvet or carrot cake? Done well, I‘ll take either!!! lol
#JackyCollissHarvey #Red #Ginger #redhead #gingercake #cake #redvelvet #carrotcake #everythingisbetterwithcake (and a ginger)
Gingers are more compassionate. Hm. Interesting observation.
#JackyCollissHarvey #Red #Ginger #redhead #compassion #love #kindness
This would be a fun and interesting situation to find one‘s-ginger-self in. Bucket list, baby!!!
#JackyCollissHarvey #Red #Ginger #redhead #redheaddays
Sadly, this wouldn‘t surprise me either.
#JackyCollissHarvey #Red #Ginger #redhead #discrimination
Redheads, redheads everywhere. What do you call a group of redheads, anyway?!
#JackyCollissHarvey #Red #Ginger #redhead #collectivenoun
Fact over myth. Good to know.
#JackyCollissHarvey #Red #Ginger #redhead #myth
And yet it happens all the time. For all the clearly wrong prejudices that have been brought back since 2016, I‘m still waiting for the day it‘s okay again to openly do and say horrible things to gingers. I‘ve heard a few terms in my day that I‘m really hoping to never hear again.
#JackyCollissHarvey #Red #Ginger #redhead #prejudice #hate #anger #rage #trumpsamerica
Do we really? Books is a definite no (just look around Litsy). Fads are a maybe; we all see the same fads eventually. Celebrities are a definite no. I don‘t even know who most celebrities are or why they‘re “famous.” Movies are another maybe. Goods, another maybe.
#JackyCollissHarvey #Red #Ginger #redhead #movies #celebrities #books #fads #goods
Oh my god, how did I miss this. This was okay to her? This is the same woman who claims objectification of women is bad? Guess what, that works the other way round, sweetheart. I really can‘t stand this chick.
#JackyCollissHarvey #Red #Ginger #redhead #taylorswitft (there‘s a hashtag I never thought I‘d use) #objectification
This happens to my best friend and I all the time. It probably doesn‘t help as consider ourselves sisters anyway.
#JackyCollissHarvey #Red #Ginger #redhead #sisters #friends
Yes to this for every single woman (and man for that matter), whoever they are!!!
#JackyCollissHarvey #Red #Ginger #redhead #freedom #freedomofexpression
Well, that‘s an interesting fact. Hm. So many people hate it, yet so many people want it. WTF?!
#JackyCollissHarvey #Red #Ginger #redhead #hairdye
REALLY?! This is just tragic. Admittedly, I fully believe it shouldn‘t be a big deal at all to come out as gay, bi, trans or anything else, ones hair colour certainly NEVER should factor into “coming out.”
#JackyCollissHarvey #Red #Ginger #redhead #poorguy
This is probably why I am SO confused as to what I actually want for my own damn hair. Everyone seems to think they get to decide and tell you how to wear it. I don‘t even know what‘s my idea and what‘s someone else‘s anymore.
#JackyCollissHarvey #Red #Ginger #redhead #itsmyhead
God lord, THIS!!! Ask first. I beg of you. Don‘t be creepy.
I can‘t help wondering if this isn‘t part of the reason, in ancient Ireland, it was considered taboo to touch someone‘s hair without permission.
#JackyCollissHarvey #Red #Ginger #redhead #notouching #askfirst #itsmyhead
@julesG MIND. BLOWN. I‘m down here in bloody Liberia (well, more like the Mediterranean Sea) and all my ancestors are from up in France, Ireland, Scotland, and Norway. No wonder we far prefer the climate in Minnesota and we don‘t mind Canada. My mind is absolutely blown.
#maps #mapmania #superimposed #vitaminD #health #sun #climate
Amazingly true sentiment about genealogical DNA tests.
#JackyCollissHarvey #Red #Ginger #redhead #genetics #dna #wereallrelated
Scary? Me? Seriously? This can‘t be remotely close to true. I find this humorous.
#JackyCollissHarvey #Red #Ginger #redhead #notscary
SEE!!! Pale skin is better. Everyone can shut up and stop telling me to “get some sun.”
#JackyCollissHarvey #Red #Ginger #redhead #pale #paleskin #vitaminD
This is straight up legit...at least where I‘m concerned.
#JackyCollissHarvey #Red #Ginger #redhead #tomboy
What the ever. loving. actual. F#$%?! Berg is one sick, sick puppy.
#JackyCollissHarvey #Red #Ginger #redhead #CharlesBerg #freudian #sickpuppy #wtf #sickandtwisted
🙄 Well, obviously. 🙄 Everyone knows the precise, biological location of the ginger gene. Duh. 🙄 That‘s basic 5th grade biology.
🤣😂🤣 I think I‘ll just stick with “MC1R Mutant” thanks. So much simpler. 🤣😂🤣
#JackyCollissHarvey #Red #Ginger #redhead #genetics #MC1Rmutant
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
#JackyCollissHarvey #Red #Ginger #redhead #gingersinart
Sounds like what Americans tried to do with the Native Americans. The lovely legacy of the English and all that hate can do.
#JackyCollissHarvey #Red
Jerks. You‘ve completely forgotten the redhead badass.
#JackyCollissHarvey #Red
This is why we‘re freakin unicorns!!!
#JackyCollissHarvey #Red
Interesting. Just more proof that we‘re really all the same.
#JackyCollissHarvey #Red
This is why I refuse to follow “redhead appreciation” social media account. They‘re all basically soft core porn.
#JackyCollissHarvey #Red
I only ever heard the Irish or Scottish bit. The rest of it sounds like a hoot!!!
I actually started this one in November. I kept forgetting to actually post the quotes after I made them, so sorry in advance for the ginger spam!
#JackyCollissHarvey #Red
I've always believed my red hair (and my love of baseball) was my connection to my grandfather who I never knew. I was the only one of his seven grandchildren who inherited his red hair. This book is an interesting look at redheads throughout history and I learned a few things.
My plans are sorted for the rest of the day
I liked this until the end when it stopped being about history and became Harvey‘s own soapbox. Like bro just tell me about the other gingers I want to know more about my awesome hair.
Harvey focuses on art, symbolism, touches on genetics, religion, ethnicity, perceptions of the redhead, &the gender dichotomy between how redhead males &readhead females are perceived. It would have been nice to see a more extensive anthropological/ethnographic section. That being said it was a swift read free of the jargon that deters people from science books. Thankfully, Harvey includes a list of references for those who wish to delve deeper.
Interesting enough, but this redhead was a bit uncomfortable with the emphasis on redheads as a persecuted group. I'm sure it's worse in Harvey's native UK but from an American perspective tying Black Lives Matter to teasing gingers is a problematic leap at best.