My favorite Vonnegut book. What else you got? (Obv slaughterhouse V is great)
My favorite Vonnegut book. What else you got? (Obv slaughterhouse V is great)
Just blasted this novel on another platform with higher character limit, so I'll keep it simple here. Written in 1959, and it shows. Heavy moralizing via reprehensible manipulation; no character deserves that amount of suffering. Quotes shared indicate how beautiful Vonnegut's writing can be, which is why I haven't written him off completely. Yet.
Sounds compassionate on the surface...
Well, he said 'a purpose' and not 'the purpose', but the background of control, being used really throws the whole mess into a dubiously consensual light.
"It was literature in its finest sense, since it made Unk courageous, watchful, and secretly free."
"A purpose of human life, no matter who is controlling it, is to love whoever is around to be loved." ♡
Another masterpiece from an author that always blows me away with his great ideas.
It is disturbing in parts and amusing in others. I really enjoyed it!
I saw this book mentioned in other books I enjoyed called The Universe Versus Alex Woods, and in Penelope Douglas' Credence. Whilst I enjoyed the Sci-Fi thought provoking aspects, I did find the pacing to be a little slow. The plot is interesting but slightly confusing, Whilst some parts were philosophical, I am glad that this Sci-Fi book was not only a whimsical exploration of different planets, it was also a little emotional.
"There is no reason why good cannot triumph as often as evil. The triumph of anything is a matter of organization."
I picked this up because of an obscure reference in Y The Last Man and ended up being completely captivated. A weird and darkly funny book that has aged incredibly well.
#LMPBC #groupV Thank you for the fun! @Hazel2019 I am sending your book today and I will email you the tracking!
Keep in touch guys!! (Sorry for the puppy nose. She needed to make sure it was safe!)
I'm not sure Vonnegut is for me. He seems to be trying to combine scifi ideas with social commentary. Which should be something I would really enjoy. I thought that the scifi concepts discussed were interesting. But this fell pretty flat for me. In trying to focus on the social commentary, Vonnegut didn't provide characters or a plot that I really cared about, so it felt like work to continue picking it up!
“It took us that long to realize that a purpose of human life, no matter who is controlling it, is to love whoever is around to be loved.”
Vonnegut gets to me every time.
There were aspects of this book that I liked, like the writing style and the overall thought-provoking nature of it, but ultimately it didn‘t really click with me. I never felt that invested in what was happening.
This is on its way to you @rjsthumbelina ! I just emailed you the tracking number. 😊
#lmpbc #groupv #catsoflitsy #Phoenix
Malachi Constant is told that it is inevitable that he will travel from Earth to Mars to Mercury, back to Earth and then to Titan. Despite his best efforts to avoid this prophecy it does come true.
The first chapter had some funny scenes, but although I could see that the rest of it was meant to be funny, it just didn't tickle my funny-bone.
The Magnum Opus Building was a slender, prismatic, twelve-sided shaft, faced on all twelve sides with blue-green glass that shaded to rose at the base. The twelve sides were said by the architect to represent the twelve great religions of the world. So far, no one had asked the architect to name them. That was lucky, because he couldn‘t have done it.
This got here today! 😄 I‘ll get started on it soon.
#lmpbc #groupv #catsoflitsy #Ember
Starting on this #LMPBC #Round10 #GroupV book today! So excited to get into it 😊 thanks for the cool bookmark & stickers @booksellerofyourdiscontent will pass the others to the next person 😁
Hey #lmpbc #groupv! I was wondering if anyone was having issues sending their package as well? I have been in touch with @Hazel2019 about the delay. Vonnegut has been trapped in some distribution annex for a solid week. I plan to go to the post office Monday morning and check it out. I thought I would share and post a picture of my puppy to help spread some holiday cheer.
Tomorrow morning I will get these on their way!!! I meant to send them earlier, but life is life sometimes. #LMPBC #groupp #groupv
When I started at the bookstore this was the first suggestion I received from a coworker. I loved it then and not much has changed. My only observation is that if you are annoyed with humanity this may not help! #LMPBC #round10 #groupv #bookjournal
Here are my four. Hopefully there is something here of interest for you guys! #groupV (Sorry if it is a little dystopian heavy.)
Loved this book, first I‘ve read by KV so didn‘t know what to expect. First half was intriguing but the second half of the book was outstanding. The events on Mars, Earth and finally Titan are written in such an engaging way that I couldn‘t put the book down again until I‘d completed it. One of those books that makes me want to research the authors underlying themes, really interesting stuff 9/10
This is your typical Vonnegut novel of sci-fi satire and dark humor and although I usually enjoy his work, this novel started a little slow for me. The ending reveal which ties the various oddball character threads and moral philosophical musings together is the saving grace.
A Universe schemed in mercy would have kept man and dog together. The Universe inhabited by Winston Niles Rumfoord and his dog was not schemed in mercy.
A few new books from this week!
I have a new copy of Dark Matter for #BBBBC since I decided to trade mine in a few months ago 😅
As well as The Sirens of Titan, volume one of The Best Science Fiction and Fantasy, and The Witcher graphic novel.
If this is what Vonnegut was like this early in his career, then I can't start reading the rest of his books fast enough. A terrifically plotted tale with an abundance of brilliant ideas and touching characters.
Sirens of Titan-Vonnegut
Bright Star
Starman-David Bowie
#manicmonday @JoScho
Thanks so much @jmofo for my #lasagnahog giveaway gift! I love this addition to my Vonnegut collection! I've been wanting to read this one!!
📖Sirens of Titan
✍️John Steinbeck
#manicmonday #letterS
49/50 Only 1 book away from the goodreads goal I set back in February. This one took me longer than the other Vonnegut books I've read this year but not because I wasn't into it, because my youngest son's 10th birthday was yesterday. My time went to birthday shenanigans instead of reading. No matter what book you're reading your baby's birthday shenanigans are far more important. No review, just a pick because it's Vonnegut and of course I 💜 it
Not a great picture but I'm sitting outside of my work. I finally started this last night. I think I put it off so long because I'm still disappointed I didn't receive the edition I was supposed to from #Thiftbooks I'm getting over it though because I definitely am loving it so far. #currentlyreading #vonnegut 💜
On the left are my copies of Slaughterhouse-Five, Cat's Cradle and The Sirens of Titan (which arrived yesterday) On the right the edition of The Sirens of Titan I thought I was buying. I really wanted all my Vonnegut books to match and look nice together on the shelf. I know when you buy used books online this happens and you get what you pay for but *whine* Am I being petty or would this bother anyone else this much?
This one isn‘t my favorite (Breakfast of Champions is) but I enjoyed this witty, sarcastic, fun, ridiculous romp through space/time. I could *try* to describe this book but you really just need to read it! #GreatAmericanRead #GAR
On the surface, ‘The Sirens of Titan‘ seems like a funny, crazy, trip through space. (Albeit, an ahead of its time, highly influential trip.) And it is. But it‘s so much more. Vonnegut takes on religion, free will, the purpose of life, foolishness and responsibility to others. This is really good science fiction literature. It‘s not necessarily an easy read - but as in life, things often don‘t make sense in a straightforward way.
I finished another (brilliant) book for #GARBingo - I need to be more on top of this game. So far it‘s been fantastic ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ reading.
My friend canceled our Sunday plans (coffee, shopping and pedicure) but I decided to go anyway - and take Kurt Vonnegut instead. I‘m reading this for #GARBingo and I can‘t believe I‘ve never read it before. Very funny!
Despite my 70s-esque cover edition, this was an interesting read. Originally published in 1959, Vonnegut does a great job of making the story timeless. And I can see how this book influenced later sci-fi authors.
I finished it at 12:03am, but I‘m counting it as a June 29 read. 😉
Review on GR forthcoming, but I rated it 4-stars and a definite pick.
#readpastmybedtime #latenightread #GARbingo
#jb #justbecause
1. That‘s a tough one. I‘m an environmental attorney who primarily focuses on the Endangered Species Act, so I ❤️ most all animals. But if I had to pick just one, 🐘 (elephants) & just for fun because I fantasy, 🐉 (dragons).
2. See my 5-Star reviews on GR
3. Blues & purples, particularly the deeper shades
4. Tea, but in the last year or so, i have started drinking lattes.
5. A quiet beach
6. Tulips 🌷