Interesting second installment (first is amazing! Read it)
Bk2 of my #MarchUnshelfing #readathon & #challenge is done! A brilliant follow up to The Immortals, it continues the story of Selene DeSilva & her mortal partner Theo.Formerly the goddess Artemis, her & her fellow Olympians are slowly losing their power & immortality now they no longer are worshipped, but now another cult has risen that is killing the former deities & stealing their divine weapons. Selene & Theo are once again drawn to battle. 5⭐️
Next up in my #MarchUnshelfing #readathon is another book that‘s been on my #MountTBRShelvesOfDoom for years. Bk2 in Brodsky‘s Olympus Bound series, it follows the exploits of the goddess Artemis as a champion of women in modern day New York. Now known as Selene DeSilva, she roams the city streets, melting out justice for those who need it most. I read the 1st book, The Immortals, 4yrs ago & loved it. I think it was one of my first Litsy reviews!
Since I was reminded yesterday that Winter is indeed coming, my mind wandered to my bookshelf and landed on this beauty! It‘s the continuation of Artemis and her story in modern times. The first novel, The Immortals, quickly became a favorite which is why I can‘t believe I haven‘t read this one yet! Definitely an anticipated winter read❄️📖 #WinteroftheGods #2019TBR
Oh hey, sorry I‘m never on social, but I did finally start the book I‘ve been meaning to get at all summer... also my Maine Coon Lucy demanding pets in between chapters. 🐱📖 #sundayreading
Holy #BookMail, Batman! @JenlovesJT47 I am gobsmacked at your super generous #FeedAReader package I received today! Thank you SO MUCH!!!! @MinDea @TricksyTails
I‘m a sucker for any book with a map or family tree. Gifted by @lorannen & can‘t wait to read it! Need to finish Interpreter of Maladies first! 📚 #tbr #greekmythology #thriller #allofmyfavoritethings #maps #trees
#currentlyreading definitely appropriate for the weather ❄️❄️
So when I hallucinate what Theo Schultz looks like I picture him looking very similar to Milo Thatch from the movie Atlantis...just maybe a bit taller. Anyone else? Or is that just me? What/who do you hallucinate?
(Posting same thing on all 3 books in the series cause I HAVE to ask/get this off my chest. Haha)
WHOOPS totally forgot to review this one once I finished it...which probably tells you a lot about how I felt. The characters were wonderfully familiar, & it was really fun to see the dynamics being worked out between Selene & the men in her life. It‘s kinda less exciting when the subplots are more interesting to you than the main plot — which, frankly, seemed too much like a recycled version of the Percy Jackson series. Good, but not great. ★★★☆☆
#currentlyreading | started this last night & am already at 40% oops #sleepisfortheweak
#2018BookBinge #day6 #BlueBooks Blue seems to be a Colour most often used for bookcovers. I could‘ve posted a huge stack of books, but I‘ve gone with 6 of my most recent read or purchased. I‘ve read 3, half read one & the other 2 are on my TBR shortlist. Can you guess which is which?
#UncannyOctober #day20 #BooksInTheWild When we went on a four day houseboat cruise on the Hawkesbury River, I just had to take a backpack of books to take pretty pictures of them in the "wild" which got me a LOT of teasing during the trip. Still, this is an awesome book about the Greek goddess Artemis and her protection of women in trouble in modern day Manhattan with the backdrop of Kuringai-Chase National Park & the Hawkesbury River at dusk.
Today in ebook sales is this fun and kickass mystery with Greek gods living amongst modern day New Yorkers!
#Riotgrams #day8 #BooksAndIcecream Just some of my favourite icecreams here. The Salted Caramel stick Icecream is one of my all time favourites, but the Maggie Beer Burnt Fig Honeycomb & Caramel is my all time favourite ever supermarket tub Icecream. Then I could get into the niche Icecream like Kohua Road & Movenpick & Serendipity. And small artisan like Cow&TheMoon or Gelatissimo or Gelato Messina. Mmmm, Icecream.🤤🍦🍨
🔔📚🔔 this book was awesome! Think Greek gods living secretly amongst humans with a mystery! The main character is a hilarious, kickass, goddess who has to figure out the Who and why of gods being killed. Ebook only $2.99 !!!
Bk2 of the Olympus Bound series,set 3months after the events of The Immortals.After Artemis & Theodore,the classics professor,banded together with other members of her immortal family to stop the cult sacrificing women for nefarious purposes,she's been left at a loose end until a body shows up draped over the bull statue on Wall Street.There's an ancient conspiracy that threatens to take down every Immortal left alive unless Artemis can stop it.
LOVED this book! It's as excellent as the 1st in the series & I can't wait till book 3 is out!
I loved that we got to get to know more of the Greek god & goddesses, their pasts, present, & struggles. I like how Theo's friends were included more too. This book was exciting (difficult to put down) but also heart breaking. 😢 I hope the future looks brighter for Theo, Selene, and her family. I can't bare more heartache for them! 😩
The second installment of this series was as good as the first. It was definitely emotionally heavier but I liked that, I feel like this author doesn't take the easy way out when it would be simple to do with such a fun premise.
Go get it! But read The Immortals first because knowing something about the characters going in makes this richer.
I got to read over 70 pages today and made it half way through the book. 🎉
Life is good. 😊
And I might get to read more later. 🤞🏼
Appt day = book day!
Which is nice cause an unscheduled toddler bath prevented me from reading last night...
I don't want to adult! I just wanna read my book! 😩
Had to stop at a REALLY tense part and won't be able to read more till tonight. It's pure agony!!!
Very good series. Highly recommend it if you need a more adult fix of the Percy Jackson series or are a fan of American Gods 👍🏼
Did some "I feel like crap so I'll buy some books to make me feel better" shopping on bookdepository.com I was quite restrained, only bought three, but they're all beautiful hardcovers so it was worth it. I could've bought lots more in paperback, but they don't look as pretty on my shelves. I do feel better though!??? #paininducedbookbuying #definitelyworthit
I have to take the hubs to THREE appts today. That's 3 hours I get to read! And today, I'm treating myself to a fun read rather than something counseling related, cause I'm gonna need some fun today to stay sane through all the driving and appts today. 😜
#veteran #veteranwife #veterancaregiver #intern #mft #therapist #staysane #selfcare
The battle between myth and mortal continues. A new foe cast as a Mithrian cult, which has been working for a millennia to bring about a new age, is killing the gods and it's up to Selene and Theo to stop them. Delicious new characters, fabulous storytelling, and high detail attention to history help to continue this series through to a grand conclusion for book two. I love a book where I learn along the way, and I can't wait for the next one!
Published today 🎉📚
Mystery ✅
Greek gods living amongst mortals ✅
Kickass (figuratively and literally) goddess ✅
Funny ✅
Awesome ✅
Do I need the 3rd book NOW?! ✅
Putting on workout clothes and sitting down to finish a book counts as a workout, yes?