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The last lecture
The last lecture | Randy Pausch, Jeffrey Zaslow
The author, a computer science professor diagnosed with terminal cancer, explores his life, the lessons that he has learned, how he has worked to achieve his childhood dreams, and the effect of his diagnosis on him and his family.
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Last Lecture | Randy Pausch
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Randy was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in late 2006, and after failed attempts to halt its growth, was told to expect three to six months of good health. At the time of his terminal diagnosis, Randy was a computer science professor at Carnegie Mellon University. In his last lecture, Pausch talks about achieving your dreams, the importance of overcoming obstacles, and seizing the moment.

The last lecture | Randy Pausch, Jeffrey Zaslow
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What would you tell those around you if you only had months to live?
This sobering end-of-life account reminds of how we can live a satisfying life.
This book covers a heavy topic in such a light hearted way you'll want to love those you care about in a much deeper way.

#nonfiction #bestseller

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The last lecture | Randy Pausch, Jeffrey Zaslow
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A really good reminder of how to deal with great advice, mentors, and opportunities.

#nonfiction #advice

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Eggs 😥😥 2y
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The last lecture | Randy Pausch, Jeffrey Zaslow

"The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something."

The last lecture | Randy Pausch, Jeffrey Zaslow
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The last lecture | Randy Pausch, Jeffrey Zaslow
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Started reading this #nonfiction book about a Carnegie Mellon professor's legacy who was dying of cancer.

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The last lecture | Randy Pausch, Jeffrey Zaslow
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When your life flashes before you and you know the deadline, you write a book reminding others to appreciate everything in it.

Last Lecture | Randy Pausch

A story about lecturer on how to live, let go of your ego and what legacy you want to leave behind.

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The last lecture | Randy Pausch, Jeffrey Zaslow
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This one is a great memoir, and a great legacy to leave his children. Some of his advice and wisdom are great nuggets for everyone. But I couldn‘t help thinking after having read a few of these type of books over the years (When Breath Becomes Air, Tuesday‘s With Morrie) that he comes off as very privileged and arrogant, he admits to both in his story too, but it made the first half of the book harder to read, I almost DNF‘ed, but the rest was ⤵️

Riveted_Reader_Melissa ↪️ got better. It was definitely at its best later in the book when he was speaking more directly to his children, and things he wanted them to know. But I couldn‘t help siding with his wife Jai, that he could have left videos for them during his last months and didn‘t necessarily need to write and deliver a great speech with his remaining time. I‘ll tag the other two books I mentioned below for anyone interested.⤵️ (edited) 4y
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Riveted_Reader_Melissa Posting those makes me wonder if this is a man thing, leaving your last wisdom in print for all to read, a legacy thing....I can‘t think of any death memoirs by women off the top of my head....any recommendations? (edited) 4y
TiminCalifornia Interesting review/reflections. Thanks for sharing! 4y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @TiminCalifornia You‘re welcome. It was a hard review to write, knowing the motivation for the story (leaving something for his very young children) and his prognosis. But some stories about being able to push through any brick wall because it is meant to keep other people out, not you (basically don‘t give up, be persistent) came across as very white, moneyed, male privilege advice. If he‘d even phrased it as “don‘t give up” in your dreams, ⤵️ 4y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa ... it might have come across as less entitled. Other odd advice, like keep $200 cash in your wallet all the time, just in case...because if it‘s lost or stolen that‘s way less serious than coming across a situation where you need cash emergently and don‘t have it just struck me as not helpful advice for everyone. 4y
GingerAntics I actually watched his Last Lecture. It was quite good delivered that way. At one point I had the book, but I never got to read it. He did the lecture because it was a series his university was doing at the time. It just so happened he was actually dying, most of the people weren‘t. In that he said he was doing videos for his kids, too. 4y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @GingerAntics I need to look that up and watch it this weekend. His book covers the lecture, but also the led up to it. Moving with his wife, talking to their counselor (terminal illness family counselor) about how he could back out of the talk but really wanted to give it, how his wife was again at it, she wanted him to spend that time with his family....etc...there‘s the essence of the lecture, but more backstory etc. He jokes at one point⤵️ 4y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa ↪️ that Jai could write a book called “The Last Lecture... let me tell you what really happened”. I saw she‘s written a book since, not sure if I‘ll check it out or not. 4y
GingerAntics @Riveted_Reader_Melissa he makes that joke in the lecture too, I think. 4y
TheAromaofBooks Great progress!!! 4y
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The last lecture | Randy Pausch, Jeffrey Zaslow

I have an engineering problem.
While for the most part I'm in terrific physical shape, I have ten tumours in my liver and I have only a few months left to live.

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The last lecture | Randy Pausch, Jeffrey Zaslow

“Experience is what you get when you didn‘t get what you wanted. And experience is often the most valuable thing you have to offer.”

The last lecture | Randy Pausch, Jeffrey Zaslow

“Complaining does not work as a strategy. We all have finite time and energy. Any time we spend whining is unlikely to help us achieve our goals. And it won‘t make us happier.”

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The last lecture | Randy Pausch, Jeffrey Zaslow
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I‘m glad that this is a powerful book for a lot of people, but it just didn‘t offer me much. The more I read, the more I couldn‘t help but notice Pausch‘s privilege and how he came across as entitled and self-absorbed? I have no doubt that he worked hard for his achievements, but he also got incredibly lucky and I wish that had been acknowledged more. ⬇️

candority My 2-star rating is only a reflection of the book, not the author – it seems like Pausch was a wonderful professor, husband and father. Another #bookspinbingo book. 4y
MaNoo I went into this book with much hope. But it miserably failed me as my ex did. 😞 4y
candority Sorry to hear that @MaNoo 4y
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The last lecture | Randy Pausch, Jeffrey Zaslow
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#TBRPile Day 8

Posting 1 unread (or book put into hibernation) per day for 31 days. No reason or explanation. Creating a priority TBR.


The last lecture | Randy Pausch, Jeffrey Zaslow
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#7days7books Day 1: Seven books that have left a deep impression and changed me.
Thanks for the tag @Chrissyreadit
Please play along. I would love to see your choices.

The last lecture | Randy Pausch, Jeffrey Zaslow
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Truly inspiring!

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The last lecture | Randy Pausch, Jeffrey Zaslow
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Kicking off 2020 in the most perfect way. My cuddle buddy, a book and some tea. Could do without the head cold, but at least I‘m cozy. Happy New Year, Littens!! #lennox #catsoflitsy

The last lecture | Randy Pausch, Jeffrey Zaslow
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My top five for the year 😊 Rated on what made me reflect the most on my life, amount of tears cried, and how warm and fuzzy I felt afterwards. (Cabin at the End of the World more so left me shook... which is also good 🤣)

#2019 #topfive

The last lecture | Randy Pausch, Jeffrey Zaslow

Next book I‘m starting.

SassyBookworm Such a good book! Enjoy! 5y
Lazy_Day_Reads @SassyBookworm Thank you! Looking forward to it! 5y
rather_be_reading welcome to litsy 📚☕📚 @LitsyWelcomeWagon 5y
LitsyWelcomeWagon Welcome to Litsy! Here are links to #Litsytips: http://bit.ly/litsytips and #LitsyHowTo videos: goo.gl/UrCpoU. There‘s lots of fun things to do: book exchanges, buddy reads, photo challenges and more! #litsywelcomewagon 5y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy 🥳🎈 5y
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The last lecture | Randy Pausch, Jeffrey Zaslow
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I had to read this book in high school but I chose to read it again as an adult and I still think it is a book that everyone should read.

The last lecture | Randy Pausch, Jeffrey Zaslow
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A life well-lived can be many things. Watching Randy Pausch‘s last lecture you see it as lived deliberately, with intention and with spark. Watch it in its original form here https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ji5_MqicxSo

The last lecture | Randy Pausch, Jeffrey Zaslow
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“It‘s not helpful if we spend every day dreading tomorrow.”

The last lecture | Randy Pausch, Jeffrey Zaslow
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Adding this to my #TBR stack.

The last lecture | Randy Pausch, Jeffrey Zaslow
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jb72 That lecture and book were actually pretty good. I was surprised. 5y
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The last lecture | Randy Pausch, Jeffrey Zaslow
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Hi everyone! I‘m sorry I‘ve been MIA for the last week, but I have exciting news! I just moved to a new city to start my Master of Library and Information Science degree! I had my orientation today and I think it will be a great program with a good bunch of people 🤗

I‘m obviously going to be busy with school for the foreseeable future, so I only brought a few books (and my Kobo) with me. I can‘t wait to start this next chapter of my life 👩‍🏫

SW-T Congrats! Hope all goes well. Sounds like exciting times ahead 😊 5y
TheLibrarian Congrats and good luck!! 5y
wanderinglynn Congrats! 5y
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AmyG Good luck! Wishing you much success. 5y
mreads Congratulations! And I love the bookends😍 5y
wordslinger42 Congratulations! Praying your studies go well! 💜 5y
WhatWouldJaneDo Congratulations! Also those are wonderful bookends. 5y
janeycanuck Congrats! Hope you enjoy your studies 🙂 5y
Clwojick Congratulations! And I LOVEEEEE the whale bookends. 😍😍😍 5y
Reggie Woohoo!!! Congrats & Good luck!!! 5y
TheSpineView All the best! 5y
Eyelit How exciting - congrats!! 🎉 5y
Suet624 Congratulations! 5y
ClairesReads Congrats! I love your book ends 😍 5y
erzascarletbookgasm Congrats and best wishes! 5y
minkyb Best of luck! 5y
Crazeedi Congrats! I would get my masters in that if I were a bit younger, good luck, enjoy every minute of the hard work ahead!! 5y
candority @Crazeedi Thank you so much! You‘re never too old to pursue a dream! There are lots of older people in the program! 5y
sudi Congratulations and good luck 😊 5y
Kalalalatja Best of luck to you! 5y
candority Thank you @sudi and @Kalalalatja 😊💕 5y
MrBook Ah haaaah, my patience in scrolling paid off 😆! Love your endeavor! 😁👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 You‘re going to make this world an even better place than you‘ve already made it. 😎🙌🏻 5y
candority @MrBook Ahaha I was just going to reply to your other comment, then I read this one! Thank you, that‘s so sweet 😊😭 5y
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The last lecture | Randy Pausch, Jeffrey Zaslow
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Day 1 for the #maymakeup challenge. I was not expecting to start out this strong, but I‘ll take any head-start I can get!
I finished The Last Lecture. It was short but thought-provoking, and it had an enormous energy and drive to it that I admired. I also decided to try the #bookishbingo this month, so I‘ll be using this book for Character in Therapy (it‘s probably a stretch, but I‘m counting chemotherapy).
Other two books shown are in progress!

The last lecture | Randy Pausch, Jeffrey Zaslow
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Some days you just have to take a nice hot bath and read 🙌 #Selfcare #bookandbath

blueboy Books & legs🥰 4y
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The last lecture | Randy Pausch, Jeffrey Zaslow
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Hey, Litsy! It has been a hot second... My life these days consists of continual reading for class. Currently working on this gem!

rretzler I‘ve heard about it but never read it. I would think it would be terribly sad. 5y
Tanisha_A @rretzler It is! :( But so well penned. 5y
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The last lecture | Randy Pausch, Jeffrey Zaslow
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This is my second read through and I am going to recommend despite having read this with a more critical eye than I had 10 years ago. Now at 45 and clearly aware of the theme of mortality that starts to creep in to life — If I was truly leaving something for me kids at 6, 3, and 18 months, I'd have written a series of children's books, not a self help manual they wouldn't possibly read before their mid to late teens.

The last lecture | Randy Pausch, Jeffrey Zaslow

Sad but good

The last lecture | Randy Pausch, Jeffrey Zaslow
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I first read The Last Lecture over 10 years ago and while I enjoyed it, I didn't really connect with the author. Now at 45 years old, reading it again, I am getting so much more out of it.

Jee_HookedOnBookz Glad you enjoy it the second time! 😊 Love your bookmark!! 😍😍 5y
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Last Lecture | Randy Pausch
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The other day I quoted this very quote while talking about the power of faith and grace; especially in the face of loss and suffering. I just needed to share this powerful quote. #books #randypausch

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The last lecture | Randy Pausch, Jeffrey Zaslow

Experience is what you get when you didn‘t get what you wanted. And experience is often the most valuable thing you have to offer

The last lecture | Randy Pausch, Jeffrey Zaslow
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#QuotsyJan19 Day 10: Direct your #energy towards happier things. No whining. Friday is just around the corner.

Cinfhen Loved this book!! 6y
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The last lecture | Randy Pausch, Jeffrey Zaslow
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I do not have enough words to show how much I appreciated this book. Randy Pausch must have been a stand up guy...And the life lessons he left behind for his kids are life lessons a lot of us could embrace. I laughed some but mostly cried my way through this book. We are early in the year, but I am certain this will be my book of the year.

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The last lecture | Randy Pausch, Jeffrey Zaslow
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Day 9: Favorite Book to give as a Gift.
I haven‘t given copies of The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch away a few times. It was written by a man who without really knowing it had lived out every dream he ever had in life. The book is a testament to living your best life...sadly he died a year or so after the book was published. I carry this book in my heart ♥️. #professionalbookworm #reader

Last Lecture | Randy Pausch
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Congratulations @Moray_Reads on your milestone and thank you for this #bookschangelivesgiveaway !

Ten years ago my husband was diagnosed with testicular cancer. Although his prognosis was good, our lives were turned upside down. Randy Pausch‘s unwavering positivity, love of life and family helped me get through those months. My mantra everyday is be present in every moment and cherish the gift of life.

Moray_Reads I'm sorry you and your husband had to go through that but I firmly believe that books (and loved ones) can help us through the most difficult times. Thank you for sharing your story ❤️ 6y
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Last Lecture | Randy Pausch
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This humorous anecdote by a man in his death bed, leaving behind a lovely wife and three kids!


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Last Lecture | Randy Pausch

"If you dispense your own wisdom, others often dismiss it; if you offer wisdom from a third party, it seems less arrogant and more acceptable"

RaimeyGallant So true! 6y
RaimeyGallant And welcome to Litsy! #LitsyWelcomeWagon Some of us put together Litsy tips to help new Littens navigate the site. It's the link in my bio on my page in case you need it. Or if you prefer how-to videos, @chelleo put some together at the link in her bio. @LitsyWelcomeWagon 6y
Suchethaaahh @RaimeyGallant Thank you Raimey, you have few great books in your list! 6y
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RaimeyGallant Thanks! 6y
Ericalambbrown Welcome to Litsy! Hope you have as much fun here as I do! 6y
DebinHawaii Welcome to Litsy! 🎉📚🎉Hope you enjoy it here. 6y
Suchethaaahh @Ericalambbrown Thank you Eric! I am enjoying every bit of it! 6y
Suchethaaahh @DebinHawaii Thank you Deb, Enjoying it! Sending Love to Max, he is a cutie! Cat + Book lover here 🙌 6y
tpixie Welcome to Litsy!!! ❤️📚❤️ This is a great place for Book Lovers! 6y
Suchethaaahh @tpixie Thank you Teri, I see that already, So many amazing people and so many many books! 6y
tpixie Lol yes!! 6y
BooknerdsLife @Suchethaaahh Welcome to Litsy🤗 💕 hope you enjoy this little community 🙌 6y
Libby1 Welcome to Litsy! ❤️📚❤️ 6y
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The last lecture | Randy Pausch, Jeffrey Zaslow
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I just finished this book for my book club at work and wow. Randy Pausch was an incredible man, he had an outlook on life that is inspiring and gives me hope that no matter the stage in life things will be okay and that it is important to always ask for dreams are possible.

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The last lecture | Randy Pausch, Jeffrey Zaslow

Its ok

The last lecture | Randy Pausch, Jeffrey Zaslow
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Well-intentioned. That is the best way to describe this. Pausch comes off as a guy it would have been hard to spend much time around. He was dealt a shitty hand & he handled it with optimism & practicality. He also had an huge amount of privilege that allowed him to be optimistic & practical. He seemed oblivious to other people‘s challenges. I didn‘t hate it, & I am of course saddened that he died so young, but I didn‘t find this earth-shattering.

tournevis What a relief! I thought I was the only one! 6y
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The last lecture | Randy Pausch, Jeffrey Zaslow
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Reposting this pretty pic from when I was reading The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch for today's #MarchInBooks #(auto)biography
I haven't read many biographies tbh but those I've read have been very insightful: Ellie Wiesel, Malala, Frederick Douglass...


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The last lecture | Randy Pausch, Jeffrey Zaslow
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One must have dream and dare to live it. That's the purpose of life, nothing more.

Kaye Welcome, and thank you for the follow. 🙂 7y
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The last lecture | Randy Pausch, Jeffrey Zaslow
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The last lecture, a book about childhood dream and the way to realise it. What a book and what a life, earthly yet inspiring. The author talks about his last few months and how he decided to spend it. He focused on life than death. RIP Randy. You were one of a kind.

The last lecture | Randy Pausch, Jeffrey Zaslow
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Borrowing from a coworker. I will be moving desks soon. In the meantime, while waiting for my new cube walls, may I please just sit and read? Please?

Reecaspieces Well sure you can!! 7y
BkClubCare @Reecaspieces - aw, THANKS 7y
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Last Lecture | Randy Pausch

There's a lot of talk these days about giving children self-esteem. It's not something you can give; it's something they have to build.

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