We have had a few days of cold here in Texas and it‘s made it actually feel like winter. This book seemed perfect to get me into the feel of it all.
We have had a few days of cold here in Texas and it‘s made it actually feel like winter. This book seemed perfect to get me into the feel of it all.
“I have no desire to cherish each person‘s bullshit and call it a beautiful snowflake.” —words to live by
Why was this book so good and at the same time like nothing I expected? Definitely a new fav read
Finally got to finishing up this book! Really enjoyed it and look forward to the sequel coming out! Loved the world building
Okay I seriously didn‘t think I would love this book as much as I did! I fell in love with Izumi and was upset when she was and just wanted her to be happy and just wow!!
Nearly finished with this book and while it was hyped a lot it definitely has been really unexpected throughout the entire book so far. I can‘t wait to keep reading and see when the timelines meet up with each other
Unlike my pup I have been dying to read this book since I read the first in the series and fell in love with the Russian!
I have worked out, grocery and present shopped now I‘m ready to hide from the heat and get started on this read.
Wow I really enjoyed this mystery. I didn‘t expect it how it turned out at all! I‘m hoping this will become a series.
Still really enjoying this mystery. I‘m about halfway through and it just been the perfect type of mystery I haven‘t figured it out yet and I‘m just enjoying going along with it
Wow the four Riva siblings really know how to draw you in, with an exclusive house party and learning more about their lives than I ever expected
Really enjoying this one so far! I have really been enjoying graphic novels as of late!
Emma is still one of my least favorite Jane Austen‘s. There just aren‘t any characters that I want to root for. I am glad that I got the chance to re-read it though! #pemberlittens
Figured what better way to start a road trip myself than to read about it!
Enjoying my first book on my new kindle! Really enjoying Roza and Lex so far!
This isn‘t like anything I‘ve ever read. Rue is a character that you love one minute hate the next but she always follows through.
We are enjoying the rain today. We were lucky to get all of our errands done prior to it starting so we can now just sit outside and enjoy it. We‘ve been really lucky lately with how much rain we‘ve been getting. I‘m a little over halfway through this book and it‘s alright so far but we will see
This book had a lot of promise but I honestly felt like the ending was just wrapped up too nicely. I wasn‘t the biggest fan of Lucy or Anthony so I wasn‘t really rooting for them
I started this book not really knowing what to expect and it suddenly drew me in. This is about so much more than a house but the brother and sister that grew up in it and their history.
Went to a graduation yesterday which means that today I get to enjoy all the time with my book.
I have only ever read one other book by Agatha Christie and it wasn‘t particularly my favorite but I‘m excited to give this one a try
While I should be doing some more wedding planning I‘m ignoring that and focusing on Nikki and her food truck
1. My Litsy handle came from my nickname as a child and just my favorite numbers.
2. I feel most comfortable reading in the morning when no one else is awake with a cup of coffee and my pup.
3. A Court of Mist and Fury
4. It‘s just the three of us, my fiancé and my sweet pup
I think this book could have ended a lot earlier. I‘m honestly really disappointed. Marlowe was a really interesting character that was unfairly treated to say the least.
So I picked it up and I am kind of nervous to get started on it, does that sound silly? Okay, here I go!
I said I was going to catch up on some of my other books before moving onto the third... that ending changed things
I left my current book at work today so I figured I would finally get started on this one! I‘m excited but also nervous to read it!
I have had a busy day driving but we were able to look at the Wedding Venue that we loved and are almost set on a date. 😅😅😅 Got to end my night at home with my pup and finish Queenie. While this isn‘t really a book I can fully rate I find it truly amazing how much Queenie grew throughout this book.
Okay so I caved and read it. I wanted to see what all of the hype was about and WOW it had everything! I really loved Feyre and just how real she was throughout the book. She was such a well built character and I look forward to reading the next in the series
Well I finished this earlier in the morning than expected but my pup woke me up with hitting his cone on basically anything in ten feet of him so I figured I might as well make the most of this morning. While this isn‘t my favorite Jane Austen I did come to love it just the same. I was surprised by the ending which is definitely not something I‘m used to with Jane Austen. #PemberLittens
Have had a crazy weekend, Kash and I are trying to enjoy the outdoors in a way that he isn‘t doing too much because the poor thing got hurt on Friday and had to get staples 😭
Started this one last night and while it isn‘t gripping me quite yet I am liking Everly and Chris. They have a fun dynamic
Got a little book haul here. I couldn‘t say no to that cover for Emma and the other two books have been on my TBR for awhile!
With the third book coming out this month I decided to give this one a try! I am hoping I like the male lead more than I liked Red.
Excited to get started on this one! I love them both from Parks and Recreation.
Time to catch up to #pemberlittens I haven‘t enjoyed this Austen as much as the last few which is disappointing but I‘m still hopeful that the best is yet to come! Fanny seems to be growing more now that her cousins are gone
Welp this has been a rough weekend for those of us in Texas. We have been out of power for long periods of the day today which has been annoying and stressful but I‘m happy to have given myself the chance to start this book and wow I am loving it so far. We just got the power back on for the time being so I‘m going to warm up a bit and watch some tv
I can‘t help but fall in love with Moose Springs all over again after seeing it in the eyes of Lana Montgomery.
Finally got caught up with #pemberlittens this is my first time reading Mansfield Park and I have no idea of what to expect. I am looking forward to getting to know Fanny Price. Mrs. Norris seems like a busybody but I look forward to finding out more
One of my easy goals this week is to finish this book! It‘s a light and fun read but since I only have Libby on my phone it means I will need to find time to read it outside my normal reading time at night before bed when I prefer to not use my phone.
Excited to start this tonight. I am going to be honest I am going in with little to no knowledge of it
About to get started on this book. I don‘t know too much about it other than it‘s a food memoir. The title and cover drew me in