“Lucifer Morningstar?” Billy asks. “What is that, your World of Warcraft name?”
“Lucifer Morningstar?” Billy asks. “What is that, your World of Warcraft name?”
“…constructed between echoing gasps of pain, of twisted metal in the moment before waking the declining wisps of false dreams, on the edges of ragged hope, a so early abandoned love.” #IGotMyCPLBook
“It didn‘t matter where I lived — Mid-City, Mid-Wilshire or Miracle Mile. It didn‘t matter where I worked; one Hollywood bullshit factory was equal to any other. All that mattered was what I ate, when I ate , and how I ate it.”
I love Gwendolyn Kiste‘s writing style…. I will read anything she writes!! This is a collection of short stories that is part horror and part fantasy without going to far across the line of gruesome. I first discovered Gwendolyn when I read Rust Maidens for a Read Harder Challenge, and I loved it. Consider me a fan!
Liked but did not love this one. I loved Pet, which made me pick this one up, but I just couldn‘t get into it..
“I never realized she was a woman of independent means. I always attributed her sense of dignity and self-esteem to a more spiritual source.”
Only 75 pages in, but I can tell this is going to be one of my favorite reads of 2019!
Fun read! The narration was great and made my commute to work so much more interesting.
Finished this on audio today. Great narration by the author! ❤️📚🎞
“In a city swollen by refugees but still mostly at peace, or at least not yet openly at war, a young man met a young woman in a classroom and did not speak to her.”
Such a great Christmas this year with some great books and bookish gifts! Happy Holidays to all and happy reading!
Really enjoying this audiobook! The character arcs are really interesting.
Eleanor is my middle name and this book hit close to home. Loved it!!!
Best book of the year! Only 1/3 in and I already know this is it!
Reading about love while snuggling with my fur babies. 🐶❤️🐶❤️
So far the narration is great and the dual mysteries have me hooked.
So good! The audio book is amazing! Makes me wish I had a longer commute.
"Fuck fear."
"Rage against the motherfucking machine."
"Read all the books that make you whole."
A book for all women: straight, queer, white, or brown.
A different experience than the other graphic novels I have been reading lately.
"How I wish I lived in a Jane Austen novel!"
I said I'd rather be in a Charlotte Bronte.
"Which would be nicest -- Jane with a touch of Charlotte, or Charlotte with a touch of Jane?"
Gearing up for Book Riot Live 2016!
Such a great book! Calpurnia is a strong role model and I recommend this book for young and old alike.
I turned to my cousin, "My turn-ons are Rainbow Brite and unicorns."