If he‘s the projected winner does that mean there‘s still a chance he can lose? I really hope that doesn‘t happen but after looking through social media I‘m starting to rethink it. 💙💙💙
If he‘s the projected winner does that mean there‘s still a chance he can lose? I really hope that doesn‘t happen but after looking through social media I‘m starting to rethink it. 💙💙💙
Congratulations!!!!! @BennettBookworm You are the winner of my #SM10KGiveaway
Life was very lifey this week so I just got to picking the name, so sorry about that! Send me an email at samanthathorson at hotmail.com and we will get going with getting you your winning package!! 🥳🥳🥳
I am so thankful for Litsy and for all the Littens who make it such a special place. Thank you for your kindness and book loving ways ♡
#SummerFun #SummerFunJR Congratulations to @Allydanielle88 for winning the first giveaway. Please email me Lebretonr87 at gmail dot com to arrange for your prize. The prize this round is a book from your TBR or an amazon gift card. But hey, the #SummerFun isn‘t over! There will be another, even bigger prize pack given out in August and all of your hard work this past round will also count as entries for the draw! 👇
I'm so excited, I won one of the YA scavenger hunt prizes. No idea which one, but one of them. Now to figure out what I am buying since it will probably NOT be books (I have this thing about buying books from amazon).
Congrats to @wanderinglynn for winning my #50kLoveLitsyGiveaway! Send me an email vjthomsen@gmail.com with your mailing information.
I will get the books shipped out early this week. Thank you all for playing.
Congrats to our final quarter winner for #Booked2019 @nelehelen 🎉🎉🎉Over 2000 books were read this year by more than 250 Littens!!!!! We truly enjoyed seeing all of your posts and creative ideas, not to mention all the amazing book choices 🙌🏻💕📚We‘re so excited to host #Booked2020❣️❣️❣️It‘s not too late to join us @BarbaraTheBibliophage @4thhouseontheleft @Cinfhen
Here‘s the sign up link 👇🏼
The winner of #BFCr2 Week 1 optional photo challenge by random drawing is @BeckyB 🎉👏🏻🥳
Becky, I‘ll drop your prize into the mail later this week—I just need your zip code. Please email it to me: lynn@wanderinglynn.com. 😀
#BookFitnessChallenge #BFC
Thank you to everyone who offered recommendations earlier this week! I put everyone‘s names into a random name generator and the giveaway winner is @Mitch 🥳🥳
Mitch - please email me with your top three wishes for books from your TBR and I‘ll pick one to send to you.
Thank you to all 69 people who entered and helped me make it to 49,000! You all helped make turning 49 much better!
The winner is: @MindyK59
Congrats!!! 🎉🎉🎉
You can send me an email to denise353@aol.com and let me know how to get you the gift card!
Thanks to the 23 of you who share your favorite fitness gear this week! By random drawing @KathyWheeler is the winner! 🎉👏🏻🥳
Kathy, I‘ll be mailing you a little something on Saturday.
Everyone else stay tuned for the next optional photo challenge! #BFC #BookFitnessChallenge