"Put that book down and scritch me or I'll shove my snoot in your book. You've been reading for 7 hours straight, mom. ?" -Winston, probably
"Put that book down and scritch me or I'll shove my snoot in your book. You've been reading for 7 hours straight, mom. ?" -Winston, probably
One of the things that I love most about this book is the naming of the characters. There are names suited very well to the fantasy genre like Althea, Keffria, Malta, Grag, Wintrow, and Brashen to name a few. Then there's Kyle. And yes, Kyle sucks as a person. He's the absolute worst. His name stands out among the rest like a sore thumb and I think it's by design maybe? Idk, but I think it's hilarious.
Repost for @PuddleJumper
I've set up a book club on Storygraph about reading the entire Realm of Elderlings series - https://app.thestorygraph.com/book_clubs/29999d93-0689-409b-8291-72dbf71334bf
I'll host readalongs, buddy reads and I'll post on Litsy. I'm hoping to start February/March. Couple of things need sorting like reading order and whether some books need two months to read.
Original post - https://www.litsy.com/web/post/2829555
I've set up a book club on Storygraph about reading the entire Realm of Elderlings series - https://app.thestorygraph.com/book_clubs/29999d93-0689-409b-8291-72dbf71334bf
I'll host readalongs, buddy reads and I'll post on Litsy. I'm hoping to start February/March. Couple of things need sorting like reading order and whether some books need two months to read. You can join here or Storygraph
Comments, thoughts all appreciated
The world building in this series is insane. I'm enjoying every second of it. 🐉⛵️🏴☠️🩸
I was kind of leery going into this because in book one none of the characters were capable of making good decisions BUT this one there was actual growth! One character I absolutely hated in book one became a character I thought really well of by the end of this one.
Book two in Robin Hobb's Liveship Trilogy.
The plots in her books are bigger than I can ever contemplate however the writing, the magic system, the world building are so assessable and the characters are so relatable.
Paragon remains my favourite character however there isn't a character I'm not invested in. Hobb batters her characters and that batters my heart, I'm here to witness their suffering along with their jubilation.
Another #ChunksterChallenge2023 -906 pages complete! This is book 2 in The Liveship Traders, and the second series in the Realm of the Elderlings universe. This trilogy is a complex yet fun pirate adventure, with magic talking ships and mythical creatures. I liked this a lot, though it dragged a bit more than book 1, especially during the non-sea faring portions. You can read this trilogy on its own, but you should read Ship of Magic first. 4⭐️
🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟this is why we have fantasy. To fall into these most excellent worlds. Pirates, dragons, living ships oh my!!
August's pick is an easy choice. Robin Hobb is one of the best authors on the planet. There is a whole world within these pages. The quality is just *chef's kiss* divine.
Hopefully I shall finish the third instalment in the coming week.
#two4tuesday @TheSpineView
Thanks for the tag @Yuki_Onna 😀💕
1) The Mad Ship by an absolute mile 😊
2) Well yes, all of the above! The characters, plot, setting... 🤣🤣 Robin Hobb's world is brought to life in such detail and it absorbs me in a way that few other fictional worlds can 😊
Tag! @The_Penniless_Author @Branwen @CBee
It doesn't happen very often that I'm so impressed with a work of fiction that I can't fathom how it came into being, but Robin Hobb makes me feel this way. The QUALITY, the RICHNESS, the world building, the character development, the plotting, the sheer SCALE of what has been brought to life here...
The only other fantasy author that has left me this awestruck is GRRM. The two of them, in my opinion, are unmatched.
#AlphabetGame #LetterR
I was really excited to pick Robin Hobb for today's prompt! It's only been pretty recent that I've started reading her work - I began with the Rain Wilds series and now I'm reading the Live Ships trilogy - but she has absolutely captured my heart with her writing and characters! 📚💕
Her salt-tears blended with the rain running down her face. She could not bear it. Had she learned to feel again, only to have to feel this? Could any amount of love ever be worth the pain of losing it?
"Human passion, intense as it might be, was but a snap of the fingers compared to the enduring devotion of a dragon to his mate. They treasured one another, not just through years but through lives."
"You earn your future, Malta Vestrit." The bead-maker cocked her head at her. "What does tomorrow owe you?"
"Tomorrow owes me?" Malta repeated in confusion.
"Tomorrow owes you the sum of your yesterdays. No more than that." Amber looked out to sea again. "And no less. Sometimes folk wish tomorrow did not pay them off so completely."
#wondrouswednesday @Eggs
Thanks for the tag @JenReadsAlot
🦋 The Mad Ship is heading for 5* Pop Song is heading for 2* unless the essays get more interesting!
🦋 It's between Ship of Magic and Evelyn Hugo. Both stunning in different ways.
🦋 Cups of tea 🫖, the world blooming and coming back to life in Spring 🌿 and all the wonderful people in my life ☺
Fate rushes down upon us! ...the days plod past, lulling us into thinking that the doom we fear will always so delay. Then, abruptly, the dark days we've all predicted are upon us,& the time when we could've turned dire fate aside has passed. How old must I be before I learn? There is no time; there is never any time. Tomorrow may never come, but todays are linked inexorably in a chain.. now is always the only time we have to divert disaster.
My mug and book are both so big today that you can't tell the scale 😄 That's a 750-ml cup of tea, right there!
"But despite her waking disdain for him, he intruded into her dreams. In her dreams, the poignancy of his gentle strength seemed a safe harbour worth seeking. In her dreams, she reminded herself, setting her teeth. In her waking hours, she knew he was no safe harbour, but a whirlpool of foolish impulses that would draw her to her doom."
I love Paragon! Is it weird that I'm kinda hoping for a romance between a ship and a person? 😅
(Bonus picture of Pickles posing on Dad this evening)
Looks like it's going to be a Spring 2022 Hobb-a-thon 🥰
The second of the Trilogy is a long but rewarding read. So difficult to say anything without spoiling it for others but theres some amazing character development, plot pieces falling so smoothly into place, genuine peril for all your favourite characters and of course, pirates. Such a gripping read, enjoyed every chapter and looking forward to finishing the trilogy off. Can‘t recommend it enough if you like fantasy and haven‘t read the series yet.
Been a busy work day (although still on holiday) preparing for all children to return to school next week. When I did get reading in I spent all my time for #24B4Monday reading the second book in Robin Hobb‘s The Liveship Traders Series. An excellent read and now up to page 796/913. Hope to finish it on Saturday.
All told on Day 1 read for 5 hrs 30 mins reading 273 pages of the book. Hope to play catch-up tomorrow.
These are the books I will be reading from during the #24B4Monday Readathon. Already started The Ice Child and The Mad Ship.
Will be listening to The Girl n the Woods during the marathon 530+ mile drive back from the north of Scotland to home on Sunday and Monday. Time to leave my second home, well place wise anyways as Motorhome will be coming with us. 🤣 Always spend the Summer in North Scotland at the same place. 😍
The #Top20Series posts has made me realise I need to get back to the Liveship Traders Trilogy so started listening to The Mad Ship. Almost 34 hours long!
Better than the first one - no middle book slump here! The somewhat separate story strands that started to come together at the end of Ship of Magic now merge in a really satisfying way, rewarding the effort of keeping them all in mind. The plot gets richer & deeper with subtle reveals that hit like hammer blows. The character development is exceptional. The politics, the family dynamics, the personalities - all so fantastically wrought.
I got completely lost in this book, it was so entertaining.
What I‘m loving most about this series is its characters. But the story is also amazing and it‘s set in such a richly painted world.
Totally recommended for those wishing to disappear inside another world for a while.
I‘m only on chapter 6 of the second book of the Liveship Traders series, and I just can‘t get enough!!! This book has 906 pages and I couldn‘t be happier! 😁 so much more to look forward to, with a third book to follow.
I‘m not sure how I‘m going to tear myself away to participate in normal life.
I‘m new to fantasy, this is not my regular genre. I‘m so glad I decided to try something new.
#currentlyreading 😍
I am falling in love with this series.
About to dive into this one ... and it's even longer than the first one! Hoping to get through it in less than 4 weeks if possible. That said, I wanted a book/series that would transport me far, far away from real life with all its stress, anxiety, fear & grief. Well, I shoulda known I could rely on Robin Hobb to create a world that I can disappear into so completely. 900+ pages of pure fantasy pleasure - see you on the other side! 🐉⚓🐲⚓🐉
Since I joined Litsy, my year-end book total has grown every year. This year is no exception—most books I‘ve read in a year ever! From audiocleaning & audiocommuting to lunch hour reading, Litsy inspires me to fit reading into more corners of my life. Thank you all for making this such a lovely bookish community—a place where people thoroughly understand my reading habit. May your 2020 be full of much reading & great conversation about good books!
Intriguing continuation of the Live Ship Trader story. Can‘t wait to see what happens in the conclusion.
Lots of women learning what power they possess and how to use it in this book. Etta is one of my favorite characters in this series. You definitely want her on your side. Every woman in this book is on her own journey and even if the plot didn't knit their fates throughout, I'd want to know each of them. I'm looking forward to finishing this series, though I'll have to wait until my library hold comes through!
I'm taking my time with this one and absolutely loving it so far. #weekendreads
It's still nice to be reacquainting myself with Bingtown, the Rain Wilds and the Pirate Isles, but it's taking a while! It feels like it's taken months to read the 900+ pages of The Mad Ship. Good job it's a cracking book.
I don‘t ❤️this book because it‘s a brilliantly told epic fantasy, about pirates & sea journeys with great characters of all ages, richly imagined or because it‘s full of surprises, sea creatures & dragons. That‘s true. But I ❤️this book because it reminds me of why I‘m a reader & demands I walk around the house (and street!) reading. It did for me, what all great books do - it took me to another place and I didn‘t want to come back.
✔️This weeks experiment.. Rhubarb & Custard cake
✔️Read whilst walking everywhere
✔️All 4 at 14
✔️Scooby Doo & Top Cat
✔️Virgo - hence I‘m always early with my swap box, never break a spine and get an elevated heart rate at the sight of curled page edges! It‘s not my fault, it‘s written in the stars🤣🤣
Again, I find the English language lacking.....what‘s the word for..‘ I wish real life would pause, so I could keep reading to the exclusion of all other activity, bar breathing, until I‘m finished..‘ ?? #justwanttoread #noseinabook
Spring seems to be the season of milestones! Congratulations @ChasingPages 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
1- I recently changed jobs - trading in security, holiday pay & pension for creativity & flexibility.
2- off to The Shetland Islands for a week to shoot a photography project about migration. It‘s a group of 17 islands north of Scotland. Anne Cleves books are set there!
3- An American Marriage, Red Clocks & Idaho.
1- It‘s got to be Robin Hobb I think - i‘d settle in the with sure knowledge that we‘d never run out of fireside stories!
2- I‘d take Gregory Porter ( seeing him in concert in a few weeks- I‘ll let him know our travel plans!). He needs no tech or gizmos to reach your soul.
3- Diplomatico Reserve Rum! A sip a day!