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The Vanishing Stair
The Vanishing Stair | Maureen Johnson
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The Vanishing Stair | Maureen Johnson
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In the second book to the series Stevie is still trying to solve the 1930s kidnapping/murders at Ellingham Academy. Her friends are more involved this time (Janelle, Nate and Vi, and Larry - the security officer) - David (her complicated in a teenage way maybe boyfriend) has gone off the rails, but has a plan? ⬇️

bthegood Another student is found dead (present day) - by the end the kidnapping and one murder solved from the 1930s, but cliffhanger for everything else (and more deaths). Another solid read, good writing, story past and present is engaging. Will continue reading to see how it all ends.
#SeriesLove 2/5
#MarvellousMarch 2/2 (new goals are to just keep reading)
Make a great day everyone 🙂
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The Vanishing Stair | Maureen Johnson
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My goal for #MarvellousMarch is to finish these two books and start on the next Aunt Dimity - thanks for hosting @Andrew65 -

Make a great day everyone 🙂

Vanishing Stair | Maureen Johnson
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One for @TheBookHippie. 😂

I had trouble getting into this because it was clear from the first chapter something was going to happen that I didn't want to read, romantic that I am. But I got sucked into the mystery, humor, characters and drama again and it was a great read. Still a cliffhanger, on several levels.

Bonus: it's a Halloween book and had 199 word search words. #Scarathlon Team #MischiefandMayhem

willaful I wish I had added all of this series to my #BookSpin list since I suspect I'll read every one this month.... 12mo
PuddleJumper 🧡🧡 12mo
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The Vanishing Stair | Maureen Johnson
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Ready for the next one. I have to know how this ends. I wish I would not have waited so long between reading the first and the second one.

willaful I waited about a day. 😂 12mo
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The Vanishing Stair | Maureen Johnson
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Been in a bit of a reading slump. Trying to jump start it again with this one. I enjoyed the first one and it was a fairly easy read.

Karisa Such a fun series! I love Stevie! 1y
bthegood Hope this gets you out of your slump 🙂 1y
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The Vanishing Stair | Maureen Johnson
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Cliffhangers should not be allowed!! This is such a fun, fast paced series and I am ao annoyed I let someone else check out book 3 before i could snag it for myself 😂

The Vanishing Stair | Maureen Johnson
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#StoryGraph: fiction mystery YA dark mysterious tense

Time to visit Ellingham Academy again. I haven‘t been there for over a year. This is book number two in the Truly Devious series, starring Stevie Bell. An unsolved kidnapping and triple murder rocked Ellingham Academy in 1936 but when Stevie investigates it and her classmate is murdered, and her parents quickly pull her out of school. But she is willing to do anything to get back to Ellingham.

The Vanishing Stair | Maureen Johnson
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I had forgotten how much I enjoy this series. Stevie is a great main character, because she‘s flawed and unique, yet also relatable. Things start to make more sense as we approach the end of the Truly Devious mystery, and everything is falling into place without feeling forced. I bought the next book right away!

Thank you again @BookishMadHatter!

The Vanishing Stair | Maureen Johnson
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Currently reading at the coffee shop where my daughter works in Honolulu. Nice cozy little place with great lattes and better service 😉

Second book in the Truly Devious series - currently OBSESSED.

SheilaChew Loved this series so much! I hope there are more! 2y
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The Vanishing Stair | Maureen Johnson
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A faulty alarm woke me up waaaaay too early, and I used the extra time to finish THE VANISHING STAIR. I‘m so glad Audiophile Sync offered TRULY DEVIOUS a couple weeks ago and got me back into Maureen Johnson. I‘ve had an awesome time guessing along with this series and wallowing in her style. Now I‘m gonna have to revisit a bunch of her other books and catch up on the ones I missed when I was too focused on La TBR to stay on top of new releases.

The Vanishing Stair | Maureen Johnson
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Sometimes you pour a smidge too much lime cordial into your measuring thingy and end up drinking a vodka gimlet half again as big as you intended. 🤷‍♀️ It was tasty and the book‘s super readable with or without a vodka lubricant, so I ain‘t complaining.

sarahbarnes There are much worse things. 2y
xicanti @sarahbarnes this is plain truth. 2y
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The Vanishing Stair | Maureen Johnson
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Saturday morning outdoor reading stack. I‘m hoping to read a goodly chunk of THE VANISHING STAIR, the rest of NAMING OUR DESTINY, most of SPY FAMILY, a nice little chunk of THE OXFORD ILLUSTRATED HISTORY OF OPERA, and two more journal volumes for the #ReverseReadathon today.

Slajaunie Love Maureen Johnson! 2y
xicanti @Slajaunie I‘m really glad I finally started this series! It‘s great so far. 2y
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The Vanishing Stair | Maureen Johnson
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We‘re at Hour 6 of the #ReverseReadathon, which means midnight in my part of the world. Good reading to all of you in timezones with friendlier numbers on the clock, and those of you who‘re determined to stay up. I‘ll check in with you again in a few hours!

The Vanishing Stair | Maureen Johnson
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The #ReverseReadathon is GO! What book is everyone starting with? What‘re you eating while you read it? I plan to really wallow in THE VANISHING STAIR by Maureen Johnson tonight, with a bowl of Sichuan tofu, pork, & broccoli to keep me nourished.

Maria514626 I need to decide whether to continue or bail on this #arc. 😬 No snacks yet. I just ate dinner. Red vines SOON. 😄 Happy reading! 2y
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The Vanishing Stair | Maureen Johnson
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Yet again, Stevie is on the case. I can't read this book fast enough. I am enjoying this series way more than I thought I would. With maybe 50ish pages left in the book I need to put book 3 on hold at the library...ASAP!!!

The Vanishing Stair | Maureen Johnson
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Today is my kind of day. I plan to sit out on my deck and knock out a book or 2 while I enjoy the gentle rain we are getting. 😍

The Vanishing Stair | Maureen Johnson
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A dedication referencing one of my favorite podcasts...yes!! 😍😍

The Vanishing Stair | Maureen Johnson
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Book 67
The Vanishing Stair is the second novel in the Truly, Devious series. It took a minute to get back into the storyline. The unsolved mystery is solved in book two, but very abruptly. The book leaves the reader hanging. I will listen to book three. ⭐️⭐️⭐️

The Vanishing Stair | Maureen Johnson
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “ Like the prettiest girl on syrup mountain” Stevie

What a great follow up to Truly Devious. There‘s something so easy and comforting about this book, it‘s very much a YA book but really enjoyable as an adult reader. Helps that they serve maple syrup everything at this school and who doesn‘t love maple syrup. Onto book 3 in the series The Hand on the Wall

The Vanishing Stair | Maureen Johnson

I love this series. Main character from Pittsburgh? Love. Has anxiety attacks that are actually described well? Love. Is a loner but doesn't keep everything from their friends (and if they do its not for long) Love. If you like YA and mystery this series is pretty solid.

The Vanishing Stair | Maureen Johnson
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Maureen Johnson‘s Truly Devious series proved to be perfect for the first #WinterGames2021 photo prompt #FestivePhotoChallenge #teamgamesleighers

StayCurious Good choice! 3y
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The Vanishing Stair | Maureen Johnson

9/10 I really do like this series. All the pieces fit. I‘m very excited for the next book.

The Vanishing Stair | Maureen Johnson
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Ugh these *books*!!! The first was good and hard to stop thinking about… but this second was fantastic. David is one of my favorite fictional characters right now (currently, I know the series is still going)…. And I‘m so glad I already ordered 3 and 4, which are set to arrive *tomorrow* because I can‘t wait.

@Soubhiville I think you sent me Truly Devious, yes? Thank you!! Have you read the whole series? Will it go past 4???

Karisa I love this series too! Still just need to read book #4. So much fun! 3y
Hooked_on_books These series is so good! I gobbled the first three and then the fourth when it came out. I sure hope there‘s more. 3y
Soubhiville I‘m not sure, maybe I did? I haven‘t read them, but I‘m really glad you‘re enjoying them! 3y
mcipher I love these so much! Just recently read the 4th and really hoping for another 3y
Avanders @Karisa @Hooked_on_books @mcipher I‘ve just finished the trilogy… 👏🏽👏🏽 Fortunately I have the 4th.. but I agree, she‘s set up such a great main character for a full-on series! 3y
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The Vanishing Stair | Maureen Johnson
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My only complaint about the first book was that I HAD to read the second because of the cliffhanger. I‘m sold on the series and will be finishing it! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

The Vanishing Stair | Maureen Johnson
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#littensdressedinblood #twinpeaks

On to book two. I desperately need to know more about the truly devious murders at the elite school set in the secluded Vermont mountains.

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Vanishing Stair | Maureen Johnson
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Vanishing Stair | Maureen Johnson
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The Vanishing Stair | Maureen Johnson
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I don't know what I love more: Nate, or Maureen solving one of the major mysteries of this series for us with a whole book to go in the trilogy. #murdermystery #yalit

LiteraryinPA I LOVED this trilogy. But now that there‘s a 4th book out with many of these characters I don‘t know whether to reread the first 3 before diving in! 3y
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Vanishing Stair | Maureen Johnson
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Vanishing Stair | Maureen Johnson
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The Vanishing Stair | Maureen Johnson
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4/5 for the second in this trilogy! I‘m still loving this mystery trilogy. Stevie is just great. I love the side characters too like Janelle and Nate! I need to know what is going on with David. I also need to know what is happening.

The Vanishing Stair | Maureen Johnson
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"'You have to shut down the voices in your mind that say, "It has to be this person." Murderers aren't a type, they're anyone.'"

I love reading these books! Read the second installment in the Truly Devious series a couple of weeks ago. I can't wait to get my hands on the third novel. #mysteryfic #maureenjohnson #greatread #readKY #trulydevious #nature #summer

The Vanishing Stair | Maureen Johnson
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The mystery not only continues, it starts to deliver some answers while leading to even more questions. David is a jerk in this book for sure, but given recent events, kind of understandable. #BookspinBingo

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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The Vanishing Stair | Maureen Johnson
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#gandalf is trying his very best to distract me from my AM reading. Unfortunately for me, it's working.
#summerreading #catsoflitsy #amreading #maureenjohnson #mysteryfic

Vanishing Stair | Maureen Johnson
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Great series! Enjoying the second book in the series.

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The Vanishing Stair | Maureen Johnson
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Love love LOVED this book. This series has me completely obsessed. Trying to figure out how to build tunnels under my own house now 🤔🙃 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

The Vanishing Stair | Maureen Johnson
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Book 2 in the Truly Devious series continued to be enjoyable. Not a whole lot happens though, given the length of the book. I‘m not sure why three books are necessary? A few reveals are made and the story moves along. One complaint. I dislike the fact that Stevie has issues with David over circumstances that are completely out of his control. Not only is she very dramatic about it, but it‘s just unfair. Otherwise, I like Stevie and her journey.

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The Vanishing Stair | Maureen Johnson
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Eeeee! Another cliffhanger (as expected with book 2 of a trilogy) but sooooo good! I am so invested in this series and I need to borrow the 3rd book immediately!

Finishing this book also got me my first #bookspinbingo for January!

TheAromaofBooks Yay bingo!!!! 4y
Bkwrm7 I loved this trilogy, so was super excited to discover there is a fourth book coming! 4y
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LiteraryinPA @Bkwrm7 A fourth book?? Whoa!! But does that mean that things are unresolved at the end of book 3? 4y
Bkwrm7 The 3rd book resolves everything from the initial mystery. The 4th is a brand new standalone mystery, I believe! Due to publish in June this year. 4y
LiteraryinPA @Bkwrm7 That‘s perfect! 4y
BennettBookworm Congrats on a bingo! 4y
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The Vanishing Stair | Maureen Johnson
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1st 📚
4.3 🌟

This is soooo good. Things are happening not fast enough, and really fast. Love it!!
I figured the kidnapper, and I thought okay I just needed to know the motives. And yet, it got really out of control and kind of unexpected. Such an ending!! And by the way, I think I knew who Alice was, I guess I have to read the third book to confirm my suspicion.

#bookspinbingo #seriesread2021
@TheAromaofBooks @TheSpineView

TheSpineView 👍📖 4y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4y
mavey OMG! This series is so so good!! Seamless brilliant interwoving of timelines to create the perfect suspense! The 3rd book will you leave quenched! And Book4 is coming this June!! 4y
Weisubei Oh yes definitely reading the 4th book, but somehow i'm a bit disappointed with the ending of book 3, it's like too easy solution for all the mystery 4y
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The Vanishing Stair | Maureen Johnson
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Aahh this truly sums up everything I love about crime and mysteries 📚📚

Vanishing Stair | Maureen Johnson

Progress: 89%

And my guess was right all along, nothing really beats being right about the killer since book one. Score one for me, or a hundred? 😆😆

Vanishing Stair | Maureen Johnson
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The Vanishing Stair | Maureen Johnson
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I usually hate the middle book of a trilogy, and while this was a little slow to get going, it ended with a bang! I‘m so glad the next book is already waiting for me at the library. #bookspinbingo #bookspin #BINGO

TheAromaofBooks Love it when a series sucks me in!! 4y
Linsy Love this series! ❤️❤️❤️ 4y
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The Vanishing Stair | Maureen Johnson
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After the disappointing fantasy read, I am in a mood for a mysterious, fast thriller read. So picking up another 2nd book from a series ( I might regret it?) The vanishing stair. Wish me luck 🤞

The Vanishing Stair | Maureen Johnson

Another great book in this brilliant series, looking forward to reading the final book now! 5/5

Vanishing Stair | Maureen Johnson
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Ooooo, this was so good! The characters are amazing (kudos for getting what it‘s like to live with anxiety spot on), the mystery is multi-layered and so engaging, and it takes place in an amazing boarding school for genius kids. (And there are secret tunnels and riddles!)

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The Vanishing Stair | Maureen Johnson
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Book #41: Accidentally ordered the third in the trilogy before this second one which I had to wait on hold quite awhile for. So now bingeing both before they‘re due back!

The Vanishing Stair | Maureen Johnson
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Well that was a quick read! Haven‘t read something that fast since the Hunger Games trilogy. Looking forward to picking up the last book!

The Vanishing Stair | Maureen Johnson
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New book just came in! 🙌 Been wanting to see where this one picks up from the last