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Dubliners | Joyce, James
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Dubliners | Joyce, James
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This was the year I was going to read more classics and I found this collection of short stories highly entertaining. And I truly like James Joyce.

RowReads1 💓 1y
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Dubliners | James Joyce
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Thanks for tagging me @OriginalCyn620 🙌 I tag @Emilymdxn and @indiaro

@MoonWitch94 #thoughtfulthursday

1. My ~hour's winding down time before bed (no digital devices allowed)
2. I try to! Sticking to the above helps
3. I can work with either but I'd prefer total quiet😴

MoonWitch94 As I said to someone earlier, since I‘m late reading everyone‘s, you are right on time! Thanks for playing 🌙📖 2y
Moll @MoonWitch94 😊😊 2y
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Dubliners | James Joyce
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#OnThisDay in 1882, James Augustine Aloysius Joyce was born in Dublin. A lover of literature and the written word, Joyce's works are known for their experiments and exploration of various literary methods. He spoke 17 languages, learning Dano-Norwegian just so he could read Ibsen in its original format. "Better pass boldly into that other world, in the full glory of some passion, than fade and wither dismally with age" #HistoryGetsLIT

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Dubliners | James Joyce

Fiction: In this chapter the main character was supposed to meet up with his friends but the second one was late and decided to leave and do the activity without him. I disagree with this decision because now the second friend is probably waiting all by himself for hours.

Dubliners | James Joyce

Fiction: This book takes place in 1895 and in the chapter I read an old priest had just recently passed away and the whole town seems to know about it. Some are mourning while most are annoyed by the commotion. I feel if this took place where I live and in the year 2021 the mourning process would be different by posting on social media rather than talking over a fire and only people in that priests community would be aware of his death.

Dubliners | Joyce, James
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4/28/2021 - (Fiction)
This book was given to me as a christmas present

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Dubliners | Joyce, James
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Not too long after my last post, I started seeing someone and my reading progress fell off a cliff. I now have this huge accumulation of unread #library books (this isn‘t even all of them!).

While I‘m certainly not complaining and am happy to report he‘s a fellow reader, I‘m also not sure when my reading or posting will increase in frequency again.

In the meantime, if you‘re reading this, how are you? Is 2021 off to an ok start?

mcipher Congrats - and a reader too!! 💕2021 has been odd and busy but I‘m happy to say my reading game has picked back up this year so I guess my brain is working better than last year 😂 4y
twohectobooks @mcipher Thanks! And that‘s good to hear! I had a pretty good year of reading in 2020 but I know a lot of others struggled. Glad things are going better for you now! 4y
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Turns out Dubliners is really good! Very accessible and not at all what I had been led to expect from a Joyce collection. This was a fun episode to record, there are lots of things to ponder and mull over and discuss and I think it turned out well. Enjoy!


jewright By far my favorite Joyce. Ulysses was such a slog, but Dubliners is enjoyable. 4y
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Heading into deep waters. The November #bookclub book for the #podcast is Dubliners. Never read Joyce before. Ready to dive in and I feel a mixture of excited and nervous!


Susanita Good luck! I bailed after ten pages. 4y
Therewillbebooks Ha! Yeah we'll see how it goes. I'm hoping that reading it towards a specific end will help. 😬 4y
KVanRead I read this a few months ago - my first Joyce as well - and I really liked it. 4y
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Dubliners | Joyce James

Reading this book now. Joyce is masterful with language.

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DivineDiana I love this! 5y
GingerAntics 💙💙💙 5y
batsy Such a great cover. 5y
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#7days7covers #covercrush Day 5

@OnlyYoo want to join? Post seven covers you love, one each for seven days. No need for any explanations. Tag a new litten everyday.

OnlyYoo Thank you for the tag! 5y
Naj @OnlyYoo 😊😊 5y
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Dubliners | Joyce James
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1. Done. Always thought I'm not that smart to understand Joyce's versatile talent, but I love these beautifully written stories 🧡
2. Only two classmates called me by nicknames: Zelenka (close to my last name and sounds like brilliant green in Russian) and Hamster. No one else ever tried 😏
3. Fries 🍟
4. Sleep, read and go shopping (can't believe it'll be that easy though)
5. Eng, Rus (Пятница!), Fr (C'est vendredi!)
@howjessreads #friyayintro

Dubliners | Joyce James
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1. No, but I have been to literary places, like Dublin, birthplace of James Joyce.
2. No—next big vacay is either Costa Rica or Peru.

TheSpineView Costa Rica sounds wonderful! Thanks for playing! 😊 5y
Lucy_Anywhere I lived in Costa Rica for two years and loved it! Such an amazing place with beaches, volcanoes, rainforests, and sloths! 5y
wanderinglynn @Lucy_Anywhere that‘s so cool! What were you doing there? I‘d love to hear more about it. 5y
Lucy_Anywhere I taught at an international school in San Jose! If you love nature and laying in hammocks, CR is a fab place to visit - I had so many cool experiences from spotting sloths and monkeys in national parks, hiking around active volcanoes, sitting in natural hot springs, enjoying almost deserted beaches... absolute bliss! 5y
wanderinglynn @Lucy_Anywhere that sounds like an amazing experience. You‘re definitely selling me on it! 5y
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Dubliners | Joyce James

Listened to an audio book version of this read by a Dubliner. Very authentic experience.
I liked these small pieces of everyday life in the life of the fictional characters. It was alright, but not great.
💥💥💥💥 out of five.

Dubliners | Joyce James
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Joyce‘s birthday, so reading from this today: “Clay.” Not that this is my favorite short story collection, but I think it may be the one I‘ve read the most times (English major!).

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“The barometer of his emotional nature was set for a spell of riot.”

What a phrase! Well, my barometer today was set for a spell of reading! 😆 it‘s been so long since I‘ve finally had the chance to spend a few hours reading, it‘s been great!

GingerAntics Just added this to my reading list. Haven‘t read much of Joyce, but I love Ireland and I‘m always game for some short stories. 6y
Faibka @GingerAntics great! I think you‘ll love this book and Joyce‘s work in general. He really makes turn of the century Dublin and its people come alive with all their virtues and follies. This is the most accessible of his books I‘ve read so far and the language is beautiful, he‘s able to convey so much meaning in a few pages! Ulysses was at the top of my reading bucket list and finally got to tackle it at the beginning of the year, so worth it! ✌️ 6y
batsy I love this book @GingerAntics and I second what @Faibka says! I need to re-read this at some point; I think I need to get this lovely edition, as well 😉 6y
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GingerAntics @Faibka @batsy I downloaded a free version of it on Apple Books and found the audiobook at the library, so this is happening soon. Maybe it will be my first read for 2019. 6y
Faibka @batsy so happy to hear you loved it so much! I haven‘t finished it yet and already adding it to my re-read list, lol. And yes, when I saw this edition I had to have it! The inside jackets and the back showcase more artwork from a couple of the stories. Highly recommend it! 6y
Faibka @GingerAntics that‘s great! What a wonderful way to start the year 😊✌️I hope you enjoy it! 6y
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“She sat at the window watching the evening invade the avenue.”

Gorgeous imagery contained in such a modest sentence

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Ha! What does this remind me of? 🤔 Lol

8little_paws Makes homer something something? 6y
Faibka @8little_paws 😂😂😂 Lol, I almost spat my tea, yes another great reference! (edited) 6y
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Dubliners | Joyce James
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My #santathing books came last week but with all the Christmas excitement I forgot to post them! I‘m so excited to read these!

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Next on my “Classics that were first novels“ reading goal

emilyhaldi I just picked this up in a little free library over the weekend🤗🤗 6y
mcctrish @emilyhaldi I bought mine at the Goodwill bookstore 6y
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I had a traditional Irish breakfast for lunch after I visited the Dublin Writers Museum. Naturally, I had to purchase my first book at the Museum Bookstore, called Volumes Bookshop - Dubliners while in Dublin, most naturally.

AshleyHoss820 I love everything about this! 6y
vkois88 😍😍 6y
MStew This is drool worthy 6y
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Kaye Can you tell us what all the foods are ? It looks like oatmeal ? And toast. Then waddya got on the plate ? 6y
GatheringBooks @Kaye apparently traditional irish breakfast consists of toast, bacon, scrambled eggs, and beans. i had cappuccino too - not very irish coffee, methinks. :) 6y
Kaye They start the day with a hearty breakfast. 6y
MerinEliza Looks delicious. I didn't even notice the book at first. :-) 6y
batsy I love this book 💙 6y
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Caught in my natural habitat... has anyone seen this beautiful centennial edition of ‘Dubliners‘? The cover is so lovely, I couldn‘t pass it up. This will be my first Joyce read as well. ☺️

RaimeyGallant Lovely. 6y
PatternsOnWalls @RaimeyGallant Thank you! I can‘t pass up a bookstore without going in for the life of me. 😆 I‘m sure it‘s a normal #litten trait! 6y
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Welcome 📚🎊👏🏻 6y
asiriusreader Welcome to Litsy! 6y
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Dubliners | Joyce James
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JazzFeathers This is on my TBR. But... can l join only for few books? 7y
Sarah83 @JazzFeathers feel free to join the buddyreads. 😘 7y
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Dubliners | Joyce James
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A collection of character studies or vignettes in which each of the main characters has an opportunity (which they mostly don't take) to break away from the particular "stuckness" of their lives. It's an interesting look at a section of the Dublin life of Joyce's day and asks uncomfortable questions about the limitations of the human will.

P.S. "Joyce James"? Do you want to have a quiet word with yourself, Litsy?

Sha0102 "The Dead" is the best!!! 7y
BarbaraBB Joyce James 😂😂 7y
JazzFeathers Joyce James? 🤕 7y
BethanyAlys Ah this is on my reading list for uni! 7y
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charleston is so beautiful and is the perfect place to just relax and read🌿

WordWaller I love Charleston ❤️ 7y
enchantedravens @WordWaller this is my first time visiting and I fell in love. it is so beautiful here❤️ 7y
WordWaller @enchantedravens that's awesome! It's been years but I want to go back so bad! 7y
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I am going through the WORST reading slump ever right now and haven't been able to finish a book in 2 weeks :(. I really want to finish this classic but I think I'm going to reread Harry Potter or Fangirl to help get myself back in a reading mood

Dubliners | Joyce James
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What happened when I went to visit a library book sale on the way home from the airport! ✈️ Amazing feeling when you stumble on books mentioned on podcasts from a while back. 😂📚👏🏻

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Dubliners | Joyce James

Never read Joyce before, but I just had to buy some of his works when I was in Dublin. I can definitely see why he is such a cherished author, Dubliners is definitely a portrait of a city book that delivers what it promises!

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Dubliners | Joyce James

This is the next book on my British Literature list. But the first two chapters left me feeling... disgusted.
When you're reading a book that you dislike, should you keep plugging through to finish it or just leave it?
And if you are of the opinion that you should do the latter, what if it's a classic?

amandacatherine There comes a point where I have decided that there are too many great books in the world to waste time on a book that I dislike, classic or no. Maybe you can try it again later but If your word is "disgusted," I say bail. 7y
cottagelantern @amandacatherine I agree! Thank you for your advice. I think that's what I'll do. 😊 7y
Jono Every book deserves 100 pages. A Tale of Two Cities was a hard read for me but it was worth pushing on. Same with War and Peace. You have to push yourself or you'll end up one of those middle aged people who only read Harry Potter and other YA novels and think it's literature. 7y
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cottagelantern @Jono I agree. I can count on my fingers the number of books I've started and not finished. However, I don't know if you have read Dubliners, but the first two chapters were about creepy old men hitting on little boys. And I'm sorry, but classic or not, that is not something I'm interested in feeding into my brain. 7y
Jono In Afghanistan peace is sealed between tribes with a trade of young boys to each village elder. These young boys are the youngest of their families so they have no inheritance. Their value now as a sex slave for another village elder so the tribes keep peace. This is a terrible and disgusting world we live in. Books that show us that ugliness can be difficult to read. Don't give up on it. Maybe put it on the back burner for a bit & return later. 7y
cottagelantern @Jono There's a difference between awareness of terrible things in the world and choosing to read an entire book about them. One of the books I've never been able to finish is All Quiet on the Western Front. I've extensively studied WWI, but I couldn't continue to read it. Just because I couldn't bring myself to finish it doesn't mean I'm not aware of the horrors of WWI. I just don't want to torture myself reading about it. 7y
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Dubliners | Joyce James
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#marchbookstagram story set in Ireland = Dubliners by James Joyce 🇮🇪

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Dubliners | Joyce James
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March is Reading Ireland Month, a month-long celebration of lreland culture. Are you fancying going in?


I'm having a very hard time organising myself, since l'm without my computer and l really can't manage my blog from my phone. But l hope to be back in business by next week.
Planning to finally read Joyce for the blogathon, and a few other lrish authors ;)

wanderlustywriter Oooh. I wish I could read Tana French again for the first time, she is my favorite! 8y
JazzFeathers Never read her. I'll check her out. What do you suggest to read first? 8y
SaraFair Wow. I need to learn who the Irish writers are or Irish stories. Its my heritage! Let us know if you have some suggestions-- 8y
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Dubliners | Joyce James
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#riotgrams #coolspines playing catch up with riotgrams! Here is my favourite collection which has some cool spines - the penguin deluxe collection. Probably my favourite part of my bookshelf!

Kalalalatja They look wonderful together! 😍 8y
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Long Room at@Trinity College Library