This humorous anecdote by a man in his death bed, leaving behind a lovely wife and three kids!
This humorous anecdote by a man in his death bed, leaving behind a lovely wife and three kids!
Let‘s talk about reading Reading Nooks!! This is mine - taking the entire living of the upper floor of my house.. that also serves as my yoga corner! What‘s your favourite #readingnook? Upload a picture and do tag me! I‘d love to see them ❤️
#readingcorner #myfavouritebook #thelastlecture #randypausch
The Last Lecture have been my all time favourite book for the longest time. As a kid, I‘ve always loved dancing, and hoped to one day be a dancer. Now that I‘m an adult and dancing is not exactly an option (except for the occasional clubbing), I find myself so drawn to Yoga. Picked it up about 4 months ago and here I am - doing the dancer pose, while reading The Last Lecture ;) #howyogisread #readingyoga #thelastlecture #randypausch