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Digital Minimalism
Digital Minimalism: Living Better with Less Technology | Cal Newport
Read Digital Minimalism and you'll never again mindlessly sacrifice your productivity to clickbait or lose 40 minutes of your evening to your Instagram feed We're addicted to texting, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter not because we're stupid or shallow, but because they provide real value in the form of connection, community, affirmation, and information. But these tools can also disrupt our ability to focus on meaningful work and live fully in the present. Must we choose between one or the other? Cal Newport's answer is no. In Digital Minimalism, he outlines a practical philosophy and plan for a mindful, intentional use of technology that maximises its benefits while minimising its drain on our attention, focus and time. Demonstrating how to implement a 30 day digital detox, this book will help you identify which uses of technology are actually helping you reach your goals, and which are holding back. Cal Newport is a tenured professor of computer science at Georgetown University. He is the author of five books, including So Good They Can't Ignore You and the bestselling Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World. On Cal Newport's bestselling book Deep Work: 'Cal Newport is a clear voice in a sea of noise, bringing science and passion in equal measure' - Seth Godin author of Purple Cow 'A compelling case for cultivating intense focus, and offers immediately actionable steps for infusing more of it into our lives' - Adam Grant, author of Originals
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Starting this on #kindle just don't touch my eBooks 😜😂

Bookwormjillk 🤣 5mo
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This book blew my mind and I‘m hoping to say in a month that it changed my life. I‘m going to implement the digital declutter experiment for the month of September.

Highly recommend, especially if you feel overwhelmed by the amount of digital platforms striving for your attention.

JanuarieTimewalker13 Sweet kitty❤️how old is he/she? 9mo
REPollock @JanuarieTimewalker13 he is an old man, 17! 9mo
JanuarieTimewalker13 I knew he was a Senior bc they tend to lose weight. It‘s heartbreaking, right? My boy is 17 and my girl is 14. He‘s lost weight but still moving well. My girl is a brick house…I see 20 for her unless something weird happens 9mo
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JanuarieTimewalker13 When you‘ve bonded with another being for so many years, life without them is inconceivable. 9mo
REPollock @JanuarieTimewalker13 he‘s not moving well and honestly he probably just won‘t wake up some morning. He still enjoys cuddling and Churu treats but his time is short. And yes, it‘s so hard. We must cherish them while we can. 9mo
JanuarieTimewalker13 Poor baby. Do you have him in some kind of pain management? Dean doesn‘t seem to be in pain, but I worry about that.What is your furbaby‘s name? I will have to get my cats those Churu treats!! Well, it‘s good that he‘s eating. It‘s good to talk to someone else who has a senior cat, thank you! 9mo
REPollock @JanuarieTimewalker13 Riley is a rescued feral. We can‘t get him to take any medication for anything and he has freaked out and bit/scratched the mobile vet we had come check him out. He has made it very clear that he‘s not interested in any medication or anything like that which might help him, and of course we can‘t explain why he should. I agree, it‘s good to talk to someone in a similar situation. It‘s so hard. 9mo
REPollock @JanuarieTimewalker13 Definitely try the Churus with Dean! Riley is super picky but he loves them. Of course only one flavor (chicken cheese), but he really enjoys them. 9mo
JanuarieTimewalker13 Awhhhh, Riley❤️how long has he been yours? I got Dean from shelter at 10 months and Xena at 7 months, I watched her at Petco for 3 months just sitting in a cage….I still feel guilty I didn‘t adopt her when I first saw her! My two both eat well. The magic bullet has been Royal Canin‘s 12 plus loaf canned food. Dean usually barfs more with new food, but I think I will try the Churu as a treat! 9mo
REPollock @JanuarieTimewalker13 Riley is technically my partner‘s cat—his sister and her daughters found him and his litter mates in a sewer drain with the body of their mother. They bottle fed the survivors and Chris adopted Riley once he was weaned. I admit I swiped right because Riley photobombed his picture and I thought any man who can deal with that cat can handle my quirks. 🤪 9mo
JanuarieTimewalker13 Oh that‘s a great story!!! Awhhh, he was a package deal!! Riley made sure of that! 9mo
REPollock @JanuarieTimewalker13 it has been an honor and a privilege to be Riley‘s stepmom. ❤️ 9mo
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I thought this book was amazing! My husband and I have already been on a journey to slash unhealthy digital habits, and this book gave me some of the why behind what we are feeling and good practical steps to take.

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Minimalism is the art of knowing how much is just enough. Digital minimalism applies this idea to our personal technology. It's the key to living a focused life in an increasingly noisy world.

+clear action steps
- seemed wordy/ a lot of fluff and filler

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I'm not saying I can read ten books in three days, but I'm not saying I can't either. #goodreads #readingchallenge

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When you avoid solitude, you miss out on the positive things it brings you: the ability to clarify hard problems, to regulate your emotions, to build moral courage, and to strengthen relationships. If you suffer from chronic solitude deprivation, therefore, the quality of your life degrades.

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Cal Newport: The urge to check Twitter or refresh Reddit becomes a nervous twitch that shatters uninterrupted time into shards too small to support the presence necessary for an intentional life.
Me: 🤔…😱…🤯…
Also me: Gotta post this on Litsy

DogMomIrene I relate! I‘ve been thinking over 2023 goals and I‘m definitely considering scaling back most social media, except Litsy and Circle for one active group I get value from. 1y
Hitchhikerbooks @DogMomIrene Last night, I moved my phone from the bedroom to the kitchen and when I woke up today I was itching to check socials. Definitely addictive. (edited) 1y
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If you must use these services, however, and you hope to do so without ceding authority over your time and attention, it‘s crucial to understand that this is not a casual decision. You‘re instead waging a David and Goliath battle against institutions that are both impossibly rich and intent on using this wealth to stop you from winning.

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⭐️⭐️⭐️💫 I‘ve been finding myself in nonsense phone checking/scrolling mode a lot recently, so picked this back up for some ideas. I like the ideas about minimizing everything optional for a few weeks to see what you want to bring back, and I want to think more on how to bring in some high quality leisure activities (a class? a project?) but also find the author sort of smug. ⬇️

fredthemoose He seems to think we can just replace texting and social media contact with higher quality in person visits, or phone calls, but doesn‘t acknowledge that some people live far away, or that SM and texting is useful for maintaining ties and communication with several people at once. We can‘t just all call the people we communicate with digitally to schedule a time to go for a walk. 2y
Tamra I do mindless scrolling of Litsy and I‘m okay with it. 😆 2y
fredthemoose I do, too! But then I scroll other things, and check my email, and my texts, and then I figure I‘d better check Litsy again, and then an hour has passed! 2y
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The attention Economy has been with us since the 1800s but this is just out of control.

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My favorite coffee place, a little Frank crooning in the background and a book... I have found my nirvana... happy Thursday my bibliophiles!

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Now there's a visual I can not get out of my head!

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Annnnnd back to this one. ALONE TIME! YIPPEE!

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WoW! So that's something to ponder for awhile.

CaffeineAndCandy 😂❤❤❤ 4y
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So this has been happening for hundreds of years and this is the best name I've come across so far...

Attention Economy Conglomerates...

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2 1/2 ⭐

Started out really well, but I started to peter out toward the end. Just a smidge too long.

1st goal of #CYOreadathon met!

meghathecloud This happens with most self-help books for me. So, now I have decided to listen to summaries first and then maybe read the whole book if it interests me enough. 4y
RinaBrahmbhattBarot I‘m eagerly waiting to read this! I love his work..looking at your review, I‘m in two minds about this :) 4y
Sace @meghathecloud This is a brilliant idea. I think I'm going to start doing that. Is there a particular place where you find the summaries? 4y
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Sace @MyBookSwapClub It was still a pick, just toward the end it felt a little tedious to me (and the fault may lie with me.) He still gave me plenty to think about. 4y
meghathecloud @Sace you can check QuickRead on Youtube or Spotify. I have only listened to one summary from them yet, but plan for more. 4y
Sace @meghathecloud thankse! 4y
Sace *thanks 4y
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Americans tend to embrace the "low-information diet": a concept first popularized by Tim Ferriss, in which you aggressively eliminate sources of news and information to help reclaim more time for other pursuits.

Well this explains a lot.?

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#Two4Tuesday @TheSpineView

@Branwen said anyone who wanted to play was tagged 😁

1a I've been reading the tagged book. It has me thinking about being a better quality reader. Over the past decade I've gotten in the habit of reading for quantity and not quality. I want to take June to reflect on and recuperate my reader self before Internet challenges changed me.

1b That's not going to stop me from #ReadYourSign!

2. Hot tea

You're tagged!

Branwen Yay! Hot tea is the best! 😀 4y
TheSpineView Tea! Thanks for playing! 4y
Sace @Branwen even in the summer! 4y
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Sace @TheSpineView I'm looking forward to reading about everyone's plans. 4y
Branwen @Sace I agree! I drink it all year long! It's 90° here today, and I still have had two cups already! 😁 4y
Sace @Branwen I've had two POTS 😂 and Temps are about the same here too. 4y
TheSpineView @Sace IKR!😊 4y
Branwen @Sace You are so badass! 😲💕 4y
Sace @Branwen *snort* 4y
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I think this is so true, and why a website like Etsy is so valuable to buyers and sellers. I was raised to be crafty. I love making things. I find I have to consciously put my electronic devises out of sight, because they‘re such a time suck (not you Litsy!) to get myself motivated to do embroidery or make scrapbooks, etc. even though I love my hobbies!


Chrissyreadit Great article!!! 4y
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But the next suggestion is to not use optional technologies for the next 30 days and that's just crazy talk. 🤣

rachelm Phew not this year 4y
Sace @rachelm Amén! 4y
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Newport lays out the simple groundwork for a digital detox that leads to reducing our dependence on (and addiction to) various devices and social media.

Read February 15-18
Rated 3.5/5 ⭐️
Book 11/60

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"It is now possible to completely banish solitude from your life."
"Simply put, humans are not wired to be constantly wired."


Fascinating and helpful information if you have determined you spend entirely too much time online, as I recently have. Much practical information about how we get to this point in our lives and how we can change and correct the problem.

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I enjoyed this hard book. It was hard to think about my own technology tendencies and over dependence but good as I want something better. This book helped me think through my use and plan for a less anxious and less distracted way.

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A succinct dive into the twisted reality of digital distraction with emphasis on social media and the fallacy of meaningful connection we are trying to supplant face-to-face interactions with, and the more depressing fact that people are distracted away from their creative potential.

The second half of the book wanes a bit but does offer actionable steps to help remedy the many issues written about in the first part.


CampbellTaraL I agree with the problems and the solutions, but I'm already a digital minimalist. For people who truly believe they are successful in maintaining relationships via social media, it's worth trying out some of the suggestions. And for those who think they have no time for anything, creative, handy, or otherwise, reflecting on the outcomes of a temporary withdrawal from digital distraction might yield some uncomfortable truths. 4y
CampbellTaraL And lastly, there's some irony in posting this to social networks, but the author makes it clear this isn't about anti-technology or nostalgia from pre-smartphones era. It's about identifying true value in the products we use, and taking steps to prevent the behavioral addiction that these major social media conglomerates pour millions of dollars into, conditioning us to look and click in order to avoid a single moment of boredom. 4y
Suet624 Great review. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this book. 4y
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This one is really making me reconsider my digital habits! Of all the social media though Litsy is definitely a more positive place!!

Addison_Reads Stacked. Sounds like a good one. 5y
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Main reason I only go to the Alamo Drafthouse for movies!

Reading this book while taking the city bus for the first time. This city isn't known for its public transportation, but it wasn't bad! Maybe a bit longer of a commute than if I drove, but hey - I didn't have to drive, AND I got reading time in. Win win!
(No, I didn't leave my phone at home tho... maybe next time!)

k.reads Same! I‘m so spoiled now, I can‘t handle other theaters 😂 5y
Soubhiville Plus, they have real food, and are vegetarian friendly! Dinner and a movie at the same time? Yes please! 5y
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#nonfiction2019 #yourpick an insightful and interesting look at the degree to which digital devices suck up our leisure time. Its important conversation to have with ourselves, and Newport offers practical tips for making deliberate tech choices to minimize the intrusion and reclaim our leisure time. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

xxjenadanxx Whoa! You‘re killing it! I need to get back to it. 5y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa That sounds excellent! And like something I need to try to minimize. 5y
jb72 Great job Anne! I need to update my bingo card. The book sounds interesting. I definitely use my digital devices too much. There is no need to spend so much time on social media. 5y
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Cinfhen Oh wow!!! Nearly done 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 5y
kindergartenkat Thanks @Annefindsjoy I think out of all my book friends your tastes match mine the closest. Added! 5y
Megabooks Great job! I finished mine a little bit ago, but forgot to post about it. Thanks for tagging me!! Always glad to read your posts 😁😁 5y
AnneFindsJoy @kindergartenkat YES, me too! I‘m always adding books that I see you‘ve read :) 5y
AnneFindsJoy @Megabooks Congrats on finishing!!! 5y
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Enjoyed the philosophy and theories in Digital Minimalism, but didn‘t feel blown away by any of the ideas — but completely agree with the need to step back and evaluate your own digital life at certain points, to make sure you‘re not missing your real life.

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This has impacted me so much to rethink how i spend my time. Who do i give my energy to?

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A small but enticing library haul today! Been anxiously awaiting the release of Cal Newport's latest.

jpmcwisemorgan Welcome to Litsy! 😉 5y
SenatorMothma @jpmcwisemorgan thanks, I'm slowly figuring it out! 😄 5y
Soubhiville Yay! You did it! I think a great way to find folks to follow is to search for books you love and follow others who picked that book. 5y
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Soubhiville Also, @LitsyWelcomeWagon has helpful hints for getting to know the ap, and @Chelleo has made some videos that help as well. The more people you follow, the more you‘ll see on your feed. If you want to, you can use the little person outline with + beside it to get recommendations of folks to follow. Those suggestions should all be active users. 5y
xxjenadanxx Welcome to Litsy! 5y
Chrissyreadit Welcome! 5y
Karisa 🤗 We're glad to have you on Litsy! Welcome! 5y
Sarah24 Welcome to Litsy 😊 5y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy 🤗👏🏻 5y
TK421 Welcome to Litsy!☺ 5y
Geeklet Welcome! 😁 5y
Soubhiville Look at the hashtag #LitsyATXReadersSociety and click each tagged member to view their posts, you can follow them all that way too. 5y
LitsyWelcomeWagon Welcome to Litsy! Hope these #Litsytips by @RaimeyGallant http://bit.ly/litsytips and #LitsyHowTo videos: goo.gl/UrCpoU are helpful. #LitsyWelcomeWagon
RaimeyGallant Welcome! 5y
SenatorMothma @Soubhiville thank you for getting me started!! 5y
Soubhiville 😊 I hope you‘ll enjoy Litsy! 5y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Welcome to Litsy 💖📖💖 5y
aa_guer2021 Welcome to LITSY. A fellow enthusiast of Sherlock Holmes and sci-fi novels here. 😊👋 5y
Nute Welcome to Litsy! It‘s a warm and friendly community. I know that you will enjoy yourself here. I‘m looking forward to getting to know you!🙂 5y
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Feels like I‘m cheating just posting this here...lol. Transform your digital life by choosing what tech you need and enhances instead of distracts from living. #digitaldetox #transformation #theshallows

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This book focuses on some of the practices and ideas one can use to cultivate a sustainable digital minimalist lifestyle - with each section ending with a tactics one can implement along the journey.⁣ 🌟🌟🌟🌟

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Image 10/~15 from #NYC‘s Amazon bookstore!

I had only heard of 3 of these books before, so I‘m very glad to have come across this great topical display.

Have you read any of these?!

Beatlefan129 I‘ve been waiting for Bad Blood to come through my library, but the hold list is a mile long 5y
The_Real_Nani Bad Blood is so good! I have AI Superpowers and it‘s interesting but I keep getting distracted by other books, so I haven‘t finished it yet. 5y
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Bottom line: Overall, the book is long on extended anecdotes about famous historical figures' habits of solitude and judgment on what constitutes meaningful experiences and communication, and short on substantive advice on how to use new technologies as useful tools vs. mindless time-sucks.

Full Goodreads review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/2739717040

saguarosally Interesting, I didn‘t expect that perspective but it‘s still sitting around my house waiting to be read. 5y
JoyBlue @saguarosally I hope it‘s a better fit for you! 😀 5y
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“When someone instigates a low-quality connection—say a text message conversation or social media ping—suggest they call or meet you during your office hours sometime when it is convenient for them.”

*continued in comments*

JoyBlue Just no! I can't stand people who don't recognize that people have different communication styles. I love to have one-on-one in-person time, but don't call me! There's only one person left alive with whom I enjoy a phone visit—Number One Son. Otherwise, text me for something quick or text/email to arrange an IRL date with me. I'm good about making lunch (& other) dates. Don't confuse telephone talk for quality time. It's not always the case. 5y
JoyBlue [Sometimes in-person time is poor, too. Protect your interactions—reserve your precious time and energy for people you enjoy.] 5y
JoyBlue [In case you're worried, I'm just as crazy about Number Two Son, but we enjoy our quality time in-person exclusively. Number One and I both phone and in-person.] 5y
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JoyBlue Rant over (I think). 5y
cobwebmoth I understand. I hate talking on the phone to anyone other than my husband. And I agree about protecting your energy. 5y
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My current read on this chilly Saturday

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