#HumbleHarvest Day 26: One of these books has #FallInTitle - book haul early this year: https://wp.me/pDlzr-p0X - posting a day early since traveling back to the Emirates from Bologna today. ✈ï¸ðŸ›©ï¸ðŸ§³
#HumbleHarvest Day 26: One of these books has #FallInTitle - book haul early this year: https://wp.me/pDlzr-p0X - posting a day early since traveling back to the Emirates from Bologna today. ✈ï¸ðŸ›©ï¸ðŸ§³
Antonio is looking back on some important days in his life, especially a day in 1996 when he was walking down a street with Ricardo Laverde when they were both shot. Laverde was a man Antonio had met on several occasions and as the year goes by he is by some point contacted by his daughter. This help Antonio discover Laverde‘s past; An aero plane accident in 1938 that would shape the family in generations. As we get to the 80s and 90s,
Thank you thank you thank you to @CoffeeBooksRepeat for this most amazing box of gifts. I am thrilled by these books (none of which I have read 🤗). These socks looks so comfy and the candle smells like winter! What an awesome #wintersolsticebookexchange
It's always interesting to read the stories of the civilians during Pablo Escobar's time. Enjoyed reading about how their lives have changed because of his reign and many others like him.
“¿Usted lleva un diario, Antonio?
Le dije que no, que los diarios siempre me habían parecido ridículos, una vanidad o un anacronismo: la ficción de que nuestra vida importaâ€.
En eso pensaba cuando conocí a #JuanGabrielVasquez quien me regaló un “abrazo latinoamericanoâ€
I love the originality of Juan Gabriel Vasquez's work (although rooted in the tradition of such greats as Garcia Marquez), and his rhythm - taut & lyrical, the prose flows beautifully with a wistful tone: "the nostalgia for things that weren't yet lost". A strong sense of place: Colombia from the 1960s to 1980s, and a story within a story. Antonio's slow, believable decline is matched by sympathetic Ricardo, Elena & Maya. #readaroundtheworld
The story is told through the life of a individual, whose life is dramatically changed, because of the some drug business from the past, and with great involvement of some of the real events of recent Colombian (and Bogota) history. Excellent quite, introspective novel. Excellent characterization with very rich, fluid prose.
Juan Gabriel Vasquez - #Colombia 🇨🇴
#readingtheworld #readaroundtheworld #rockinmay #cocaine
A slow paced opening that might not have held my interest but something about it has kept me going. Hard to describe except to give it about 50-60 pages.
Wow. I loved this book. I folded over some many pages because of the profound sentences and ideas to think about. I love the ending. I think I found a new favorite author.
Antonio suffers from PTSD and he thinks about fate, about the little things in life, that bring us to the point of breakage and fatal changes in life.
#rockinmay #dontstopbelievin
I wonder, if this is Vasquez's personal opinion about the One Hundred Years of Solitude 🙄
I can't stop reading this book. I need to sleep but I can't because it is so captivating! Chronicle of a Death Foretold was pretty good. A quick read. But Sound of things falling is getting me in touch with the city I was born in and it's making me feel very alive and in touch with the mysterious city and country I was adopted out of at 2 months old. #colombia #readaroundtheworld
It's not #booksaboutmothers but is the quote about some maternity feelings.
What better than a book and some flowers for an anniversary gift 🌻📚#goodreading
Dull, detached narrator perfectly portrays the life-altering symptoms of PTSD.
Today the book I got from the book swap at Booktopia Ashville (which was fantastic and I'm sorry they're no longer being held) is today's featured book on my book a day calendar. I need to make time for it despite the invocation of Jonathan Franzen.