Hoping for a good laugh or two.
Hoping for a good laugh or two.
Thank you so much for the #jolabokaflodswap package, Rachel! I‘m not sure which Rachel you are but I have been dying to read this book all year 😂
“If satire and erotica made some questionable choices in the back of a Volkswagen van, their baby would be New Erotica for Feminists.” A witty hour-long #audiobook read by Soneela Nankani. I listened to it three times before returning it to the library and it made me smile every time. The authors “hope it makes you burn… for equality.”
Vote. Wham, bam, thank you mam. Voting is the ultimate quickie. One and done. Every time.
Found an indie bookstore near the plaza in Santa Fe!
My only complaint is that this book is too short! It is brilliant. If you are a feminist with a sense of humor who doesn‘t mind some mild erotica, then this book is definitely for you.
They rewrite classic literature, history, and pop culture from a feminist perspective and have some original stories, too.
I really enjoyed this tiny little satire book...
The literary ones really tickled my fancy...
I only had one complaint...
. I wish it was bigger.🤪
Like Does it Fart: The Definitive Field Guid to Animal Flatulence this book was born via social media riffs and is consequently not the deepest or most in-depth take on a subject. But, it made me snort in public.
This book is so funny and 100% honest! It‘s an absolute riot. You‘ll devour it in 20 minutes or less and it will leave you wanting to eat a whole pizza by the end. Highly recommend!
We‘re giving away a copy of New Erotica for Feminists to celebrate having the authors on the podcast! as always, there will be a few extra Feminist Book Club goodies in the prize package too 💜 Head to bit.ly/FBCgiveaway8 to enter. #giveaway
Just published a new podcast episode with the authors of the hilarious book New Erotica for Feminists. Find Feminist Book Club: The Podcast on any major podcasting platform (including Spotify and Stitcher for Alexa!) or stream every episode from feministbookclub.com/podcast
Funny. Short. Thought-provoking.
“He calls me into his office and closes the door... to promote me. He promotes me again and again. I am wild with ecstasy.” 🤣
Perfect reading while caring for a vomiting toddler. Short, funny, requires very little attention span. Also feminist AF. Obvi.
It was clever, but not really laugh out loud funny.
I would have liked to see the ideas flushed out a tiny bit more, so they weren't just the punchline, but the entire story.
#ReadHarder2019 - a humor book
Many of these brief vignettes are very funny, but although the four (white) authors note up front that they are trying to be conscience of making it as intersectional as possible, it ultimately feels a lot like standard white feminism. (Lots of predicable RGB references, for instance.)
More of a coffee table or bathroom book than anything. Between a so-so and a pick for me.
Well that was fun, and sad that there was so much truth. Satire from 4 Second City Comedians- Erotica for those of us whose wildest fantasies include- equal pay, gender equality and respect! Very fast 144 pages read from the Libby app- I even read aloud from it in our lunchroom and the women laughed, and laughed- the men looked quizical...🤣😇💃🏻
I first learned about New Erotica for Feminists on Instagram, so I was delighted when my good friend gave this to me for my birthday last weekend. The short satirical sketches are very funny and great to read a few at a time when I‘m between bigger reading projects.
What can I say besides I love this book? I love this book. This book cracked me up, I texted lines from this book to my friends, I want to get the book pregnant behind a middle school, etc., etc....
Found this in the book store today and it made me laugh
⭐️⭐️⭐️ This satirical vignette collection is well organized, sharp, smart, often witty, certainly timely, but just WAY too short. I liked it, but wanted more. The cover and endpapers are fabulous, however, and, as a whole, it would be the perfect gift book for a variety of readers.
This made me giggle and get mad.
I may have overstated my acquaintanceship with Bradley Whitford at this particular book signing but genuinely think this would be right up his street
Absolutely perfect! 😂🙌🏻💜🙌🏻💜🙌🏻💜🙌🏻🤣Exceeded my expectations. It‘s a must read for any self-declared feminist, really for anyone aware of what females do through daily. It‘s a great collection of vignettes depicting fantasies like men agreeing to pay half for contraception, male bosses promoting women based solely on their work & potential, and men realizing and apologizing for their inappropriate behavior.
A quick, fun read that made me laugh out loud. As always with satire, it's a shame it has to exist at all but since it does it might as well be entertaining, empowering and sharply observed. Tackle careers, dating literature, films, parenthood etc. It's a hoot
Hot stuff 😈
Can't resist any longer. Beautiful (hilarious) cover. That's quite a selection of suggestive fruit and veg! Woo, equality!
There's virtually no chance I'll stick to these choices but here it goes 😁 #Booked2019
1. A Curious Beginning by Deanna Raybourn
2. The Robber Bride by Margaret Atwood
3. The Fall of Gondolin by JRR Tolkien (I STILL haven't read it!)
4. New Erotica for Feminists (I'm going to cheat and read this before 2019 because it's so pretty and cool)
5. Future Popes of Ireland by Darragh Martin
6. The Museum of Modern Love by Heather Rose