Really great read. Exceeds expectations; mine were low at first considering it‘s based completely on boys walking a long distance. It explores the meaning of friendship, mental fortitude and the limitations thereof. Go King 👏👏
Really great read. Exceeds expectations; mine were low at first considering it‘s based completely on boys walking a long distance. It explores the meaning of friendship, mental fortitude and the limitations thereof. Go King 👏👏
I‘ve read others reviews and… all I can say is you have to like this type of fiction… in my opinion it‘s one of the best books ever.
One of the opening short stories, “Guts,” was one of the ones that made Chuck famous, going around telling it and making people pass out. Someone who can do that with literature is truly powerful.
My favorite Vonnegut book. What else you got? (Obv slaughterhouse V is great)
I kept saying “ehhh I don‘t know if I‘ll keep reading,” but I did so that says something.
does anyone know the backstory of this guy and this book?This was the only book he wrote, sadly he committed suicide.When his mom was cleaning out his room she found the manuscript of this book. She presented to publishers and no one wanted to run with it. But mom took it to one publisher and said- “if there‘s one punctuation or grammar error, you don‘t have to put this book out, but if there isn‘t then you do.” He took the bet. And here we are.