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This book was recommended to me by #gettbr / Book Riot. I wasn‘t sure if I was going to like a book about a sick kid getting obsessed with the lion, the witch and the wardrobe, but I really did. I loved the main character and her journey. A bit of a sad ending but you kind of know that going in.

Laughterhp Forgot to post this was also my #doublespin for January! @TheAromaofBooks 9mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 9mo
Allylu I loved this too. I just finished it and I have to go back because I want to remember a quote before I forget. I listened to the audiobook, and now I want to own it. I haven‘t been affected by a book like this in a while. 😊📚💕 3mo
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I finished this one early last week. It was recommended to me by #getTBR (which I‘ve since put on hold).

It‘s a cozy, witchy mystery. It‘s been a while since I‘ve read a cozy so that probably effects my rating. This one was okay, but I probably won‘t continue with any more of the series.

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I was seeing posts for this #BigBuddyRead and thinking, "hmm, might be one to pick up," and what do you think one of my (surprise) Book Riot Tailored Book Recommendations that arrived today was? The other two look pretty cool, too!

I won't finish it in time for the discussion, but I'm glad that I have it. #IndependentWomen #gettbr #bookmail @Cinfhen @BarbaraBB

Cinfhen Oh wow!!! That‘s the universe sending you a sign!!! Pop over to @BarbaraBB page whenever you can to join the discussion / even if it‘s weeks from now 😁 2y
BarbaraBB I am so curious what you‘ll think of it!! 2y
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The Hacienda | Isabel Caas
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This is a fun one! Kind of Mexican Gothic meets Cinderella, with a dash of Jane Eyre, The Exorcist, and The Amityville Horror, which isn't to say it's derivative... it's its own thing, just with echoes of those other stories. I don't love everything about it (some things seem inconsistent with the time period), but overall I had a very fun time reading it. #gettbr

ImperfectCJ I see that some compare this novel to Rebecca, which is interesting to me. I can see that plot-wise, although it didn't really strike me as having a Rebecca vibe while I read it. 2y
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Aside from pacing that was a little slow at times (in places this read a little like a history book), I quite enjoyed this story of a dystopian near future. Vara does an excellent job of painting a scenario that's alarming for being an all-too-logical extension from where we are now. There's a bit of a Brave New World vibe. #gettbr

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Acts of Violet | Margarita Montimore
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When I first started this one, I was like, "Wow, this is awesome!" I really liked how the story unfolded through podcast episodes, newspaper articles, and emails. But I didn't enjoy the narrative portions from Sasha's perspective as much. These sections feel less complex than I want them to, and her daughter does not seem like a 21-year-old to me. It's an interesting concept, but I left the novel uncertain of what the purpose was. #gettbr

ImperfectCJ And I really don't like therapy sessions in novels. 2y
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Untitled | Unknown
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I have no idea why I wrote these in (mostly) cursive rather than my usual tiny caps, but here we are: my January 2023 #bookspin list. It's all #tob23, Christmas haul, #gettbr, and #AppointmentWithAgatha

I fully expect to carry a lot of these over to February as January is shaping up to be quite busy.


TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
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Miss Aldridge Regrets | Louise Hare
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Received my book recommendations for the quarter from #gettbr

It looks like I got a different bibliologist for this quarter. So we‘ll see. These books all sound good and most have good ratings on litsy.

Something was wrong with goodreads, so I couldn‘t search and look them up there.

Trashcanman The whole thing I think Is sick 2y
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The Hacienda | Isabel Caas
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I rejoined #gettbr after a year's hiatus. I was craving the surprise of curated titles and decided to treat myself. I made a video, too, which I'll post to YouTube if I ever get it edited. I have to do a voiceover because my family didn't seem to get the memo that I wanted it quiet on the set (or that the dining room table was the set).

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Honestly wasn‘t sure what to expect with this one. It was recommended by Book Riot #getTBR

This is magical realism, small town, family, folklore book. I discovered afterwards that the author basically writes all her books in this small town and you can discover some characters in her other books, which I love and I‘ll have to check out.

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