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The Luminous Dead
The Luminous Dead: A Novel | Caitlin Starling
61 posts | 51 read | 55 to read
A thrilling, atmospheric debut with the intensive drive of The Martian and Gravity and the creeping dread of Annihilation, in which a caver on a foreign planet finds herself on a terrifying psychological and emotional journey for survival. When Gyre Price lied her way into this expedition, she thought shed be mapping mineral deposits, and that her biggest problems would be cave collapses and gear malfunctions. She also thought that the fat paycheckenough to get her off-planet and on the trail of her mothermeant shed get a skilled surface team, monitoring her suit and environment, keeping her safe. Keeping her sane. Instead, she got Em. Em sees nothing wrong with controlling Gyres body with drugs or withholding critical information to ensure the smooth operation of her expedition. Em knows all about Gyres falsified credentials, and has no qualms using them as a leashand a lash. And Em has secrets, too . . . As Gyre descends, little inconsistenciesmissing supplies, unexpected changes in the route, and, worst of all, shifts in Ems motivationsdrive her out of her depths. Lost and disoriented, her control giving way to paranoia and anger, Gyre severs her connection with Em and the outside world. On her own in this mysterious, deadly place, surrounded by darkness and the unknown, Gyre must overcome more than just the dangerous terrain and the Tunneler which calls underground its home if she wants to make it out aliveshe must confront the ghosts in her own head. But how come she cant shake the feeling shes being followed?
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The Luminous Dead: A Novel | Caitlin Starling
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Actual footage of me throwing a book across the room after I finish it because.. WTF even was that??? Started off so strong, then just... died. Repetitive and annoying - halfway through. Then I just really wanted to know what a Tunneler was.. (didn't get a full description until about 80% in).. and it was not worth the wait! Pretty much hated Gyre at the end... but I think I hated the love trope more because given the circumstances... HOW?? ⭐️⭐️

dabbe Yowza! Even the sweet kitty's like #wtf? 🤣🖤🐾🖤🤣 12mo
reading.rainb0w @dabbe hahaha she knows a dud when she sees one 🤣 12mo
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The Luminous Dead: A Novel | Caitlin Starling
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Imagine being in an underground cavern on another planet completely alone, while one singular person with questionable goals and morals is responsible for a large portion of your survival.. Welcome to... The Luminous Dead 💡👻💡

But also 🍄🌌🧑🏾‍🚀👽💀🪱 because idk wtf is going on yet

The Luminous Dead: A Novel | Caitlin Starling
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I thought this would be a science fiction/ horror novel, and because Alien is one of my favorite horror films, I thought I would love this. The Luminous Dead is not a horror novel, and the science fiction elements are light. The book is a claustrophobic psychological suspense novel that takes place in tunnels on another planet. Conversations between a caver and her guide on the surface make up most of the book. It‘s not what I expected.

The Luminous Dead: A Novel | Caitlin Starling
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Science fiction. This book takes place entirely in the caverns, and except for the technologically advanced suit she wears, it's hard to know that this takes place on a different planet. I am fascinated by people who explore underground so I enjoyed this one. The claustrophobic atmosphere really got to me. I didn't like the relationship between Gyre and Em, the person controlling the mission. I didn't understand the bond they developed.

reading.rainb0w I did not understand the bond either 🤔 12mo
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The Luminous Dead: A Novel | Caitlin Starling
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I can see how this would be scary for some people but to me it just felt like it never really got started and then just got very repetitive. I skimmed the last 100 pages and didn't feel like I lost anything. Great idea for a story though.

The Luminous Dead: A Novel | Caitlin Starling
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The best way to spend the weekend

#litsycrafters #dogsoflitsy

dabbe Be still my heart! Da sweetest pup! 💜🐾💜 2y
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The Luminous Dead: A Novel | Caitlin Starling
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Yall. I've been listening to The Luminous Dead lately. I thought parts of the story kept sounding like a repeat and that was odd. Though I assumed maybe it was to add to the creepy kind of chaotic vibe. Nope I realized that somehow the same section was repeating. I don't even want to admit how long that took me to figure out 🤣 I guess that's my sign to put the book down and sleep

The Luminous Dead: A Novel | Caitlin Starling
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I think my horror/thriller bone is broken. I enjoyed this book, but it was not as suspenseful, for me, as it was made out to be. Which resulted in it seeming to drag on unnecessarily, again: in my opinion.

Another low pick.

#OutstandingOctober @Andrew65

IndianBookworm It's so hard to find good thriller books these days! 2y
eol I think it's a bit mislabeled. It's a psychological sf horror - in that order of importance - but definitely not a thriller. It doesn't really have all the typical thriller beats (or at least they aren't really all that important). I went in without expectations, but I understand the disappointment. 2y
julesG @eol I knew that. And I admit that it delivered. Just not as claustrophobic as I had expected. Again, probably my having read too many books and seen too many films. 2y
eol @julesG I know the feeling. I'm pretty fresh to horror, so not on that front, but when I pick up fantasy these days, I'm often like, “Oh, this feels suspiciously familiar. Have I already read this book?“ One of the reason I'm trying to expand to other genres, actually. (edited) 2y
Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏 2y
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The Luminous Dead: A Novel | Caitlin Starling
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A lesbian stuck in a cave system full of monsters, clutching at a fragile lifeline held by a woman who, with every passing second, seems more and more like a monster herself—this one is about that relationship and emotions, and not really about plot.

If you're into messy humans, this book is for you. If your enjoyment depends on exciting plot twists, nope out.


#SF #Horror #LGBTQ #WLW #Standalone

The Luminous Dead: A Novel | Caitlin Starling

The hype did not live up to it for me 👎🏻
This was ok, I listened to the audiobook so that might have been the problem, though the audiobook narrator was good.
I just found that it felt like the story wasn‘t going anywhere at points, almost like I was stuck in the cave system myself haha..
I think I maybe just don‘t get on with this authors writing style sadly.


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The Luminous Dead: A Novel | Caitlin Starling
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I'm giving this a pick despite the toxic relationship between the 2 main characters. It's a great sci fi fantasy adventure. And the #audiobook is really well done.

#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3y
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The Luminous Dead: A Novel | Caitlin Starling
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Ok, I'm calling it.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with this book other than the fact that I'm just not into it. I don't know if it's the cave diving or the sci-fi elements but I've been trying to get past the first 70 pages all month and it's not happening. I hear good things but just not for me.

#Newyearwhodis #bookspinbingo @MaleficentBookDragon @monalyisha @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Sometimes a book just doesn't click! 3y
monalyisha Getting total Cthulhu vibes from that hand. 😅 There‘s no shame in bailing! 3y
MaleficentBookDragon Oh no! I‘ve got two strikes! Sorry you didn‘t like it. I don‘t know why I loved it so much since I don‘t read sci-fi normally. I think it was because I really do love anything about caves. 3y
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The Luminous Dead: A Novel | Caitlin Starling
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⭐⭐⭐/5. Took me a while to get through this one.

The Luminous Dead: A Novel | Caitlin Starling
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I didn't keep track of my time but I know I hit at least 20 hours. 3 books finished and 2 more in progress. The added #TreasureHunt was fun! The hardest words to find were celebrate and two but I eventually got them all.

Always a blast @Andrew65 😊

Andrew65 Brilliant 👏👏👏🥳🥳😍📚 3y
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The Luminous Dead: A Novel | Caitlin Starling
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Claustrophobic, terrifying and suspenseful. A cave explorer is alone on a isolated planet with only an untrustworthy person in her ear for company. Is the cave cursed or is she going crazy? Hallucinations or real threats? What do you do when an outsider can control your suit? An edge of your seat read that would make a fantastic movie!

BookmarkTavern That sounds terrifying and amazing! 3y
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The Luminous Dead: A Novel | Caitlin Starling
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🎧 Atmospheric, creepy, isolation.

Psychological thrill ride had me on the edge of my seat. You‘re brought into dark, isolated, claustrophobic caves on an alien world & the complete loneliness/fear this journey brings.

Em is the voice in Gyre‘s helmet that becomes her lifeline & the person she comes to love, hate & fear.

Juvenile insecure inner monologue of the MC was a bit frustrating.

Horror sci-fi. Easy choice for a quick read! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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The Luminous Dead: A Novel | Caitlin Starling
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Thank you @wanderinglynn

📖 Tagged & 11/22/63

🍁 family & friends

📚 That I can‘t afford more of them!

wanderinglynn 👍🏻🥰 3y
MoonWitch94 Thanks for playing 🍂📖✨ 3y
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The Luminous Dead: A Novel | Caitlin Starling
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Finished the first book of the week. Weird but good. #Scarathlon #TeamHendrix #Screamathon #Wickedathon #SpookOWeen #BookSpinBingo 16 pts

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3y
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The Luminous Dead: A Novel | Caitlin Starling
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Spelunking with “tunnelers”.😳

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The Luminous Dead: A Novel | Caitlin Starling
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Gyre is a caver desperate to get off her home planet and search for her mother, so she takes on a dangerous solo caving job with only her handler in her ear. This is a great story of perseverance and the growing bond between two women with a similar goal. It‘s so well written and paced, taut with anxiety and claustrophobia. I really liked it.

julesG You just sold it to me. 😁 3y
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The Luminous Dead: A Novel | Caitlin Starling
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It is surprising that I am enjoying this book even more than I thought I would, considering there is not that much action so far.
And I think I‘m taking away the wrong message. I am now obsessed with the idea of cave diving. 😁

Literary_Siren Cave diving would be so cool! But after seeing The Decent, I don‘t think I could venture into any cave. 😱 4y
MaleficentBookDragon @Literary_Siren so true. I saw both of them and also The Cave. So, maybe not.😁 4y
Hooked_on_books I read a really interesting NF recently about cave diving. It‘s a memoir of a woman who cave dives and is an underwater photographer. 4y
MaleficentBookDragon @Hooked_on_books thanks! I‘ll have to check that one out. 4y
Avanders 😁 I agree — cave diving! 🙋🏽‍♀️ 4y
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The Luminous Dead: A Novel | Caitlin Starling
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My new favorite reading snack. 😋 🤤
And yes, I‘m sneaking in some reading instead of working. 🤫

Annie1215 Ohhh those look great 4y
Soubhiville Ok I‘m adding those to my grocery list! Mmmmm. 4y
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gibblr Who‘s not sneaking in reading instead of working?!? 😂 4y
emz711 Ooo those are new, never seen them before 4y
aperfectmjk Those look yummy! 4y
batsy Omg that looks so yum! 4y
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The Luminous Dead: A Novel | Caitlin Starling
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The synopsis made me really want to read this, but the actual book was a letdown. There were a lot of times it just dragged. The two character's motivations were incredibly stupid. Even the "monster" felt like it's been done a thousand times.

The Luminous Dead: A Novel | Caitlin Starling
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As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

“This claustrophobic, horror-leaning tour de force is highly recommended for fans of Jeff VanderMeer‘s Annihilation and Andy Weir‘s The Martian.“ (Publishers Weekly)

#audible #audiblebooks #books #audiobooks
#booklovers #bookstore #litsy #usa #horror

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The Luminous Dead: A Novel | Caitlin Starling
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This book did have a creepy element but I didn‘t find it scary. As others said, it‘s a slow start but got better the more you read. All through it I thought of this cave I dived in as a kid-it was closed years ago due to a death & the body being unable to be retrieved. Above is the cave entrance, and an oddly similar map to the book. I liked the book but god, the main character was sooo dumb sometimes. Good read for a weekend tho.

The Luminous Dead: A Novel | Caitlin Starling
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Bk1 of my #Scarathlon2020 #Screamathon2020 #Gothtober #RockyHorrorathon #CYOReadathon #Thrilloween #Sbooktober etc is done! So far, I think I‘m looking at 76pts for this post? That‘s 15 for themed book(thriller)& 60pts for time read plus 1 for this post. A psychological thriller this one, filled with a creeping sense of dread, it fits the prompt of #ReadAPsychologicalThriller #OverAtTheFrankensteinPlace #Lies & #Thriller 436pts #TeamSlaughter

wanderinglynn You are on the ball! 🙌🏻🎉🎃 4y
wanderinglynn You are on the ball! 🙌🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🎃 4y
BookwormAHN Nice 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 4y
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Clwojick Technically since the readathons points are stackable, this book is probably way more. 😉 since you‘re doing a handful of readathons, that 60 pts would be for EACh Readathon that this specific book qualifies for (if you‘re matching it to a set prompts or whatever) so say this book qualifies for 4 readathons it would be worth 40pts per hour read, 15 for the completed theme read, and 1 for participation 🤣♥️🤣😱🤓 4y
Sace Daaaaaang..... Impressive points! 4y
StayCurious wow! Good job...also, I suck at the math... 4y
Lizpixie So for 7 readathons it works out at 436pts right? @Clwojick 4y
Clwojick That sounds right to me! 🤓 4y
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The Luminous Dead: A Novel | Caitlin Starling
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Good morning all my fellow #Scarathlon2020 #TeamSlaughter ‘thonners. I managed just over 2 1/2hrs before I crashed at 3am which is a few points for us at least. Up and raring to go today, it‘s a beautiful sunny spring day to kick off October so I‘ll be sitting in my garden to read hopefully, once I get all the watering out of the way anyway. How‘s your day starting? #Screamathon2020 #CYoReadathon #Gothtober #Pageathon 1pt

The Luminous Dead: A Novel | Caitlin Starling
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And we‘re off! It‘s past 12am Oct 1st here in Sydney so I‘m getting in at least an hour of reading before bed. This is just a few of the ‘thons I‘m doing this month, there‘s #Scarathlon2020 #Screamathon2020 #CYoReadathon #Gothtober #Pageathon #Sbooktober & I just saw the prompts for #RockyHorrorathon #Thrilloween & #TrickOrTreatathon on #TeamSlaughter captain @Clwojick page! Wish me luck🧟‍♀️ 1pt

Clwojick AHAHAHAHAHA! this reminds me of January when we were all gung-ho about doing ALL THE CHALLENGES! 4y
Sace I'm jealous! I'm counting the hours until it's October 1st in my neck of the woods! 4y
Sace PS- WOW I didn't realize so much was going on! 4y
Andrew65 Good luck ! 👏🍾🥂 4y
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The Luminous Dead: A Novel | Caitlin Starling
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I‘m about 2/3 through this book, with 45mins to go till the start of #Scarathlon2020 #Screamathon & all the other ‘thons happening in October including the #Pageathon on Discord. This Thriller/Horror/SciFi certainly fits the theme for October, I know it‘ll count towards reading time but will it count as a book read for #TeamSlaughter?

Clwojick OH my god oh my god oh my god! Happy official start of #scarathlon2020! I love that you're 14 hours ahead of me!!!! GO #TEAMSLAUGHTER! 4y
Clwojick And i just checked the goodreads description, and it seems to fall into both categories, so I'll leave that for you to decide at the end of the book. If you think it falls heavier on the horror side of things, then give yourself 5pts, but it you think there was some great thriller suspense moments, then 15pts. Its really a judgement call since a lot of books are both. 4y
Lizpixie @Clwojick thank you o captain my captain. So far it‘s more in the thriller SciFi camp, there‘s more of a creeping sense of dread than any monsters.🧟‍♂️ 4y
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The Luminous Dead: A Novel | Caitlin Starling
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Stuck on a four hour job where I can‘t leave so I‘m gonna read for a bit while I‘m here.

The Luminous Dead: A Novel | Caitlin Starling
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Probably the last book I‘ll read this month is another #SciFiSeptember pick. Though this one is more of a horror/thriller SciFi choice. Especially if you have claustrophobia at all🙆🏻‍♀️Gyre Price has lied her way onto a caving expedition on a mining planet, deep into the earth. But alone with only her remote guide as company, she finds that secrets are hard to keep when you have no control over anything. Is it paranoia or is she being followed?

The Luminous Dead: A Novel | Caitlin Starling
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I‘ve been recommended this by several online quizzes and it keeps showing up as a recommend in my Goodreads so when it came up as available in my library I figured, why not?

The Luminous Dead: A Novel | Caitlin Starling
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Okay so I was engrossed in this one enough to read it all in one go. There's really only three characters in this story: Gyre, Em, and The Cave but it still feels like there is a lot going on. I liked seeing the ways in which Gyre and Em forge a relationship despite the fact that both of them are practiced liars. I'm not quite sure if I'm satisfied with the way things end. This was my #DoubleSpin selection @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4y
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The Luminous Dead: A Novel | Caitlin Starling
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About to start this now. I‘m excited because it sounds a little more spoopy than my usual reads.

The Luminous Dead: A Novel | Caitlin Starling
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Different, dark, & atmospheric. Liked the format, especially the caving & diving. Gyre‘s only contact with others was archived video clips, conversations with Em, the Tunneler, & maybe ghosts. But Em & Gyre...a strange dynamic to befriend the person who‘s threatened you, drugged you, repeatedly lied to you, & is to blame for the deaths of other cavers...many other cavers. Considering who they are though...it works, but it‘s creepy.

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The Luminous Dead: A Novel | Caitlin Starling
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Heard about this one on a book podcast and couldn‘t resist.

Eos462 Had you started it? If so, how is it so far? 4y
Sara_Planz @Eos462 four chapters in and good so far! 4y
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The Luminous Dead: A Novel | Caitlin Starling
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#BookReport - Finished 2 books this week. Both were just okay.

Have 2 print books in process and 1 audiobook. I have a little over 100 pages left in Alias Grace and I‘m loving this book! I‘m glad I finally picked it up.

#WeeklyForecast - I have to focus on my library books. I have 4 or 5 out and they are all due back in August

Scochrane26 I‘ll be interested in what you think about the ending to Alias Grace. 4y
Cinfhen I finally read Alias Grace earlier this year and I LOVED IT!! It was 5 stars for me @Scochrane26 4y
Cinfhen I picked up Burning from BOTM but I haven‘t read it yet 4y
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Laughterhp @Scochrane26 The ending was a little anticlimactic. Not really what I was expecting for an ending and kind of weird. 4y
Scochrane26 @Laughterhp I forgot that ending isn‘t the hypnosis scene. Atwood likes ambiguous endings, & this one bugs me because you don‘t know if grace is acting or really has dissociative identity. I know she‘s basing it on a real life case, so that‘s why I think she left it for us to decide. 4y
Laughterhp @Scochrane26 I literally just said the same thing to my friend. It bugs me you don‘t know. This is a book club pick so I‘m interested to see what the rest of our club says. 4y
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The Luminous Dead: A Novel | Caitlin Starling
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I kind of got bored in the middle. I felt like it was too long and much but I get that the author was probably doing it so you could get how alone she was and the terror.

I was just kind of bored and skimming through it. The end picked up and got super creepy. Was what Gyre seeing was real or was it in her head. I liked that part of the book. But just a little too long.

This was a book recommended by #GetTBR for a Vessel readalike 🤷🏻‍♀️

Laughterhp I think this one would fit for #LittensDressedInBlood @MidnightBookGirl 4y
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The Luminous Dead: A Novel | Caitlin Starling
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5 hours and 38 minutes later ...

That was super intense and I loved it. I wish it had decided what type of horror story it wanted to be: a ghost story or a monster story. Other than that ... it was solid.

The Luminous Dead: A Novel | Caitlin Starling
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Continuing to remember recent horror reads I've loved. This one was a sci-fi horror completely unlike any I've read, with a really effective sense of dread throughout. (Picture because I'm currently browsing the horror tags of my Libby app--I definitely recommend Libby if you don't already have it!)

The Luminous Dead: A Novel | Caitlin Starling
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Full review here: https://wp.me/p21txV-I6

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ of 5 ⭐s

TW/CW for novel: emotional abuse, claustrophobia

The Luminous Dead: A Novel | Caitlin Starling
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Been off the book train for a while, despite what seemed like a promising start earlier this year. Ah well. Hopefully I get to stay on it longer after this attempt.

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The Luminous Dead: A Novel | Caitlin Starling
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When I started this, it was a so-so read. I liked the world and the danger and the sciencebut really wasnt 100%committed. That all changed around page 80 or 90. From there I didnt put the book down except for when I was so tired I couldnt physically keep going. So I definitely say pick, now after finishing it @RainyDayReading

RainyDayReading I‘m glad you wound up enjoying it! I had a similar experience when I was reading it. Once you reach a certain point it‘s like well now I have to find out what on earth is going on haha. I think I loved the atmosphere of it the most. 5y
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The Luminous Dead: A Novel | Caitlin Starling
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So I admit that I hadnt been totally sold on this book for like 100 pages. It was too good to put down but not good enough I felt compelled to move fast. Until now. Geez @RainyDayReading I made it to where she thinks shes seeing people and now i HAVE TO KEEP GOING

RainyDayReading That‘s the same thing that happened to me when I was reading it! I was kinda hooked on the atmosphere but then when I hit that part I knew there was no stopping haha 5y
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The Luminous Dead: A Novel | Caitlin Starling
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Up next, another #NewYearWhoDis book. I'm sure I'll enjoy it, as me and my match have pretty similar tastes and Ive loved all of them so far.
@monalyisha @RainyDayReading

RainyDayReading Enjoy! This is one that I was left thinking about for a while after I finished it and has just stuck with me for whatever reason. 5y
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The Luminous Dead: A Novel | Caitlin Starling
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I reached my page goal for the week in The Three Musketeers, so I decided to start another Book Riot #MyTBR book from this quarter. It has a strong Annihilation vibe so far. I‘m definitely intrigued, but also exhausted, so I will be joining #Bailey in dream land shortly and will pick this back up tomorrow. 😴
#dogsoflitsy #pibble #pitbullsoflitsy #amstaff #readingbuddy

Bklover Bailey is adorable and I really liked Annihilation so I‘ll be interested to hear what you think of this one. Sleep well! 5y
vivastory This sounds fantastic! 5y
LauraJ What a sweet picture 🖤 5y
batsy Oooh! I'll be interested to see what you think. Bailey 😍 5y
Cathythoughts I loved Annihilation.... will look forward to your thoughts 👍🏻❤️ 5y
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The Luminous Dead: A Novel | Caitlin Starling
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This was an awesome read! I flew through it; lots of tension and like the characters I was desperate to find out the cave's secrets. Gyre is a lone caver sealed in a robotics suit, Em is her reticent handler, only connection to the surface and semi-controller. Both characters have some ulterior motives, and their backstories weren't always fleshed out enough for these to totally land, but as a sci-fi creep fest this totally worked.

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The Luminous Dead: A Novel | Caitlin Starling
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A new favorite of mine. Utterly engrossing in a very subtle way. I didn‘t realize how invested I was until I legit couldn‘t put it down. I enjoyed the banter between the characters and the look into what it means to be human. This is a survival story, ghost story and psychological thriller against a sci-fi backdrop. I wish that the Tunnelers has been explained more as they seemed a little convenient at times but I loved how character 👇🏻

RainyDayReading driven it was. I wish the horror element had been a little stronger since it was kind of there but it didn‘t feel deliberate enough for me to be sure that it‘s truly what the author meant. Overall great read. 4/5 stars. 5y
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The Luminous Dead: A Novel | Caitlin Starling
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The weather is nice and I‘m under doctor‘s orders to “take it easy” thanks to a muscle spasm in my back 😬 I‘ve got work reading and fun reading on the agenda.

Today‘s tea is self explanatory 🤓

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The Luminous Dead: A Novel | Caitlin Starling
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#BookMail Pt8 This one sounds fascinating, it‘s SciFi/Suspense/Horror with caving thrown in. Gyre Price lies her way into an expedition for the money to find her mother, but mapping mineral deposits with a skilled team is not what she gets. Instead there‘s Em, who uses drugs & blackmail to force her into obedience. But missing supplies & route changes are the least of her worries, there‘s something else in these tunnels, something following her.

Squidapus Super interesting and claustrophobic book, some minor quibbles aside 5y
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